Lucid experiences will be in bold.
August 15, 2006
Big Sisters
Only remember one dream from tonight, though it was very vivid. This is taken from a half-third person, half-first person point of view. I am the youngest chilf of four--all girls. I'm much younger in the dream than my actual age-- only about thirteen or fourteen. Our father has just died, and we're participating in some sort of post-mortem ceremony where we dance with each other. My surroundings are unclear, though I know it's around dusk, a bit dark and cloudy. There is an old, run-down warehouse somewhere nearby, but I can't tell if we're in it or just outside of it.
So we're dancing-- I'm currently with the sister closest to me in age-- her name is Cassandra. She's pretty-- smooth skin, long, dark hair that's curled and half pulled up, wearing a beautiful dress, though I can't remember the color. However, in the dream I didn't find her at all attractive. I remember knowing that she was always mean to me, would be constantly picking on me, and that took away from all her physical positive features. As we dance, I'm feeling terribly sad and lonely, especially because I'm dancing with her. I hold back tears, however, because I don't want her to see my weakness and have the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
We switch partners, (because that's how the dance goes), and suddenly I'm with my oldest sister. She, in comparison to Cassandra, really is stunning. She has long, blonde hair, blue eyes, a warm smile, and is wearing the prettiest green dress I've ever seen. Unlike Cassandra, she is laden with feelings of compassion, hope, love, and tenderness. She notices me struggling with the steps, leans in close, and whispers something to the extend of "Try this-- it's easier." Somehow our dancing changes into something no less complicated, but infinitely easier. She smiles gently, somehow triggering both the release of tears and a small laugh from me. As I cry through my tears, I understand that she does care for us unbelievably, and that everything will work out for the best.
Recall at this point begins to break up-- I remember being in the warehouse putting on a short pink dress... then walking down a dark alley towards a river sith Jess (one of my friends)...
August 16, 2006
Broken recall. See a line of people in military uniforms, with Kris (a girl I work with), standing in the middle between two boys...
Jess wans to play "Scene It" Disney style. We're sitting outside in the dark, on the driveway back at Kristin's old house. Jeff and Jess are both there... then the scene morphs into my kitchen, and Connor, Andrew, and Jesse join the group as well. Jesse (my sister), accuses me of cheating off her, so Andrew gives her a container of prunes to compensate.
Why is everybody always picking on me?
The most vivid of my dreams last night. I pull up to an elementary school parking lot in my old car-- the PASSAT. All around are people my age; for some reason we all go to school here. As I'm walking towards the doors my lips begin to tingle-- like they do when I'm having an allergic reaction. As I continue to walk, I know this is exactly what's happening, but I'm not worried because I know I have Benadryll in my purse, and, if it becomes an extreme situation, my epipen.
I see Alli in the parking lot, and ask if she can see if my lips are swollen. She gives some sort of "Hell yes" answer and promptly dissappears. I hurry inside, going straight to the nurse's office. I explain my prolem, tell her I have medication, and ask if it's okay to take it. She tells me to take Advil instead, so I proceed to explain that it won't help and would only make the situation worse, because of my Ibprofun/NSAID allergy. She gets ticked off and has me put on this thick, heavy vest-- like the x-ray covers you wear at the dentist.
Suddenly I'm on a playground, and the only thing I can think of is the prominency of the color brown. The pale prown woodchips all around, the dark wooden playground structures-- everything in my field of vision. THe nurse tells everyone to go up through a hole in the jungle-gym, then slide through a smaller hole and down the slide. I wait in line and climb up the hole when my turn comes. Because of the vest, however, I can't fit through the small slide-hole, and have to turn around and tell her I couldn't do it.
Mike appears behind me and proceeds to demonstrate how "easy" it is. I sit on the ground by the swings playing with the woodchips while he towers over me asking what the hell was wrong with me and why I couldn't do it.
August 17, 2006
I have virtually no recollection of these dreams-- all I'm going by is what I wrote on the small notepad by the side of my bed. I'm not even sure I was awake when I wrote it, for my handwriting is surely bad enough. We were buying mattresses... something about seeing a Dance Distributor magazine, and a very strong feeling of envy.
Sibling Rivalry
Jesse, my mother, and I are standing in my bathroom, arguing over who gets to take a shower first. Jesse wins, but doesn't make any motion to move, so I prompt her to hurry up and she gets fussy with me. Annoyed, I get in the shower instead, hearing her yell and stomp out of the room. When I finish I go back into my room-- though it is altered in my dream: much bigger, attached to Jesse's, filled with scarves, very mystic-fortune-teller like, with a predominately red color. I find that while I was in the shower, Jesse has taken over my room and claimed it for her own-- so I am now roomless.
The scene breaks up-- now I'm sitting in the middle of a street writing "I HATE" in green crayon on a ball. Intense feelings of anger, as well as a little guilt thrown into the mix because I know I don't actually hate her-- I'm just very upset with her. Turning the ball around, I find the letters jumbled and think I spelled the word wrong. I go about trying to correct the mistake, not even seeing the connection between scrambeled letters and dreaming. Unless I did and I simply don't remember ever going lucid. It's a possibility.
August 18, 2006
Woke up in the middle of the night half-remembering two or three dreams, but I didn't bother writing them down because I was so tired. Serves me right, I have absolutely no memory of them whatsoever now that I've woken up.
Really short dream, but I managed to become lucid halfway through. I pull into my "parking spot" next to my driveway, but notice that as I did so, I accidentaly scraped up against the side of my mother's car and scratched the paint off of it. I get out of the car, examine the damage, shrug it off, and walk up towards the house. The garage doors are closed-- which I take note of is really out of the ordinary, especially if her car is in the driveway. I do a RC by pinching my nose, and find I can still breathe. Excited, I try another-- because I want to see if they all really do work in a dream. Take a look at her license plate, look away, glance back again-- sure enough, the letters are different and don't make sense. Satisfied, I begin to walk up to the house, excited that I'm lucid... but I suppose the excitement got the better of me, because I woke up.
I fall back to sleep quickly after waking up from this dream. I'm now in my room, and there's two computers on my desk instead of just mine. For some reason Midori was over my house, and he left his laptop running on my desk. Feeling curious, I tap onto his account and take a look at what he was doing. He has a bunch of graphics up-- pictures of my friends, and a whole bunch of swim-team pictures that he seems to be photoshopping. I feel a bit left-out that I'm not in any of them, but hear footsteps, so quickly shut down the computer.
Jess walks in looking quite pleased with herself. We make short conversation, and finally she tells me to log onto PAD's because there's some graphics Sephy (Sephy and Midori are the same person) made that she wants me to see. I log on reluctantly-- at this point my teeth begin to hurt and bleed. Again the words on the screen are mixed up and don't make sense, and I become semi-lucid, but I have no control whatsoever. Jess proceeds to show me the pictures Sephy is altering for her, and I feel an intense wave of jealousy. I was friends with him first, then she suddenly shows up and is competely taking over. The people in Penshire are my gang-- I never wanted her there, she's not invited. (These are the thoughts going through my head). All the while my teeth are hurting like crazy, I'm worried about the messed up car, and I'm ticked off with my best friend. And I know I'm dreaming, but have no say in what's going down. I get so annoyed with the dream that I force myself to wake up by blinking real hard.