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    Thread: sPAz's Journal

    1. #1
      Member xsPAzTiC29x's Avatar
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      New Jersey

      sPAz's Journal

      November 20th 2005:

      I was in my living room watching TV with my neighbor. My living room doesn’t have a TV in it, yet that is where we were. It was very boring so we decided to go out driving. He told me I could drive so we got in his mom’s van, not his car, and hit the road. I only have my permit and he is only 20 so I was driving illegally but I didn’t notice. Suddenly the van crapped out. I was hitting the gas as much as you can, yet still the van was slowly drifting down the road. I was turning the wheel left and right to see how hard it would be to steer off the road. When I swerved right the volume of the music playing went up and when I swerved left it went down. For some reason the wheel was working like the volume control. I told my friend that the van was gonna die soon and we better pull over. He was arguing that everything was ok but we finally pulled over into someone’s driveway. We walked into someone’s garage, not knowing whose it was. The garage was the one belonging to the house whose driveway we pulled into. We saw a bike and decided we would take it to get around; being the fact we didn’t have the van to do that anymore. Yet, it didn’t feel like we were stealing the bike or doing anything wrong. We waited in the garage for whoever owned the house to come home. A girl probably not older than my friend walked in and we told her we were taking her bike. I asked for her address so I’d remember where to return it and she pointed to the frame of the garage door. There was a little plaque, like the ones outside the elevators to tell what floor you are on, with her address on it, yet it was inside the garage. I’m pretty sure 90204 7/15, but the only numbers I’m sure of is the 90__4 7/_5. I picked up a book and I went to write down the address. Once the pen hit the paper I had to look back up cause I didn’t remember the number. Then I wrote what I thought it was but it wasn’t. Then I had to try again and again. It was very hard to write down this address. Once I was sure I got it me and my neighbor left and went down the driveway, not seeing the van. I looked at him and the bike wasn’t a bike anymore it was a legless seat with 2 wheels on the bottom. I realized there would be no way for me to get on so I decided to walk home. While I was walking through a field that is a shortcut to my house I saw some animals. I couldn’t tell what they were and there clearly were two different types of the same species. One group was smaller and red and the other where larger and blue. They had hair on their heads like a human would have long hair. I assumed it was deer when I saw the different colors start hitting their heads together, though they had no antlers. I stopped walking to watch them fight when all of I sudden I realized they were coyotes. When I realized that they turned and started slowly walking to me in an attacking position. I had my school backpack on for some reason so I threw it at them. They started ripping it to shreds and I remember being happy cause now I would have a good excuse to not do my homework. I started running away but some chased after me. They took me down to the ground and were biting at my legs. I could feel pain and it felt like if I lifted my pant leg up there would be teeth indents in my leg. I managed to get away for a while and run towards the highway except they caught me a couple times again. When I made it to the highway I was running with my back turned to them in the lane that I could see the cars coming at me. When a car came close I ran around it and then sprint fast to get distance. The cars scared the coyotes and slowed them down. They eventually got smart and gained a lot so I stopped paying attention to the cars and I saw them swerving around me as they passed. Someone honked so I turned around and I saw my boss in her car. I ran to the window and told her she had to let me in. She said she wouldn’t but I continued begging. I told her I was attacked by coyotes and I needed to get to safety. She finally gave into my begging but she walked out of her car and we walked to the far side of the highway away from the coyotes. I saw police walking up the coyote side to come capture them. I see my bosses car start rolling across the highway because she left it running and didn’t put it in park. It just missed a car coming from the other direction and went off the side of the road. My boss didn’t seem to care at all. She was just complaining that she is wasting her time and now she is gonna have to talk to the police. She said she was my boss so she doesn’t have to help me. Then my kitchen appeared around me and except the wall and ceiling wasn’t there, I was still outside tho. I thought, could this just be a dream even though it seems pretty real. Then I looked at the digital clock on my stove and I’m pretty sure it was 1:15, I know that the minuet was 15 tho. The day before this dream I was told in dreams you wouldn’t be able to see the time on a clock. I figure that because I have been trying to have lucid dreams my kitchen appeared so I could see if I saw the time because I always look at the stove’s clock. It seems like something happened after that but I don’t know why I can’t remember. It seems like maybe 5 more minuets went by. But once I “knew it was real” I decided not to do anything stupid. When I woke up it was extremely more surprising than normal because I convinced myself that the dream was real.

      Adopted by: Je33ica

    2. #2
      Member xsPAzTiC29x's Avatar
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      Nov 2005
      New Jersey
      April 15th 2006:

      I was in a random field playing kickball, it was supposed to be gym class. I wasn’t in school though, it was just gym class. I was in line to kick, the kids before me were kicking really far and the balls were curving through the air in a very weird way each kick. The grass was very slippery once it was my turn to kick. I ran to kick the ball but when I stopped to kick I slipped past it and missed. They kept pitching it to me but I kept missing. I tried all different ways, running straight at the ball instead of coming in from the sides, standing still, but every time I missed the ball. It was starting to piss me off. I remember leaving because someone picked me up in a car. As we were driving past I remember seeing words on two cars parked in a driveway, both had shpongleyes42045 written on it. My email address is shpongleyes420 but I thought it was cool someone else was into shpongle. I then woke up and started writing in my dream journal about the kickball dream. Then my dad walked into my room. He said “I have heard that you have been experiencing some really weird dreams last night.” I asked him how he knew because I just woke up. He than said something weird, he said “about you were about you when you were in the great war?” I got very confused at what he was talking about. Then I woke up for real, another failed LD. I recognized I was dreaming but I woke up in bed and didn’t realize I was still dreaming.

      Adopted by: Je33ica

    3. #3
      Member xsPAzTiC29x's Avatar
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      Nov 2005
      New Jersey
      April 16th 2006:

      Had to go to work early today so, I got woken out of my dream. The only thing I remembered came back to me at work. I was in a bed looking at my legs. I have a large scar on my right leg from when I was younger. I was looking at that but then I looked at my other leg and there was one there too. I then looked above my scar and saw a magazine size black doted engagement on my leg. It looked like a black large rectangle tattoo but more transparent. I couldn’t understand what it was and I think there was a dotted line surrounding the rectangle. That’s all I can remember from it, but that is good for remembering 2 hours later.

      Adopted by: Je33ica


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