I had a previous thread about the things going on in my life, for which I thank everyone. Now, I seem to have a follow up. Again, some background. For years, I had been thinking of setting up an office in Chicago, where I have contacts, but that just didn't make sense, because, instead of going there to find work, I might as well develop my business here. That said, I had several dreams of going to Chicago, and, in those dreams, I was looking at office space and meeting my fellow professionals.

Then, in the waking world, I went to New York for a visit and decided to move there, but, again, the same issue presents itself - instead of jumping back and forth between my home town and Chicago, could I do so between my home and New York? Many of my friends have been saying I should give up what I have. That's true, but, if I want to go to New York, it would be hard to bounce back and forth.

This morning, I had an interesting follow up. I had a dream where I was in Chicago, again looking for office space. I met some professionals who said they remembered me from the last time. I think that, in the previous dream where I was in Chicago, I did meet some of them, and I remembered what happened in that previous dream. I didn't know I was in a dream, and I didn't know I was remembering events from a previous dream, so I made casual conversation with them.

Then I was suddenly back home, in a shop - "perfume shop" seems to come to mind. My mother was there, and so were others. I don't remember what happened in that shop, but then I woke up.

I have been under severe pressure lately, but, as of last night, many of them were resolved, and, hopefully, it will be relatively clear sailing, until I close up and go to the Big Apple, possibly by December. But I wonder why I keep having dreams of setting up office in another city, because, quite frankly, that doesn't make sense, unless I was to stay there permanently, as I'm planning to do in New York. My friends want me to bounce back and forth, but, as I said, that goes against common sense.

Can someone help me? This has not been the easiest year, emotionally.