Alright, this is my dream journal. Hope this works out for me. I already have one dream, pretty detailed IMO, that I had last night. Here goes.

6-25-06 - The Asian Sensation

I walked into a restaurant. I noticed two asian men sitting at a booth. One was an older fellow, and one was younger and more badass, or rather he had that aura about him. Somehow we got into talking, and an altercation insued. At the end, I remember spitting in the younger guy's face. As I walked away, he tried to come after me, but the older guy held him back. At this point I made a run for it to my car and floored it out of the parking lot, because I had realized the two men were part of some sort of asian gang, like the triads or something. I thought they were going to kill me.

I drove in the countryside , trying to get as far away as possible so I wouldn't get killed. I finally came to a restaurant in the middle of nowhere. When I looked around, I saw the same two men. They were startled to see me, and ran after me. I ran again.

I forget exactly what happened next, but I do know that I ended up killing the younger man, and beating the ever loving shit out of the older man, almost to death, and then making peace with him. I remember having told numerous people what I had done, probably on a cell phone. I remember being parked in a Hummer alongside a wall next to a driveway that led into thick and clotted woods with a small house at the end. This house was supposedly the old man's, and so I drove down to the house and walked up to the door. First I knocked, and then I rang the doorbell. The lady, who I felt was his wife, said "Visitor's Glass," or something like that, and handed me a wine glass. I said, "Thank you, Ma'am," and she scurried off, hanging her head in shame for some reason. Somehow at this point I realized they were Muslim.

I forget what happened after this, but I remember running around behind houses in a very nice neighborhood that this man's house was in, running behind very nice houses. There was lots of trees too.

I remember going down some really long stairs into part of either a big hill or mountain located in this town. At the bottom of the stairs, I was in a room that was like a cavern, but with a swimming pool in the center. To my right was another set of stairs, leading back up to the surface. There was plenty of people in the pool who somehow I knew, but in real life, I have no idea who they were. Then the cops came in the cavern through a room directly across from where I came in. Nobody was arrested, but I remember someone telling me to pick up some sort of item, located at "X" on this map...

I picked whatever it was up, and went up the exit stairs. There are a few other shady details after, like driving around town, but none of them left enough of an impression on me to remember them. That's it.