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    1. #1
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      Aug 2009
      Okay, so it's evening, it's going towards getting dark, even though there's still enough light to see at that time in August. She is in the back seat, so she's not in control here, she's being carried by another woman who is driving the car, who may be an aspect of herself, but not the aspect who is speaking to you, who is in the back seat. Her hair has been cut, which can be a symbol for shame for a woman, like the way they shaved the woman's head in "The Scarlet Letter." Tan is a neutral color, not sure what that might mean. Then we have some suggestion of romance again. Left as opposed to right, often means going the *wrong* way. Like right is also opposite to wrong, see?

      Same message, imo. But you know, it's YOUR life, and your right to do what you feel you need to do, and your right to make a mistake, as long as you understand that if it is a mistake, you'll have consequences to deal with, and in a situation like this, others may as well. I warned you up front, I'm not going to play the role of telling you what you want to hear.

      Quote Originally Posted by 32˚ Mason View Post
      This dream took place on March 9th 2009.

      I was coming out of a store (It was about 5 in the evening but it was still very nice and outside like an August day), she was riding out of the same parking lot in someone else's car (2 other women in car with her, she was in back seat). She slowed down and rolled her window down. I looked over and saw her but didn't immediately recognize her because her hair was short. She smiled and nodded for me to come over to her. As I was approaching the car (car was tan), she said wow, its been a while, about a year. I said yeah, its been a good while now. She said, give me a call later tonight so we can, you know, catch up on old times and "do what we do." (She said that with a slick smile meaning she wanted to do the do lol). Then she said give me a kiss because she had to go. So I gave her a sweet and sensual kiss on the cheek, then on her lips. She said in response, you always were a good kisser (she had the look in her face and eyes like she longed for me to kiss her). I said, that's because I love you. Do you love me? She said, c'mon boy, you know I always loved you. (She said that in a tone like I shouldn't have even had to ask that question because the answer should have been surely evident to me.) Then she smiled at me and they drove off. (They turned left out of the parking lot if that means anything).

      What do you think about this one? This dream came almost 7 months after I had last spoken to her. The dream just happened out of nowhere. It was one of those dreams that were not influenced by my awake thoughts.

    2. #2
      Member 32˚ Mason's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by IrisRavenstar View Post
      Okay, so it's evening, it's going towards getting dark, even though there's still enough light to see at that time in August. She is in the back seat, so she's not in control here, she's being carried by another woman who is driving the car, who may be an aspect of herself, but not the aspect who is speaking to you, who is in the back seat. Her hair has been cut, which can be a symbol for shame for a woman, like the way they shaved the woman's head in "The Scarlet Letter." Tan is a neutral color, not sure what that might mean. Then we have some suggestion of romance again. Left as opposed to right, often means going the *wrong* way. Like right is also opposite to wrong, see?

      Same message, imo. But you know, it's YOUR life, and your right to do what you feel you need to do, and your right to make a mistake, as long as you understand that if it is a mistake, you'll have consequences to deal with, and in a situation like this, others may as well. I warned you up front, I'm not going to play the role of telling you what you want to hear.
      This dream kinda tripped me out though.

      I understand when you tell me not what I want to hear. I came to this forum looking for answers. I appreciate your feedback. I knew this would partially be some of your response because you don't know the entire story. Any person hearing it told this way (in bits and pieces) would probably draw the same conclusions you are. (I won't bore you with it but if you do want to know more, I imagine you don't with all that is going on in your life, I can email or send you the whole story in a pm.) I will say though, I'm not the bad guy in my marriage. (And I don't play the victim role either.) If we hadn't had children, we would have split up YEARS ago. But love really does impair one's better sense and better judgment sometimes. Sorry if I come across as "the cheating husband" but honestly, it is not like that. Can my feelings for Nicky and my secret conversations with her be considered cheating? I guess so. I know two wrongs do not make a right but what is a person to do that feels trapped? My wife and I have been through the court system and let me tell you, its SCARY and NOT PRETTY.

      I'm not here looking for anyone's sympathy. I just need help with some dreams is all.

      Well, i'll post the next one.

    3. #3
      Member 32˚ Mason's Avatar
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      Here is the next dream. This one happened earlier this month.

      It started out like this. *I was with my oldest sister Lynn sitting
      in what appeared to be an office or waiting room of some sort. *I was
      on the right side of a small (I think) square table resting my chin on
      my left shoulder (kinda resting on the table). *Lynn was on the
      right side of the table. *She had on a white tank top shirt. *She
      asked me what was wrong because I had a sad look on my face.

      I told her "ehh nothing." *Then she said "you miss Nicky don't you?"
      I said Yes. *She said you love her don't you (as far as Lynn knows, I
      only like Nicky). *I said "Yes, very much." *"I just miss her, I just
      miss her..." *Then the dream switched to a room which resembled a
      dinner hall in which it was lit by dim, glowing soft white lights. *I
      was sitting *at a table by myself and I saw Nicky walking around to
      some of the tables.

      She wasn't working but it seemed as if she was serving guests. *(In
      real life, she is a cocktail waitress). *She was wearing
      an orange floral dress with white and yellow roses on it as a print.
      She wore her hair out and long. *And in her hair on the left side of
      her head, she wore a white rose which seemed to be glowing a soft
      white but in a different manner than the lights lighting the room.
      The one she wore in her hair seemed to emanate an emotional message to
      me for some reason.

      As she got closer to my table, she saw me and locked eyes with me and
      just lightly smiled. *She didn't have a chance to come to my table
      though because oddly, my wife appeared to be sitting next to me at my
      table. *When Nicky realized she was there, she stopped smiling and
      looked sad. *Almost like I felt a hurt emanating from her. *She
      walked back away from my table but never took her eyes from mine.
      That's when the dream ended.

      I don't know what to make of this dream. Is this one wish ful-fillment? Does it mean anything?

      Let me say now that my wife and I decided to try and make our marriage work in May of this year. I was going great for the first few weeks but it started degrading again in mid June. Its now back to like it was (terrible) before we started trying. Again, Nicky hadn't been on my mind and I haven't seen or spoken to her in almost a year. I'm to the point now with my wife that I know it will not work because she will not even try, it is too hard for her. She takes the easy way out.

      I will also note that the day I decided to work on our marriage, I vowed to "purge" Nicky from my system. I tried to make myself not have feelings for her. Not forget her, because she is so close to my family, but not have romantic feelings for her anymore. And it worked for quite some time! However, I recently came to the conclusion that its not that easy. I still have romantic feelings for her. But I don't let them affect my marriage. Heck, i've had these feelings for her since I was 8. i don't think they are going away anytime soon.

      All I ask is please don't judge me. Not saying you were or are, but I know how this can look to some. If you really knew me, i'd think you would understand better.
      Last edited by 32˚ Mason; 08-18-2009 at 03:34 PM.

    4. #4
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      Aug 2009
      Again, this dream reads like a romantic fantasy, in this case a rather sad and poignant one. The white rose in her hair sounds like wishing she was back to being virginal, that you were both back to the time before either of you ever married. But you can't GO back in that sense, you know? You have to start where you are now. Your wife sitting beside you means your wife is in the way of you having what you *think* you want. Whether or not you'll want it if/when you get it is another thing, really. I can't do what I feel you want me to do, and tell you wow, yeah, go for it, it will be wonderful! I've seen too much of this kind of thing, really, and what I'd predict, assuming she could escape the abusive husband, is that maybe you'll have a honeymoon year, and then you'll find out you've probably married someone who puts you right back in the same kind of situation you left, simply because you didn't work through the issues with your wife in some sensible way. That's what happens here on the Earth plane. We can't just run away. We need to learn and grow from situations, in order to move on to something else. I've seen a lot of problems happen for my ex and my sons because they leap out of one marriage or relationship, and right into another. I think that when someone gets a divorce, they should wait a full year minimum before getting involved with anyone new, and spend the time getting to know themselves better. Then maybe the next relationship would have a better chance of success.

      I'm not judging YOU, really, but I am familiar with this kind of situation, so can't really ignore that either. And again, I cannot make your decision FOR you... you have to take the plunge and do what's in your heart, and try to consider what's going to be best for all parties concerned.

      And you know, Nicki isn't as she is in your dreams, no one could be that perfectly romantic all the time. I fear for you that you might do this based on her image in your dreams, and be horribly disappointed. Maybe she's moved on in a year too, you know? In any case, if she's been dealing with an abusive husband all this time, she's going to have some baggage you're both going to have to deal with. It's not going to be all roses and soft lighting.

      Well, anyway, all best with it. I'm sorry to be the voice of the "reality check" here, but maybe someone needs to be to counterbalance the romanticizing of those dreams!

      Quote Originally Posted by 32˚ Mason View Post
      Here is the next dream. This one happened earlier this month.

      It started out like this. *I was with my oldest sister Lynn sitting
      in what appeared to be an office or waiting room of some sort. *I was
      on the right side of a small (I think) square table resting my chin on
      my left shoulder (kinda resting on the table). *Lynn was on the
      right side of the table. *She had on a white tank top shirt. *She
      asked me what was wrong because I had a sad look on my face.

      I told her "ehh nothing." *Then she said "you miss Nicky don't you?"
      I said Yes. *She said you love her don't you (as far as Lynn knows, I
      only like Nicky). *I said "Yes, very much." *"I just miss her, I just
      miss her..." *Then the dream switched to a room which resembled a
      dinner hall in which it was lit by dim, glowing soft white lights. *I
      was sitting *at a table by myself and I saw Nicky walking around to
      some of the tables.

      She wasn't working but it seemed as if she was serving guests. *(In
      real life, she is a cocktail waitress). *She was wearing
      an orange floral dress with white and yellow roses on it as a print.
      She wore her hair out and long. *And in her hair on the left side of
      her head, she wore a white rose which seemed to be glowing a soft
      white but in a different manner than the lights lighting the room.
      The one she wore in her hair seemed to emanate an emotional message to
      me for some reason.

      As she got closer to my table, she saw me and locked eyes with me and
      just lightly smiled. *She didn't have a chance to come to my table
      though because oddly, my wife appeared to be sitting next to me at my
      table. *When Nicky realized she was there, she stopped smiling and
      looked sad. *Almost like I felt a hurt emanating from her. *She
      walked back away from my table but never took her eyes from mine.
      That's when the dream ended.

      I don't know what to make of this dream. Is this one wish ful-fillment? Does it mean anything?

      Let me say now that my wife and I decided to try and make our marriage work in May of this year. I was going great for the first few weeks but it started degrading again in mid June. Its now back to like it was (terrible) before we started trying. Again, Nicky hadn't been on my mind and I haven't seen or spoken to her in almost a year. I'm to the point now with my wife that I know it will not work because she will not even try, it is too hard for her. She takes the easy way out.

      I will also note that the day I decided to work on our marriage, I vowed to "purge" Nicky from my system. I tried to make myself not have feelings for her. Not forget her, because she is so close to my family, but not have romantic feelings for her anymore. And it worked for quite some time! However, I recently came to the conclusion that its not that easy. I still have romantic feelings for her. But I don't let them affect my marriage. Heck, i've had these feelings for her since I was 8. i don't think they are going away anytime soon.

      All I ask is please don't judge me. Not saying you were or are, but I know how this can look to some. If you really knew me, i'd think you would understand better.

    5. #5
      Member 32˚ Mason's Avatar
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      Okay, I apprecate your help. But like I said before, im not looking for you to tell me "oh wow, it's all just so beautiful! Go for it!". And even if you did, it wouldn't make any difference. I have a firm grip on reality and I know, at the end of the day, these are still just dreams and NOT reality. It seems you think if you told me something positive id take it, break up with my wife right away like I'm delusional. These are just dreams I'm asking about, not instructions. The only reason I did something in response to the first dream (almost 2 years after I had it), was because that was something i've ALWAYS wanted to do.

      I noticed that with the very first dream, the one with my wife, you broke that one down, but all the others were dismissed as wishful thinking. Am I to think that only bad dreams are the ones that I should take something from and all the good ones are wishful thinking?

      I really appreciate your time, I really do, but it seems your a little biased. You assume I have come here looking for someone to tell me what I want to hear or validate something but that couldn't be further from the truth. I just had some dreams that I wanted know if they meant something, not something I would act on, bit if they held any particular meaning.

    6. #6
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      Hi Mason,

      I disagree. I believe I broke the later dreams down just fine. Most of what was in them simply gave this dreamy romantic picture that shouts FANTASY, and several images in each gave that same picture. We all do this when we're young, you know? I'm old, in case you didn't read my profile. My youngest chlid is 36.

      When we're young we have this romantic fantasy in our heads, and we kind of paste it onto someone, and then expect them to live up to the fantasy, when really, we were never looking at the person really in the first place. I've done it. I've been married for 31 years to someone who tried to *force* me into HIS fantasy of what his wife should be, which seemed to be a composite of his mother and his deceased older sister, neither of whom were anything like me. I know better now than to form a fantasy image of someone and expect it to be reality. I can't lie and tell you I don't see the fantasy in those dream images, even though, I still am under the impression you want me to. I told you from the start that I couldn't do that. I'm sorry if I'm not giving you what you want, or think you need. I've done the best I could to say what I really see.

      Remember, you said you loved your wife when you were first married. She didn't live up to your fantasy of her. Why do you then think that Nicki, who you really don't know as an adult, will?

      I am also doing the best I can here when I tell you that you probably need to make a decision and take some action. Either really let go of Nicki and focus on your marriage, or make the decision to get a divorce and work it out as well and responsibly as you can for your children. But this limbo state of yearning after a fantasy of Nicki isn't doing anyone any favors. It is causing harm to your real relationships.

      I'm sorry, that's the best I can do.

    7. #7
      Member 32˚ Mason's Avatar
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      In response to IrisRavenstar....

      I still am under the impression you want me to.
      I have said from the start that this is an incorrect impression. I wanted someone to help me with the meaning/symbology of the dream. I know its a dream and not reality. I've also stated i'm not looking for you to tell me "what I want to hear" whatever you assume that may be. And quite frankly, I REALLY don't know where you are drawing these impressions since I NEVER ANYWHERE said anything close to the effect of "I want someone to tell me what I want to hear.

      I told you from the start that I couldn't do that. I'm sorry if I'm not giving you what you want, or think you need. I've done the best I could to say what I really see.
      Thank you for your time. But you don't have to apologize because contrary to what you believe, I NEVER asked for that, NOR, regardless of what you say, did I EVER give you the impression that I wanted you, or anyone else to tell me what I wanted to hear. And just because I disagree with you on your premature and biased assessment of fantasy-wish-fulfillment does NOT constitute valid reason for you to get these "impressions." But I digress as I am not trying to tell you what or how to think.

      Remember, you said you loved your wife when you were first married. She didn't live up to your fantasy of her.
      This isn't a psycho-analysis we are talking about here. I know good and well what a fantasy projection is. Its absurd you think I fell in love with a fantasy of her. I would very much respect that opinion if you were a professional psychologist and I was your client and IN YOUR OFFICE, however, this is NOT the case. You know nothing about us other than what I said and no where in any of that did I give you enough information to properly assess that I fell in love with a fantasy of my wife. Thats just utterly ridiculous and downright arrogant on your part. Not even our marriage counselor (whom is a licensed psychologist) has assessed that I fell in love with a fantasy of my wife.

      Why do you then think that Nicki, who you really don't know as an adult, will?
      How do you assume I don't know Nicky??? Did I mention anywhere in there that I don't know Nicky as an adult??? Where do you draw this conclusion from??? I'm a little confused with this one. I've known her VERY well for the MAJORITY of her life (and that includes her adult life). Just because I don't talk to her EVERYDAY does not mean I do not know her or interact with her. (Heck, I don't even talk to my own mother, father, or sisters sometimes for months, does this mean I don't know them as well? No, it does not.) I am NOT in love with the IDEA of her. I know what idealization is and trust me when I tell you that this is not even close to that.

      I am also doing the best I can here when I tell you that you probably need to make a decision and take some action.
      I also asked for a dream analysis, NOT LIFE OR MARRIAGE ADVICE. I've got family, friends, and a MARRIAGE COUNSELOR for that, but thanks anyway. I appreciate your good intentions.

      Either really let go of Nicki and focus on your marriage, or make the decision to get a divorce and work it out as well and responsibly as you can for your children.
      AGAIN, I asked for a dream analysis, NOT LIFE OR MARRIAGE ADVICE. I've got family, friends, and a MARRIAGE COUNSELOR for that, but thanks anyway. I appreciate your good intentions.

      But this limbo state of yearning after a fantasy of Nicki isn't doing anyone any favors. It is causing harm to your real relationships.
      Good grief... How much clearer can I be??? This is NOT a "limbo state of me yearning after a fantasy or idea of Nicky." I have done that when I was a teenager with other women. I do not fall in love with the idea or dreams of people. That is ridiculous. In hindsight, when I did it when I was in high school, I realize as I got older it was ridiculous. I did NOT fall in love with the fantasy or idea of Nicky. You are absolutely unequivocally 100 million trillion billion googolplex percent wrong on that. I fell in love with HER, the REAL person, our REAL experiences together, not a bunch of imagined, good feeling ideas or dreams of her, or us, not the imagined idea of her or imagined idea of being with her, and NOT the fantasy of her, or being with her. And DEFINITELY not the idealized version of her.

      My feelings for Nicky are NOT causing harm to my relationship. Our (my wife and I) incompatibilities are causing harm to our relationship. My feelings for Nicky have NEVER influenced ANY decision or action I have taken within my marriage. This is a gross error in assumption you have made, but I digress.

      It seems that no matter what I say you will paint any positive dream I may post with a "fantasy wish-fulfillment" brush, even if has nothing to do with relationships.

      In my first dream, you could have easily assessed that as fantasy/wish-fulfillment in that I wanted to leave, BUT, you took the symbology and broke it down. Then in the other dreams, you labeled them as fantasy/wish fulfillment right from the start.

      I understand you tried to help after I asked for it. I appreciate your input, but I respectfully have to say that most of your assumptions and assessments have been waaaay wrong, especially about you thinking I am here for you, or anyone else to feed me a piece of golden pie with sugar and cherry on top. Thats just arrogance on your part after I told you that wasn't the case and you continued to assume it was.

      We all do this when we're young, you know? I'm old, in case you didn't read my profile. My youngest child is 36.
      What does this statement qualify??? I humbly say that age makes no difference here. I have friends your age and some old enough to be your parents. And to be quite honest, some people do this when they are your age and older too. And while I do appreciate your input, I didn't come here asking for life advice or looking for instructions on actions to take based on a dream analysis. At the most, I may possibly have thought deeply about the analysis of the DREAM. I simply wanted someone to analyze the dream itself and maybe some themes in them if they saw any.

      When we're young we have this romantic fantasy in our heads, and we kind of paste it onto someone, and then expect them to live up to the fantasy, when really, we were never looking at the person really in the first place. I've done it. I've been married for 31 years to someone who tried to *force* me into HIS fantasy of what his wife should be, which seemed to be a composite of his mother and his deceased older sister, neither of whom were anything like me. I know better now than to form a fantasy image of someone and expect it to be reality.
      You know, you are not the only one who has experience with fantasy/wish-fulfillment and can recognize it (not saying you said you were). I did the fantasy projection with a girl in high school. All through high school I had the biggest crush/infatuation on her. I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. After high school, I thought to myself that what I felt for her was unjustified. I didn't "know" this girl and to be honest, she never gave me the time of day. In hindsight, I know completely that I had a crush on her and was infatuated with her and those were definitely NOT feelings of love. So I know good and well what a fantasy projection is, and I know better than to form a fantasy image of someone and expect it to be reality. Furthermore, I knew my wife pretty darn well when we got together. She asked for a second chance and I gave her one. She didn't live up to her promises and self goals. No need for me to go more in depth than that.

      You said yourself you see people posts dreams of fantasy/wish-fulfillment all the time. Maybe seeing so many has caused some bias on your part. I say this again because you took my first dream and analyzed the info within the dream (in which that dream was mostly negative) but in the next dream, which was positive, you simply pointed out all the things that YOU thought backed up you assessment of the dream being a fantasy. You did not analyze it the same way you did the first one because, like you said, you are so used to "seeing" dreams about fantasies.

      I had a few more dreams I wanted someone to analyze. I really do appreciate your feedback but i'll pass on your input for the other ones. I'd appreciate input from someone who was a lot less biased. I'm no dream expert but I've got a pretty good idea that not all good or positive dreams are about fantasy/wish-fulfillment, and not all bad or negative toned dreams are the ones we should listen to and take something from (and no, I never said you said that).

      I'll leave you with this. I have had dreams interpreted before by professionals and other people. And in the case where the assessment was fantasy/wish-fulfillment, I usually agreed if the interpretation didn't seem biased like this one is. So, again, just because I am not agreeing with you does not in any way, shape, or form validate, nor confirm your assessment or impression that I am here for someone to tell me what I want to hear or that you are right about my real life situations.

      Thank you again and have a good day.
      Last edited by 32˚ Mason; 08-19-2009 at 10:29 PM.

    8. #8
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      Aug 2009
      Quote Originally Posted by 32˚ Mason View Post
      This dream kinda tripped me out though.

      I understand when you tell me not what I want to hear. I came to this forum looking for answers. I appreciate your feedback. I knew this would partially be some of your response because you don't know the entire story. Any person hearing it told this way (in bits and pieces) would probably draw the same conclusions you are. (I won't bore you with it but if you do want to know more, I imagine you don't with all that is going on in your life, I can email or send you the whole story in a pm.) I will say though, I'm not the bad guy in my marriage. (And I don't play the victim role either.) If we hadn't had children, we would have split up YEARS ago. But love really does impair one's better sense and better judgment sometimes. Sorry if I come across as "the cheating husband" but honestly, it is not like that. Can my feelings for Nicky and my secret conversations with her be considered cheating? I guess so. I know two wrongs do not make a right but what is a person to do that feels trapped? My wife and I have been through the court system and let me tell you, its SCARY and NOT PRETTY.

      I'm not here looking for anyone's sympathy. I just need help with some dreams is all.

      Well, i'll post the next one.
      I'm not drawing conclusions based on your story. I'm reading the symbols in the dreams. They just happen to say the same thing I think about your story, but that's because I understand that God/dess is trying to teach us to make ethical and moral decisions in our dreams. You can go search out the symbols for yourself, you know, and see if they say what I'm saying they do. In general, I do not ask for much personal information when working with a dream, because I expect the symbols to speak for themselves when understood properly.

      No, really, I do not want to hear more of your story. You might consider if you have a need to talk it all out, seeing a therapist or marriage counselor instead of a dream forum. Or you might decide to get a divorce! But don't do it because this other woman is waiting in the wings. Do it the right way. Just get the divorce, and take the risk of being alone. After a reasonable time to get over the failed marriage, then consider finding another wife. Right? Maybe you'd be doing your wife a favor too, I don't know. I can't make these decisions FOR you, and that is kind of the point. You have to make the decision, and then live with it. But what you're doing now is unfair to all concerned, including yourself, as far as I can see.


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