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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2005

      Inducing a lucid dream tut

      my 1st tut, its what works for me

      Inducing a Lucid Dream

      mkay this is my technique.

      Note to reader: this is what works for me, iv never told it to others so i dont know if itl work but i combine a calming excersise/meditation which should help even if you dont achieve lucidity.

      1(optional) light some insence (helps me to clam myself, sets the scene etc)

      2. close your eyes and imagine you are just above a beach, the beach is empty and the waves crash lightly on the beach, you are located just above the waves and have no physical body.

      3. as you breath out imagine the waves breaking, and as you breath back in the backwash drags the water back, as the waves break let your thoughts drift away,

      4. while you focus on the waves imagine yourself getting lighter and slowly start to rise up
      (this normally lasts about 10 mins 4 me)

      5. as you feel yourself reaching a almost complete sense of calmness allow everything to fade into nothingness, a void, rember to do this slowly untill you feel yourself actually there in the void.

      6. At this point you should be asleep or very very close to it. While you are in this void (its like space,no gravity but without the stars) tell yourself i am a god of this place.

      7. From now on its up to you, i frequently like to imagine a large mountain range beneath me with a sunset, then swoop down and explore.

      Hopefully this may be of some use to some of you. good luck with inducing ur LDs

      Surrounded by trees and looking for the forest

    2. #2
      Member Threecaster's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2005

      Very Nice!

      I like it!

      Just reading it and sort of seeing as I did so, I could feel myself sort of
      pulling back and forth.

      I think this perhaps come quite naturally to me, as I do practice visualizaion
      quite often.






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