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    Thread: Vivienne's DJ

    1. #26
      Member vivienne's Avatar
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      I believe there were 3 segments last night... let's see...

      I'm in the auditorium with LN waiting to see a play by the drama club or musical, it's hard to tell which. The auditorium is much larger than our school's. It's set up with 3 parts, there's a central part which stops a few yards before it hits the ground (it's inclined, stadium seating) and there are a set of doors underneath. On either side are more seats, which begin to angle in so they almost face the center after they pass the front seats of the center section. There's aisles leading up between each of the sections to doors in the back which are guarded by men in green shirts or suits. There's a lot that goes on in this, most of it unrelated, so I'll try to make this as coherent as possible.
      -there's some game where papers (flowers, I think, cut out and decorated with glitter glue etc) are passed back. You and a partner (LN) want to choose certain ones to get a prize or something. One younger girl next to me has one that says zygote on it as she's choosing. I feel that that's a good thing, and tell her to keep that one. LN yells at me for helping the enemy or something like that, and the girl says she thinks she's allergic to zygotes. whatever that means. You're allowed to pick 3, and some people stand up, I think as part of this game. I think that at some point either LN or I moves from the left wing to teh right wing to see better. During this switch I miss out on choosing a flower, so I'm short one. People are heading to the front now with leftovers which rather than being extra paper flowers are extra snacks (like brownies etc). So as Shaun R walks by I ask if I can have one of his extras, but get no response. Looking up to the front, where they are all heading, I see a sort of panel of judges. LB is up there, and I think at some point she gets kissed by... I can't remember who. Eric S is also up there, and is definitely flirting with me-- he's staring directly at me.
      -There's some other stuff going on here too, like Maria C and the cheerleaders are all shouting and cheering and whatever they do from the front or close to front row of the wing opposite me. Others are following suit.
      -There is in fact a play here too. It's like, drama club doing a musical, because for the most part the actors are just acting on stage while the songs from the musical are played, like off of a CD. But, just as I think this, Katie (who did both drama and musical IRL) starts to sing... so I'm not sure which. I also recall there being a TV on stage, a little crappy one, and was thinking about the effect of the show on the play (ie, have to make sure a show is on that would be on in the era of the play). it seemed to be something of a cross between MASH and jurassic park. don't ask.
      -At some point I had to leave the auditorium, I think this was when I was crossing over from one wing to the other. That's when I remember the guards outside. I wasn't sure if they were there to keep people out or in. Just that they wore green. And at this point I realized we were definitely still in "my" HS.
      -During a bathroom break, I keep going from one to the other but none is actually a toilet, and by the time I find a real one I don't have to go anymore. I realize practically the entirity of our school was waiting for me.

      I think that's the end of that "scene." probably when I woke up briefly.
      For some reason I "know" that we're in disney, or something like it. but it's definitely not. We're climbing these stone steps up a mountain, and the view is incredible. It's rather foggy until we get up above the clouds. At the top, there's this outlook, then a trail that leads to another a bit higher up. When I get to the second i realize something odd-- there's a cloud "current" that goes in a loop: They blow off this precipice I'm standing on, go back towards the previous in a very scenic transformation, then go in the window, if there is one, can't remember, maybe they just go onto the outlook, but either way--, and then up the stairs we followed and back out to where they started. It's very cool to watch.
      On the way back down from here there's a black railing in teh middle of the stairs. We (my family and I are "we" here, btw) go down the right side, closer to the edge, while an old couple goes down the left, which hugs the mountain side. We, or they, or somebody, has a discussion about aging and getting old, but I can't remember it.

      And that's the end of that segment. Wake up again.
      The last part I really have no details for. Only that SS was there, but that's to be expected considering the amount I read before bed

    2. #27
      Member vivienne's Avatar
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      Although it's hard getting back into the school cycle, I'll make a good effort to at least post on weekends.
      Last night... I was ordained as a priest or something like that. Except I kept screwing up since I forgot when I had to kneel and stand and such. And then... dang I can't really remember any more. I really need to write these down right after I have them. I'll try better next wknd.

    3. #28
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      Alright, before I start this, previously I've been having trouble remembering dream content before I got to type it, so I've been keeping a journal under my pillow, so I can jot down the details, then later type them into a coherent entry here. Except... I forgot to type it up till now whoopsie. And, since I was still mostly-asleep when writing it, it looks more like random scribbles than words, though I still picked out a few things I'd forgotten. Anyways, I'll need to refine this more but I'm working on it. And now, the dreams:

      I'm at a sort of pre-theater dinner with my family. I figure out how to get free drinks and snacks rom the vending machine. We meet a European guy in the parking lot, and he joins us for dinner. Incl. him and BV, there's 3 guys at our table (excl. dad&brother), but none of them sit next to me. Ed is one of the bartender, and offers me something free. We also have after-dinner cordials, mine is some sort of... raspberry with egg(?!) if I remember correctly.

      In another part, there's a family picnic (mom's side) in our backyard. The table's crooked, and I keep spilling the soup or something, because of that. There's also not enough food for everyone, so we only get really small portions. Something happened w/ Auntie S, but I can't quite remember.

    4. #29
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      So I'm at a class in SPS, and we're at long tables with people on either side. I'm sitting facing the wall, on the edge with SB, BA, and JS sitting near me. BA is playing something with poker chips, which fall onto the floor. I lean over to pick them up, but find I can't see quite right, like when you look quickly from something bright to something dark and try to focus your eyes. My vision gets all blurry and I get dizzy and pass out on the floor. I 'wake up' to being hit by a pillow. I think it's my roommate, but when I open my eyes it's mom, so apparently I'm at home. For a few moments, I think that my whole "life" as I know it was really just a dream, which is a really strange and kind of disappointing thought, since I'm pretty happy with the life I've got. Anyways, I wake out of that into my real bed. Try to do a RC just in case, but since I'm not dreaming anymore, it obviously doesn't do anything.

    5. #30
      Member vivienne's Avatar
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      02/04/06 Dreams

      I dreamed that one of my roommates (MN), went on a massive cleaning spree, completely rearranged the common room... 'twas a bit scary I think there was more, but can't remember :/ ah well.

    6. #31
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      02/12/06 Dreams

      I'm trying to get to the SPS room, but can't find it. I think it ends up being in a parallel hallway that looks similar, and eventually I find the door. As I go to open it, AB walks out, and we drive (in the rain) to some seminar that's happening on campus. Apparently there's some sort of really big holiday or something, which is why there's this seminar happening, and there's tables with free food all over the place. I think that in the seminar, I have to get up and leave but I'm not wearing any pants. As I'm writing this, I seem to remember that I thought, "well if this is a dream, then it really doesn't matter if i get up and I'm not wearing pants, plus it's dark," so I wait for the usher with the flashlight to go to the other side, then get up and sneak out. I might have just thought I dreamt about thinking that, but I'm not sure.
      At some other point, we're in a sort of dining hall, and everyone's families are there. I walk towards the back, and hear a song by DD (I think it was Swinging the Dead), and turn around to see JS in a booth, i think with his family? Anyways, I go to get a plate of food, and sit at a table with mom, dad, and steve, which just happens to be right across from the table JS is at. A little later, I realize my plate is missing, and for some reason, I feel like he stole it, so I ask him where it is. I'm not sure what happens after that. Oh, and I think mom loses her ring, but gets a letter from AM saying that it's at their table.

      And on a completely different note, in another dream I was doing calculus, and someone gave birth to a differential equation. I know, really wierd.

    7. #32
      Member vivienne's Avatar
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      02/20/06 Dreams

      So, last night I dreamed that little cuz H was staying at my brother's... dorm room?... which seemed to be across the hall from mine. He comes over to ask why pot is bad, and what it's like. Rather than just saying I've never tried, I b/s something about it, but can't understand why I wouldn't just say I never have. Interesting.

    8. #33
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      03/04/06 Dreams

      Alright, I didn't get a chance to post this morning, but I remember a few things...
      -I moved in to the Colombus parking garage (it seems they've been turned into upperclassmen dorms), and run into a few shady characters, I think one guy was trying to sell me drugs.
      -I recall something about describing the differences between chem&physics to GJones
      -Taking a shower on the sidewalk? That was a strange bit...
      -Oh, and I do remember I found this very odd, Prof. G was driving a neon blue scooter or moped-type thing to class. Strange.
      -I know there was more, I remembered a lot this morning, but it's faded by now :/ too bad.

    9. #34
      Member vivienne's Avatar
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      03/07/06 Dreams

      I went lucid last night!!

      Alright, as for the lucid part, I walk outside with another girl, I can't remember who she is, but as we circle a building she says that we have to get to the roof, but there are no doors. I think it's a museum, and it has some very beautiful windows. At this point, I think well why can't we just fly up? And realize I'm lucid. So, I jump, and think "just keep going up," and it works! I fly up to the top of the building. Then I jump again, because well,, flying is fun! But, while I'm in the air, I think "well, if I'm lucid, I should do something intersting with this!" So I will myself to be in a room with JS, Imagine this very clearly, close my eyes and sping, and there I am in this nice little room. I tell myself he's standing behind me, so I turn around and he's there. I can't remember what exactly happened then, but it was fun, and I think this is the first time I've summoned a place or a person in a dream, so that was exciting.

      As for the rest of the dream, I can only recall bits and pieces:
      sorting exams by chapter and grade
      waiting in line
      long bus ride to somewehere
      EDIT: got more on this after thinking about it! Ok, so it's not actually a bus, more of a van. But it starts out as a regular car. So, we have to fit me, mom, dad, my brother, and two of his (really attractive!) friends in. I manage to finagle the situation so I get to sit between the two guys in the backseat At some point, we stop to walk around this sort of plaza, and towards the end I want to get coffee. Now, in IRL, my favourite coffee shop gives discounts if you bring your own cup, and here I remember I have my travel mug in the car. So, I run back and then go get my coffee. The next "scene", we're all back in the car, but it's more like a van now. Mom's in the front seat as well as two other people, I'm not sure who, but the seat is really wide, like it's meant to take three. Then, there's two seats sort of sideways, and then a door to the back where I think there's another 3 seats. Somehow, we've picked up grandma and grandpa, and I think a few others, so it's very crowded. And I think we're all going skiing.

    10. #35
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      03/26/06 Dreams

      Last night, I dreamed we were on some family/friends outing for the weekend or whatever, at a hotel or resort. at one point, us young'uns were at a table doing homework, i'm sitting next to JS, across from steve. I'm labeling something I brougt with a sharpie, I brought 3 things, I can't remember the first two, but the other was a carton of eggs. I'm labeling it "eggs" with the date we bought them, and my name. I'm leaning over the carton, and I notice that JS is leaning over close to me, watching what I'm doing. I lean towards him, and our foreheads touch. He turns, and kisses me on the cheek. I'm stunned, and don't know how to react, so I ignore it and go back to work, but I'm really really happy. I try going through my mind, because I seem to remember a time shortly before where he kissed my forehead, but I can't remember right now, just that it seems like it happened.
      Later on, we're packing to leave. I'm done, and I think everything's in the car, as we all are, as we get ready to pull out of the parking lot, someone mentions that we should all go use the bathroom first before we go. We stop and pile out. As I walk out of the bathroom, I notice mom and grandma staring at the clouds out the window. They say to stop for a minute, the clouds are going to part. I look, and they do, straight down the middle in a perfect vertical line. I wonder in awe how this happens, until I see yellow helicopters with people on innertubes hanging from them, pulling the clouds, who apparently split the clouds to look perfect like that.
      I walk back into the room we were staying in, and notice that the cleaning ladies are assessing extra fees, like for things destroyed or inconveniences. They come into our room, as I watch, and I know there won't be anything because I cleaned out everyhing really well. But they stop and look (behind?) into the dressers, and start discussing these exorbitant surcharges, I'm baffled. When they leave, I look and see that mom hasn't packed any of her stuff! She comes back and says she got distracted, and apologises. I begin to pack everything away, btu there's so much stuff it takes forevere. Dad comes in at one point and asks how much longer it's going to take. Mom says an hour. I say fifteen minutes, and pour myself harder into packing. Finally, what I assume is 15 minutes later, everything's packed and we load up the car and drive off.

    11. #36
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      I had this dream a few nights ago, didn't write it down but I still remember most of it:
      We're having a family party, all of my mom's side is there. We're going to play Mafia, but in addition to the cards, we have our roles on 8.5x11 sheets of paper, which are really hard to shuffle. I'm trying to make sure we have the right cards (2 kings for killers, townspeople are #-cards, etc), but while I'm shuffling the roles, Auntie S. gets frustrated with waiting for me and takes the cards herself. When I finally finish shuffling the roles, I'm ready to deal so I hand out the cards she gave me, but after they're dealt I realize they're the wrong cards, and we'll have to redeal.
      At this point I get frustrated and walk away, and realize that I'm parched, so I go to get a glass of water

      Then I wake up and realize I'm really really thirsty =p

    12. #37
      Member vivienne's Avatar
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      05/14-15/07 Dreams: Minor Lucid Moment

      On 5/14, I was looking at the clock and found it odd that it said something like '12:74.' Realized, oh hey, this is a dream! *do dream check* Yup, definitely dreaming. What kind of fun things can I do? Ooh I'm going to do the lucid task! *gets distracted by dream character*
      and then I lost it
      But, I was lucid, and it was the first time in a while (it hasn't really been on my mind lately, I just re-started working for it a few weeks ago) so I'll take what I can get and keep practicing.

      Last night (5/15) I had a few dreams, which may or may not have been related to each other. Didn't write it down though, so it's a little fuzzy:
      I think that my (DC) sister is getting married... or has a boyfriend, or something like that. Seems like a really nice cute etc guy, good catch. Except then I'm talking to him this one day in his room, and he says something along the lines of 'she deserves better than him.' I get confused, asking who he's talking about. Apparently she's not in a relationship with him, but with someone else. Which is cool, 'cause then he starts hitting on me in a really sweet way. And he teaches me to play his guitar.
      Woke up a little, tried to get back to that dream but couldn't quite get there.
      Also, my grandpa got these glasses that have an adjustable prescription, you turn the wheels on the side and they get stronger or weaker. Big clunky black things though.
      In another part, someone (I think dad, maybe) noticed that I was upset about something. He says he's going to teach or show me something very important. Takes my hands, and starts dancing and singing "Put on a Happy Face" (on second thought, maybe it wasn't dad-- it was in tune! =p). I started crying, because it was such a sweet gesture.

      There were definitely some other things going on, but I can't recall right now. Will edit the post if they come back to me later.
      Last edited by vivienne; 05-16-2007 at 07:07 PM.

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