I'm kind of new to this. I had my first lucid dream in a while the night before last night, and it was this. 01.27.10

I was working for the government on some top-secret project involving super-sized plants. I told my friends I couldn't tell them what it was. We government workers walked over to this other room to discuss it and on the way out, I saw one lady worker planting the plants secretively in the dirt in the room, and I understood she was doing something very bad.

Then I was on the other side of a glass barrier, and I realized I could will someone into the room because I was scared of what the lady was doing. I willed Ben into the room. At that point I realized I had some control over the dream, since I had just willed Ben into being there. I think I hugged him first and we talked a little, then we started discussing dream lucidity. He said something like "you know you are dreaming, right?" And I said "yes." He responded with something along the lines of "then ultimately, you can control what happens in this dream." I thought about what I wanted to do, and I couldn't decide. I then realized that after most of my lucid dreams, I wake up quickly after entering a state of lucidity, so I told him "I just don't want to wake up. I want to stay asleep." I think he nodded. I then began to wonder if having willed Ben into the dream, he was actually consciously there or if it was just an imaginary Ben. We might have discussed this a little. I then wondered if it was possible for two people to share the same lucid dream. Then he left to go swimming in a waterpark with my friend Danielle and I swam for a while too. Ben and Danielle disappeared and I couldn't find them.

Later, I was traveling with a group of people about my age to the room where the lady had planted the plants and was handed a paper cup filled with water. It had bits of the plant in it, and I realized that it was poison so I didn't drink it. Everyone else did, except for one fat kid. Soon after, everyone's skin started to turn green and started boiling. Everyone died except for the two of us. I ran away and realized that I had been very lucky. That's about as much as I remember.

Last night I had my first purposely induced lucid dream. 01.28.10

This was my first time trying to control my dream completely. I used a few tricks to stay asleep as soon as I realized I was dreaming, like spinning in circles a lot. Then I decided I'd try flying, since I've always wanted to fly. I flew around, but it was really fast and out of control. But I realized I had control over everything so I told myself to slow down, and then I gained control. I landed and spun a few more times to make sure I wouldn't wake up, then I thought "who's your favorite person?" and I brought Ben into the dream again so we could fly together. We flew a little and then we landed and he said he had to go and so he left. After this I started losing control and eventually losing lucidity. I remember being in a kitchen and trying to spin in circles to stay asleep but there were so many people packed closely together that I had nowhere to spin, and after that I stopped really forming a lot of memories.

A non-lucid dream that occurred after waking up and going back to sleep.

This one wasn't too exciting. I was in some shopping center looking for Beatmania IIDX keychains. This Japanese lady tried to sell me some In The Groove keychains and I told her I didn't like In The Groove. I finally found some of the colorful IIDX keychains I wanted, but I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to actually buy them because they were expensive.