This is my first time posting
the only dream that i ever recalled perfectly could not be recorded in words because their were none. And it has been the only dream i've ever had that made me draw my dream images down into mysketch. My dream open with purpel ceramic moons and pottery. everything was floating by me. And i started to accumulate land. To build a tower! i was standing on top of it and i could see the world all around the tower. I could a complete 360degreee horizon and the blue ocean water cresting against the shores. And then i decided to jump, to abondon my "post" or "outlook" and plunged into the water and felt as if i was "one" (transcribing the words in my note book) with oceans & life & earth & suffering and i emerged from the water, the water flowing off my open eyes and when i look to the right i was on a large ship ( and in a bathtub or small pool) with a large building that went along the right top side of the boat and another exact long building on the left side of me. as i was looking to the right the brighted sun rose from the water over the building to my right and when it reached its apex in the sky i woke up. I was asleep about 10 minutes at the most. I had come homefrom school at noon and fell asleep while watching tv. supposedly dreams only occur after 90 minutes or something. The strangest thing about the dream was how vivid and meaningful but confusing it was.
The next week i was a a borders bookstore. Looking at the Buddhist section. And i found a small pocket sized book called the (sacred) path of the warrior that i ended up stealing (buddhism adn stealing dont exaclty agree with each other! and this was in highschool mind you). The book was written by Chogyam Trungpa if anyone is interested in it. The book concentrated on the "rising sun philosophy". The basic idea being that everything positive(actions) in life comes from the rising sun mentality. and everything negative (actions) come from the setting sun mentality. My dream had a rising sun. It also had the highest peak in elevation.........which in the book signifies heaven itself. water also has a significane in the "path of the warrior" so does earth but i dont remember the rest of the details from the book. I know there must be other's who had similar exp. or is this just one big happy coincidence? after this experience i ended up getting more information about buddhism (yeah i bought them this time) and talking to Yoga teacher who gave me lots of "study" material and guidence.