Early this morning I dreamt about walking along a creek that was bubbling up. The earth was shaking and I knew that a volcano was going to blow. I ran through tall grass and jumped up into an elevated large hut with other people there. I think it had no roof.
I warned the others then huddled. The volcano blew and made a terrible stink smell in the air, followed by high wind. That's all I remember.

I think it was really about my smog check. I had to bring it to a mechanic to fix the RPM and make a good mark on the timing belt. They told me the smog check guy should have opened his eyes more because he should have been able to do it to begin with. The smog check guy said that was bullshit and that the problem still isn't fixed, the RPM is still too high and the mechanic needs to open HIS eyes. the mechanic fixed the problem but I was basically mediating an argument there. It's not uncommon for experts to disagree but it's important to be polite.