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    1. #1
      Member Quigley's Avatar
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      Mar 2006

      Quigley's Dream Journal

      4 - 3 - 06

      My first "modern" lucid experience...


      I laid down for a nap at approximately 4:35pm. I fell asleep almost instantly, and had a waking dream. My best friend at college, Criag, was sitting across the room from me. I realized, the door is locked, so theres no way he could have gotten in. I jumped up, and walked to the doorway where i began flipping the light switches. Nothing happened.

      I was so thrilled to have become lucid, that i began thinking in my head, "I finally did it! Im finally lucid!" As soon as i began thinking about it, my dream world began shaking and got really fuzzy. I felt my body being pulled out of the dream. I woke up, determined to fall back asleep and experience another lucid dream.

      The approximate time of this LD was less than 20 minutes.

      My second one found me inside a strange school. It was basically one huge, long hallway, and there were hardly any lights. It was dark and kind of weird looking. In the dream, I felt as if I was high on marijuana and possibly drunk... I was very euphoric and very clumsy.

      I walked into a room and noticed friends from both high school and college sitting at desks in the same room. I messed with the light switches and nothing happened, again. A girl i have hooked up with on many occasions (who was actually in my room right before i fell asleep) was sitting on her desk in the middle of the room. I proceeded to undress her right on the desk. I started touching her, and it was like noone even cared. Noone even seemed to really notice at first, but then I started getting odd looks. Again, i felt really euphoric and strange, so I ran out of the room, scared.

      While sprinting down the dark hallway, i ran into - get this - my friend from home who introduced me to lucid dreaming. I told him something like, "Man, I'm freaking out. I think I'm dreaming. I was flipping the lights and nothing happened."

      He looked at me like I was insane and said something like, "Dude, you are fucked up. There was a power surge and no lights are working."

      I became overcome with fear, and started running again. I kept telling myself, "Wake up! Wake up!" I was convinced that I had actually done these things, and I was about to be in a whole heap of trouble. I cannot recall what happened next, but I woke up in bed at 6:00pm on the dot. The dream felt to be at least 4-6 hours long, if not longer.

      I was physically and mentally tired, completely drained, upon awakening.

      I am kind of scared by this... I couldnt really try things I had wanted to try because at one point, i felt as if i had lost lucidity and was stuck in "reality" having to face my actions.

      Seeing certain people, Craig and Sara I had run into today, but Steve was the strangest. He is all about LDing, and even experiments with OBEs. It was scary to have him be the person to instill the most fear in my actual dream. I suppose that I had a predetermination that if I was to encounter him in a dream, he would continue to help me out and nurture my experience.

      Weird is all I can say. Having LD'd is a strange and "eye-opening" experience. I cannot imagine where this may lead me, but it has an almost supernatural feeling. I wasn't even sure that it was possible... like ghosts and time travel and parallel universes... but I know the truth now. I experienced it, firsthand.


    2. #2
      Member Quigley's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2006



      Ive been in a horrible slump lately. Im not sleeping right. I am extremely stressed out and depressed. School is wearing me down along with many aspects of my social and family lives. I have been on a major drinking and smoking binge for a while now too. I havent gone a single day in about 3 weeks without drinking, smoking, or both - and not just for fun, to get fucking wasted.

      I have had almost zero dream recall besides my last LD. I had a horrible dream last night that woke me up in tears. I feel so mentally unhealthy with my troubled sleep and lack of dreams.

      So last night, I found myself dreaming about a party. It was apparently my ex g/f's house.

      First, a little background on her. I never had a real relationship, and we were together for like 5 months. She was my first love. Between jobs and school, it got extremely difficult to see each other (on top of living about an hour away.) My car bit the dust, and it was unfair on her with gas and everything to come all the way here. Not to mention we are probably both going to be out of state for the summer (divorced parents.) It was a mutual breakup, but it has still taken its toll. I think of her every single day.

      So, were at this party, and she is completely wasted - stumbling around, stuttering... We aren't exactly together at this party, but she keeps reitterating how she still loves me. Shes been all over this random guy all night, though. I walk away for a moment, and as I walk back, she's heading into a bedroom with this guy. They shut the door and lock it.

      I start freaking out. Im half crying, half angry as hell. I pound on the door, but nothing happens. I walk away, and strangely enough - her mom is in the party. Ive never seen or met her mother.

      Her mom explains that her daughter still loves me, and the whole family likes me too, so I should go get her. I rush back to the room, just as the door is opening.

      Theres a bathroom right to the right side of the doorway. My ex stumbles out. In the background, standing up from the bed, is the guy. Buttoning up his pants.

      I snapped out of the dream with my heart racing. I was horrified. I seriously laid in bed crying for a while.

      This shit is taking its toll, big time. I dont know what to do. I think I need sleeping medication or something. I weened myself off anti anxiety meds about 3 months ago, and kinda miss them right about now. Do i need to see a doctor or what?

      I think i just need to get out of this slump and find a new girl or something. Ive never been hung up on someone in my life, and i just wish she would go away. I wish that that procedure thats in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind existed - so i could just erase her from my memory.

      Help, anyone...


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