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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2010

      Snake nightmare!

      Today I took a nap after lunch and during it I had a very powerful dream, or rather nightmare. I'd like some help interpreting since A) dreams are rare for me, and B) it was a VERY unusual dream. In retrospect I should have journaled it right away to retain as much detail as possible, but here goes:

      My family and I were spending some vacation time in a rented cottage in a very deserty area of what I'm guessing is New Mexico, since we've vacationed there before. Some distant friends (probably no longer even friends, but we've partied together before) showed up in the dream as well and were somewhat involved.

      My friends and I were roughousing around and I just remember my feet getting really, really hot due to the activity. As soon as this happened, some variety of nonpoisonous snakes started sticking their heads out from the ground, where I'm assuming they were burying around. They were black with a yellow stripe, like the type that have giant orgies as seen on Discovery channel and whatnot. Point is, they started nipping at our feet and then biting, and then biting and burrowing themselves into my feet.

      The next part I do not recall so well but we ran obviously. I pulled two of them out initially, and then I felt another one still burrowed in my right leg/foot. I sat down inside and saw another snake burrowed in there (very easy to see upon inspection, like my foot was translucent). I started finaggling my foot and ended up pinching about like a pimple, until the top of my big toe popped and I pulled the final, and biggest one out. My foot was covered in wounds or welts where I had pulled out the snakes and I could not set it down due to the stinging. Last thing I remember was my mom asking me whether I wanted to keep the three snakes as a memento or something, they were still alive and wriggling a little as she handed them to me. I was repulsed by them and did not wish to keep them.

      Now for some background on myself. I'm a 21 yr old male college student. I've had terrible luck in relationships and haven't really gotten any action for the better part of a year. It's no surprise though, since I still havent gotten over an ex, my first love. Every other girl has not been up to snuff, even though I've had the chance to try and find someone else. I also consider myself good looking and more intelligent than most other people, so it bothers me that I haven't been able to move on. For God's sakes it was barely a 3 month relationship and well over a year ago, but it put me through a very deep depressive spiral. It doesn't help that she was my best friend and very much like me, beautiful and very very intelligent, but also scheming and conniving

      I also still try to maintain a friendship with her, although I know its wrong and I shouldn't, but I just feel bad since cutting off that friendship would impact her very deeply. I also smoke weed on a regular basis, which would explain why I don't dream (or rather am just unaware that I do). I'm back home with my parents for a month and have not smoked, which would explain the vivid, powerful dreams. This entire episode of my life destroyed my finances, my self esteem and my previously excellent grades.

      I'm well on my way in taking a stand for myself and this past semester I've started to realize that I need to get up and keep going. This past semester I've been big on introspection and integrity for myself, I've been reanalyzing my career path and what I'm all about. I've been planning on telling the girl off for a few days now, since I don't know if I wish to speak to her when I get back.

      So, for the big question, what does this all mean? And sorry for the big post, it's sort of a side effect of being a philo major hahaha. Thank you for your time.

    2. #2
      Member etereo's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2009
      what i know about snakes are liars and deceivers but not that has anything to do with your dream

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