The dream goes like this.

There is a really huge bridge in the middle of what looks like the an ocean. There are two big buildings that the bridge connects in between, but the buildings are spaced really far apart. I'm coming out of one of the buildings and I need to get to the other. So I start walking on this bridge. I'll try to describe the bridge as best as possible; the bridge is extremely long! and very wide, but its damaged. There are missing parts that are broken, so you would have to be causious of your step. The bridge is over the ocean where the two buildings are, so the water is just beneath it, about a foot below. I make it to the end of the bridge to the other building. Now it seems like the other building was a different world from the building I just came from. I felt like I stayed there for a good while, but I don't remember or I can't recall well what I dreampt about while in that building/world, I do remember having to have to go back to the other building I just came from. But once I got back to the bridge, it seems like a storm was passing through, the water level wasn't under the bridge anymore but actually above it, about a foot high. The water was dark too so I couldn't see the bridge well and I knew that the bridge had broken parts that were now impossible to see because of the dark water over it. But I felt the need to cross so I started walking on the flooded bridge. I was scared of falling or even thinking of what creatures might be in the water. Slowly I walked looking at the view of nothing but dark merky water around me. I saw others trying to cross too, I felt bad for them if anything were to happen, if I were to be able to help them. But I kept going forward myslef. The water was moving fast, it had the power to sweep you off your feet if you weren't strong. I saw one fall into a broken part of the bridge that wasn't visible to him, I tried to help by submerging my arm down a broken part of the bridge close to me, maybe he would drift with the oceans current coming towards me. But nothing grasped my hand. I later saw that we managed to get back on the bride a few moments later. I then thought that the best method to get across and not fall under is to stay on the edge of the bridge and crawl on the edge where its only logical that there would be no broken gaps to fall into. But I was afraid that I was more exposed to the ocean water and whatever creaters might want to get me. But I advanced using this method as far as I could, until I got almost to the end. There I walked without worry, because I remembered that at the beginning of the bridge is wasn't damaged as much so I knew I wouldn't fall. I finaly reached the other building I first came from, and it seems again like it was such a different world than the other building. After this I started having other dreams.

Thanks for reading, I really just needed to have this is writing.