Alright, so I never dream... Or to be more technically correct, I never remember any dreams that I have. But every once in a very blue moon, I have a dream which I will remember. Like the one I had last night. And I can't make much sense of it... Sorry, it's a little long, but please read.. It's kinda twisted at the end...

I was in the Medical Centre that I work at standing with my mom (who's a Dr there) next to the door ready to leave. At the end of a long hall, a hot cleaner guy who works at Law school (in reality) was sitting down on a lonely chair. He was wearing the same clothes he always wears (dark blue t-shirt with yellow stripes at the short sleeves, dark blue pants and dark blue with yellow striped hat). His hair was a little long and scruffy as it used to be before he shaved it all off.

In the dream, he was the person who cleaned the medical centre. There was someone (female) sitting behind the reception desk. Not sure who, but I could identify with them as someone I knew from life. The hot cleaner then ran up to me, in front of mom, took out his phone (an old phone with the thick little antenna) asked me if he had my number and showed me a number (0555) on the screen asking if this was it. I embarrassingly laughed and said no. I was thinking that I couldn’t believe he came up and asked me that question in front of my mother who then proceeded to walk in front of me, put both her hands on his shoulders shoving him backwards (not violently) as if to say keep away from my daughter, you’ve got no chance (I don’t know if she said it or not).

He walked away disappointed and then mom looked at me and said ‘I can’t believe you were thinking about giving him your number!’ in a bit of an angry tone. I felt bad for him. Mom went out to the car while I quickly wrote him a note apologising and put down my number.

The rest is a bit of a blur, but I remember I got an email from him (could have been a text message) saying nobody could keep us apart.

I remember a reference to a BMW car.

I remember a tall building in the city at night.

Then we (my dad and I and him) somehow found out that he was my half-brother from mom... Anger with mom about how she could have and why she didn’t say anything.

Said to him, 'thank God we didn’t kiss'…

Please and thank you!