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    Thread: Kafine's dreams

    1. #26
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      Two dreams again! And I am not surprised because I am back at home now with my own room and my own bed.


      We were driving along, the land around the road was grass and marshland around a river estuary. In one of the pools a big square of wood was washed up. My dad said there had been a shipwreck or something and the sailors had made these big rafts. There were several more floating up the channel. But clearly it had been a tough trip, because all of the rafts were unnoccupied.

      We rounded a bend and saw a man cllinging to a raft that was resting against the bank. I thought about going to help him, but he climbed up and onto the grass as we watched.

      Then it was clear that he was drunk, as he staggered over to a big group of chavs or whatever you want to call them (baseball caps, track suits and burberry) who were standing by the side of the road, chortling and waving beer bottles around. We had to pull over for some reason, and to our quiet distress the gang decided to cross the road. Thankfully they didn't seem interested in the car, but one of them smashed a beer bottle against the side absently as he staggered past. It made a crack in the windscreen.


      Dream two:

      I was with Mrsh, walking through a very thin cobbled street in a colourful english town. The buildings were high, and met into arches in places. It must have been a fair day because there were stalls and purveyors, people in costume, and shops had their fronts open to the street. It wasn't crowded, but the street was very thin so it seemed so.

      We were looking for someone selling african masks. We couldn't find any of the kind we wanted. We met up with my mother, and she pointed out a few things, but none of them were right.

      Then we went with my mother back to the church hall where they were having a summer fair. But it was late in the day and almost all the stallholders had packed up and gone home. No African masks.

      We went through to the side door and my dad and my brother were sitting on a bench, getting wet because it had started to rain. They were annoyed because they had been waiting for mum to come back for a while.

      David had gotten into a big sports bag to keep dry.

      For fun, mum tipped him into the mud. He couldn't get up. The rain was heavy now (althouhg I wasn't getting wet) and the grass was churned up to mud, and the puddles were becoming pools. Mum and dad submerged Dave in his bag in one of the pools. He must have started to undo it because his foot was sticking out. He looked like a badly disposed of murder victim!

      Mum kept putting mud on him and calling him Dirty Steve. "Are you alright dirty Steve?" *puts more mud on him* "Are you still alright Dirty Steve?" in a sing-song voice.

      For me, it had gone past funny and I was just staring wondering what the hell was going on.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    2. #27
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      From the 19th

      The powerpuff girls were following a small car. Curious, I ran after them. The car pulled over in a supermarket car park, and I got in. It turned out that the driver of the car was Mojo Jojo, and they were helping him out with a play he had written.
      They weren't very happy with it because it was all about monkeys. I told them to think of golden tamarins. This seemed to change their minds.

      I think I got out of the car at this point, but it's a bit fuzzy. A woman showed up, and told me she would share her fortune with me. But she had to go to the bank and have it changed into gems. The bank filllled with gems! They were pouring out onto the street. Unfortunatley there were other people around, and they quickly caught on. They were running away with armfulls of this woman's money.

      Some gangsters pulled up in a car and the woman ran away. I maaged to secure a pocketfull of gems and got into my parents car. The gangsters must have seen me do it, because they started following us.

      We eventualy evaded them by driving up our own driveway and waiting for them to drive past on the road. They did pull over for a moment, but didn't see us and drove away.

      We pulled uot of the drive and onto the street in frtont of the house. The gangsters had lifted the roof (very neatly) off our porch, and left it in the garden.

      From the 22nd

      A christmas shopping dream. This is hardly surprising. Well, on tuesday I went to a stall with a wood turner and got him to burn my freind's nickname "Mrsh" onto a keyring for her. He was rather confused by this. He kept asking if it was spelt right.

      Anyway, I dreamed I was wandering around on my own, at night, christmas shopping. My family were around somewhere. I had to dodge my brother and his girlfreind at one point because I overheard them discussing what to buy for me.
      I met my dad who was looking for sewing needles to buy for my mother.

      I went past the wood turner's stall again, and found that he had written "Mrsh" on loads of his items, large and small. He and his assistant apparently thought it was hillariously funny. I told them I'd be telling Mrsh about it, and laughed heartily as I walked away.

      Roddi i mi galon lán

    3. #28
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      Was that a lucid dream or not??

      I thought it was at the time... But I think I might have just been dreaming about lucid dreaming.

      I was in a place, a room off a big white hall, down a corridor. It was al very posh, but done up all in white with some gold bits.

      There were some other people coming into the room. I was supposed to go out with them to the hall. I was already suspicious that I might be dreaming. I decided to stick my finger through my palm. It worked, but it wasn't like I expected. It felt like my finger hit my palm, but I saw it come out the other side. Weird.

      This is what makes me think it wasn't a lucid dream; the next thing I remember, the room was empty, and I was carrying my cactus.

      I was trying to decide what to do with the cactus because I wanted to go off and have dream fun. I nearly threw it out the window, but decided not to and just put it down.

      I went out through the corridor and into the hall. We were on an upper level, that overlooked what was going on below. There were lots of official looking people leaning against it looking over, or just talking amongst themselves and drinking champange.

      Here I met my freinds Joode and Max. I was very surprised to see Max. I talked to Joode for a moment and began to feel my eyes getting blurry and tired, like they did before I woke up in my last lucid dream. I shook my hands out of my sleeves and clapped them hard a few times. It seemed to help.

      Max and I joined hands and did a silly spinning dance all the way around the hall. Even though in some places the space between the wall and the fence was too small, and we had to bat important looking people out of the way. None of them appeared to really notice us though.

      It was so much fun!

      We got back to Joode, and then I forgot what happened next.

      The next thing I remember was sitting at a computer with Max somewhere in the same building. I said "It's funny isn't it, we've had all this time and we're only dreaming".

      Then I though to myself "I can't wait to write this one up on dreamviews when I wake up".

      I picked up a pen intending to write "dreamviews" on my hand, only to find that I had already done so! Presumably that happened in one of the earlier bits that I forgot, because at the time I remembered doing it. It hadn't just appeared there.

      It carried on for a bit, but I don't remmber anything else.


      Notes: I said "We're dreaming". That was dumb.

      If it was a lucid dream it was a very long one for me! And something I remembered from the board actually WORKED. Clapping is your freind.

      I was also under the impression that it was my fifth lucid dream, when it would only have been my fourth.

      It's so strange.

      It was a good dream though, at least.

      Roddi i mi galon lán

    4. #29
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      Added illustrations to some dreams.

      No new ones! Too sleepy.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    5. #30
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      One: I dreamed I got up this morning and logged on to deviantart and I had 624 new messages! One of them was a note from Xtremetom asking what exactly my position was with Med-Evil.

      Two: Was sitting in a large school library like room (lots of desks and partitions, with the bookshelves around the sides). People were turning their chairs around towards the middle section to watch something. I went and sat on one of the nearest chairs. Some people came along and complained that we were sitting in their usual places. But there was room for more chairs so someone pulled up a couple more and we all moved round. Then we had to move the table in the middle of the room. And the girl who was on the table complained that she didn't have enough space now, so we had to pull up another table for her.

      Three: The Tesco I usually go to when I'm at university had been bought by another company. The inside was completely different. The toilet roll was right by the door, and even the shape of the room had changed. It seemed to be more like a Boots now because they sold a lot of cosmetics and bathroom stuff, and not a lot of food. I was annoyed and wondered what I was going to do for food.


      Notes: I think the girl on the table may have been going to strip, but it was never specified. That dream was very strange.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    6. #31
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      Well, they were very small, so I think I'll just count this as one lucid dream. Which makes it number 5! Yippee!

      Normal dream; Sitting in my room at my computer in my pyjama top and undies. My mother opens the door without knocking, and just starts chatting casually. I think she was hoovering the bathroom (which is next to my room). I was embarrassed by my state of undress and was annoyed that she could not see this. After trying to subtly hint I'd like her to leave, I just said "look, WHAT DO YOU WANT??"

      Wake up, doze. Read a bit of Chobits. Lie around thinking. Get bored and decide to go back to sleep.

      LD one: I am in the passenger seat of a car which a freind of a freind Beth is driving. The road is a familiar one, which has speedbumps on it. She asks me if it's okay if she drives really fast over them. Before I can respond, she has sped up, but the speedbumps are gone!
      She brakes hard to avoid a cat, and the road has changed. Now there is a grassy hill dropping down to our left, and a turn off, which Beth takes.
      We get out of the car and we are now in a part of town which I don't recognise. Beth is leading me somewhere. I follow her, but she is walking quite fast. Eventually she turns sharply and I lose her. I am lost!
      I stand there, feeling quite annoyed, and after a while I see my freind Joode walking past. She stops to speak to me. She is wearing lots of makeup, which is unusual.
      Suddenly, I notice Fez (a Morroccan themed nightclub near my university) a little way down the road. "What??" I think. "How did we end up in Cheltenham?!?"
      I realise that I am dreaming. I walk over to Fez and there is a group of people outside looking at a sign by the door. I glance at it, but I am more interested in the people. A couple of them are classmates from university. The rest appared to be animated characters that I didn't recognise. One of them was Jamaican. I start feeling my eyes getting tired and blurring over, and I try clapping (I get a ew funny looks), but the clapping fails..

      Woke up. Thought "Hey, that was really cool! I wonder if I'll have another one if I go back to sleep?" Lay around for a while, trying to sleep...

      LD two: I decide that I'm not going to manage to get back to sleep, and start to get up. I lift myself up on my left elbow so that my head is upright and I can see the clock. At this point I notice that my left arm is feeling weird. I try to raise myself up further, and I can move, but I find that my whole body feels really heavy.
      I realise that I am dreaming!
      My arm felt weird because I was feeling my real arms. For a moment it felt like I had three, because I could move my dream right arm freely, but I could still feel both of my real ones.
      I feel the now familiar feeling of my eyes getting tired and blurring over, and I try clapping, but the effort of moving my heavy left arm causes me to move my real arms and I wake up.

      Think "Woah..." go right back to sleep.

      LD three: I am still in my room, but now I appear to have succeded in getting out of bed and am standing up. There is no moment of realisation that I am dreaming! I must not have fully woken up from the last one. I am also fully dressed.
      I open the door and walk out onto the landing.

      Wake up properly.

      That was the MADDEST dozing session ever. In between the dreams I have memories of doing reality checks and things which I just can't place chronologically! I have no idea if I even really woke up between the dreams.

      However, these dreams all only lasted a couple of seconds, and none were as photo-perfect as my third lucid dream (posted above). And I was not in anywhere near as much control. I guess my brain went for quantity instead of quality!
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    7. #32
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      I was back at university.

      My room apparently contained the corridor to the kitchen, Jonny informed me. For some reason my room was very big with a wooden floor, green plaster panels with gold edging, and a set of six brass old fashioned light switches. Net curtains too.

      The corridor went through everybody's rooms on that side of the building. I felt rude going to the kitchen. But I had to check the fridge and freezer.

      Anne lived with us now for some reason, and her room was full of pink fuzzy stuff.

      They had defrosted the freezers and then put everything back in!! My big bag of chips was okay, but the sausages were ruined.


      Notes: Sausages again.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    8. #33
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      I dreamed I was with my freind Mrsh, except she was a lot younger; about 8 or 9 years old. She was wearing an old fashioned white and yellow frilly dress with a matching hat with a ribbon. There was also a boy of the same age who I didn't recognise.

      We were walking along and we came to a river. It was frozen over and perfectly flat and clear. It was very wide. We walked across.

      When we got to the other side, Mrsh and the kid said they wanted to look up river a little to see if the water had frozen into any pretty shapes where it was rougher.

      But the ice ended a little further up and Mrsh fell in! I grabbed her and swam with her to the bank (the ice seemed to come and go).

      We went and sat in a little brick house where the Sylvanian Families otters lived. The young boy otter kept running out onto the ice and falling in. I retreived him a few times, but got annoyed after a while and left him to it.


      Notes: Mrsh gives me good reason to worry about her.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    9. #34
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      Very strange dreams from the 1st;

      Dream one: I found out where the Brothers Chaps live, and went there. I stood outside the door. They had a lot of planks leaning against the door. Some of the planks had bits of the door and wall painted on them, so if you put the planks in exactly the right place, they seemed to dissapear. I stood there rearranging the planks for a while. I somehow arranged some of the blank planks in the air so that they spelled "HI!" and then I ran away.
      I ran round the corner and up a hill, so that I was behind and above their back yard. I heard them open the door and laugh, and then I carried on running.

      Later, I found out that the Brothers Chaps had stolen my rabbit. So I had a key cut for their house and went back there. I peered into the front window, and there appeared to be nobody home. I carefully opened the front door. They had a porch, so there were two doors to open. I opened the second and stood looking into the hallway. Suddenly I heard voices in a room to my right. They were home!

      I ran away as fast as I could. I was terrified! I knew that they'd see the door open and I'd be in big trouble if they or someone else had seen me do it. I ran and ran round the corner and up the hill, and down several more streets. My legs really really hurt.

      Dream two; Followed on from the first one. I ran into town, and found myself and my brother stepping across rooftops like stepping stones. I don't know whether the rooftops were small or we were big, but it was pretty cool. The tallest buildings came up to our shoulders or so. I stepped across some that went around a tall building, getting smaller like steps as I went. The path led me right into the back of a milk lorry. What was around me was no longer buildings, but milk crates.
      I could easily jump down from the lorry, but there were people outside, and that would raise questions!

      Dream three; My mother had a time travelling car. It was pale pink, and a peugot, kind of like the one we have but bigger. It had extra gears on the gearstick thing. One for going forward in time, and one for going backwards.
      Mum put it in backwards, and reversed the car one day into the past.
      We materialised in a supermarket car park. At first it was quite crowded, but we saw that people were somehow dissapearing. We drove out of the carpark and a little way along the road. It was a thin wooded road on the side of a steep hill. We saw some people and pulled over.

      Now, I don't really understand what went on during this dream... This group of people were apparently hiding out from Something. They needed to remove a specific tree and leave it in a specific place (I think they were building). If they didn't get it exactly right, the Something would get them. They were really worked up and frustrated.

      I pointed at a tree, and suddenly they all saw that of course this was the right tree! Mum and David helped them remove the tree. I walked back to the road and down in a different place. The ground was all mossy here. It was clearly the right place for them to leave the tree.

      Some time later, we find ourselves with some people (maybe it was the same people, maybe not) wandering round an increasingly deserted town. They tell us how they make a living by stealing binbags and selling any useful contents to other survivors. We help them out for a bit.

      Eventually we decide that this sucks, and we go back to the car. We decide that we should take as many people back to the future with us as possible. Mum puts the car in forwards and we go forwards one day. We are back in the carpark again. There are just two people there this time, and they are clearly damaged, as they are stagging dumbly around.

      We realise that of course we would need to go further forwards in time to get home. So we make it a fortnight. Apparently this works.


      Notes: My brother got the Strong Bad Emails on dvd, which explains dream one. Although the Brothers Chaps house looks suspiciously like our house.

      It was a toy rabbit. I have a couple of toy rabbits, but it was not one of them. *shrug*

      Dream three was messed up. I have no idea what was going on there. And I am aware that the time travel we were acheiving was complete nonsense.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    10. #35
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      No coherent dreams, or dreams worth illustrating. Has just been random, fast fading images the past couple of nights.

      I can forsee this pattern continuing until I go back to university.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    11. #36
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      From saturday night:
      Extremely vague. I was talking to somebody with twenties hair. It was slicked back over their head, and curled round up to their cheekbones. Don't know if they were a man or a woman.
      We may or may not have been on a train.

      Two random memories from last night;

      I was changing into my high school gym kit, with the gym knickers they used to make us wear in year 7 (before someone complained and they let us wear shorts). I intended to put my trousers on over the top of them.

      We went to a big shoe outlet on a retail park. I said, while we were in there;
      "I don't have a single pair of un-sensible shoes. I think I may be a man."
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    12. #37
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      Dream 1
      I was In town with my freinds. Me met up with Danny Riot (who looked somewhat different than usual..). For some reason we needed my brother to switch clothes with him and go and do something in his stead.
      But we ended up just having fun playing with dressing up Dave. He actually looked quite good in the outfit. And he was saying "there, I don't look camp in it" but showed us the shoes. they were odd shoes; one of them was a black cowboy boot, and the other looked like a boot-sized bowling shoe.
      "..but this cowboy boot is pretty gay"

      We went into a shop to look for a hat to complete the ensemble. Sopie pointed out a red and black beret type thing that she liked the look of, and asked Johnny to fetch it down for her. it was then that I noticed that they were selling Kat's hat, that Ceri wore for much that devmeet and in the perfect day video.

      I thought it would go with the rest of Dave's outfit, so I asked Johnny to fetch it down for me. But he kept picking up the wrong one and eventually got frustrated and walked off. I went after him and gave him specific instructions as to which hat it was "See the big Snoopy bag on the end? See the Goofy bag above it? It's between that and the panda bag." All the bags were red and white with the characters in simple black outline, drawn in retro style.

      We wandered round town some more, and it as beginning to get pretty late. We decided to get something to eat in a café/supermarket type place in the shopping centre. I made myself some jam toast and ordered a cup of tea. Sophie's sister was working on the tea and coffee counter.

      We went outside to eat. But the chairs had some kind of arch between the top of the back and the edge of the seat, meaning there wasn't much room either side to sit down.
      "I think it's to stop people from stealing the chairs"
      "But if you were a criminal, you'd probably have a hacksaw."

      Dream 2
      I was in a restaurant and this guy was being an idiot with some candy floss and his trousers. He was sticking it to the front of them like pink hair. Then he got an erection and HE thought the result was hillarios, but everybody else went quiet and turned back to their food.
      At this point I realised I had a penis, and spent the rest of the time we were in the restaurant trying to hide this fact from everyone.

      Dream 3
      I was sometimes Fiona from Yu+Me, sometimes myself.. I was in university accommodation, but it was really nice. I shared with three, and one of them was Lia. It was one large room, with kitchen and bathroom and one bedroom in little rooms off the main one. The bedroom wasn't completely separate, it was a half-height partition. But I selected that one.
      Then I decided to look around. The whole place was light and airy and nicely decorated. There was a shower and a toilet in the bathroom, and I was surprised to find another room which contained another toilet. I turned around and saw it also had a bath. Two bathrooms! I suddenly realised how big the place was, and as I turned around on the spot I started to get very confused and lost about what went where.

      My two room mates were coming and going the whole time.

      One of them had a sleepover, and Liz and Charlotte from university were there. Everyone was sleeping on Japanese futons. I started doodling in pencil on one of them, and it turned out to be Liz's and she got mad at me.

      Later, it seemed to have changed into a hotel room I was staying in with my brother. I had some discworld books by the bed.

      Dave was out in the street and talking to me. Bye bye laws of physics!

      A woman came out of the house opposite to complain about the noise. We ended up talking about her children and eventually befreinding her.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    13. #38
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      I was going somewhere with my freinds. It reminded me a bit of the trip we took to the beach, but I don't know where we were going.

      The dream started when we were getting back onto a coach after a rest stop outside a hotel looking place on the edge of the countryside. We were excited, and we had lots of seats in the back to ourselves because the coach was only half full. I was reading Chobits.

      But Joode started saying that she knew a bus that went direct. Johnny said we could catch the bus we took last time back to Cardiff (the cardiff to swansea bus) from the bus stop on the road below (it was hilly and rocky, so there were little cliffs) in order to get to cardiff and find Joode's bus. I protested, but they got off the coach and I had to follow them.

      We went down onto the road and waited for the bus.

      In true dream fashion, we were suddenly back in cardiff. And still trying to find the bus.

      Eventually I wound up on a bus on my own, and panicked. I couldn't see the others any more! I annoyed the driver by hanging out of the door and looking for them.
      Mrsh showed up,
      "is this the right bus?!" I asked.
      "I don't know! I can't find Joode!" Mrsh was equally panicked.

      We discovered Joode in the back of the bus, looking smug.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    14. #39
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      I dreamed my housemates were changing the lightbulb in the hallway.

      I was afraid they'd break it because they were drunk.

      This dream happened because my housemates were drunk and clattering around in the hallway at 4am.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    15. #40
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      I dreamed my housemates were changing the lightbulb in the hallway.

      I was afraid they'd break it because they were drunk.

      This dream happened because my housemates were drunk and clattering around in the hallway at 4am.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    16. #41
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      Well, somebody set the bloody fire alarm off at 3am this morning. It woke me up in the middle of a dream;

      My housemate Levi was going to America suddenly, and apparently for quite a while. She was very sad, stading outside our halls and crying and hugging with her freinds.

      I suddenly remembered I was going to the airport too, so I went with her. I met my brother there and somebody else (who seemed to be Mrsh, Spo, Rhian, Joode and Maxwell at the same time). I picked up some snacks for the journey, and as we headed for the gate, Dave said something which reminded me I needed to buy Softmints in case we experinced turbulence and vibrations*, so I ran back up the stairs. As I had that thought, the stairs began to shake under me.

      I woke up to the fire alarm.

      Scrambled around for some trousers to put on ("I don't care if I burn to death, I'm not going outside without trousers!").

      Forgot how to use the trousers.

      When I was no longer in a state of undress I went to the door and hesitated. "Hang on... what if I'm dreaming?". So I tried a couple of reality checks. I wasn't dreaming. If it had been a real fire that would have been a dangerous thought! I should have just run, bare legs, dreaming, or both.


      * I always buy spearmint softmints for long journeys, paticularly in anything other than a car. I don't generally get very travel sick, in that it has never made me throw up, but I do get a very anxious stomach sometimes, and mint helps to settle it. Softmints are the best thing I've found for that, but it has to be the spearmint kind.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    17. #42
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      This wasn't exactly a dream, it was sort of one of those times when you wake up gradually and your train of thought from your dream continues. I love it because logic hasn't really been switched on yet at that point.

      I recently woke up wondering why I wasn't using my bicycle to go into town. I was wasting time walking up to the racecourse to get a bus. And it would be good excersise to use my bike.

      Then I realised I would never be able to carry my shopping back on my bike, so that made sense.

      Then I wondered why I have a bike when I can't ride one.

      Only then did I realise that I do not in fact have a bike.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    18. #43
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      Three dreams, but I can only remember one of them.

      Dream two;
      I was in my old high school in an art gallery looking room, which was about where the sixth form common room should have been. there were people in there working on stuff. I was with my dad.

      This one girl had made a wooden device like they make you make in year 8 DT; you turn a handle and something moves. It was a pink monster, and it's tounge was supposed to poke out, but it wasn't working very well. Me and daddy were trying to help her fix it.

      Then we went out onto the patio, and I found a Joode footprint!

      I also found a tin can without a label, which was also something to do with Joode.

      I was joined by Mrsh and Joode and Rebbo and Johnny. Joode didn't remember, or maybe she didn't want to say, what was in the can. Mrsh said it was lemonade, which made me worry because I had been shaking it around a lot. The pressure inside was growing, and the can now had a blue lid which was starting to come off. Mrsh took the can and shoved the lid back down hard.

      We went round onto the grassy hill, where there were lots of people. One kid was practising his golf with hockey pucks, and as we went past he hit me with the golf club. I somehow produced a golf club and whacked him in the butt with it.

      I was going down the hill, to look at the pathways in the trees. The hill was steeper and muddier than it really is, so it was a slippery task. I had to run the last bit, and because of my momentum, I couldn't avoid Emma, who was skipping.

      She was skipping with a long rope that nobody was holding at either end...

      But I knocked into it and messed it up. I apologised and woke up.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    19. #44
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      Two dreams. The second one is going to be a private entry.

      1: I was with Jenna, and we were thinking of going to Animated Exeter. I began to phone Kat to see if she'd like to go. Jenna was already phoning one of her friends.

      When Kat picked up, she was already talking on another phone to somebody else.

      Jenna could tell by the look on my face what had happened. She laughed and asked her friend if she had another phone call. Kat looked at her other phone and asked if I was there because I hadn't started talking yet.

      I eventually managed.. "You're not going to believe this..."

      Then I started going on about how the world was so small it was peanut sized.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    20. #45
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      From the night before:

      My brother was asking me to go with him to the garden centre to get a goldfish to go with the one he bought yesterday. I got really angry, of course. "This is MY fishtank, and we have NOT GOT ROOM FOR FOUR GOLDFISH!!"

      Then I dreamed that the movie (amazing grace) that my classmate Shane got into actually turned out to be a tv advert for chocolate or something. There was a shot of a box type thing, and it zoomed in onthe side and then the side was a diamond patterned window. The two halves of the window opened, revealing closeups of Shane and another guy sitting at school desks working. They smiled at the camera and the windows closed, and it panned back around to the top of the box.

      From last night I remember three dreams.

      One: I bought a triops. It grew up into a funny little eel thing that was about four inches long. When I came home from university, we put him in the goldfish tank. I was a bit worried because he seemed to be trying to lick their eyes.

      Mommy told me that if anything ever happened I'd better keep him and not the other to. I told her no way. My little Nemo (who actually died a couple of months back) was special, and he was most important to me. He came up to the surface and I stroked his back.

      Suddenly mum picked him up, lifted him out of the water and started stroking him the wrong way along his scales! I shouted at her to stop it and put him back in.

      Two: I was getting lost in some kind of shopping centre. A few of the boys from my class were walknig around too. I decided to follow them, but the corridor they took wasa adead end which ended up in a men's hairdressers. No place for Kafines there. So I turned around.

      I came out into a big cinema type place, and I was pretty sure I needed to be on the second floor, so I went up their big swooping purple stairs. The whole place was largely windows, it was really cool.

      Three: I was teaching somebody about lucid dreaming! We were in a house that looked a bit like Kat's house but older. I was walking around it with somebody (not sure who that was at all), and telling them this was what it was like to lucid dream and so forth.

      She went ahead into a room we had recently been in, and it was all black, as far as you could see, like the void. She walked a few steps in, and I felt myself beginning to loose lucidity, so I started clapping. I told her this was no good, so we went into the next room. I clapped some more and got my head back.

      I showed her about spinning, but I didn't do it too much in case the dream changed or I woke up. I left her to herself for a moment and tried to hang a towel rail back up that had fallen off.

      I dreamed that my phone rang, and I answered it. I woke up.


      Notes: I got lost in a House of Fraser the other day, which probably expalins dream two.

      Dream three was NOT a lucid dream, as far as I could tell. I was dreaming that I was lucid dreaming.

      At the end of dream three it was actually the alarm on my phone that woke me up! But in the dream it played my call ringtone (yellow submarine). Kudos to my brain for making the connection!
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    21. #46
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      More dreaming that I was lucid dreaming. Now that is just becoming annoying.

      Why can't my brain take that last step??

      This time I was trying to conjure somebody up to make out with. Didn't do too badly, as I recall... I have no idea who it was though.

      When I first saw them, they were actually shadowy and featureless.

      Later, I was cooking three pizzas in a pizza oven.

      And my toilet was blocked.

      Roddi i mi galon lán

    22. #47
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      from last night; Two dreams;

      1: househunting.

      I went with my mother to veiw an apartment. This old lady had converted a big black and white terrace on a steeply sloping street (so the roof was like steps, you've seen 'em) into apartments. I was going to view number 16, the highest one. You had to go in through the door of the next house and up some stairs to get to it.

      It was nice. Really nice. Not fantastical dream-nice, but the nicest a student could hope to rent for under £70 a week. She'd only just opened the place, so I snapped it up and began moving my stuff in right away.

      I went to find my mother to tell her.

      I found her in the laundry room (bless that old lady!!). It had five dryers and a lot of washers. I said "they've got more than they have at university! And there are ten times as many people living there!"

      I checked the prices. They were cheaper too.

      Then we went to look for the old lady. We found her in where number 14 should have been. I asked her if she lived here.

      Instead of answering the question, she just got out an old photograph of the town, and the distinctive stepped roof was visible in the middle. There was another, smaller building on top of where we were now.

      For some reason my imagination wandered off at this point. I imagined that the building was a small restaurant or pub, and they had a flattened pathway which lead into the building at the bottom of the terrace. It had tables on. I thought the idea was really cool.

      I have a vague memory of being in a field with a fair or something going on, and being in a tree. It was somethnig to do with birds.

      We were walking down a pathway.
      I saw a goldfish in the pathway.
      She told me that it was not a pathway at all, but a frozen stream.
      I could now see that there were LOTS of goldfish frozen in the ice. It was crowded with them.
      She said it was okay, they would defrost and be fine.
      But some of them were twitching. It was a bit distressing to see them.
      I was more worried about the overcrowding though.

      We reached the bottom of the slope, and here the ice had melted. We walked down the channel, which again was severely overcrowded with goldfish. Some of them were huge. I hated walking in the water, I was afraid I would tread on a fish.

      She said they'd been breeding.

      I said you could probably make a lot of money selling fishies.

      She said she could probably sell these ones. She gestured towards a couple of big blue tubs on the bank.

      My brother was there.

      I was reminded of something.

      "Has Rhian planted her triops?"

      "What? Uh... yes! It's growing!"


      Notes; Two dreams containing slopes.

      Another dream containg an apartment that I will never find (I am currently househunting).

      And another dream with the unidentifiable female again. I think it might have been the same person.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    23. #48
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      I was waiting for a train. It was a small but crowded station, with no large platform area. You had to wait a little way from the track. I waited for a while, watching the track carefully for my train.

      But I got distracted.

      The platform was a crude multi-levelled metal construction. It was supposedly bridging a small valley, which I thought was pretty cool.

      Then I looked down. It was NOT a small valley. I could see trees and fields and houses quite far below me. The station seemed to be impossibly perched a couple of metres from the edge. Which was now rocky.

      I thought about this for a while, then I realised I hadn't been watching for my train. So I climbed the ramp to go onto the actual platform to have a look, or ask someone.

      I don't know why, but I seemed to have a change of plan at this point.

      I saw an attendant who helped me into one of the wooden gondolas. They were like cable cars, and the cables stretched off into the distance above the valley.


      For dream two, I had apparently got home. I went shopping with my mother. It was another dream about a small Tesco that I didn't recognise. I picked up a few things that were actually on my list, like toilet paper and stir fry turkey.


      There was a third dream, but it has escaped me


      Notes; Was it the pizza? Or was it the cup of coffee before bed?

      Dream one definatley has a Myst influence. And Spirited Away, possibly

      Roddi i mi galon lán

    24. #49
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      From yesterday;

      I was outside with Mrsh, sitting on a bench against a brick wall. We may have been back at highschool because there were some kids in the uniform hanging around. I got a text message on my phone. It said...

      "Does Gareth still fancy you?"

      This bothered me immensely. It was from somebody I am attracted to who has been happily attached for some time now. Why in hell would they want to know that?

      And how would I know that? I haven't seen the guy for two years.

      I showed it to Mrsh and was trying to talk about it quietly, but people kept coming over and sitting by us.

      I had to get up and go inside the building for something. Two men were talking in the corridor. It was all white. One guy left down another corridor, and the other guy went into a room to my right. I leaned in.. "un, hello?"

      The room was all white too, with some circles on the opposite wall, and one or two peices of nauticalia. The guy (who looked like Steven Fry) told me to sit at the desk in the middle of the room and gave me a peice of paper. I had to draw a sequence of an elephant walking (it was something to do with animation).

      And he said the elephant had to be accurate, too.

      As he left the room, he turned back and said that it sounded like the filters had been turned on, I could have a look at the fish if I liked.

      I wondered what he meant, then I realised that the circles on the walls could be turned up, like keyhole covers. They each concealed a small round window...

      ...Into an aquarium. There were fish and small sharks swimming past my nose. I even caught sight of a killer whale a little further off. Wow


      From today.

      I was sitting in the living room with my mother, talking about my christmas present which she ordered for me but STILL hasn't arrived.

      She told me she'd cancelled the order and ordered me something else. I asked her what and she said she'd used the History in the web browser to look at what I'd been doing on the internet.

      She said she'd looked at Yu+me, a webcomic I read. But she said she thouhgt it was a bit "mangy", so she'd ordered me some comics of that nature which she liked the look of better.

      I stood up for the Yu+me artist, saying that "sure she could use a bit of work, but I think she has a really good style"
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    25. #50
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      I woke up this morning, saw that it was too early to worry about getting up (but it was quite light), and rolled over. I decided to see if I could have a lucid dream.

      It was only a couple of minutes before I began to feel vibrations.

      I felt tingly all over, and then I felt myself rise out of the bed into a sitting position.

      I opened my eyes, and sure enough I was sitting on my bed. The room was now dark, and the curtains were now open.

      I decided to get up onto the windowsill and try to climb out through the glass. It didn't work, I hit my head on it.

      I began to feel my vision clouding over and that tired-eyes feeling of waking up, so I clapped a couple of times and decided to try something else.

      On my checklist is meeting Death (specifically the Discworld one, but I'm happy to meet any others too). So I tried to conjure up Death. Nothing.

      Then I heard some noises outside my room. I opened the door and it was my parents talking. I began to worry, "am I actually awake, and making an idiot of myself?" But then I remembered the light/dark thing. I was definatley dreaming.

      I stepped out of my room and My mum was in their bedroom, on the computer. She was complaining that something was going to melt. Dad was washing it, whatever it was (it looked like a small box). I have no idea what was going on.

      So closed my door again, turned on my light, and decided to try again. I tried spinning this time, as I didn't feel like I was going to wake up.

      Sure enough. There's Death. Sitting on a stool, and leaning on the top of the chest of drawers. I greeted him and sat down on another stool (I didn't question where the stools had come from though...)

      He was surprisingly small. He looked about my own height, and being skeletal made him appear smaller. He had no jawbone, and he spoke to me in a voice that sounded like an old man.

      He told me he'd been sent for the goldfish.

      We exchanged a few other sentances that I forget, and then I had the sensation of falling backward off the stool, and woke up in bed.[/color]


      Notes: Hooray!

      This is the first time I have felt those vibrations while going into a dream.
      This is the first time I have tried to conjure something up and it worked.
      This is the first time I have spoken to a dream character.

      I performed no reality checks, but I think the might have failed, considering the solidity of the glass, and the fact that my lightswitch worked.

      Roddi i mi galon lán

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