This was a fucking wierd nightmare. (i remebered 2 dreams one of them i forget and this one being a nightmare... after eating chocolate!)

OK. I was shipped or something for an excursion to sweden i think it was. to a hotel. i get lost from my class and i'm in this dark corridor in the hotel. i see this wierd looking human type thing walk in through a door. then, freaked out, i run down to where i can hear some noise... and its a monster tea party... there is an obvious freddy and a thing which i looked NOTHING like jason but i recognized it as him... and there were ghosts and the grudge and stuff.... a scream and they say... dont worry... we wont hurt you... sit down... i sit down and they start talking... i run away and i find my mum.... i feel heaps scared and ask her to take me home and she refuses so i ask her and ask her and whatnot then i run up stairs to where i think my class is,,, i look down the ocrridor and it says something like "Schizophrenic Ward" and there is a slightly normal person walking like a freak and then these people in hospital clothes walking EXACTLY the same as her. i scream and run down to where i was and there is an old lady and my mum standing there... my mum gives me this ... it looks like half a strechced DNA strand excapt its white... and my mum tells me to play the peice i learnt... i start playing (somehow) and keep making mistakes.... then i wake... and say "it was just a dream!"