• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #26
      Member The Blue Meanie's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twheeler View Post
      This just makes me so mad. I wrote down ‘’Lucid dream’’ in my dream journal which is what I usually write when I have a lucid dream. But I don’t remember it at all or even writing it down. I layed there forever trying to remember it also. I think I really did have one because of the two FA’s I had.

      Hahahaha. Oh, shit, I know I shouldn't be laughing, but that's so classic. It's good to see your recall is coming along nicely. I'm sorry I've been so quiet... BTW, you MAY want to check my "The "How The Hell Did I Get Here" Method" thread in Attaining Lucidity. I think there's some good ideas for reality checks there. Also, you may wish to start reading up on RCs if you haven't already.

      And, don't kick yourself too much because of the FA's and the crappy journalling of your lucid.

    2. #27
      Member The Blue Meanie's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twheeler View Post
      So the leader black guy said ‘’Ok, let move every one to room B6!’’

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Shit, I just read this. AWESOME.

    3. #28
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      Quote Originally Posted by The View Post
      BTW, you MAY want to check my "The "How The Hell Did I Get Here" Method" thread in Attaining Lucidity. I think there's some good ideas for reality checks there. Also, you may wish to start reading up on RCs if you haven't already.
      Yea, I guess I'm going to have to start adding more details when I note dreams down on my note pad
      I've read your thread also and I think i'm going to combine it with regular RC's to.
      I probably do like two hundred RC's a day and they still dont seem to make it to my dream.
      Its crazy, I have like a hundred note tabs all over my house saying ''RC'' so they will remind me
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    4. #29
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      Well, I took a break the last two days from LDing and dreaming, but since I remembered my dreams still I decided to write them down.
      Its weird latley its been feeling like my life is fake and my dream are real. Like my dream are becoming realer and realer, while my life seems like its becoming faker.
      So heres the dreams, I had some strange ones.

      Dreams of 10/26/06 And 10/27/06

      Dreams of 10/27/06

      Dream 1. Why dont the light work?
      So this is a ridiculous dream. I don’t know if I woke up or if I was sitting in my room when It started. So I noticed that none of the lights were on and working in my room. It was also night out so it was very dark. But the strange thing is, even though all the lights were out in the whole house I could still hear my heater, my fish tank, and other stuff running. Just it seemed like anything that put out a light didn’t work. I remember the feelling I got when the lights didn’t work and I could hear stuff still running, it gave me a really creepy felling. So I think there was two people in my room, some blond girl and some guy I didn’t seem to pay much attention to. But I told the girl to try and change the light bulb in my room and see if it will work. As she was preparing to do so I walked into my rec room/basement and pulled out a cell phone. I kneeled down on the carpet and looked out my slider as I called my moms number. She answered and I told her about the whole deal with the lights but the power wasn’t out which was very strange. She then said ‘’Yea, the power company is turning off the lights only, all other things with a power source will continue to run.’’
      So at this point I was just like, what the hell? I walked over to a light switch I was near and flicked it on and off a few times. Nothing worked until I finally got a very dim orange glow from ONE light bulb. The other five didn’t work. So I was just like, ok ones good enough I don’t want to screw it up any more. That’s when I think I heard something coming from my room where the other two were. I then ran into my room to see the blond girl laying on the floor unconscious and the guy freaking out. I was trying to get a answer from him for what happened but he was to scared. So I finally figured out that she was shocked from trying to put the light bulb in. Now this is just crazy. None of the lights are on and its dark, all the lights are out like the powers out but every thing else is still running, and to have her get shocked was bizarre. So I noticed she was laying on a sleeping bag, so I grabbed it and drug her to the other room to the one light that worked. I don’t remember much after this besides that she becomes conscience but is still hurt badly like she’s going to die. I remember I got really emotional for some reason at this point also.

      Dream 2. Mp5
      In this dream it started out with me, a few friends, and I think a few family members. We were out in some very small valley type thing. We were in a small field with mountains all around us that had some trees and grass on them. So in the middle of this field we were in was a glass room. It could fit all of us and about waist up all the walls would be glass. We were all in the glass house and looking out, we could also hear shooting. I noticed all of us had guns to, I had a pistol, and every one else had extremely nice MP5’s. The MP5’s had laser dot scopes, double clips, harness, and one of those front piece flash light attachments. So Immediately I became jealous of every one and was asking how come I had to be the one with the pistol. So I spotted some one up on the hill away from us and told every one to concentrate there fire on him because he was obviously some sniper. I saw him shoot a few times and noticed something strange, I could see his bullets as almost like streaks. I later found out they were air soft rounds and not real bullets, but as far as the dream they were still lethal. So I raised my pistol up towards the sniper and said ‘’Sniper, up near those two trees leaning in word.’’
      I shot a few rounds hopelessly and I actually hit him. But only after he killed my whole team.
      So I remember my teams MP5’s and ran up to one of their dead bodies and grabbed one. I ran back to the glass house, leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the ground. I then checked the clip and noticed it had no ammo what so ever, so I started looking around on the ground for air soft BB’s. This is when some one kicked in a door to the glass house to enter. I knew it was some one after me so I took of running for the back door. I remember he then raised his pistol and started opening fire at me. I did this weird dive and then rolled out the door way. I was crawling on my knees around the outside of the building since about waist up all the walls were glass. So I was crawling around quickly looking for some BB’s, I finally found three.
      I put them in the clip and figured it would now be easy to take this guy out. I squatted down, raised my gun keeping it up while I was looking through the sight, and quickly started making my way around the building trying to find him. I remember at this point I was mostly paying attention to how nice this Mp5 was. But I found him and killed him.

      Dream 3. Werewolf: 2
      So this dream was insanely cool but since I was taking a break from Lding, I didn’t write the details resulting in most of it gone.
      But in this dream there was this huge werewolf. It was vicious and tore people to shreds, I also remember no one could kill it. I only really remember the end so here it is.
      I was up on a big road that was slightly sloped since we were on a hill. There was cars, boats, and trucks scattered all over this road which I think was abandoned. The setting was so perfect and eerie, it was also very misty out. So me and this other guy were hunting the werewolf and it was hunting us. We were quickly making our way in-between all the cars/trucks keeping concealed. The next thing I remember I was up on this long boat, probably a 35 foot boat, something around that size. So I was looking down at the werewolf. We obviously blew up some car and it was laying on top of him. The front half of his body was still sticking out and he was trying to escape and kill us. Me and me partner both new if he got out from under the car we would be in deep trouble. But this is when I got a good look at the werewolf. He certainly did look like those hideous movie versions of werewolf’s but he didn’t walk on two legs, he walked on all four. So in this boat I was standing in there was a bunch of knifes, machetes, and other dangerous stuff. So I started throwing knifes down at the werewolf and sticking them into him. After quite a few knifes and no real damage to him, he started to drag himself out from under the car. So I quickly looked down into the boat I was standing in for something useful.
      I saw a bat and a machete that had this weird purple Halloween decorations on it, So I grabbed both. I jumped off the boat and made my way to the werewolf. I then started beating him over the head with the bat, even though it did have some gory results it didn’t seem to affect the werewolf any. So some how the werewolf got out and started chasing me. I stopped near this big mettle table that was sitting in the middle of the road near all the cars and trucks. The werewolf then jump on top of me. I was laying on my back on the table and the werewolf was on top of me trying to bite my face. I was holding his head back with both my hands and we were both struggling. I finally some how pinned him down on the table and was yelling for my friend to help hold him down. I remember the werewolf’s head and mouth were only a few inches from my neck at the position I was in. The werewolf than licked my neck since he couldn’t bite it since I had him pinned down. He started talking to my surprise. He said I tasted so good he couldn’t wait to rip my neck open and taste my blood. I knew he was dead serious but was trying to scare me since my neck was only a few inches from his mouth. He was trying to make me nervous to lose concentration. So after about five minutes my friend finally comes. I told him to help hold the werewolf down so I can cut his head off. But he couldn’t really hold it down so I had to continue holding the werewolf down. So my friend finally gets a idea, He turns around and opens this old van door that’s sitting behind him. He then grabbers these two heavy server type things and sets them on top of the were wolf so he cant move. I remember I then jumped off the table, grabbed the machete, and took about three chops at the werewolf’s head before it comes off. I then sat there in silence for a few minutes thinking about what I just did. I actually felt bad for the werewolf and what I did to him. So I looked back down at the table were I killed him and noticed it wasn’t a table any more. It was a hollow bin and I didn’t see the werewolf any more only parts of him. All his body parts were nicely packed into these zip lock bags and nicely organized at the bottom. I then became really confused at how this could have happened so fast and woke soon after.

      Dream 4. The future partly foretold:
      Ok, so in real life I have a rooster called Roosty, ive had him for like seven years, and hes always had this leg problem. He has a hard time walking around. So after this dream I watched for some signs and to my surpise I saw some. Well, any ways my parents walked up to me and said they had bad new. I told them I already know that they want me to shoot my Rooster. They then looked at each other confused and wanted to know how I knew, so I told them it was my dream. I only wonder how crazy they think I am. Also they made the decsison out of the Blue so I couldnt of possibly been pondering it before the dream, hmm its strange. Theres a lot more signs I've saw and connections to this dream and whats happend resently.

      So it started out with me at my old house with my friend. I was showing him the cool MP5 I got in my last dream. So I showed him and he thought it was really cool and that I should shoot it at something. I then saw a chicken off in the distance and said ‘’Ok, lets see if this scope is acurate.’’
      I aimed at the chicken and fired, I didn’t seem to have hit it so I asked him if he saw where the bullet hit, but he didn’t see. So I remember Jared said ‘’ Since when did you guys get new chickens, those things look hideous.’’
      I looked down to see two chickens, well they looked more like ducks, they were black with the shinny white neon looking chest. So I said ‘’Huh, I’ve never saw them before, maybe their the neighbors.’’
      So I decided to shoot a closer chicken to see if it was accurate. I then saw this big group of chickens flustering there wings, they mostly looked like a big poof of feathers and there was probably about twenty chickens in the pile. So my friend said ‘’What the hell are they doing, I think there’s something wrong with all them.’’
      I told him it was my rooster probably mating with them jokingly. So I walked up to the group of chickens and shooed them away. I noticed they were all in a big pile because they were trying to eat this small pile of chicken food. So as I shooed them away I noticed my rooster was in the middle just sitting there looking pathetic. So for some reason I pulled out my hunting bow and pulled it back aiming it at my rooster, Roosty. I then became very sad and looked at the ground about to cry, I didn’t want to even looked at Roosty while I had the bow aimed at him. End of dream.

      Dream 5. Female subconscience?
      This one is also strange.
      I remember I could of swore talking to my subconscious. But the thing is it was a girl.
      I was talking to her and all I can remember was her face. She had bright blond hair and her whole body almost had a bright white light glowing from her. I don’t really remember what we talked about but she and I considered it as important information. I only remember one part.
      She was talking about the wedding I had to go to soon and that something was going to happen.
      I then started thinking about how much time I had left and quickly added it in my head and said ‘’Ok, so the week after next on Sunday is when the wedding will be.’’
      I said some other stuff also but I just cant remember.
      Well, she really felt like something very different from a DC. She felt very intelligent and like some angel or dream guide, it was just a very strange dream. I wonder if your subconscious might like to be considered female even though your male? Also I couldnt tell if it was a lucid dream or not because of the very little detail.

      Dream 6. The girl my mind made up.....
      So this one is a very short one. I was asking around some where and trying to find information on the perfect girl my mind made up and makes me dream about. So I think I was out in some part and later I ended up talking to the god of this dream. It was a older girls voice up in the sky. Like imagine god talking to you, I’m sure you would imagine a loud booming voice that comes from the sky like thunder. So anyways that’s what I was hearing but it was a older girls voice. I was asking her questions about the girl my mind made up and how I wished to find out her name. After a bit I finally convinced her to give me some information. So this packet appeared on the bench near me. I opened it and read it. A part of it said ‘’The girl you loves name is Jane.’’
      So this is where the dream got really weird. I could of swore I was seeing two places at once. One was of the girl my mind made up walking through a park, and my other vision was of me sitting their talking to this god lady. It was like I was having a day dream but stuck in both fully aware of both. I finally came back to the one were I was talking to the god lady and I said ‘’No, her name cant be Jane, she doesn’t even look like someone who would be called that!’’
      So the god lady finally said something like ‘’Ok, gotcha, its not really Jane. I knew you hated that name, sorry I couldn’t help it…’’
      So I then yelled back ‘’Well, what the hell is her name, please just tell me!’’
      So of course I then woke up.

      Dream of 10/26/06

      Dream 7. Bad Gaurdians
      It was me and a little kid with me. We were walking all around some town I think and it was dark out. So at first I remember this other girl my age locked the younger kid into a trunk in some truck. She than walked off casually and the kid started yelling for help since he couldn’t get out. Now I remember I was like some guardian of him or something, something like a spirit watching over you, I guess you could say. So I couldn’t help the kid out because for some reason I couldn’t lift the trunk, I think I was sort of spirit based and couldn’t really grab stuff.
      So after a while some one heard his cries and opened the trunk helping him out. Later we were each sitting on a bench near a park and were talking. I don’t know what we were talking about but the girl came back. She grabbed the kid and I could do nothing. She then drug him to a strange closet looking container and put him in locking the door. Again he cried out for help but I still couldn’t help him. So I decided to see who this girl was since I didn’t really see her to well. So as she was walking away I walked up quickly behind her grabbing her shoulder and turning her around so I could see who she was. I don’t remember her face but I was shocked to see who it was. She then shrugged her shoulders and ran off into the night. So after awhile the kid was helped again from someone hearing his cries. I then remember we were walking down around a parking lot near a big hospital. I saw the girl off in the distance enter the hospital so I took off after her. I don’t remember my motive for chasing her but I think I really felt like I needed to talk to her and get answers. So I ran up a few hospital floors and made my way to the third story. I caught another glimpse of her in a crowd of people and continued pursuing. The whole hospital was now packed and I had to slowly make my way through every one. So I finally gave up. A doctor then walked up to me and asked ‘’May I help you?’’
      I said something about the girl and I was trying to find her. He then gave me a look like he thought I was crazy, so I just shut my mouth and left.

      Dream 8. Tornado
      This one is very short.
      I was at a very small house in a suburb, a very nice suburb. The sky was a really brown dusk color, it was really strange. So this huge tornado was coming at the small house I was standing in front off. There was debris flying every were also. My dog Brandy did something really stupid and ran a little ways ahead of me near a mail box. Something then smacked into her and she rolled over on her back looking dead. I ran up to her and was trying to dodge the huge chunks of stuff flying from the tornado and save Brandy. So I reached her and removed a chunk of debris on top of her and made my way to the house.

      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    5. #30
      Member The Blue Meanie's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twheeler View Post
      Dream 1. Why dont the light work?


      none of the lights were on and working in my room. It was also night out so it was very dark. But the strange thing is, even though all the lights were out in the whole house I could still hear my heater, my fish tank, and other stuff running. Just it seemed like anything that put out a light didn’t work.


      I walked over to a light switch I was near and flicked it on and off a few times. Nothing worked until I finally got a very dim orange glow from ONE light bulb. The other five didn’t work. So I was just like, ok ones good enough I don’t want to screw it up any more.
      For your information: electrical malfunctions, ESPECIALLY lights not working, is a VERY common occurance in dreams. In fact, if it happens frequently enough, you can make it a dream-sign. I'm not sure WHY lights screw up in dreams, though - it's puzzling.

    6. #31
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      Quote Originally Posted by The View Post
      For your information: electrical malfunctions, ESPECIALLY lights not working, is a VERY common occurance in dreams.

      Yea, I knew light switches did that and I use them as a RC every now and then. So Incase I do have a dream with light switches I should at least catch on, but I guess I didnt.
      Its pretty funny how somthing so simple as a light switch wont work, but a cell phone will somtimes.

      Dreams of 10/28/06 and 10/29/06

      So the last two days I havent tried to hard to remember my dream. I think im going to start trying again tonight, Im just taking a short break. I've also remembered a lot of bizare dreams the last few days.
      For some reason I had some sexaul dreams the last few days to No, action dreams or really scary dreams sadly though

      And the strangest thing is, My dreams are becoming super vivid for some reason, also very realistic and follows a plot. I havent even been taking any B6, and they seem more vivid than a while ago when I took B6.
      So,tonight im going to start up on recalling my dreams agains. Hopefully I can start on the same track I left off on.
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    7. #32
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      So, I'm not doing so well with my recall. I realized my sleep schedule is always changing, do to reasons I cant help. But after every change in schedule my dream recal gets destroyed for the night. So I've been having almost no sleep the last few days. So hopefully I will have a lucid soon, its about over do the time I should have had one.
      Oh yea, Its Halloween Night so hupefully I will have extra scary dreams, action/horror

      Dreams of 10/31/06

      Dream 1. Werewolf 3.
      So I don’t exactly remember the beginning of this dream. It was also in third person the whole time and I wasn’t even in it. So it started out at some ones house. I was in this girls room that was probably about 17-18. So the girl was walking around in her room. Later she walked near to a corner of the room with a mirror and a window not far from her left. I really remember she was over weight also. But anyways she ways looking in the mirror and putting on makeup. So I then saw this werewolf with almost black hair looking in through the window at her. The next thing I know it breaks through the glass window and jumps on top of her. They struggled a bit and she got out from under him and ran. I then saw a scene of the werewolf and her on each sides of her bed. The werewolf seemed to be waiting to see which way she would run. This is when I noticed the girl was now really skinny and looked totally different. So the werewolf then jumped across the bed towards her and I think stabbed her in the stomach. Or he slashed her, but she then keeled over unto the bed. So I don’t know what happened but I think I then went into first person to what she was seeing and took control. I remember I started screaming for my parents which were different then in my real life. And I started crawling for the door. This is when the door open and one of the parents looked in. I guess it was the dad and he asked what was wrong. I said ‘’What’s wrong? There’s a freaking werewolf in my room, help!’’
      For some reason he started laughing and said ‘’Oh, are you serious, that’s black dog.’’
      So Black dog is a dog I have in real life. He super hairy and people always think he’s a bear.
      So I slowly turned around in the room and it was black dog. But I knew the werewolf changed, because the previous one was hideous. It looked like the werewolf’s from the movie Dog Soldiers. So I knew the werewolf changed to look like my dog and I knew I couldn’t say anything to convince him other wise, or I would have looked crazy. So before I could do any thing or even say something the dad said ‘’Ok, good night.’’
      He then closed the door before I could ask for help. I had a slash in my stomach and the whole window was broken out, which I think he should have noticed, but he didn’t. So I remember he closed the door and I just froze. I knew that the werewolf changed back to being a werewolf right when the dad closed the door. So I slowly turned around to see if it was still there. And of course it still was, but it was different. It looked like that monster from pumpkin head, it was still a werewolf but it was like bald now. It looked freakier than last time also. So I remember it then lunged at me and then I woke up… My stupid cat woke me up at the good part, there’s always something that will prevent me from having good dreams! So anyways I thought it was odd that I was a girl in this dream.

      Dream 2. Home:
      So another short dream. I was out in this super green grassy field. The field was huge, it was like one of those hay fields, but it had good green grass. So I remember the grass was just cut and there was strips of dropped grass from the riding mower. My dad was walking around with a blower, blowing the grass strips so they weren’t so noticeable. While he was doing that I was running around out in the field trying to entertain my dog Brandy. So after a while I decided to go back to my house. Me and my dog walked quite a ways through the field and back to my house. When I arrived at my house I noticed it was my old one. So I opened the door, kicked my shoes off, and jumped on the living room couch. Which is what I used to do at the old house I lived at. I remember I felt really at home and comforted being back, way more of a better feeling than at my new house. So the stupid phone then woke me up again.

      Dream 3. B6's good side affects:
      This one was very short. I remember I was on my computer typing my dreams down. For some reason I checked my DV dream journal and saw a post from someone. The guy was concerned about me having so many horror dream or something like that. He said that B6 causes lots of dreams to be scary and horror based. So of course I got all exited and instead of taking less I was going to plan and take more B6, just so I could have more scary dreams.

      ps. To The Blue Meanie, This dream has links to me beings obsessed with B6...Really it doesnt

      Dream 4. Almost lucid?
      I almost, I think entered a dream consciously. I remember I went to bed and at some point after sleeping I woke half awake again. I didn’t move because I could see my dream clearly but still feel my body. I remember I was at a library walking in-between the big library shelf’s. I decided maybe I should try and feel something and maybe I will focus so much on the dream I will enter. So in the dream I imagined running my fingers along the books and shelf’s. Surprisingly I felt everything very well in the half dream. Also at one point my finger ran over a small paper sign. As It did so I heard the crinkling noise clearly, like it was right next to me in real life. So after a while of it not working I tried to do something different. I decided to try to astral project and see if I could get something. So I imagined my self climbing a rope just above my body. The weird thing is I could feel the dream and hear a little in it, also see it clearly. Then I could feel getting somewhere trying to project and climb. And I also felt my body, it was weird because I was feeling all three, hard to explain. So anyways, I think I got near entering my dream and leaving my body, I should of stuck with one. I don’t know, I’m at a loss if these are actually close to a dream or just a day dream.
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    8. #33
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      So, ok recall last night. Also one very short lucid dream. Its odd last night I said it was about time I had a lucid and I did have one that night. I better stop looking at my estimated time for when I have lucids. Just incase my mind really does go by that estimated time and will delay a lucid until a month later.

      Dreams of 1/11/06

      Lucid Dream: Werewolf dream 4 and short lucid:
      So this is a short one. But before I went to sleep I told myself next time I dreamed of a werewolf and I would know that I was dreaming. So I went to bed and the dream started.
      I started in some very dark cave. It was like a stone/ mining cave so it was kind of creepy. I was walking slowly through the cave with a small flash light and a short sword. I later entered through a door way in the cave and encountered some monster I guess you could say. Now this part really reminded me of the RPG game Oblivion, mostly every thing was related to it. There were five monster standing in the cave. There was a wraith ghost, I think one of those deadric guys, and two other freaky characters. The two other wore black shredded robes and a hood that concealed their face. They were also really tall and were mostly bones, that has some chunks of flesh on them. So I snuck up to the deadric guy and stabbed him in the back, which I think killed him because he fell over. So the other four of them started to make there way to me to attack. They then literally pushed me into a corner of the cave and I couldn’t swing my sword because they were all so close. I remember saying to them ‘’Ah, come on guys, give me a chance, I cant even swing my sword with you all so close!’’
      I don’t think they under stood me and still continued to attack at close range. So I remember I lifted my hand and saw fire at my finger tips and a little on my palm I think. I was going to cast some fire spell to kill them so I could get out. But I remembered the fire might have some splash damage at such a close range. So I don’t know if I did it or not. The next thing I know was I was at another scene. This time all I had was a flash light and I was still making my way down the cave. The cave was now even dark and the flash light was dimmer. The cave also now looked like a mining cave, it was even creepier than before. So this whole setting was exactly like in that silent hill 2 game, it was a perfect setting. I remember slowly making my way through the cave and I then reached a 90* turn in the cave. Before I made the turn I remember thinking maybe it would be safer if I peeked around it. So I got on my knees and slowly peeked around the corner. I couldn’t see much so I pointed the dim flashlight around the corner. I remember seeing my black dog standing off in the distance staring at the wall. Every thing also looked really dirty for some reason at this point to. So I quickly hid behind the corner again and turned off the flash light. At this point I remember black dog from my other two dreams turning into a werewolf so I didn’t want to take any chances. After I thought that I became Lucid. I became lucid because the thought of black dog reminded me of my previous dreams in which he turned into a werewolf. And that night I was trying to remember werewolf’s as a dream sign. So I became lucid, not all that lucid though. I was going to try and stabilize the dream along with a reality check but I didn’t. I didn’t because Black dog was just around the corner and I knew he would probably turn into a hideous and vicious werewolf, and I didn’t want him to interfere. So I started running back up the cave to find a more open spot really fast. For some reason when I become lucid I always feel crowded so I have to find fields to try my stuff in, or else I cant focus. So I started running up the cave a little ways and encountered a small wall. It was a wall made of those 6x4 wood sheets. So I jumped over it. Now at this point I jumped into a large dark room and was going to try and stabilize the dream more. But I think I rolled over in my bed in real life or opened my eyes. There was no fading of the dream, I just woke up immediately with no warning. As I woke I noticed I was rolling to my side, so maybe that’s what caused it. It made me mad to because it was so dark I couldn’t really see my hands or anything so it was harder to get it stabilized.
      So another lucid and no FA’s….

      Dream 2. Hostage:
      I don’t remember how this one started out to well. But I was in some weird village with stick built houses. I remember I was being held captive in one of huts, which was about a story off the ground, built around some tree. So I remember I was in the hut with my hands tied behind my back. The captors were a girl and a guy and they looked pretty modern when I saw them. I don’t think they were mistreating me and I don’t know why I was held captive. But they soon left the hut and I decided to make a escape plan. I grabbed this notebook looking thing, which I knew had some type of stuff on it which makes you go unconscious when you breathe it. I think I knew this because they used it on me or someone else, I’m not for sure. So I grabbed the note book out of this dish and jumped up onto the roof splinter cell style. The roof above me domed up like a triangle and had support beams running across it so I could easily climb up there. So the girl captor soon entered the building that I was in and was looking for me. She stopped right under me and I slowly lowed myself down towards her. I then put the note book right in front of her face and she accidentally breathed in, passing out instantly. Later the next guy came in and saw the girls unconscious body laying there. I don’t really remember what happen next but I think we got into a fight or something. I remember since my hands were tied behind my back I had to use my legs. But I later grabbed the note book off the ground with my feet, did a weird summersault roll and shoved the note book in the guys face with my feet in a kicking motion. He then to passed out immediately. I then freed myself from being tied up and ran outside. When I made it outside I saw the camp was in some jungle/forest and there was Indians in the camp. So I jumped a story off the hut I was in and started running into the woods. As I was leaving the camp I noticed my dogs, Harley and Brandy were running on the sides of me. I found a smaller trail at the end of the camp and took it into the woods. I remember me or the dog saying ‘’This looks like the Indian UPS trail.’’
      And then someone or me said ‘’Yea, lets hope this trail is as fast as UPS.’’
      I have no Idea where all that came from. So anyways we started making our way up some inclining rock trail. I noticed it was getting dark fast and rapidly. It soon turned pitch black, I remember I was trying so hard to run home before it turned night. So I stopped as soon as I couldn’t see do to the darkness. I noticed when I stopped all my surrounding light up like there was a full moon above us. But when I started running it would turn pitch black, so I had to move slowly keeping the light with us. So I made my way through the woods and at one point was sitting up high above on a hill. The hill over looked some of the forest and below us. I also remember my dogs were still with me. So While sitting on the hill I later spotted a cougar and two cubs with it off in the distance way below us. So we waited for them to pass before we moved again. Later I finally made it to my house, which in this dream wasnt my real house. I then walked around looking for stuff in my house. I grabbed a flash light also. Then my dog said ‘’What are you doing? Your going back out there aren’t you? Jeez, you just cant resist the urge of danger can you? Why don’t you just sit here and relax.’’
      I then said ‘’But…But…There’s a weird camp out there that was holding us captive, you don’t find it the least bit interesting to go spy on them? Ok I guess your right, I guess we can chill out here tonight.’’
      So that’s all I really remember. I thought it was odd that me and my dogs were talking also.
      And it was also odd because the note book I used to knock them out was my dream journal.

      Dream 3. School again, Why?
      So, This dream was strange also. I was at some school grounds and there was almost no kids around. I was there with this family that I didn’t even know, and we were going to take a school bus for some reason. Also the school and the kids who went there were super rich. I felt very comfortable there since all the kids were my style. Which was the reason why I had to get home schooled…All the kids at my school were dirt poor and way to immature for me. So, me and the family I was with were walking around waiting for the school buses to come for some reason. I remember the school buses were these huge blue gray hound looking things. So I walked a ways away from the school just enjoying the scenery. I was in a place walking down a sidewalk near the school that looked almost like a nice park. There were nicely aligned maple trees all over with there leaves falling like it was fall. It was also a nice crisp cloudy morning, with the leaves blowing around through the side walks and streets. I just remember standing there watching the scene because it was so perfect looking. So later I remember standing on the side of the rode. For some reason I had this stringy thing stretched across the road and attached on the curb across from me. I remember the stringy thing seemed to be green and plastic like. I don’t know why I had it stretched across the rode but I was trying to get it back to me. I then saw a car coming which would obviously hit it if I didn’t get it to snap back. I remember jerking it as hard as I could a few times and at the last minute it got it to snap back. But I noticed a piece of it was still stuck to the curb across the road. So I started making my way across the road. The road was only a small two lane school rode that lead directly to the school so it wasn’t so busy. But anyways as I was crossing all these kids in Ferrari’s were speeding past me so I couldn’t cross. There was a bunch of them to. So I remember saying something like ‘’What the heck.’’ as I shrugged my shoulder and jumped out into the road as on coming sports cars were coming. For some reason I didn’t get hit like I was expecting to, I was actually now in the center of the road as tons of sports cars flew past me at high speeds. So I remember without even looking I crossed the other part of the road because I knew I wasn’t going to get hit for some reason. Then I went to another scene of the dream. I was back at the front of the school with the family. We were told by some bus driver that we wouldn’t be getting a ride due to some re-route of the bus we were to take.
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    9. #34
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      I got ok recall again last night. I didnt get much sleep last nigh but here are the dreams.

      Dreams of 11/2/06

      Dream 1. Parasite:
      So in this dream I was in my room playing video games with my friend Jared. I was sitting on my couch and I think he was sitting next to me or on a chair. So I was on the internet with my lab top on the couch, Jared was on my gaming computer doing something near me, and my Xbox 360 I think was starting up a game we couldn’t wait to play. So while the game was starting up I was on the laptop looking up I think the achievements for the game. I remember we saw three achievements we could get from the game. Now all games for the 360 have 1000 achievement points you can get for what you do in the game, like for example beating a game on legendary. So we were looking up what achievements we might get and how would get them for this game. So like I said we saw three we could get, but each achievement would give us 743 gamer points if we completed one. They were weird achievements to, one said we had to eat a parasite. Another achievement was called something like, the moral sufferer. And that achievement was one person would have to eat a bunch of parasites and suffer. So just reading all this I got grossed out and didn’t dare eat one, for I knew very well how parasites work. But my friend Jared on the other hand was all for it, just so he could get a good gamer score, which is made up of achievement points like I said above. Now in real life I have a good gamer score, mines is 10,400. And Jared’s is like only 1,000, so he was determined to surpass mine and is always jealous. So he said he would do all three of the achievement task for the three 743 gamer score points. I remember I kind of couldnt wait to see if he would really do it. So I remember this parasite did appear next to me, it was like two inches long and white, and it was one of those tape worms. He told me to squish it so it wouldnt be alive, but he didn’t know it didn’t matter if it was alive or not. So I did and he ate it which I though was disgusting.
      Later I don’t know what happened but I remember I was in my bathroom just a ways away from my room. I for some reason had a chewed up parasite in my mouth, and I knew it would most likely live in my stomach if I didn’t do any thing. So I remember it started spiting it all out in my bathroom sink. I got it all out but I could still feel a chunk that was in my throat and I couldn’t get it. This part really grossed me out. I then started purposely puking into the sink hopping none of the parasite got to my stomach. After I did that I told myself I better drink some parasite killing stuff so It will poison it incase it might of lived. So I then walked back into my room and looked at Jared a little disgusted that he ate a parasite. So he was sitting in the middle of me room on a chair. He had my laptop and couldn’t get it to turn on. He was also just starting that new game we couldn’t wait to play for the 360. So I leaned over him, turned the lap top on with ease and told him to give me the controller to the 360. So the game we were playing on the 360 was really realistic, It really looked like somthing from the source engine from steam. But I remember I was this girl in the game in a really dirty, junky, old house. The house was also very dark and the windows were all borded up. But in the game another girl walked by me and I think she was a detective or something like that. She also had a boy partner who was walking around upstairs in the house. I had no idea what was going on in the game because that’s how it started. But I remember me and Jared watched in amazement at how realistic and life like the game was. The girl I remember had dark straight hair, but it was like curled in the game. She also move so realistically and life like we were amazed that such a game could pull this off at the time we lived in. But I remember at this point I was like absorbing into the game. I wish I could remember more after this point but I cant its all blacked out. So the next thing I remember was I was in the game. I wore all black clothes, or some kind of black robe and had a hood concealing my face. I was being chased by I think the detective girl and other things. But I remember I was under ground in a very long hall way, the hall was really dark and so were the rooms at the end of each hall.. I was at a corner of the hall way which turned 90* and continued a little ways to another room. But I was standing at the corner of the long hall ways watching each hall way waiting for something so I could decide which one I should take. I remember these parasite thing started coming down the hall way to my right, and also those head hoper things from half life 2. The parasites were now bigger and reminded me of those things in slither, those wormy looking things. So anyways they were coming towards me down the hall way. I then did something really cool. I did like some telekinesis powers on them. I lifted them off the ground with my mind and slammed them wall to wall in the hall way until they died. I remember waiting some more in the same corner at the hall way, and again more of the same monsters came. I used more telekinesis powers and killed them with my mind easily. Then after a little while later I saw the detective girl run and stop at the end of the other hall to my left. We were both just standing there waiting for one or the other to make a move. I remember we were about to have some type of fight but I woke up.

      Dream 2. Zombie’s again.
      So, this dream was also very strange and didn’t make much sense. I was in my home in a big city, right in the middle of town. My home was on the ground floor and I was right in the middle of a street with a bunch of other tall long building. But in this dream the whole city I remember was being attacked by zombies and the military wanted every one to stay inside. Now all the zombies seemed so pointless and harm less all the civilians were going out and killing them all just for fun. I also would stay close to my home and kill some. I had this weird nerf gun that shot yellow discs, but for some reason it was really lethal and killed them. I remember I was going around out In the streets and shooting all the zombies in the head with the nerf gun and killing them. I also saw other civilians laughing like crazy people while hitting zombies over the heads with, golf clubs, bats, etc. So I walked back to my home, which at this point it was now getting dark out. I remember I entered the house and set my nerf gun down next to a huge pile of yellow ammo disks. I remember there was this younger blond boy with me in the house to, I think he was my brother or something. But after a while I decided to take a look outside again. This time I saw all the zombies running around eating all the civilians, they all of a sudden changed and became very dangerous. So I remember the blond kid saw this and got all freaked out. He then grabbed me and was trying to drag me up stairs. I wanted to go back outside though and kill more zombies for some fun but he wouldn’t let me. So I said fine and grabbed my nerf gun with a whole bunch of disks. We then went upstairs. The second story was just like a big room with really nothing in it. I knew the zombies were most likely to get in so I inspected the room for a secondary escape rout before we settled down. I saw a window, a big vent that we could crawl through, and another vent that went straight down from the floor. As I was inspecting the vents two people appeared at the door. I thought they were zombies and some how a hockey puck stick appeared In my hand. I then swung and hit one of them, which seemed like it all happened in milliseconds. But as I hit one of them that I saw now was a girl I hit, she said ‘’Ouch, you spilled some of my coco puffs.’’
      Which is weird because she was referring to coco puffs as being her blood, as if I spilled her blood.
      I guess I watched that lucid Steve video to much. But I realized they were both human or ordinary. One was a girl that was super skinny, and the other was a guy. They both were killing the zombies also but they had to escape because I guess they changed and became dangerous. So the two of them said we had to get out of the city. They also said they attracted the zombies to the house on accident. So I told them I had a escape plan. I walked over to the vent that went straight down from the floor and tried to open it. The older boy said ‘’Man, I don’t want to ever go through a vent again. Last time I did so I ended up in Africa!’’
      So I got the vent off and peeked through it. To my surprise I saw a huge ware house when I looked through the vent. From the vent looking down into it looked as if I was looking down from way up on the roof of a warehouse down into the warehouse. I remember I was thinking ‘’Whoa, there’s no way a ware house can be under my house!’’
      I then saw this weird crazy looking scientist walking around below in the warehouse. He then saw us and gave us a look like he was going to kill us. So I closed the vent really fast deciding that was a bad idea to go through there. I then looked at the other vent that went into the wall. I was about to open it but I woke up…
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    10. #35
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Well, My internet is not working to well because of the storms were getting. So I'm only puting my dreams down for what days I can get on.
      Also, I finally had a nightmare, and it was a good one, very long

      Dreams of 11/5/06

      Dream 1. Zombies again and again….

      So I’m not entirely sure how this started or what the heck was going on in this dream. So I started off in this dream in the woods on the bank of a creek. The bank dropped down about 8 feet straight down into the creek. So I was there with my grandpa, my friend Jared, and with two other people I didn’t recognize. So the three of them were fishing while me and Jared were sitting a ways back talking. I think they were also salmon fishing. After a while no one was catching any fish and we were getting bored. But I got this weird feeling and said ‘’Hey Jared, watch this, my grandpa is going to get a fish on any second now.’’
      And of course my grandpa did get a fish on. So Jared looked at me with this weird look and said ‘’Loser…’’
      Which is what he does to me all the time in real life when I always guess right.
      So after me Grandpa was fighting to real in the fish I noticed it was huge, it was also making huge splashes trying to fight free. So I grabbed a salmon net and as he pulled it to the bank I scooped it out of the water and to shore. I remember picking it up and looking at it closely. It had very dark shiny blue diamond like scales on it. It also had to weigh like eighty pounds. But it was really awesome looking, the shiny blue on its scales were like as blue as the blue on a Pepsi can. So I don’t remember much through this part. But Three Zombies came walking down a woods trail and to where we were all fishing at. I think I pushed one into the creek and we all ran from the other two. Then I think a girl news reporter came down reporting that there were zombies every where. She then slipped into the creek and couldn’t get out because of the steep banks, so she decided to swim down. This is the point were I think I took control of her and saw through her vision in first person. So since the creek was like twelve feet deep and pretty wide I decided to swim down since I didn’t think zombies could swim. But I remember seeing the zombie that I pushed into the water ahead of me. He had his head peaking out of the water from his nose up. He also looked badly burnt, that or he was like really rotted. So I remember he was peeking out of the water at me and he knew I was floating towards him so he was waiting there for me. I also, I guess, could telepathically feel what he was thinking, wanted to say, and felt. But it was scary because when I did this I felt he was like really evil and wanted to kill me and make me suffer for pushing him into the water. So as I got about five feet away from him I submerged under water and started swimming as fast as I could with the current. So I was about five feet under water and while I was under I could see a bunch of salmon and other stuff clearly. I then remember thinking I should see were that stupid zombie is behind me. So I turned around and say he was under with me and right behind me. He was also reaching out to grab me foot. So I pulled my feet towards me quickly and started swimming with all my might. I remember he then caught up again while we were submerged and grabbed my feet. At this point I started almost like screaming and saw all the bubbles from my breathe floating to the surface. I then don’t remember any thing after this point, except that I think he ate me. Then, instead of being the girl I just was I switched to another person some where near me. Now this guy was a black guy who was I think about in his twenties and I think he was bald. But anyways I remember I was him and I was with two other girls. We were in a old village running from more zombies. We then saw this huge tower in the middle of the village, it looked like one of those church steeple type things, it was really tall. So we ran into the steeple and stopped as we entered. The whole tower had stairs leading all the way to the top to only one floor. So the stairs, instead of being zigzagged they were the type of ones that spiraled up. But instead of being circular they spiraled up as a square pattern that held on each wall. So the stairs would go up a half story along the wall, turn 90* when it reached the next corner in the wall. Then it would continue around the whole building all the way up. Wow…am I bad at explaining things.
      So we started running up the stairs as fast as we could. I remember it felt like we were running forever. I was also looking over the railing at all the spiraled stair cases and started to get dizzy. So before we reached the top we saw this zombie running extremely fast up towards us, at this point that we noticed him he was only a few stories down. So I was in the lead going up the stairs and the zombie managed to knock both the girls down and he started rolling down the stairs a ways. When this happened two older girls appeared to the side of me. They were floating on the outside of the railing looking at me. I’m not sure what they said but I think they were some kind of evil angels or something. They were telling me this stuff that I cant remember what it was. But I asked them two question. The first one I asked, I don’t remember. But the second one I asked ‘’Why me?’’ They said something like they couldn’t tell me unless I let them take me away. So I refused for fear they were talking something about hell or of that matter. So I continued up the stairs presuming the two girls were dead. I finally made it to the roof which was a good sized room. I think I had to of ran 15-20 stories up to the top. But any ways I realized I was pretty much trapped up there and there was no way down but back through the zombies. So I started looking for a place to hid. The whole room had practically noting in it besides like three couches and a stool. But I then saw this church bell towards the middle of the room. There was a hole in the floor and below it was the church bell about four feet below. The church bell also had a opening on the top and bottom so It was hallow and wide enough for me to go into . So I slid down into it and was now about four feet below the floor I was just on. I guess I was in some catholic church or something that rang the bell. But any ways the bell was only attached by a small gold chain. And I was holding onto a chain that was attached to the bell to ring it. I then looked down and realized I was hanging about 15-20 story’s off the ground. If I fell I would fall directly through the open circular part of the stairs, right through the middle of them. I was only literally hanging by a thread also. I then got this sense of being extremely high up, it was more realistic than I have ever felt in being scared in high places. So I looked up and saw the one and only chain starting to slowly bend and brake. I then started to make a decision if I should just let go and about 20 stories or be ate by zombies. So at the last second I reached up and grabbed the wooden plank that was connected to the floor above me. I then climbed back up into the top floor. There was still no zombies, and I was feeling hopeless. I than walked towards the stair case I walked up into the room on. I remember falling onto my knees and just waiting for the zombies since I knew they were coming up. Then I saw this container of light fluid next to me so I picked it up. My plan was to light the whole church on fire. I thought that might keep the zombies back. I then started pouring it all over the stair way and the walls. Next I need a match to light it. I then looked under this small pile of clothes and found a book of matches. So all there was, was one match left though. I was going to wait and light it but for some reason it lit on its own. So I threw it on all the fluid and it ignited. But at this point one of the girls I was with ran up the stairs into the room I was in so I patted the fires out before it spread. I figured since she was up there with me now there must not be any zombies left. But after that thought she started screaming ‘’We got to get out of here some how, there a huge crowd of zombies coming up the stairs!’’
      So I grabbed a small crumpled paper towel and tried to get it to ignite from the hot wood where I just put out the fire. I got flames but some one blew them out just as I got them. I remember I knew it was those two evil angels. So I got up and ran to the back of the room trying to figure out what we were to do. This is when all the zombies started to slowly make their way up into the room. I then remember I drug the three couches that were pretty tall to the corner of the room forming a barricade. It was a hopeless attempt that would only last a while but it was the only thing I could do since tons of zombies were coming up the stairs shoulder to shoulder. I then remember all the zombies then made there way into the room and I think there was like 50-60 of the all crowded in the center of the room. I was yelling at the girl to come over to me behind the barricade and hid. But she was just standing there staring at me. Her eyes were all watery like she was about to cry to, I noticed they looked like they were sparkling at points. But I could tell she was giving up and letting the zombies take her. So they all pretty much surrounded her and started eating her. I jumped over the barricade to help her but it was to late there were already so many around her. So I saw the stair way behind them was now empty and they all must have came up. They also had all their attention on the girl so I made a run for it. There was only about a two foot gap from them and the wall and that was what I had to get through. I remember running and just before I got to the most crowded part I was thinking ‘’What if some of them try and swing at me while I’m making my way through?’’
      So some how I knew that since I thought that they most likely would turn around and swing at me. So I literally dove and slid past all them and sure enough when I did that they did start swinging at me but I was to low. As I got to the beginning of the stair way I jumped all the way down the first flight of stairs. As I was in the air I noticed the two evil angles looking up at me. So I started running faster down the stairs. As I almost got to the bottom I ran into the evil angels again. So I asked them the two questions I asked them before, But They wouldn’t tell me still. So I started saying ‘’Ok, take me to were you want to take me, just get me out of here!’’
      They started laughing and said I already made my decision. So I started running some more down the stairs. I ran into two zombies side by side making there way up the stairs. I immediately kick both of the making them roll down the stairs. I than made it to the exit door on the bottom story and kicked the door in. I ran out side and as I was running I could here the wind rushing and it seemed extremely realistic. As I exited I saw a group of about four zombies all turn there head and spot me. I remember thinking ‘’Oh come on, not again!’’ I knew since they saw me this would most likely get the attention of all the others. I also noticed the whole village had hundreds of zombies every where. The zombies really remained me of the ones from the movies 28 Days Later and Dawn Of The Dead. They were fast but they couldn’t quite get into a full run. So I started running out of the village and towards the woods. I ran up a small dirt bank and was just about into the woods. But I noticed this zombie to my left that had all black clothes on saw me. Before I could get to the top of the hill and to the woods he some how beat me there. He then started coming towards me from the only trail I was going to take into the woods. So at this point I remember feeling super exhausted and that I just felt I couldn’t run any more. So I turned around jogged down the hill and was trying to find a building that I could hid behind. So I then woke up. I had a real sense of ‘’Oh, thank god that was only a dream!’’ But I had to do a reality check just in case.

      Dream 2. Gas station Lama’s
      So, this dream started off we me and Jared in our super small country town. Which in really life only consists of, a post office, a café, and a gas station, which they are all close by. So we have to tell every one who is looking for the town ‘’Remember its so small you can blink and miss it…’’
      So we were by the post office walking around when Jared noticed Lamas at the gas station that people could pet. So of course he had to go see them and pet one, so we walked over to the gas station. I think his sister then pulled up and got out to talk to us. Jared started saying he was really hungry and wanted food, so she decided she would go get some for him. I have no idea why I did this but I decided to have some fun and spy on her. More like try not to be seen and see how close I could get. I guess I’ve been playing to much Splinter Cell D.A. Lately. So anyways I was doing pretty good. I remember though in her way out I ran for a small crate, but my shoe got caught on something. I then fell face first hitting my teeth on the marble floor. I remember I was surprised it didn’t hurt. So I walked out to her car and got in with her, she then started driving. I asked ‘’What about Jared? He’s still in the store.’’
      She then said ‘’Forget Jared, he’s a little loser.’’
      So I was like ok I’m fine with that and we drove off without him. I then remember she got four different thing for me to eat. I eat this weird chicken stuff. I remember seeing this neon looking yellow stuff in this small container so I asked what it was. She said it was a type of mustard sauce for some food. So I tried it and it didn’t taste well, I remember I started gagging to. I also tasted the chicken and really tasted the sauce which is a fist for me in dreams. So I don’t remember what happened but this cop was trying to pull us over as we were driving on a empty country rode. She then started speeding to outrun the cop which she could do well since she had a sports car, and the next thing I know its like we were in a racing game. All this cops kept coming at us head on and trying to like cut us off so we would lose control. I also remember when we would turn corners the view would change would change to third person, which she said she prefers while going around corners. So for some stupid reason the cop got us. Our car disappeared and we were in another car but this one was nicer than the last. I asked her what happened because I was starting to get confused and catching on it was a dream. But she said ‘’Well every time I get pulled over we then get another car from my car garage.’’
      So that was good enough for me to continue without realizing it was a dream. So after a while of driving around I remember she was going to jump this huge ramp over a wall we couldn’t get past and into the ‘’City’’ as we called it. But just before we did it I woke up.
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    11. #36
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Ok, didnt get to sleep until like 5:00am for some reson I couldnt sleep. But I did sleep for a little afterwards and surprisingly remebered quite a few dreams. Oh yea, I think I need to watch ghost in a shell and the military channel more often during WBTB, they infuence my dreams well.

      Dreams of 11/7/06

      Dream 1. The hatch:
      So, this dream is sort of based on the TV series Lost. I was out side, not sure where. But I was in some type of junk yard type place. I don’t remember much except walking around a little with another person. We than had to attack and take over this under ground bunker/living type place, but I have no idea why we had to. So the next thing I now I’m with about five other people just outside this door that leads under ground to the base were to take over. Every one else and I were on some elite army type squad, and we all had weapons. So I remember they broke the door down and we all went in cautiously with our guns raised. We then pretty much searched the place, but it was very hard to do so because there was practically no lights and it was kind of dark. So I remember I walked off and looked in another room away from my squad. As I opened the door I saw something that surprised me. There was this Chinese guy who looked really rich like some business guy. Then there were three really good looking girls all sitting on top of his desk around him. I guess the girls were there to entertain him because they didn’t have much clothes on. Also the room they were in had lighting and electronics in it like computers. So the guy started talking to me and he was friendly. He wanted me to do something business related thing with him I think, but I don’t remember what I said. So he then left the room and closed the door leaving me in the room with the three girls. I remember they then walked up close to me and started trying to get me to have sex with them. I was refusing to but they kept persisting. They then all started slowly striping there clothes off hoping they could change my answer. Now they were extremely good looking but I just couldn’t so I told them sorry, but no and walked out of the room leaving them there still in there. So I remember I walked back to the main room where my squad was searching stuff. The room was still dark but we could see fairly well. So I also now saw my mom walking around in the room to for some reason. I think we started talking a bit and then one of those three girls was telling me to come meet them so we could talk in private. So I agreed and we walked around a corner. She then started striping her clothes and took off her top. I remember when she did this I found out she really didn’t want to talk so I walked back into the main room where my mom was standing. I started talking to her and said ‘’I thought Lost couldn’t show nudity? I thought local channels couldn’t show that stuff either?’’
      Now I thought this because in this dream I thought I was watching Lost but really playing along in it. So when I saw the girl nude it immediately made me think of how unlikely a local channel could show nudity. That also made me so close to becoming lucid but I didn’t.

      Dream 2. Kittens! Tons of them!
      So this dream mostly had baby ducks and kittens in it. It started off with me at my house. I was looking out my slider and out into our grassy lawn. I then saw one of our domestic ducks and noticed she was acting weird. Later she walked right up to the slider and she had two cute baby ducks following her. They were both black and yellow. So after watching them I went back down stairs and did something I cant remember. I then came back upstairs and looked out the glass slider door again. This time I saw the baby ducks off in the distance and a few baby kittens following the mom and the baby ducks around. I also saw a kitten near the slider laying in the bushes so I walked out and picked it up. I could tell it was born not to long ago but it now had fluffy hair. So I remember I set it slowly down and as I did so I heard a pop. I then saw the kitten rolling around crying. I thought I broke its back or something so I was feeling really bad and was trying to help it out. Then after a while of it being un able to walk it just got up, went through the slider and down stairs. So I decided I would catch it later and went upstairs for something. I then came back again to the slider but this time to see hundreds of kittens. I saw tons of them walking around out in our grassy area, there was some walking around in our house and I could see lots at the bottom of the stair way. But I remember these kittens were super cool, they had really cool marking's. One I picked up was grey with white strips about every three inches, and on the out sides of the white strips it had red strips, kind of like a snake. It was so cute and cool looking I wanted to keep it so I showed my mom it. She then said I could have it if I wanted. I then remember sitting there and watching tons of the kittens playing in the house.

      Dream 3. Roosty…..
      So not long ago my mom decided to put my Rooster to sleep due to some walking problems.
      He was the coolest rooster I have every had and I think I’ve had him for about 8-9 years. So any ways we buried him along with another cat we had to put down that day in our animal cemetery. So in this dream I remember walking up to my chicken coop to feed them and get the eggs. But when I opened the door I saw my rooster, Roosty sitting there. I remember I got really confused because I remember burying him in the cemetery. Its funny because when I was burying him I was thinking what if there was such a thing as a cemetery like in the movie Pet Cemetery were they came back to life. Our pet cemetery is also way up in the woods to, which is what got me thinking of it. So every thing that happened and what I felt was so realistic feeling. So when I saw my rooster back to life I got kind of scared because I thought he came back to life like the animals in the movie Pet Cemetery. I then remember picking him up and looking at him. And I thought ‘’Well, if your alive then why did my mom say she put you to sleep? She had to of been lying but why?’’
      So it hit me, what was in the box that we buried, that Roosty was supposed to be in? So I then decided I was going to go dig up the box to see what it was. I remember it then started pouring down rain while I grabbed a shovel and started heading into the woods to find the cemetery.
      I remember feeling I was onto something big and that I couldn’t trust any one. I also came so close to becoming lucid. This dream was so realistic and vivid I swear I thought I was really in real life, its kind of scary how real it got.

      Dream 4. Saying good bye’s
      So this dream is so strange I have no Idea what the heck it was about.
      So, I was at my old house and it was just about night time out. I remember some one I really cared for was leaving to go away for a while. Now I think I had some weird military group type thing going on at my house I just cant remember what it was. But the person that was leaving was a girl about my age. I don’t remember if the feeling I had for her were of love or as a friend ship but they were extremely strong feelings. I hated to see here go. I think her story was that she fought beside me with the little military thing we had going. Before she left I remember we decided to take a walk or do a last patrol around my house, something like that. But I think we both had guns. So we were walking around the perimeter of my yard along the tree lines. I remember as we neared the house again after talking a bit I saw a odd creek that was never there before. I remember we both sat down near it and were watching how the moon was reflecting off the creek. I then saw this odd thing swimming around in the water so I reached down and picked it up. It was a hug salamander but it was black, I just remember looking at it a bit then heading back to the house. I then remember she then got in her car to get ready to leave. I then told her to wait there so I could get a paper to write how to contact me for when she left. So coming back to her car and trying to write on the paper on the hood of her car, I pretty much couldn’t write. I kept trying but I couldn’t get the phone number down which was starting to frustrate me. I then looked up from the paper to see these two teens racing down the rode and past our drive way. I remember one was a sports car and the other was the newer mustangs. So they then came again racing up the rode. As they passed I caught a glimpse of the driver in the mustang. The driver was a girl my age, but what really stood out on her was the glasses she was wearing. They looked like those bigger ones the cops wear. So for some reason she crashed just not to far from my house and was standing besides her totaled car. I started laughing and yelling across to her ‘’that’s what you get stupid, for trying to race around here!’’
      I then saw something that scared me a little. I don’t know if it was a guy or what, but it was in the shape of a guy that then took the girl. It easily picked her up and moved very weird, almost like mist does. I then think she was screaming and it took her into the next neighbors yard and disappeared. That got me and the girl’s I liked attention and we were going to do something quickly. So I told the girl to go check it out carefully while I got some weapons. I then ran up to my front door and I think I kicked it in, heh I guess I like kicking doors in in my dreams. So I walked into our living room and saw my parents both sitting there on the couch. Since my dad collects knifes I told him I needed one. So He tossed me this big black Rambo knife. He then pulled out this huge dagger that was really nice looking. He said ‘’How about using this, it looks bad!’’
      I told him that ones mostly for looks and I really doubt it would be useful in combat. So as I was walking out I think he threw me another knife and I caught it behind me back without even looking. I then ran out into the road near were the girl crashed her car, but both the girls were gone. I knew that weird creature got them, but was only hiding them. So I remember I got ready and that’s when the bushes all around me started rustling. I kept seeing all these animals, long worms, and other stuff crawling around making a bunch of noise so I didn’t know were to look. The creature thing then kept appearing and with his mind made objects disappear. I remember I saw a case and opened it. It had a bunch of rifles in it, I was going to use them but I had to leave the area for some reason for a second. So I continued looking for him with the Rambo knife. Later I then walked back to the gun case and realized the creature made all the guns disappear with his mind. So I just thought jokingly, oh great, what now, is he going to use them? So then all of a sudden I saw this small flash in from of me and my eyes soon adjust back to the dark. As they did I saw about eight of the guns that were in the case floating in the air now pointing at me. I knew the creature was doing this and was about to shoot me. So I immediately was like, oh shit! I then dove to the side. But as I did so I woke up. I want sure if I jumped in time or not…only if it would have lasted a few more seconds.

      Dream 5. Invincible
      This ones kind of short, and it probably would have lasted longer if I didn’t wake up in the beginning of it. So I’m pretty sure I was some type of James Bond type guy. I was in this very nice building in some lobby. For some reason all these guards started running out and trying to kill me. The first ten I killed easily with a silenced pistol. After more came I still killed them with ease. So I started thinking, Why even try? So as I thought that I decided I would kill the rest without even really trying. After I thought that I threw a grenade over my back for no reason. Then a elevator door opened just as the grenade blew up in front of it. There was about four guards in it to that died. I then was walking around in-between all these square pillars fighting more guards. Some I would shoot right in the head without even aiming. And other I would carelessly fight them in hand to hand, easily beating them. So pretty much I just kept killing all these guards without really even trying because I knew I was that good. I just hope all my other dreams I actually try because that got boring.

      Dream 6: Close to Lucidness
      So this one makes me really made. As I was going to sleep I wanted to do a reality check but I didnt want to wake myslef up doing it. So I thought, why dont I do a reality check just by thinking. So I really thought how I would be able to tell what was real and if it was a dream just from what I could think. Now I dont use this as a regular RC this was just the first time. So I decided if I whent to all this legnth to think of if the RC would work and the other dream stuff that it was a good enough one. So later I had a dream. In that dream I was buisy doing somthing and I think both my hands were doing somthing so I couldnt do a in dream RC.
      I wanted to do a RC though so again in the dream I was thinking how I could do a in mind RC to realize it was a dream. So I started thinking ''Well, if you take this long to think of a RC and how it would work than that should be good enough. Plus with me thinking of all this dream stuff I would be sure to become lucid, so No, Iam not dreaming.'' After thinking all that in the dream I still didnt become lucid, the funny thing is it felt more realistic than all my other RCs. After thinking that I continued to think about doing RC in your head to some how tell if your dreaming. I also thought about lucid dreaming. But still I didnt become lucid....
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    12. #37
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      So, I havent posted in a while. My Insomnia got really bad for a while, I guess so bad until the point I started to see and hear stuff. A few nights ago my head felt like it was spinning inside itself and my eyes were all twitching around, so I dont know if its my insomnia or what, no I dont do drugs...
      So, I havent had much dream to type down since I havent got to sleep much. But since theres a few people out there saying how they wish I still posted my dreams, I guess I will continue posting.

      Dreams of 11/26/06

      Dream 1. Paralysis and the hag.
      So this is just a confusing and weird event, I’m just not sure if I was awake or not.
      Ok, that night I went to bed and after about a hour or so worth’s of sleep I woke up.
      Now. I’m not sure if I woke up or not because I didn’t open my eyes, but I could feel I was in my bed with my dog next to me. The moment I woke, I felt something was different. So I tried to lift my leg but couldn’t, I realized I was fully in sleep paralysis. I remember I was really determined to enter my dream and not give up and get out of sleep paralysis. So, I laid there for I think about ten seconds and finally started to enter my dream. The only dumb thing is I think I was so tired I just fell asleep, no matter how hard I tried to stay awake before hand. So any ways I started seeing something flash black and white, like a television screwing up. It really reminded me of something horror related for some reason, I don’t know why it was just creepy. So, after viewing this for about five seconds, which I think I was sleeping while viewing, I finally started to dream none lucid. I saw myself laying in my bed from a third person view. I was in some dark warehouse that was pretty much empty and abandoned. My bed was all the way back in a corner of the big warehouse where I was laying with my dog sleeping with me.
      So at the time I saw myself pretty much sleeping, and then started seeing other things. I saw these two eyes appear just above my head, they then formed a shadow. The shadow then got bigger and raised higher above me until it later left or just disappeared. I then remember seeing myself wake up in third person and seeing a door near me swing open. I remember hearing all this wind rush in and then I saw a few more doors near me swing open in the same manner. I didn’t think much about it until I think I saw a ghost appear a ways away from me. Now, I noticed the ghost was a little girl, she was also in a white dress, had something over her face, and was very pale. The next thing I know she was like glitching all over the room. She would be in one place for a few seconds and the in a split second disappear and reappear in another spot.
      I then remember all the doors that were open before slammed shut that resulted in a bunch of really loud bangs. I don’t really remember what happened to the girl, but my dog Brandy woke up. She started talking English to me and told me how scared she was and how we should go sleep in my moms room. I told her not to worry because there was nothing to be scared of and we would just sleep here. So, any ways now that I think about it, the whole time I was in this dream I didn’t really move because I was in sleep paralysis again while in a dream. Later in the dream I found out I was in it. So when I found out I was in it(in the dream) The old hag thing started to come, I remember sensing it. I wasn’t scared but I wanted to get out of sleep paralysis. So after about eight seconds I managed to get myself out of it. Right when I just got myself out of it I woke up immediately. As I woke up I knew something was different again. I tried to move but I couldn’t. So I pretty much said to myself ‘’Oh, Not again!’’
      I got out of it again and finally sat up and woke up. That was so ridicules being in sleep paralysis in a dream, then to get out of it and immediately wake to find yourself in sleep paralysis again…

      Dream 2. Succubus…..
      Wow, just from this dream I’m starting to get more and more scared of those succubus things. The thing that freaks me out the most is that what if one comes in a normal dream? I most likely wouldn’t be as cautious and aware as a lucid and just go with it…
      So anyways, I was reading up on the Succubus and found some very strange site were this guy claims he is hunted down by them. Now I know he’s probably crazy and it’s a big joke, but I thought it was funny to read what he wrote. He had lots of pictures, news articles, audio interviews, etc. Well, I saw this one picture of this pretty good looking girl that he accused of being a succubus, along with a bunch of others. So anyways in this dream she was actually in it, the same one from the picture. So anyways the dream started with me in this big laboratory. I think me and quite a few other patience’s were some weird subjects that lived in a section of the laboratory. So, after a while we noticed there’s this circular hole in the ground about four feet wide. I remember looking down it and seeing this naked girl about five feet down and hanging onto something. Below her the hole just kept going and was pitch black at the bottom, it kind of reminded me of a tunnel from hell. So anyways the girl hanging on for life was asking for help out of the tunnel. I think she was holding onto a small bar sticking out of the side of the tunnel that went straight down. So, this got the attention of all the other people I was with in the room and we decided to help her out. I later used a rope and climbed down a ways to help her out. While I was doing this I had to do this is a slow process, so we talked a bit. I remember every one above me and including me really liked this girl. She made every one laugh a lot, and every one had their attention on her. But of course she was really into me and I was just glad to be trying to help her out. For some reason though she fell off the bar and all the way back down into the dark tunnel. Every one above me was very upset and wanted me to try and go farther down or just drop down their to get her. Now, this girl was the exact same one I saw from that guys site, and I find it very strange she was all naked and got every one to like her. I just find it creepy that while I was dreaming I didn’t even have a clue it was the same girl. But you know, it most likely could have been my subconscious remembering that picture. But, I have a pretty good sense of what my dream characters feel like and that girl really felt like the presence I got from that other succubus dream I had. Thank God I haven’t tried any thing with them yet. Now I’m all paranoid to have a dream with a good looking girl in it….This sucks

      Dream 3. Wild Life:
      So, in this dream it started off with me outside near my garage. It was just getting a little past dusk and for some reason I was walking around my garage. I remember I had this Mp5. Gun in my hand for some reason and was just mostly walking around. I then remember I heard this really weird noise, it was like a mix between the noise of a bear and a raptor. It was just a very creepy noise and it creeped me out. I remember I jumped in the back of my truck which was in my garage and was looking for it. Whatever it was it was circling around me and I could still hear it making its creepy noises. So, anyways I later ran to my house. Me and my mom found out it was a bear making the noises outside my house, we also counted six other bears with it.
      Later after that I remember a huge heard of elk came running though our back yard and we were all wondering what the bears would do to the elk. But I later woke up.

      Dream 4. Beach:
      So this started out with me at a party for some reason. The party was right on the beach and there was a bunch of people blaring music with fires around. I was in the party area but under some covered concrete section still near the beach. I remember I was sitting at some pick nick table along with two other people. I remember one of them was this Japanese guy who I think he looked up to me like his older brother. But any ways I really noticed this group of boys a ways down the beach. They were playing foot ball and were all trying to show off in front off the girls. Well, later all those boys for some reason hated me even though I did nothing. They were all saying how they were going to break my back, my noise, and pretty much beat me up and other horrible things. One of them really stood out like he was there pack leader and was doing all the talking. While they were saying all this stuff, I pretty much wanted to start cracking up laughing because of this guys lack of intelligence and awareness. I didn’t want to laugh out loud though, because I didn’t want to start any un necessary violence. But he continued to harass me and say all this other stupid stuff. I remember as he walked away I said something to him. It was so good and made him look like such a idiot, I just wish I could remember what I said. But that made him furious and he threw a foot ball at my face, but he missed my face by a long shot. I then gave him this look like ‘’Dude, come on…’’
      Well, I remember he then wanted to kill me and told me he wanted to, he then walked off.
      Later, I made plans with my Japanese friend to get him pay back just so he would leave me alone and know I was serious. The only person I could think of to help me was my dad. The reason why I thought this was because my dad beat people up daily for some reason in real life. He tells me all these stories were he had a big stand off with the police and it took seven of them to take him down. I guess he said it took a half hour for seven cops to take him down and they were all brawling out in the rode and had to call for back up. So, in my dream I realized he would be perfect to help me out. Me and him could go teach those kids a lesson. It was kind of like I had to make a ally of my enemy temporarily. So, I made the plan and later woke up.

      Dream 5: Phones:
      This one is really strange. I guess I was at my old house on the phone with a astral projector while he was projecting. I remember we were talking for a while and I really like this guy, I thought he was cool. So, after talking a bit, I don’t really know what happened. But my mom rode up close to me on my quad and the next thing I know I’m sitting on the back with her driving it. We where now way back in my woods and she was going really fast on the quad. I remember I was like ‘’Whoa, what happened, were am I?’’
      Because it seemed like a second ago I was on the phone. So, even though I was ridding on the quad I noticed I had the phone still in my hand. I started trying to talk to the guy and tell him what happened and why I was gone. Because at this point I was pretty much confused by what just happened. So the guy some how heard me and said a few words through the staticy phone and we ended our conversation. I later just remember ridding around on my quad through the woods.
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    13. #38
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Ok, I still have the stupid Insomnia but I think its finally going away agian. I actually fell asleep really early tonigh, I managed to fall asleep by 2:00pm. So, some how I managed to recall some dreams. But my recalled is sucking really bad latley.

      Dreams of 11/30/06

      Dream 1. Stalker.
      So, this dream I cant really remember much. I was in a big dark creepy old house with a quite a few other people. I think there was about five other people with me. But I do know we were wandering around in the house for some reason. One of use got killed for some reason, and we figured some one was picking us of one by one in the house. So, we all go into this big room with two doors and a few windows in it. We all decided it would be best if we stuck together and stayed In one room until the night was over. I remember we were all in the room and getting anxious and nervous. We had no idea who was trying to kill us, or if he was inside or outside of the house. Since the house was located way up in the woods it made it even more freaky. So anyways after a while of sitting there with the four other people a girl decided she wanted out of the room. I remember she left and after that we never heard from her again. After a while longer of sitting in the dark room something happened. I don’t know what but I remember one of the guys I was with was shooting his gun out the window. For some reason he had a M14 with a drum and was shooting it automatically out the window. While he was doing that we where trying to tell him to stop because he was wasting his ammo. So, for some reason I knew he was about to die. Since I knew that I crouched down near him under the window he was shooting out. I don’t know what happened to him but he died instantly. As he died he dropped his gun and it fell into my hands. This is the reason why I was crouched near him, because I knew if he died I would be able to get the gun. So I checked the gun out and looked over it. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t on safety or anything so I shot it. It shot, but I made a mistake because it was the last bullet left, so I just dropped it. Later me and the last guy left decided we better leave the room for some reason. I grabbed a flash light and left the room. The guy who I was with for some reason decide to stay behind in the room we were in. I remember as I left the room and into the house it was very dark and I don’t think there was any lighting besides my flash light. But after a while of walking around looking out for this killer guy I decided to go into the kitchen. As I got into the kitchen I got this very strange feeling I should turn off my flash light so I did. I then went and hid behind one of the doors in the kitchen and waited. Sure enough this strange killer guy that was out to kill us entered through the door way I was hiding behind.
      As he did I swung my flash light as hard as I could and hit him in the face with it. He fell over from the impact and my flash light flew across the room and landed on a counter top. But the flash light was now on and shinning in our direction. So, as the killer guy got up I saw a needle in his hand that had blue liquid in it. I knew for some reason that the blue liquid was very dangerous and would probably kill me if he poked me with it. So, the killer got ready to charge at me with his needle. I remember I ran up to him and tried to knock the needle out of his hands but as I did so he got me with it and injected some of it into me. But as he did that I remember I got a hold of his wrist and broke his hand. He then dropped the needle, and I think I did something to kill him but I don’t know what. I knew though that I was about to die from that stuff he injected into me so I decided I better quickly find help. For some reason though I knew I could do something to help slow the affect. So I grabbed this small mettle rod with a sharp end and I did something pretty gross with it. I stabbed it through my chest and then continued to push it into me. I stopped once it felt it pierce my stomach. I remember the whole time I did this it hurt so bad, and I even felt the thing pierce into my stomach. But anyways I knew for some reason if I did that it would do me more good than harm. I then ran into the room where we all hid before to try and get the guy to help me out that was in there before. But all I found was him laying in a pool of blood dead. So I jumped out the window in the room and ran through the woods a bit. Some how I quickly ended up in my old neighbor hood. I ran to the first house I saw and knocked on the door quickly. This guy answered the door that looked kind of like a goofy blond surfer dude. He even talked like one to. But I told him I needed his help and walked into his house. I made my way over to his couch and laid down. I told him to call 911 because someone injected me with some bad stuff. So he told me he could call 911 once every one in the neighbor hood was not on the phone. He said if anyone is on the phone it will say his phone is busy. So we waited a bit and it finally came available. He then called 911 and listened to a voice recording. After he listened he hung up the phone, so I asked him what the heck he was doing. He said ‘’911 didn’t list the problem you had.’’
      This made me very angry because all I wanted was a ambulance. So I decided I would call them myself. I got up to call 911 but the phone was busy again. But I instead pushed talk to see what would happen. I then heard two of my friends talking to each other on the phone about me and they didn’t even know I was listening. They soon hung up and I got to call 911, but I don’t know if help came.

      Dream 2. Snake:
      This one is a short one. All I remember is me and two of my uncles younger kids were messing around just outside my house. One of the kids found a black snake and caught it. He then showed it to us and I don’t remember much after that.

      Dream 3. Video Games:
      I don’t remember much about this one either. But I was at my friend Tyler’s house and we were playing a lot of video games. I also remember his dad was talking about video games. Also towards the end of my dream I remember me and Tyler were playing on a different console besides my 360. I then remember we heard this girls voice coming from the 360 and say ‘’Your 360 has just officially got a virus…’’
      I remember I got all freaked out and dove over to my 360 to grab a controller.
      I don’t remember much besides my 360 was now like some super high-tech 360. And I could pretty much do anything on it after that.

      Dream 4. Socks:
      I don’t really remember much about this one. But I woke up from my bed (still in dream) and was walking around my room. For some reason I needed to go somewhere and I was looking for socks but I couldn’t find any. I remember I was asking my mom if she had seen any of my socks. She then led me into my room and showed me a big pile of my socks in the middle of my room on the floor. I just remember I grabbed a pair and was about to put them on.
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    14. #39
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Ok, so I havent updated this in a while. I have been a little bussy latlety and since I got my drivers license my parents seem to think I'm some kind of errend driving slave...

      Dreams of 12/10/06

      Dream 1. Accident:
      Not sure how this one started out but it was one of the longest dream I’ve ever had.
      I remember I was driving in this really nice black sports car, I think it was one of those BMW M3’s. But any ways I was driving through some big open free way, which was pretty much deserted because it was out in the middle of the woods. There was also that girl I always seem to dream about and fall in love with. But she was in the car also. I remember the story of the dream was we were supposed to drive out of state to some big street race for some reason.
      So, I remember the girl was driving for a long time through the evening and after dusk. Later I remember we came up to a inter-section out in the middle of the woods on this smaller freeway, so we decided to switch places. After we switched places to drive she told me to turn right and I turned as soon as the light turned green. I remember though that my lights were not on for some reason so I continued to feel around near the steering wheel for a switch. I remember while I did so I was thinking how amazed I was at the detail my dream had in it, but I didn’t become lucid.
      So I had to ask her where the switch was and she just reached over and switched it on herself.
      I then remember I was still driving really fast on this deserted free way. It was also very dark out, which was the coolest part of the dream. The dark was very different from what I’ve seen before. It seem almost more thicker, its hard to explain. As I drove I remember me and the girl talked quite a bit and I’m pretty sure she had feelings for me. After a while longer I remember she started to strip of her clothes or something I think to try and turn me on. But before she did I remember feeling like I really needed to apologize to her. I remember I then looked down a little bit and said, ''I’m really sorry about…’’ Before I could finish I remember looking up and seeing a semi swerve from the his lane and into ours. Then it happened so fast it was like a flash, I’m pretty sure we hit him head on. The next thing I remember is waking up in some bed, in some house that only existed in my dream and it seemed to be my parents. But I remember I woke up and saw the girl sitting next to me and see said something like, ‘’Its about time you woke up, your parents think you got some brain damage because you were talking some pretty weird nonsense in your sleep.’’ It was really weird to because when I saw her after what happened I had way more feeling for her because of what happened. Like it was some life changing event and I now thought of things differently. But I remember I wanted to reach up and hug her but I think I was so tired I could barley move. So after a while she left to other parts of the house and I saw her in third person. I remember at one point I saw some other person to, that I think she was related to. I saw this girl sitting next to her window seal, there was also this creepy looking monster thing looking in closely from out side in at her also. It was really pale and looked like a cross from the girl from the Ring and a shrunken head. But I remember they were whispering stuff to each other in some strange language. Then someone like her dad came in and caught on to what she was doing so he started screaming at her saying that there is no such things as monsters. Even though he knew it was real and I think he was doing it to hide something. Later I remember seeing the same girl and her dad in the bathroom. She was keeled over in pain and her dad was freaking out. She was also saying something like, ‘’I got the phone number..’
      And he was saying, ‘’From who!’’ But she wouldn’t tell him. Now that I think of it she had some weird disease or problem and she needed a doctors phone number. The monster thing gave it to her and she didn’t want to tell her dad who she got it from. I don’t know this part was very confusing. But it happened through the night while I stayed at my dream parents house. So later that morning I remember waking up and going outside. The house I was in seemed to be a house right on a big lake, and it was also very sunny out. I remember seeing my whole family and a few other people down on a dock to. So when I got to the dock I remember seeing my parents. The only thing is they weren’t my parents and I didn’t even notice. I then walked to the end of the dock where this younger girl was. I remember she had a red Dm5 paintball gun wrapped in a rag. It was all disassembled into small parts. She was saying something like she doesn’t need it any more so she’s going to get rid of it and throw it into the water. I remember she unfolded the clothe and a part fell into the water. I then immediately dived in to grab it because I wanted the Dm5 Badly. I got the piece and surfaced but I don’t remember much at this point. Later I remember leaving the house with that girl I like again and my whole family that was there was waving good bye. I think I was in the same car but I remember driving some more around dusk with her and talking a bit before I woke up. This was by far the most realistic and longest dream I’ve ever had. It seemed like it lasted about two days. The worst thing is now that I had that weird event happen in the dream I seem to have way stronger feeling for that dream girl… I just wish it could of happened with some one in I know real life instead of a dream character.

      Dream 2. Umbrella Corporation:
      It started with me being some scientist in a small lab. The lab was also located just above a beach and ocean. But I remember I was standing near the exit door when something happened. I could hear all these moans like zombies just a little bit away from me. I also noticed every door in the office was actually a green curtain. Some scientist came up to me quickly and was whispering that all the subjects turned into zombies. He told me to stand still so they couldn’t hear us. But I said ‘’Well, cant they smell us?’’
      He said, ‘’My gosh! I never thought of that, run!’’
      I remember I ran out the door and noticed we were pretty much on a island with no buildings around us. I then ran towards the beach and turned back to see if any one was with me. I saw a white van parked near the lab now with a girl on a load speaker telling every one to stay calm. I didn’t trust them so I continued to the beach. I made it all the way until there was a drop off that dropped about fifty feet to the beach. There seemed to be about a fifty foot concrete wall that surrounded the whole beach and I was on top of it. So some how I made it down to the beach. And stopped as I got to about a 90* angle in the concrete wall. As I made my way there I heard a bunch of automatic gun shots and knew they killed all the lab members. I remember I looked up to see this special forces Umbrella guy on top of the concrete wall looking down at me. Some how I talked him out of not killing my and he turned around and walked off. Before he did that he threw down a pair of these nice sunglasses and said I would need them to shield my eyes. He was right because the sun was supper bright for some reason. I don’t really know what happened next but another Umbrella guy spotted me And started shooting at me. So I ran into the ocean and tried to dive down under water, but I couldn’t. I kept on floating up to the top. I heard the umbrella guy say ‘’Changing to water penetrating bullets.’’
      At that point I knew I was pretty much dead. He then did hit me like three times in the back and I did die. every thing turned black for a while and then the next thing I know I came back to life. I swam back to shore since all the Umbrella seemed to have left. I remember I walked back to the bottom of the concrete wall where I met a robot standing there. The robot seemed to be able to talk and had long flexible mettle arms and really looked like a human with spider legs. He told me Umbrella was coming back and handed me dual black pistols. He also pulled out dual pistols. So Umbrella did started coming soon enough. They were repelling down the concrete walls and repelling out of helicopters near us. I was watching the left side and the robot was watching the right side. We were also having big shoot outs with all the Umbrella forces. We later killed about twelve of them and decided we better move to another location before they send reinforcements. We entered this small building that had pretty much no walls and was right on the beach. I remember we hid in it to rest for a bit and to hide from the Umbrella Forces. All of a sudden something came crashing through the roof. It was a succubus….Again… The succubus thing was really pale, had all black eyes, and these black angel like wings. It was just plain creepy looking. And even worse, it had these two huge lions on each side of it. It also had this like silver whip type thing that looked to be made out of solid silver mettle. I don’t really remember what happened but the robot I was with got his legs buried under the rubble from the roof crashing in and I thought he was gone for. I remember the succubus swung the whip at me and I tried to shield me face with a small piece of 2x4 wood. When the whip hit the wood it exploded into splinters. I then heard the robot telling me he was still alive and to throw him the duel pistols. I saw the pistols a ways off near the succubus. I tried making my way to them but her lions kept on snapping at me making it hard to advance. So later I some how ran past them and dove near the pistols. I threw both of them across the room to the robot and some how he caught each of them perfectly. The robot then opened fire on the succubus and then killed her, I’m not sure what happened to the lions. I don’t really remember any more of the dream. But that was a pretty pointless mixed up science fiction dream.

      Dream 3. Halo God:
      So Lately I’ve been anticipating for the weekend to come so me and my friends can play Halo 2 system link. When we usually play its me versus the two of them and the score is still usually like 11-100 with me winning even when I have a handy cap on. But now I seem to be having a lot of dream that I’m a Spartan and I’m in halo playing custom games…Weird.
      So, this started out with me playing halo 2 only I was actually in the game. The game setting was for some type of zombie game. All the zombies were green Spartans and all the other humans were what ever color they chose. So I remember it was me with about five other people versus like 20 zombies. All the zombies seemed to be every where and I was killing them easily with my battle rifle. I was jumping onto all this stuff so they couldn’t get me but my team was having a hard time and just got ate. Later We some how set up a trap and got all the zombies to the middle of the map. I started opening fire on all of them and though I got a Kilimanjaro because I hit all seven of them in the head. But they didn’t die so I kept on shooting them but they still didn’t die. Then a few of my team mates walked up behind me and killed all the zombies. I soon realized My guy was green but he was on the human side, but for some reason he couldnt kill the zombies. So I left the game and brought up my friends list. I found the guy who was hosting the game and noticed something weird. He was level 89 even though you can only get to level fifty. This really confused me but I joined the game any ways.

      Dream 4. Halo Again:
      This one started out with me being a Spartan again and I was in a game type. Only this one didn’t have other players, this dream seemed more realistic like it was more like I was actually there. But any ways I remember I was walking around in some town that was in ruins and seemed abandoned. I made my way into a building and onto a the second story. For some reason I stopped because I got this weird feeling I should be cautious. I slowly walked around this 90* corner at the entrance. Just before I made my way around the corner this girl that seemed to be a zombie pretty much flew around the rest of the corner at me. I remember I then shot her with a shot gun I had and she died. I then for some reason pulled out this blue light and saw these foot prints that lead to a big box. I looked into the box to see a marines helmet with a half eaten head in it and his eaten torso. I grabbed some grenades off of him and continued to search the house. I then heard another marine screaming and running past the house I was in. I then saw this huge spider chasing close behind him at full speed. It seemed to be one of those big spiders from gears of war. I then went outside and walked around a bit. Later I encounter two huge spider like the ones from gears of way and fought against them with a battle rifle. I don’t really remember any thing else.

      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

    15. #40
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Not much to say, didnt get to sleep until like 3:30am though. I also seem to be having a, I guess you could call it a boring dream dry spell. No dreams latley that have been to great

      Dreams of 12/11/06

      Dream 1. Lucid Dream:
      So, all this morning since my power was out so I tried to WILD. I laid there for about two and a half hours not moving, determined to WILD. But nothing happened, I still knew though that if I could get to sleep I would most likely have a lucid from my attempt at a WILD. So I did and sure enough I had a Lucid but it was very short. The dream started as a normal dream with me at the bottom of my drive way at my house. For some reason I was walking up my huge steep drive way with a big garbage bag. Once I reached the top I stopped to take a rest for a second. As I set the garbage bag down I remember these two huge and fat chipmunks ran out from under it and into the woods. After they did that I think they disturbed something up the hill a ways in the woods. Because I then started to hear all this rustling near me. So I remember I walked up the hill and into the woods to see what it was. I soon saw two baby Leopards sitting at the bottom of a big stump. I remember they spotted me and walked right up to me without even being scared. I also noticed they had collars on like they were tagged by some wild life service.
      I then heard a bunch of big crashes farther up in the woods away from me. I kind of got scared because I was wondering if these two baby leopards had a mom or not. So I started to slowly make my way out of the woods when I then heard another crash. I looked up to see our animal cemetery up in the woods. I also saw my dead rooster Roosty sitting up there. But only he was really big, like almost human size. I remember he started flapping his wings and making branches break from trees. So, at this point I said to myself, ‘’Ok, this is obviously a dream…’’
      I did a reality check so I might be able to become more lucid. I plugged my nose and tried to breathe through it. It worked, but half way through my breathe I all of a sudden couldn’t breathe. Like my body was fighting for weather my subconscious or I could control my breathing. So, I took another deep breathe through my nose and it worked until I got about half way through my breathe. Then my lungs felt like they locked up again. But any ways I think I breathed so hard I woke myself up because something weird happened. I could half see my real life vision and half see my dream vision. It almost was like they were each two frames over each other and fading in and out. Then it looked like my vision started to get really shaking and I woke up not really able to do any thing to sustain the Lucid. But when I woke up I found myself in sleep paralysis. I was going to try and enter my dream again until I looked over at my closet door way. When I looked over there I saw The girl from the movie The Ring standing there. It was the monster girl from the Ring, She also looked similar to the girl from the video game F.E.A.R. and the girl from the Grudge movie. But any ways she was standing there with her head down in my closet door way so I decided I better get out of sleep paralysis.

      Dream 2. Army:
      In this dream I was in the army on a patrol with four other member with me. I really only remember we were on top of a big hill and there was a small village below us. For some reason the four of them all wanted to roll down the hill and started doing summersaults down it. I didn’t do it, I stayed at the top of the hill. So any ways, some one started opening fire on them from the village. The four of them were out in the open and exposed because they were on the middle of the hill. I remember two of my soldiers were farther down than the other two behind them. So I yelled at the two in the back to give the two in the front suppressive fire while they ran back up the hill. The two made it to me safely and then we started giving the other two suppressive fire so they could move up back to us. But for some reason one of them said some weird dramatic line like ‘’Tell my family I love them.’’ something along those lines. So all of us but one made it to the top of the hill to safety. But the one that didn’t decide to run down the hill to be the hero I guess. So as he was running down the hill we were all yelling at him not to do it. I then went to third person to see him running down the hill and into the village. He took out a few Iraqi’s and then kicked down a door to a house. I remember he ran in and got into a big shoot out and killed all of them, which I think he took out all the enemies in the village. I’m not sure what happen to him next but I think he was captured by a ghost. I saw him get pushed into a chair by something invisible, then something rapped tape all around him so he was stuck to the chair. I then went back to first person to me and saw the other three soldiers I was with. We all then made our way into the village and was inspecting the house the soldiers was captured in. For some reason we couldn’t get the front door to open to the house he was in. So we later kicked in this type of wooden curtain window to the house and entered through it. Once we entered the house I noticed it was all now very modern looking. Every thing was high tech and look very clean like some type of hospital. I don’t remember much besides wandering around looking for the captured soldier and encountering some ghosts.
      Pretty boring, nothing great about this one...
      Adopted By: The Blue Meanie

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