So, i was sitting there on the couch, with my hands in my pockets. Suddenly, my friend ashley appeared there naked before me. She was holding a torch and a book like the statue of liberty. She started dancing and before i knew it she was in my lap. But then, out of the fireplace, came Tom Arnold. He drove a steak through ashley's heart and let her bleed to death on the carpet. I got mad because that was my carpet and hurled a refridgerator that was suddenly in my hand. The fridge sliced him in half (don't ask me) and burst through the wall causing the whole scene to shatter like crazy.
Then i was on the scalp of some bald man. Everything was so huge. It was increadible. But lo! the angel of ashley appeared before me and told me not to give up hope. "on what?" i asked. "on the bald man. he still has some good in him." she replied. she then flew away naked and left her cloak on the ground. The scalp of the man began to wither away and i fell onto his brain. It kept shocking me and one of those shockes woke me up.