
Just a note: Often I can remember 3 or sometimes 4 dreams in a night but I'm going through some problems right now. Ahhh life. Anyway, things should clear up soon and I should be cranking out 2-4 good dreams a night soon. I'm going to be gone for a few days without access to internet, and I don't know if I'll be able to put dreams during that time on this site. Anyway, here is my one dream from last night.

Dream: I'm with my former highschool english teacher and my old friend. We're getting ready for a big journey on a big boat with a bunch of other students. We set off, and it starts to sink. The water is really rough and he have one too few lifejackets. We quickly draw straws to see who won't get a life jacket, and it's me. My friend offers me his lifejacket, but of course I refuse it. I wake up as I fall in the water.