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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2008

      Question Many red planets and collective memories.

      The last two nights in a row I have had epic dreams. Dreams that involve almost everyone I've ever met in my life and incredibly large scale situations. Last night I had a dream about a nuclear explosion, this one is recurring, There is a big nuclear explosion in a place that I see off over the hill and the whole world goes crazy. Along the way I see everyone I love and who has made any impact on my life, and lots of random people I've never met before. There is a big explosion and I go into the city and everyone is in the streets going crazy, though they aren't really affected by the explosion itself, it results in mass chaos.

      This dream I don't find as disturbing as the dream I had this morning. This dream, like the one before, had many people I cared for in it, including some that are dead now. It starts with really odd weather, the whole world is a stir, there are really dark clouds and it starts snowing, but it's not cold and the snow isn't wet and disappears in the wind before hitting the ground. Then most everyone else is gone from my general area. I'm with my mother and we lay down on the ground and watch the sky. It's insanely windy and the clouds are swirling at speeds I've never seen them. Then suddenly the clouds spiral into an opening that opens a circular hole big enough for the moon to peek through, it's like the eye of a storm. Things start to move fast and all I can focus on is the sky and this hole. The hole with extreme wind force jets across the sky to reveal behind the clouds two unfamiliar moons and then five red planets all about the same size and in a row. Then I start to lose time. The sky is still stirring madly with wind, but I notice I don't feel the wind at all anymore, just a calm comfortable environment. My mind is then flooded with collective memories, barely any of them being mine, other people, other cultures, all kinds of history is flashed before me. I briefly come out of it and look to the sky and see massive amounts of UFOs in the sky. They are all spaced evenly and all very different. I look down for a moment in confusion and see some sort of multicolored tubing trailing away from me, and made the connection that it might have been attached to me. I can't look at that much and my eyes trail back towards the sky. I lose what seems like ten minutes and everyone I know it back at my home in my lawn discussing things. Including my dead grandma who doesn't believe me. I start to find out that not many people experienced what i did. I try to find out what happened to other people, only one person believes me and experienced something like I did and it was my cousin. I was so confused that something that huge could happen and so few could see it. It kind of trails off there when I woke up.

      I have very vivid dreams, I have all my life. I can almost always recall them very well. I've had predictive dreams, be it by direct view of the situation or signs that lead to possible situations, like symbols in my dreams. I awoke both mornings not knowing what to think and having a hard time adjusting myself to my reality. I was half convinced this last dream was real and expected to see all kinds of claims of this situation on the internet. I'm just quite disturbed and wanted to share my experience. If anyone can shine a light on these things or just has some opinions or shared experiences it might be interesting.

      I also think it is interesting that when I was experiencing the collective memory it was of things I've never seen before, not once. Except for a few memories of mine. Really odd things, and places I did not recognize. I often experience new things in my dreams, things I've never seen or heard of before, completely original.

    2. #2
      Hero JerichoMccoy's Avatar
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      Feb 2008
      In the words of the Great Keanu: "Whoa."

      This is certainly different than many other cases. The first dream I could feel as if that has more to do with you than the more recent ones, but let's see what is going on here.

      You have a recurring dream of a nuclear explosion, people you've met throughout your life, and the world in a state of panic. Your not military are you? Have you had any quite abnormal things happen around you that affected your community? It may not even be as simple as that...

      No, from what I see here is that your mind (and spirit) could be letting you know that with all the experiences you've had over the years, from all the different walks of life, when a 'Panic Moment'(Those moments when something that is dangerous or at least affecting people negatively) happens, you'll be able to be in control. The way you described the dream, I see you as that one person who is not trying to control the crowd, but rather, calmly with a clear head, knows what to do, who to go to, etc.

      I guess the Unconscious mind is reminding you that to remember your dealings with others and use it when a huge 'bomb' is dropped in your life. It may or may not affect you directly, but your experience will control the 'chaos' that may be trying to get you.

      This next one is a tough-y, however, let's get the basic understandings out of the way first.

      Whether this is an actual message from above(Aliens, Spiritual Beings, etc.), you'll have to uncover yourself. What were your feelings? Did it seem like a message? If so, what was the message? It really comes down to how you feel about it in the end.

      The other situation is that you've had an OBE and was in another dimension completely. You probably got into the viewpoint of another world, another colony, another being.

      ((If you REALLY want to check out the validation of the dream, call up your cousin and ask if he/she had any recent dreams lately. Just slide the topic in there, you know what I mean? ))

      I'll have to ponder about this more.
      Providing the muscle for the thoughtful

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Oct 2008
      I'm not in the military. I didn't go into detail much on the nuclear explosion dream, it was more to say that I've been having very odd dreams lately. Since you have given me some good ideas I'll explain it a little better. In the beginning of the dream I am told that there will be a bomb let off and it is my responsibility to somehow stop it from happening. I'm not sure if I just assumed it to be my responsibility or someone told me I could do it, but most people I met either didn't think it was going to happen or thought that I could do it. I asked for advice from the many people I encountered in very strange places. Most of the places I visited were inside this huge mansion that had many rooms, one of them consisting of only a pool with a ledge around it of about four inches and then walls, so there would be no possible way for you to linger in there unless it was in the water or you were walking out the door. In this room I got a phone call on the mansion's house phone from an old co-worker that gave me another hint. I acquired hints everywhere I went and then found out that the last hint was inside this morbidly obese woman's body and I had to kill her to get it out, but even if I got this hint there wasn't really any certainty that I would be able to stop the bomb. Then while I was thinking about it, it just blew up. Those are just the minor details, they all change each time I've had the dream, but the view of the explosion and the city afterwards is always the same. The whole time I was trying to stop the bomb, I didn't really try that hard I let everyone lead me. No one seemed worried at all. I knew the whole time that it wasn't possible to stop it at all and it was not worth my effort, i'm not sure how to explain it. i wasn't worried, but I felt slightly obligated to at least try put in this odd position. I was slightly frustrated because people expected things of me, but they weren't really willing to come along with me and help.

      The part where I am in the city, I wouldn't say that I knew exactly what to do or where to go, but I wasn't flipping out like everyone else. I mean it was chaos, people told me about the drugs they've taken, or stopped taking and the places they've looted. Everyone was really scared or really reckless and I was mainly impartial. The explosion happened, I didn't stop it, now i was going to move on. I guess I was in a little bit of shock, but mainly I just wanted to go find someone I recognized because once the explosion happened everyone I saw was a stranger, and an odd one at that. I think this is the most telling part of the dream and most of what happens in the mansion is kind of filler. I've been very lonely lately, and have had many feelings of extreme displacement. I left a relationship that was heading towards marriage in May and since then have been evaluating all of my relationships and making many negative conclusions, resulting in feeling very alone. I think this dream might correlate with my loneliness.

      The second dream is the one that boggles me and doesn't seem to relate to my personal life, like you said. I would say that the entire time I wasn't scared or worried, mainly very interested and curious. I just laid right down when the weather was so bad, but I felt above it, I knew it wouldn't harm me. It didn't feel like a message was trying to be conveyed to me, more like something was trying to take my memories and experiences and record them. I felt in control the whole time and I don't think that was expected by whatever was trying to gain my information, and I think that is what resulted in me seeing and experiencing many other memories of things I’ve never seen. I felt a certain amount of calm control that allowed me to view things that everyone else could not see. I felt a certain amount of power in the situation, like initially I allowed myself to be put in some sort of submissive state, but out of curiosity I wouldn't let it continue and interfered. The cousin that was in the dream I rarely see, so it might not be too easy to slip in dream conversations haha... but this made me think of his involvement more. I was very close to him when we were young, we spent most days together he was practically my brother. Looking back at the people that the people that I recognized were all people that spent a lot of their time on this property, some dead some alive. The people I didn't recognize might have been people who used to live here, they all seemed to fit there and they all seemed comfortable. There was no stated reason for them to be there. It was like their souls are slightly stuck here. I'm not sure...there are my thoughts though. haha...few that was a lot.

    4. #4
      Hero JerichoMccoy's Avatar
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      Feb 2008

      Now that you've reiterated that first and second part of the dreams, they do now have a similar theme.

      It does seem like you understand it a bit yourself. You've asked everyone around for advise about a particular situation, yet you never was able to get any real physical assistance. Do you over analyze certain situations? Is it to the point where by the time you know what to do, it is too late?

      Now this mansion... this reminds me of an old Renaissance Story. One where there was a party going on, no one was infected with the Black Death, all wearing masks and just dancing or prancing along, hoping it will just go away, that they were safe. However, in each room (as the poem was going through), there were symbols of aging, from the beginnings of birth, to the youth of adolescents, to middle age and then Death. Although these people secluded themselves from the outside world, Death was hiding amongst them, and it took them all out in a single stroke.

      Your not beating yourself over the relationship are you? Cause it would seem that you were finding ways of making sure you did not end a certain thing, but you knew that it would falter anyways and you just let it be but you tried to stop it anyhow.

      When the marriage was considered over, did others around you act shocked or surprised? Did it seem like those around you were panic-ing more than you were?

      From my viewpoint, the dream is giving you an overview of what happened (in an extreme way, heh) and who you are about it. It may take a while for the dust to settle, but you still have your wits about you and that is essential for survival and staying human.


      For the second dream, I'll have to say that it could be that you were involved in a sort of storm only you recognized as something 'otherworldly' but instead of feeling afraid, you were more intrigued and insightful by what was happening. The thoughts and feelings that arose, although you felt that some of them were not yours, could be the dreams and desires that you can attain in your future.

      The moons and the UFOs - Meh, I'm kind of iffy on that one, heh heh. The UFOs could resemble the spirits that are looking out for you through the storm and the celestial objects in the sky (Moons) Could be of future destinations or even of the many good things that are shining your way.

      Your feelings of lonliness or just being an "outsider" after handling that break up of the formal arrangement is showing up in this dream. You said that,

      "I felt a certain amount of calm control that allowed me to view things that everyone else could not see"
      Just like in your previous dream of the Nuclear explosion. You were calm and collected while everyone else was panicking. You saw the greater vision.

      Maybe you should find a way to talk to your cousin again. Not to discuss dreams, but seeing if you can reignite that friendship again. It seems that your trying to find someone who can understand your views but it seems everyone else either does not notice it or does not believe that your view is correct.

      For them to be viewed as that home is where they are stuck in, it could be that they are stuck in their own view. They have settled into their own philosophy and are sticking to it for the long haul.

      That's my view on it but the dream shows that you are a strong woman and that you view things that others can not even begin to fathom. They are missing out on the wonders and amazing sights of Life that you are seeing and experiencing.

      Good job, miss.
      Providing the muscle for the thoughtful

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Oct 2008
      Yeah, I guess a lot of it could lead to me having a hard time finding people I can relate to. I mean this in the kindest way possible, but a lot of people bore me. I don't feel I can relate to many people in a deep matter. the guy I was with is the only person I really feel intellectually fully connected to and it's hard to find people that can understand my ideas and opinions I would like to express because sometimes they are very specific, if that makes sense. He and I are still friends but I guess I struggle with only having one person I can fully be engaging my brain with, a lot of other people restrict me for their own interest.

      No one was really shocked by our plans of marriage, and I don't really over analyze things. I think things through thoroughly, but I wouldn't say I over analyze.

      Thanks for all of your input, and boosting me full of a little confidence in my situation.


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