Hi. Sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forums but i am a new member and i dont know where to put this. But anyways i wanted to know if somone here could analyze my dream and explain what it means. Heres my dream:
Ok so, im in a movie theatre with my friend, justin, who's been my friend since...basically my whole life, he is with his girlfriend natasha, and im with kristie. Kristie is one of Natasha's Friends, that's how i met her. Kristie and I are sitting in the row in front of justin and natasha.
I should say, I like kristie in real life, but I found out through justin that she doesn't want to have a relationship with me and just wants to be friends.
But anyways we are sitting there in the movie theatre and the movie ends, i stand up to leave,and start walking up the isle to the exit, but kristie says "Jack". so i turn around, and shes like holds her arms out motioning me to come back, like she wants a hug, so i walk up to her and im like common lets go, and she hugs me, and presses into me like hugging me really tightly, so i hug her back for a couple seconds, and then i let go, but shes still holding on, and im like "kristie whats going on". She doesn't respond, and is just like hugging me really tight, and then i try to like shake her off and she wont let go, and then im like "kristie whats happening whats wrong", and i find out she fell asleep hugging me somehow, and then because shes asleep she falls back, and i catch her, and im like "kristie wake up", but she doesn't wake up. so then i start to shake her, and she doesn't wake up, so i shake her harder, and eventually im like violently shaking her, and she wakes up, then we walk out of the theatre, and then we both walked to our vans (neither of us have vans in real life but we do in the dream), and then kristie got in her van, and i tried to get into mine, but i cant, because she parked an inch away so i cant even get between the 2 cars to open my door, and i measure the length between the cars. Im like 'kristie what are you doing why would u park so close", and then she turns on the van and backs up, and almost runs over my foot, and then i wake up from the dream.
It was really weird, and I wanted to know if anyone could tell me what it means.