• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Lucid experiences will be in bold.

      August 15, 2006
      Big Sisters

      Only remember one dream from tonight, though it was very vivid. This is taken from a half-third person, half-first person point of view. I am the youngest chilf of four--all girls. I'm much younger in the dream than my actual age-- only about thirteen or fourteen. Our father has just died, and we're participating in some sort of post-mortem ceremony where we dance with each other. My surroundings are unclear, though I know it's around dusk, a bit dark and cloudy. There is an old, run-down warehouse somewhere nearby, but I can't tell if we're in it or just outside of it.

      So we're dancing-- I'm currently with the sister closest to me in age-- her name is Cassandra. She's pretty-- smooth skin, long, dark hair that's curled and half pulled up, wearing a beautiful dress, though I can't remember the color. However, in the dream I didn't find her at all attractive. I remember knowing that she was always mean to me, would be constantly picking on me, and that took away from all her physical positive features. As we dance, I'm feeling terribly sad and lonely, especially because I'm dancing with her. I hold back tears, however, because I don't want her to see my weakness and have the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

      We switch partners, (because that's how the dance goes), and suddenly I'm with my oldest sister. She, in comparison to Cassandra, really is stunning. She has long, blonde hair, blue eyes, a warm smile, and is wearing the prettiest green dress I've ever seen. Unlike Cassandra, she is laden with feelings of compassion, hope, love, and tenderness. She notices me struggling with the steps, leans in close, and whispers something to the extend of "Try this-- it's easier." Somehow our dancing changes into something no less complicated, but infinitely easier. She smiles gently, somehow triggering both the release of tears and a small laugh from me. As I cry through my tears, I understand that she does care for us unbelievably, and that everything will work out for the best.

      Recall at this point begins to break up-- I remember being in the warehouse putting on a short pink dress... then walking down a dark alley towards a river sith Jess (one of my friends)...

      August 16, 2006

      Broken recall. See a line of people in military uniforms, with Kris (a girl I work with), standing in the middle between two boys...

      Jess wans to play "Scene It" Disney style. We're sitting outside in the dark, on the driveway back at Kristin's old house. Jeff and Jess are both there... then the scene morphs into my kitchen, and Connor, Andrew, and Jesse join the group as well. Jesse (my sister), accuses me of cheating off her, so Andrew gives her a container of prunes to compensate.

      Why is everybody always picking on me?

      The most vivid of my dreams last night. I pull up to an elementary school parking lot in my old car-- the PASSAT. All around are people my age; for some reason we all go to school here. As I'm walking towards the doors my lips begin to tingle-- like they do when I'm having an allergic reaction. As I continue to walk, I know this is exactly what's happening, but I'm not worried because I know I have Benadryll in my purse, and, if it becomes an extreme situation, my epipen.

      I see Alli in the parking lot, and ask if she can see if my lips are swollen. She gives some sort of "Hell yes" answer and promptly dissappears. I hurry inside, going straight to the nurse's office. I explain my prolem, tell her I have medication, and ask if it's okay to take it. She tells me to take Advil instead, so I proceed to explain that it won't help and would only make the situation worse, because of my Ibprofun/NSAID allergy. She gets ticked off and has me put on this thick, heavy vest-- like the x-ray covers you wear at the dentist.

      Suddenly I'm on a playground, and the only thing I can think of is the prominency of the color brown. The pale prown woodchips all around, the dark wooden playground structures-- everything in my field of vision. THe nurse tells everyone to go up through a hole in the jungle-gym, then slide through a smaller hole and down the slide. I wait in line and climb up the hole when my turn comes. Because of the vest, however, I can't fit through the small slide-hole, and have to turn around and tell her I couldn't do it.

      Mike appears behind me and proceeds to demonstrate how "easy" it is. I sit on the ground by the swings playing with the woodchips while he towers over me asking what the hell was wrong with me and why I couldn't do it.

      August 17, 2006

      I have virtually no recollection of these dreams-- all I'm going by is what I wrote on the small notepad by the side of my bed. I'm not even sure I was awake when I wrote it, for my handwriting is surely bad enough. We were buying mattresses... something about seeing a Dance Distributor magazine, and a very strong feeling of envy.

      Sibling Rivalry

      Jesse, my mother, and I are standing in my bathroom, arguing over who gets to take a shower first. Jesse wins, but doesn't make any motion to move, so I prompt her to hurry up and she gets fussy with me. Annoyed, I get in the shower instead, hearing her yell and stomp out of the room. When I finish I go back into my room-- though it is altered in my dream: much bigger, attached to Jesse's, filled with scarves, very mystic-fortune-teller like, with a predominately red color. I find that while I was in the shower, Jesse has taken over my room and claimed it for her own-- so I am now roomless.

      The scene breaks up-- now I'm sitting in the middle of a street writing "I HATE" in green crayon on a ball. Intense feelings of anger, as well as a little guilt thrown into the mix because I know I don't actually hate her-- I'm just very upset with her. Turning the ball around, I find the letters jumbled and think I spelled the word wrong. I go about trying to correct the mistake, not even seeing the connection between scrambeled letters and dreaming. Unless I did and I simply don't remember ever going lucid. It's a possibility.

      August 18, 2006

      Woke up in the middle of the night half-remembering two or three dreams, but I didn't bother writing them down because I was so tired. Serves me right, I have absolutely no memory of them whatsoever now that I've woken up.


      Really short dream, but I managed to become lucid halfway through. I pull into my "parking spot" next to my driveway, but notice that as I did so, I accidentaly scraped up against the side of my mother's car and scratched the paint off of it. I get out of the car, examine the damage, shrug it off, and walk up towards the house. The garage doors are closed-- which I take note of is really out of the ordinary, especially if her car is in the driveway. I do a RC by pinching my nose, and find I can still breathe. Excited, I try another-- because I want to see if they all really do work in a dream. Take a look at her license plate, look away, glance back again-- sure enough, the letters are different and don't make sense. Satisfied, I begin to walk up to the house, excited that I'm lucid... but I suppose the excitement got the better of me, because I woke up.

      I fall back to sleep quickly after waking up from this dream. I'm now in my room, and there's two computers on my desk instead of just mine. For some reason Midori was over my house, and he left his laptop running on my desk. Feeling curious, I tap onto his account and take a look at what he was doing. He has a bunch of graphics up-- pictures of my friends, and a whole bunch of swim-team pictures that he seems to be photoshopping. I feel a bit left-out that I'm not in any of them, but hear footsteps, so quickly shut down the computer.

      Jess walks in looking quite pleased with herself. We make short conversation, and finally she tells me to log onto PAD's because there's some graphics Sephy (Sephy and Midori are the same person) made that she wants me to see. I log on reluctantly-- at this point my teeth begin to hurt and bleed. Again the words on the screen are mixed up and don't make sense, and I become semi-lucid, but I have no control whatsoever. Jess proceeds to show me the pictures Sephy is altering for her, and I feel an intense wave of jealousy. I was friends with him first, then she suddenly shows up and is competely taking over. The people in Penshire are my gang-- I never wanted her there, she's not invited. (These are the thoughts going through my head). All the while my teeth are hurting like crazy, I'm worried about the messed up car, and I'm ticked off with my best friend. And I know I'm dreaming, but have no say in what's going down. I get so annoyed with the dream that I force myself to wake up by blinking real hard.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      I've been keeping tabs in a handwritten notebook, but I've changed my mind and decided to begin typing them. Therefore, this will actually be updated more regurarly. (Note: MNT stands for Merits No Title).

      September 2, 2006

      MNT, Non-Lucid

      I’m outside my house—it’s fairly sunny, not raining, around 3:00pm. There’s a car sitting on the edge of Bridge Street—like it’s waiting for the bus-stop kids to come off. Deeda O. is sitting in the car.

      Suddenly she’s no longer in the car, but in a coffin, still by the edge of the street, but now closer to our house and less near the sign. She sits up, scratching at this plastic thing laid over her. She takes my hand and squeezes it, saying “I’ve missed you so much!” I hold it back, then put my other hand on top as well, and she covers that hand with hers too. I’m quiet, though—I don’t know what to say. I’m confused—how has she missed me? And should I have missed her? Now I’m not sure she was actually dead—I don’t really know what’s going on. Nevertheless, I smile and hold her hand, glad to see her again.

      I think of how I’d like to see my Pop-Pop too—make it the full reunion. He suddenly appears on the other side of the coffin, and I smile at him as well. I can’t recall whether I gave him a hug or anything… that much isn’t clear. We’re all happy to see each other again, though, and I’m not at all afraid like I was in past games. The dream fades…

      Neglect, Non-Lucid

      Third-person point-of view. There’s a small girl on a bus, long blonde hair, kind of reminds me of Luna Lovegood. She’s about 11 or 12, but she’s all alone on this bus. She holds up two tickets and says, “Sometimes I go into London for a day or too, but only for important things, like getting married.”

      The dream scene transforms—now it is nighttime, and the same girl is asleep in her bed. There’s a problem, though—there is no bathroom in her house. She gets up and goes outside, walks down the sidewalk a little ways, until she reaches a dark store. She enters the store, for it is unlocked, and walks through it towards the back, where she uses the bathroom, and promptly leaves again. I’m worried she will be caught, because the owner lives right upstairs, but she says that she does this every night, and that nothing has ever happened before. Dream recall ends…

      MNT, Non-Lucid

      Very vague recall on this dream. My family and I are in the woods, trying to look around or find a campsite or something. We’re driving these go-carts, following white lines on the road. They keep leading in circles, or dead ends, though, so we’re not really going anywhere…

      Hotel Morgue, Non-Lucid

      I’m at college, but we’re in a different place—a hotel, almost. There’s an easier way to walk down these stairs, but this guy won’t let me show him. Instead, her picks me up and carries me down. I’m trying to get loose—I kind of enjoy being held like that, but I also don’t want to be seen as those silly girls who are trying to get loose but are really actually enjoying it. So I do, genuinely, try to get out of his grasp. We pass a group of more boys and girls, and they all watch with interest as he carries me down some steps. I say something, like “I can’t show you if you won’t let me put my feet on the ground!” but he just carries on the way he’s been going.

      We reach our destination, a highly-decorated room, with dressers and beds, very wide open spaces, intricate designs, very strong reds and browns color-wise. He puts me down, and I notice the flurry of activity all around us. People are carrying in these big bags—they’re body bags, with preserved dead people in them. It’s some sort of anatomy class—we’re supposed to be dissecting them later on. Heather Weber somehow comes into the dream—she’s one of my roommates, but… more than that on her I cannot remember.

      The dream shifts—now we’re in more of a hospital place, with lots of beds, televisions, white as the dominant color. This time there’s both real, live people and the deceased, all lying on beds regardless of their status. Some students are examining them and doing work on them, others are offering to be looked at. I don’t want to dissect any people, so somehow I’m forced into lying down on a bed next to Karl. They make me put my hands into these white envelopes full of sticky, warm, orange goo- stuff… it’s really gross, and feels really heavy on my hands. They put another up to my mouth as well, and it makes me feel like I can’t breathe. I keep trying to move away from it, hoping nobody notices. Karl says something to me about it being uncomfortable, and about how he’s been sitting here for hours already waiting for someone to need him. The idea strikes me that he’s so much stronger than I am, because already I’m slightly panicking and hoping it’s over soon. Recall begins to come to a close…

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      September 3, 2006

      Party! Non-Lucid

      I’m in a pool area—there are a lot of people around. I don’t know why we’re here, but…the fact remains, we are. Something happens to cause me to pick up a very large, thick, heavy hose… but I can’t recall what the trigger was. I pick it up, and begin spraying all the people around me with this huge, enormously big jet of water from the hose. There’s one guy in the corner, dressed in what looks like a white spacesuit, that I want to hit more than anything else, but he’s always just out of my reach. I move closer, go around the pool, in order to reach him, but he continues to evade my range of spray.

      I lose interest in hitting him, and instead turn around, spraying a bunch of lunch ladies walking by. They seem happy about it—everyone has accepted they’re going to get wet, so they might as well get wet by me. The dream-scene transforms, and now I’m outside the pool area. There’s a corner, with two doors right by each other—that’s how you get in. There’s lots of noise coming from within, so I know instinctively there’s a party occurring. I turn the key to get in one of the doors, because someone has locked it intending to play a practical joke on another member at the party. She is surprised to find me there instead, and lets me through because she feels silly about making such a mistake.

      I don’t know anyone there—it’s a Rivercrest party, and since I’m a lifeguard I don’t really count among their staff. However, Erin soon walks in—and I run over and give her a big hug. Everyone looks confused as to how I know her, but I don’t tell them; just give a rather small smile. Erin is really short in this dream—it strikes me how much smaller she is than I.

      MNT, Non-Lucid

      Very broken recall, probably because it took me so long to write these down. I am in a garage—it’s kind of dark, but daylight outside—the only reason it’s a little darker is because we don’t have the light turned on. Anyway, something happens… an African-American girl comes up to me and gives me a big hug. No further recall.

      September 4, 2006

      MNT, Non-Lucid

      This entry will be two dreams melded together, because I’m not exactly sure how they fit into one another. My mom and I are in a big, gym-thing, with lots of chairs set up in it. We are at a University—it doesn’t matter which one. We were planning on going to the Catholic Mass, but take a seat here and figure it’s just as well. An old man appears, with one of the small, circular hats seen on people of certain religions. We begin to sit through the service, and realize that he is a Rabbi and that it is a celebration of the Jewish people. (Not that I’ve ever been to on in my conscious mind…)

      This somehow morphs into me lying on a bed as someone describes how to fly. I disagree with them, saying that the best way to do it is the frog method—where you bunch your legs up like a frog, a little bit like a version of breaststroke. It is dark in the room, and rather than actually seeing my legs demonstrate it, we see a shadow of them on the wall behind the bed. Recall ends.

      MNT, Non-Lucid

      Jessica and I are in a dorm room—her dorm room, to be precise. She, however, is going to Millersville rather than Penn State in my dream. I sit on her bed, looking around at her roommates stuff. Thinking back on it, there was a wide variety of colors—both bright and dull colors right next to each other, something rather unusual in my dreams. There’s a red notebook on a bright blue bedspread—that is her roommates. I try to convince her to switch roommates and to join me—even though I feel bad, because I like my roommate and don’t want her to think that I’m switching because I don’t like her. Jessica has the same feelings, but hers are stronger than mine, and she refuses to switch—sort of. I know there’s still a slight doubt in her mind, but I don’t think I’ll be able to sway her.

      The conversation moves on to lucid dreaming. I explain to Jessica how the numbers tend to switch around, giving an example with the binding of a wine magazine, which has the numbers 101 written in black letters on the edge. I distinctly remember not being able to tell if the first number was a four or a one, but…other than that, nothing out-of-the-ordinary occurred to make me lucid.

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      September 5, 2006


      I’m lumping these three dreams into one section, because I didn't wake up after each individual...just after the whole she-bang. All were lucid— this had to be, up to this point, the most amazing lucid experience ever. On to the dreams…

      Mom, Connor, and I are in a strange room—it’s about bedtime. I’m telling them about reality checks—Connor tries it and succeeds in breathing through his nose. He promptly pours applesauce on his head because he’s convinced he’s dreaming. I’m like—“No! What’re you doing?” and I try to clean him up. I too do an RC, and succeed, but I don’t recognize it—I’m convinced that I simply can’t get a good enough seal on my nose or something.

      Somehow I discover that Connor really is dreaming, and I think it’s the coolest thing ever that I’m not real and that I’m only one of his DC’s. He changes his eye color over and over again, and I’m simply giddy with pleasure. I didn't seem to care that I was a DC... I fully believed it and simply took the time to admire what Connor could do. Really odd experience.

      I’m in the same room, but it’s daylight now. I see a door in the wall, and suddenly I’m lucid. I remember I want to do the lucid task for August, even though I know it is past time and I won’t be telling anybody about it anyway. I don't even remember about the new task. I say “When I open this door, I want it to be really high up, like a cliff.” I open the door to see an ocean—it’s a familiar scene I’ve flown over before, in the blacktop dream. There are small white sailboats, people, birds and parasailers—the beach and waters are simply hopping with activity. I didn’t think I was high enough for the task to count, so I make the door higher, making sure not to get too high lest I mess up the dream.

      I stop at a good point and look out over it all. I’m a little bit nervous, truth be told. I remember the person who couldn’t get herself to fly and who yelled, “Fly, you bitch!!” Then I jump. As I fall I see a dark rope beside me to grab onto, just in case, but I realized how silly that was. I was falling far to fast to grab on—it would simply burn my hands away if I even tried.

      I begin to get into the fall, doing flips and such, surprised at how long it’s taking me to reach the water. Getting a bit nervous, I decide it’s time to stop falling and make sure I can get myself back up again. I kick my legs to the side, gain control of my flight, and begin to glide. I want to go closer to the water, to skim over it, like Auraya did in a series of books I’ve just finished. I swoop lower, and the dream begins to break up…

      Now I’m in a small parking lot, with run-down, tall factory buildings all around. Mom, (maybe Connor? I can’t exactly remember), and I were outside, and Jesse was sitting in this old blue car right across from us. RC, succeeded. I was semi-lucid, but not completely sure, because I jumped on the car in such a clumsy manner I’d have never expected to be in a dream. Still, once on the hood of the car, I jumped off towards a tree and succeeded in flight, becoming completely lucid. I turn around, floating and grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I say to Mom—“I told you I’m dreaming—you’re not real, you’re a dream character!” She responds with a laugh, and says happily, “I’m a figment of your imagination!!” She shoos Connor and Jesse away, telling them that “Kylie needs to be alone while she talks to Daniel,” and they disappear from the dream.

      I know that I want to see my Dream Guide, Daniel, again, because I want to ask him about school and what I should do to fit in a bit more. I, however, rather than summoning him, somehow come to the conclusion that he was already in the dream and that I need to find him. I know he likes heights, so I head up to the rooftops to look for him. Sure enough, there he is, waiting for me on an orange and black small rooftop, much like the Mexican place we ate at before my parents left. I want another DG—remember the twins? --And a girl briefly appears. She’s ghostly, however—merely a half-girl, and I know that she’s not really supposed to be there—only Daniel is, so she promptly and contentedly disappears.

      I loose lucidity, but the dream still progresses along a note I’m content with. I don’t even have to form a question into words—immediately Daniel begins to talk. As he chatters about mundane things, I notice the sun on my skin, and how warm it feels. I press my face against the black roof, because Daniel tells me to. It feels warm and comforting, and yet it hurts a little bit as well, but I somehow know it’s necessary. He tells me to look down—and I realize I’m naked, and there are weird, unnatural bubbles of skin on my belly and genitals. I’m appalled, and he tells me that this is what it’s like to be someone you’re not. He says to be happy with who I am and not to hide it, because eventually it will spread, and things will only get worse. Dream recall ends.

      I’m in my house, and both my dogs are at the door. The garage door opens, and Deuce runs out. I run after him, because I’m afraid he’ll get run over. He’s only a little puppy—still a fluff-ball that topples over himself when he’s in a hurry. This confuses me, because I know he’s much bigger now—and I become lucid. We (the puppies and I) go back into the house and outside onto a porch/patio/sunroom thing. It’s so pretty—lots of greens, yellows, pinks—very pastel colors. The sun filters down through the trees. I suddenly think of how cool it would be if my dogs were people, and I could actually talk and have a conversation with them. I look around the garden for a moment, wondering where the dogs went so I can try to transform them, and suddenly there are two children beside me, a girl and a boy, both about 6 or 7 years old. One has long, straight blonde hair and stick-bangs, a pale complexion, and is wearing lots of pink. The other is like a skater-boy—longish dirty blonde hair, baggy clothes, a very laid-back and easygoing attitude about him. I look at them for a moment, and then realize that they are my dogs.

      We go out into the grassy clearing and sit down at a quaint little table, that just to happens to have a china tea set on it. I begin to pour tea for the three of us, and I introduce myself. “I’m Jimmy,” I say… and this is the first time I realize I’m not exactly myself in this dream. Instead, I’m a seven year old boy named Jimmy. I didn’t choose this in particular… it just somehow worked out. I continue speaking… “Nice to meet you, Xena,” I say to the girl, shaking her hand politely. “And… Lucius.” He nods. I have no idea why I called him Lucius… my dog’s name is Deuce… but I did, anyway.

      Suddenly Mrs. E appears, throwing chocolate and skittles and bandaids all over the lawn. I stop her and tell her that she can’t be doing that, because that’s what killed the dogs. I point to the two kids sitting across from me. She nods and begins to pick up the bandaids, but I tell her that I can do that, as long as she gets the candy.

      I loose lucidity, but still know what’s going on in the dream. Turning back to the child-dogs, they tell me that they’re 20 years old, and I refuse to believe them because that doesn’t make any sense. That would make them older than me, and that didn’t seem right at all. Recall ends.

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      September 6, 2006

      No recall whatsoever.

      September 7, 2006

      A Classic, Non-Lucid

      It’s dusk, and I’m at a public swimming pool with Jesse and my mom. There’s only a few people around, because of the time of night, and it’s a little bit chilly outside. There’s a fence around, and square green hedges cover some of the area as well. It’s not really the nicest pool—it’s just got the basics. Hard concrete under my feet, a run-down, whitewashed building that holds the bathroom and snack bar, etc. Jesse and I are swimming—I’m wearing my bikini (the only one I own). There’s not that many people around, so we’re being silly and just generally having a good time.

      We decide to get out, but we have to go through this weird black fence-like contraption. I sidle out with ease, though it takes a bit of flexibility that most people don’t have. Proud of myself for performing the task with such grace, Jesse and I happily walk along to a different section of the pool. Feeling chilly, I look down and realize that I’m no longer wearing my bathing suit top—embarrassed, I cover my boobs with my hands, wondering how long it’s been off. Mom sees and runs over feeling sorry for me, and Jesse simply laughs.

      The scene morphs—I know have all my clothes on, but we’re at a different section of the pool. We’re walking past a long fence and a break in the hedges. There is a drop downward, where there is lots of dirt and construction taking place for something or another.

      MNT, Non-Lucid

      We are at my house—it’s nighttime. Standing outside in my front lawn, I now remember the typical dream-quality my house often takes on—the front of the roof is extended, and flat at one point that it’s not in RL, but always is during a dream. I didn’t notice it at the time, but that’s beside the point. I’m holding a small trash bag, and walking with an old-ish lunch-lady person. She’s holding a bag as well—we’ve come outside to get rid of them. We walk down the driveway, chatting about nonsense, when I look up and say “Hey—there’s the little dipper!” It looks absolutely perfect in the dream—like a textbook picture was just stuck up in the sky. There’s an odd sort of triangular haze around it as well—and I ask what nebula it is. She tells me something with the word “tri-“ in it (I forget exactly what she said), and I agree that such a name makes sense because of its triangular shape. We put the trash bags down in the flowers by the bus stop (??), and recollection ends.

      MNT, Non-Lucid

      I have very limited recall of this dream. There is something called the “Wasful—“ it’s bad, some sort of evil-monster thing. The point of the game is to get rid of it. Somehow my brother was involved in the dream, and that is all I remember.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      September 8, 2006

      Land Rovers, Non-Lucid

      I am walking through a building, much like the bathrooms at Rivercrest, except they don’t smell so strongly of paint. They are painted a light blue, and there are many doors and weird curves all around. I am in some sort of school-institute thing, and I follow a boy through the maze until we reach outside. There I step onto a concrete patio, with a bit of aluminum roof over my head, and look around at the things surrounding the area. It looks kind of ill-kept; there is dirt, pots with a few flowers in them, and short, pale green grass—like crabgrass.

      The scene switches, and I’m at the front of the building again, this time walking with Leah, my roommate. I remember the way to go from following the boy earlier. (In my dream it was a few days before). I realize that there is another way as well, but I go the first way because it’s like a “shortcut.” We begin to walk through doors, and they close automatically behind us. Walking into one, we see that the door in front of us is closed, with no handle, so there’s no way for us to get through. We know, somehow, that there has to be someone on the other side to let us in. Sighing, we turn around to go back the way we came, but realize that door has shut too. So now we’re stuck in a small room. I immediately begin to panic slightly, saying “Oh great, we’re stuck in here, what are we going to do,” and begin to feel the effects of claustrophobia, (even though I’m not claustrophobic in RL). She says, “Nah, I can do it easily,” and reaches towards the door. In the time we’d been panicking, the door has sprouted those little, half-handle things that they have on the piano rooms at school. She grabs a hold of it and pushes the door open.

      She continues to do this for all subsequent doors until we are outside. Once there, she promptly disappears. I’m alone now, standing in the middle of the big field of crabgrass. Some of my family appears—I know my mom is there, but I can’t remember who else there might be. We stand on the field, and suddenly this huge land-rover with lots of people in it goes driving by. We cheer, because apparently this is something good…? I know that the people in the truck are on a tour of sorts, and we’re here to make it more exciting. We watch as their tour guide jumps off the Rover and opens a window to a building, and all the people climb through. As soon as he shuts the window, the truck “explodes” into big flames with lots of smoke. We scream for effect, even though we know it’s nothing special.

      Three more rovers appear, and they chase each other around, etc. We continue screaming and cheering and doing various things as the battle it out, having the time of our lives… and the dream ends.

      I’m a Survivor! Lucid

      I am walking down a sidewalk, with Leah and a few other people. I’m in a very light sleep, because I’ve just woken up, so I easily realize I’m dreaming, though I’m afraid of waking up at any moment. Suddenly I’m walking beside Bobby-Jon, even though I’m going in and out of lucidity. Slightly lucid again, I lean closer to him, hoping he’ll put his arm around me or something. He does indeed—picks me up, actually. It’s really awkward, though, because my legs are dangling funny—quite a funny sight. Anyway, he switches the pose so somehow my legs don’t look funny. I don’t exactly know how it worked.

      We reach a deck of sorts, and I think Leah is still with us, but I don’t really care about her anymore. We walk up the deck, and I see Ethan coming over, and Colby is at the top as well. They both smile and say hi and all that, and we walk to the edge, where there’s a ledge and grass beneath us. Stephannie is sitting on the deck as well, and she’s just as excited as I am. I jump of the edge, giggling and telling everyone about how I can’t wait, etc. The boys all say that it’s all pretty clear by the way I’m acting. Stephannie and I begin to talk, and she tells me that I’m on Bobby-Jon, Ethan, and Colby’s tribe. I express my sadness and not being put with her—and I really am disappointed, but I’m glad I’m with the boys as well.

      I sit on the deck hugging my purple pillow, and Steph talks about how she won’t get any boys in her tribe until the second month, yadda yadda yadda. I don’t understand, and then a guy I don’t know comes down and says that one group is out there for the first month, one is out there for the second, and then he’ll come in for the last half of the third because that’s the government portion. I ask whether the second group gets to stay for the third half as well, and I’m a little ticked that they get to stay longer than me, if that is the case. Alas, I’ll never know how he responded…

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      September 9, 2006

      The Sandwich, Lucid

      My recall is really going down the drain…I had another dream besides this lucid one, but I can’t remember it at all. So… I’ve only got this one to go by. Again, it was an early morning dream—I can’t seem to remember my dreams, let alone become lucid, in my middle-of-the-night deep sleeps anymore. At least…not recently. But enough ranting. I still became lucid, so I guess it’s not the end of the world.

      I’m walking down a sidewalk by myself. It’s daylight, there’s cars around, and I’m passing small shops, restaurants, etc. I don’t even have to do a reality check (again), because I’m in such a light sleep. I immediately realize I’m lucid. I debate what to do—I’m not really that happy in this dream, because I can still half-feel my body in my bed, so I just kind of stomp along the street for a while wondering where to go and what I can do without waking myself up. I begin to pass small, round, stone tables—it’s an outdoor restaurant of sorts, and I immediately think of the lucid task. I can make a sandwich. That’s the perfect thing to do in this lousy excuse for a lucid dream.

      I somehow end up with an entire, open-faced sandwich in my hand—but I didn’t make it, so I feel like that’s cheating. Wanting to fix the mistake, I realize I suddenly have a knife in my hand as well, with a huge glob of vegemite on it. I spread it on my piece of whole-wheat bread—it’s a dark, maroon-ish red color with visible grains in it. Once the vegemite is spread, the knife promptly disappears. I take a bit of the open faced sandwich, and taste a little salt, but I mostly taste only bread. I keep chewing and eat the sandwich as I walk. After the first bite I don’t ever taste the vegemite anymore—only the bread. And I’m actually enjoying it, because here at school they don’t serve wheat bread—everything is on white bread, and I miss my healthy stuff.

      I finish the sandwich, and realize how thirsty I’ve become. Still passing tables, I decide to “borrow” one of the patron’s drinks. I walk up to a table of girls and take a Frostie from the biggest girl sitting there. After drinking some, she gets rather angry and tries to come after me. Still being lucid, I push off and try to jump super high—and end up landing on this blow-up building thing.

      September 12, 2006

      Uncomfortable circumstances… Non-Lucid

      I’m recording this dream a full day late, because…well, I don’t really have a satisfactory reason, but I was busy. Sort of. I’m really just making excuses for myself. Recall has been really terrible lately… which has resulted in me being lazy about recording…which probably just keeps the cycle going. Anyway… this dream.

      I’m sitting in a classroom—but it’s an odd classroom. There are two long tables, arranged in an L shape pattern… Mr. H is there, teaching. A girl drops a book under the table, and her bends down, looks at the “book”, and then stands back up again. Her eyes widen, and she insists he looked up her skirt. She pushes up and walks past me, asking me with her eyes, “Am I right?” I knew she was, but I also didn’t want to get in trouble, so I give this vague nod thing, which she knows to mean yes.

      Mr. H catches it, and starts getting on my case about it. He runs his hands through my hair, and I feel distinctly uncomfortable. He goes on and on about how I’m pitting people against him and such…

      September 20, 2006

      Murderer, Non-Lucid

      I’m in a very light, open room. The prominent colors are white and a very pale blue. Front and center in the room is a medium-sized, rectangular pool. There is a lady standing on the edge, dressed in white robes. She has blonde hair, and is simply standing there, looking. I know instinctively that she is my mother. The dream switches to third person, and I catch a brief glimpse of myself, though I can’t remember exactly what I looked like. Switches back into first person again, and suddenly the woman is in the water with her knees curled up, and blood is running from a wound in her abdomen all through the water. She’s dead, and I’ve killed her.

      I just killed my own mother. I remember not feeling sorry at all, though, in the dream. I didn’t want to think about it because I know that God—Jesus in particular, would be angry with me, but other than that, I really felt no remorse. Like there was no connection between us whatsoever. The scene suddenly changes, and I’m standing in a line in an unfamiliar room. Somehow I know it’s in the same building, just… a very different part. There are several other people in the room—we’re all standing in a line, if I didn’t already say that. They are all men, and they’re all much bigger than I am. I realize that I’m in a type of jail—these are the other prisoners.

      We get along rather well, though—I explicitly remember remarking upon another man’s choice of dress with one huge fellow—gossiping, and worrying that the man we were talking about was going to hear us. We chatted for a while, and then someone comes in the room and we line up again. This time, though, it’s a line like we would make in elementary school, facing each other’s backs. Everyone points their index finger and gently presses it against the person’s back in front of him. Like this we begin to file towards the door and out of the room.

      When walking out of the room, we need to press a button. Sometimes the button is high, and people like me would not be able to reach it and have to get help. Today, however, the warden has made sure it is low so I can reach it easily. We all press it, and end up outside the door. The scene shifts again, and now I’m by myself, trying to find my room. I go up a flight of steps, up another, down a little bit, up a little bit… just to find that I’ve been going in circles and there was an easier way to go. I continue in this manner for quite a long time, going up and down random staircases as I try to find my room. They all look generally like my house; beige carpets, (which aren’t like my house), but the walls are white, the doors look similar; it’s rather hard to explain. Awakening.


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