Any input is appreciated. Thanks!

The first thing I remember is running home from somewhere. It was really dark and I couldn't see anything, but I slid down this little hill because it must have been muddy and then my feet landed on this squishy thing and I just bounced off and kept going and didn't really think about it much. Then when I got to the sidewalk of my house, I stepped on something smaller that felt the same way and when I looked, it was a mouse running away, so then I figured whatever I jumped on before was a dead animal of some sort and I was rather disturbed. Then I went to the porch and there was this big, pink lizard looking thing hopping around wanting to get in the house. I didn't let it in, but then my mom did and I asked her why and she said that it was acting like the dog, so she thought it was the dog. I was all freaked out because I thought she was nuts and I didn't want that thing in my house. Then I saw the dog, but we had two of them apparently and I somehow decided that it was changing back and forth from the dog to the pink lizard looking thing. Then I was eating pizza and I put some in the fridge, which was in the wrong place, by the window, even though there was only a few bites left and when I went back to get it, it was all pink like the lizard and that REALLY freaked me out. So I got a new slice of pizza, haha.

Then there was a party or something going on outside and there were a LOT of kids there. Chelsey Garrett was standing on the sidewalk and she called me over and told me that they were discontinuing the reading competition and there was just the one more that night for the younger kids and we had to go and made it good because they wouldn't have another chance. Then I felt bad about not helping more and I was explaining to her about how busy I was and I was TRYING to help and she said it was okay because she didn't even read any books. Then she said something about how she was worried because her biopsy was coming back the next week and I hugged her and she said something else, I don't remember what, but I kissed her and her mom was standing there and she told me she didn't care, she liked me that way and her mom looked really pissed and then she started bitching at her for having bible written on her purse if she was going to do that kind of thing, so she took it off and traded her mom for the same thing without bible writting on it.

Then I noticed that the kids were playing with the hose and I was sitting on the swing set with two other people, but I don't know who they were. First it was Ian, the neighbor kid, who almost got us wet and I told him not to and he didn't bother us anymore. Then this little blond girl started spraying us and then she ran up onto the porch and I grabbed the hose and went over to her and told her that if she got us wet again, I was going to stick it up her nose and flood her brain and she was all terrified of me and I didn't think she would bother us again. Then, on my way back to the swings, I saw the pink thing running around the yard and then Special Agent Gibbs and Special Agent McGee ran over to me and told me that it wasn't a freaky pink thing, it was a PAINTED dog. When I looked back at her, she was still pink, but she looked like an animated movie version of a poodle made of candy. I didn't think paint could do that, so they hit her with the hose and part of it came off. Then she started running and I went to catch her and I chased her into this house and everything was all fancy and rich people must have lived there. I kept chasing her, even though I started freaking out about the owners finding me in there. She was going further and further back and I came to this spot where there was pink all over the floor and I realized that whoever had been painting her lived there and I got really pissed. It looked like sidewalk chalk, haha.

Then I caught her and started trying to leave and I was running so no one found me and I went up one flight up steps and then it turned and there was another and then the door. Then there was another turn and more steps going up. There was a rug on the landing and when I ran up and turned to go up the steps to the door, I slipped on it and fell and then saw a man coming down the steps. Then MeGee found me and they explained what was going on. Then like 4 or 5 other dogs that all looked the same came running over and he started asking us if we really paid attention to our dogs and he could tell what each one of them was, even though they all looked the same and I looked more closely at the dog in my hand and realized that it WAS skinnier than mine. So then I apologized and gave him the dog back and we went up to the landing by the door and to a room off to the right of it that looked like a living room and McGee sat on the couch and talked to him for a little bit and Gibbs was at the door screaming about something and wanted in because he didn't know that it was really the dude's dog that I was trying to get and MeGee told him to give him 10 minutes and it would be okay and then he locked the door. Gibbs had this big metal thing that he slid it and it unlocked the door, like doing it with a card, but quicker and then he started explaining the truth, which to me, came more in shots like in a movie or something. The main on that I remember was the dude had this cat on a treadmill really high up on the wall and it was panting and he had little monitor things hooked up to it and was making it lose too much weight. Then his little girl would play with them and paint them like she did to my dog. So all of his dogs were stolen. Then they decided to take everything for evidence, including big tiger skins all over the walls and the dude was just FREAKING OUT.

Then I had to go outside because all the people going to the reading competition had congregated out there and we needed to leave. On the way out, I had this vision that was like in a movie where the camera moves through the house back to the basement and it ended in a cabinet down there, where the rich guy's daughter was hiding. She was all curled up and terrified and then all of a sudden her eyes turned blue and she got fangs and became like a zombie and went to go get Gibbs and McGee, except then they were my dad and pap and I actually liked my dad in this dream, so I was worried about them both. But I really had to go, so I walked out the door with Gran. To get off the porch though, there was this HUGE bridge kind of thing that looked really old and you had to hop across the broke parts of it to get to the other side and it was a really long fall if you missed. There was this big gap and I was afraid to try it, so I tried to go to the other side and get across, but I fell. I remember it being squishy on the bottom, so I wasn't hurt.

The next thing I remember we were at a McDonald's or something and I was sitting there with Gran and I wanted to text my dad and tell him about "Fang Girl" which was what she was calling herself and tell him that I loved him so that if he died he would know, but I didn't for some reason. Then I was in this room with Megan and there were these two signs on the wall and I knew that I had been there at some point before. I'm pretty sure that I dreamed about this place before and remember being there when I was little. I don't really know what it was. I was telling Megan about how I thought I'd been there as a child and she just smiled and took me up the steps and there was this carousel looking ride, but it had nets for you to sit on and it was WAY up next to this balcony. I immediately recognized it and then I was SURE that I was there when I was little. We got on and there were a few old ladies on it too and then I heard weird clicking noise, but I ignored it. Then Megan mentioned that this was the same on that I had been on a child and then I was like, "So...this is at least 17 years old?!" Then I FREAKED OUT and all the old ladies agreed that there was something really wrong with it and we could tell from the looks of the people running it that it was going to break. So they stopped it and let us off. To get off, it was like a car door that they brought over to it and I grabbed the handle of it and then I was just dangling there. I was freaked out because I couldn't pull myself up onto it and I said something about it and everyone just called me stupid because you weren't supposed to be able to get back up, you just had to hold on until it moved back over to the balcony. So then I was sitting there and there was a guy and a girl over in the corner flirting or sucking face or something and I think that the chick was Chelsea. Then Megan got on the balcony and I was expecting her to come over and sit with me, but then she went over to the other side to another dude and they started talking about sex and this disappointed me. She eventually did come over to me and kissed me and I was kind of worried about Chelsea seeing, but then I decided that it didn't matter. Then I got a text from my dad and he said that they were fine, but the dude escaped and he was convinced that he was going to find me and torture me into making a video of me ranting about setting up his daughter for him to pretend he caught me doing and show to the court and they were coming to hide me. As soon as I read the part about them coming to hide me, I looked up and there was a big window in front of me and the guy was there with a pair of white hedge clippers that he used to break the window.

I want to say that was the end of the dream, but I think there was a second or two after that when I remember thinking, "Huh, that was a weird movie," and then I woke up.