• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #76
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      Oct 2006
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      It's true what they say. When you stop trying to LD for a while, you usually get one


      Dream 1

      I started off in my bed. Someone was sleeping on the couch in my room for some reason, or was going to be. Either way, he got up and started playing sega genesis. He asked if he was bothering my sleep; I said no. Eventually, he tried to nod off. I did the same, but when I flopped my hand over to my side I got something very cold and sticky on it. I turned on my light, and found out it was a mutant tree. I had forgotten to care for it, so its buds were becoming rotten or something. They looked like grapes, and were oozing the said pus-looking stuff. I threw the tree off of the bed, and decided to worry about it in the morning. Went to sleep in the dream after.

      Dream 2

      It started off with me waking up inside of a wooden galleon. The ship was being battered by pirates (I could see this in third person before I woke up), and we were about to sink. The pirates were fighting from some sort of fortress on a nearby island. Someone else on board came to me and warned me that the situation was very bad. I got a view of the exterior again, only the entire middle of the ship was a giant hole. The ship was divided into three sections, and the middle one was filling up.

      As the boat sank, I went through a hole. I was presented with a map when I got out, and traced a route with my finger to where I wanted to go. I moved to the second smallest island in the chain (the pirate base was on the first), and switched people.

      Now I was the captain's son. He (I) was already on the first island, along with a few others, and we were going to sabotage the pirate base. I stood for a bit, admiring the island and its incredible scenery. I remember going the wrong way, and finding a pit of spikes. I made the leap across (I was in third person and just behind myself now), and hit the switch with my axe. A bridge extended, and the other people with me could make it across. I switched people again.

      Now I was someone else on a third island. Our boat motor had broken, so we needed a new one. First, though, we had to fight this horde of monsters near us. I had two short swords, and the enemies were mostly using huge axes. Well, I pulled off some first class blocking and slashing and managed to kill a few. When I was to the last one, he got me in the left side with an axe before I took him down. I looked at my friend, and he was pretty much dead. I, too, was dying, so I slumped down next to a crate. A woman came along, and after some rude comments on her part ("Wow, you guys fight terribly!"), she told me that she was a nurse. I doubted she could help us, and blacked out.

      I guess we got nursed back to health, because now we were where we intended to be all along. I had the thought that I was dreaming here, but didn't act on it. We were in this boat shop talking to some guy about repairs when he said it would be much cheaper to buy a new one. I looked around, and some of them were pretty amazing (if only I could draw ). One that particularly stood out was something that looked like the back to the future car, but more rounded with wings sticking out near the back with turbine engines on them.

      Just then, some pirates stormed into the shop. I was in a dark corner at the time, so I crouched down and hid. They brought out this looking staff that could transmit video back to whoever owned it. After killing the shop owner, they started looking for more people. Someone outside the shop was "jamming" the staff, so the images couldn't get out. I took my opportunity and lunged out of the shadows, killing them. Then I blacked out.

      Dream 3

      Now I was in a very dream-like forest. The ground wasn't grass, it was just pure white... and there was a man next to me. He felt very evil, as if he had something in store for me. I took this opportunity to actually use my lucidity. I hovered over the ground, and sort of taunted him "oh, but can you do this?" He said that my tricks didn't matter much as he could do anything, too. I could feel animals closing in from the darker than normal forest.

      I yelled at him something to the effect that he is me, and flew up into the canopy. As I was getting higher, my flight slowed. I realized that this was because I was still just trying to fly up higher into the forest and not above it, so I kicked it into overdrive. The canopy fell below me, and I could see the planet. It was a very small one, maybe not as big as some larger city, and only that patch was a forest. The rest was a pure white orb, floating around in a white void. As I tried to comprehend what was going on, my dream shut down.

      Dream 4

      Very sexual semi-LD. Read if you must.

      It started off in my house, shortly after my brain exploded from the white void. There was some very hot woman sitting on my couch. Knowing this was a dream, I did what came natural. Suddenly, my dad opened the door during the act. I explained to him that this was my dream, and that he had to leave. He agreed, but came back a few seconds later and made the same stupid face. I told him to leave again, and he agreed. He didn't have time to come back, because the scene suddenly changed while I wasn't paying attention.

      Now we were on a bed, but it was in an open-air market with no people. As I was finishing the "act", the woman vanished. I sprayed the product of such an act in the way that silly string sprays, and for a good 30 seconds. All of the stuff around me was coated. Then, I noticed our esteemed president running around without his suit vest on. I noticed it on the ground, coated. I willed the coating away, and put the suit on. I was admiring my new duds when I woke up.

    2. #77
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      I forgot a chunk in the middle, but this was a pretty cool (if a bit violent) dream. A bit of a role change, too; I am not usually a killing fiend


      Dream 1: Prisoner break

      The first thing I remember is a third person view of some huge organic pod landing in a yard. It was an alien dropship, and I was inside with a few other people. There was some woman with golden skin and who was fairly tall, a sentient bear, some younger (13-14 yr old) guy named Valus (a name ! That's a first), and a leader who I can't remember the build of. They were all decked out in overly large chain shirts (except for the bear), and all had weapons. Our goal was to kill; no more, no less.

      I remember the landing, then going somewhere. I forget where, but it was very nice. I remember a marble fountain from the place we were at. Eventually we had to leave, and began a trek up the side of a mountain. The path wound up the side in a zig-zag fashion due to the mountain being so steep. Along the way, I remember stepping on the bear's toe. He was enraged, but I was quick; somehow I made it pretty far ahead of him on the path. He forgot about it, and we went on.

      When we reached the top, I couldn't help but admire the view. There was a large lake far below us, and a rope bridge causeway for us to continue our path on. We reached a junction on the bridge road (a random wooden column jutting out of the lake) when I noticed a commotion on the sides of the junction we hadn't come from. The people swarmed us, and soon the leader and the bear were nowhere to be seen. They had been captured. The woman, too, fell under the crowds relentless assault. Valus and I lasted longer than the other two, but we eventually tired from the strain of battle and were too weak to fight.

      My mind decided to skip most of the trip there, but now I was on the steps of a prison and being forced down the stairs. The prison was made of a white brick-like material, but it was all worn and no longer smooth. The first thing I noticed about the prison was the filth. The floor was covered in a half inch of utterly disgusting water, and the smell was terrible. People were washing their clothes in the stuff, which threw me for a loop; there had to be clean water somewhere, or else we would have nothing to drink. Most of the prisoners stayed away from me, and for good reason; they knew I had no love for humans.

      I asked an old woman if this water was the only source of it in the prison. She said no, and showed me a hidden passage in the wall. A large brick slid down into the floor, and inside was a beautiful aqueduct. There was a pale lighting all along it, and the water was crystal clear. Valus quickly ran inside and began playing around in it. I followed him inside and was in a good mood to see him so happy in prison. I decided to leave him after a while and go talk to the other prisoners.

      The gist of the conversation was the prisoners huddled around me asking questions about my race. I explained that we wanted humans dead because they were terrible, shrewd creatures. My race was all about honor. That lead into how I felt about prison. I said that I would sooner die and kill every one of them than be stuck here, a prisoner of the human filth, for any length of time. There was an awkward silence, and then I noticed a moving in the shadows.

      The golden women was lurking around, armed with an axe! The prisoners kept asking me questions, and I was beginning to gain some understanding from them. My answers became curt yes and no answers because, well, they were all going to die soon. The golden women struck. She cleaved the first prisoner right in half with her axe, starting at the skull and ending at the legs. The next was taken out by a horizontal slash, and the next, and the next...

      Soon, all ten or so of the prisoners were dead. Valus came out from the aqueduct, and I was glad he didn't have to see the slaughter. The golden women told us that it was time to go. We left, but along the way I told her about the good side of humans (I forget that that was, exactly). I wasn't exactly sad that they had died, but I wasn't overjoyed either. I tried to take the middle ground (which would still be pretty extreme by human standards). She held her ears for the most part. I tried to demand she listen to me, and she said I was tainted. I told her I was not, and tried to explain, but she said that even if she did agree with me, anything we did would have to go through the leader.

      We passed back onto the wooden bridge. She was right, of course, and that wasn't a pleasant thought. Any talk of what I was saying would be the death of me. I decided to go on doing what I enjoyed, and that was senseless slaughter. I woke up shortly after this realization.

    3. #78
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      Dream 1

      It began hazy, and I forgot a large portion of the beginning. I was in some incredibly old high-rise building; the floors were made of rusty sheet metal, and the elevator was something more suited to a mine shaft than a building. "We" started the elevator up, and rose up 20 or 30 floors. Then, we got off. I looked around the very drab place, noting the terrible floors. The whole building seemed ready to collapse like a house of cards; every time I would move, the floor would shift a little. I was a little uneasy. I forget exactly why we were there, but it was some experiment.

      Sometime during the experiment, the elevator dropped a floor and left a nice, treacherous gap between two of the floor plates where it had been. One of the people there had leather-soled shoes on, and was walking towards where the hole was. As I went to warn him that his shoes might be slippery and that he should watch his footing, he lost his footing. He slid down the hole, landed on the elevator, slid off the other end of the elevator, and fell into an abyss.

      After another gap in my memory, I went into one of the doors off of the floor we were on. It lead to some book store. I spent the rest of the dream looking around the store, finding rare and exotic books on the shelves. Most of them were at least 6 inches thick. I woke up during my wandering.

    4. #79
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      This morning was nothing short of epic (for me). I woke up at 8:00 without remembering a single dream... then managed to throw myself into a lucid for an hour. There is a bunch of stuff I forgot, because I focused on the impressive parts to remember.

      Dream 1: Lucid Marathon

      Really, it started off so suddenly I don't think anything caused it. I forget what the plot was at the time, too. So suddenly I knew I was dreaming. First I resolved the plot I was in. There was one "fade to black, wait, re-enter dream" moment in there somewhere. Then, after the plot was resolved, my recall becomes pretty good. First, I talked to my friend who was there (shared dream or not, I will need to check up on). I told him that this was a dream, and he did his tell-tale "how could I have not seen it?" sigh. I told him to go out and have some lucid fun while I had mine.

      I opened the door to my house, wondering what season it would be. It was summer, humid and in the high 80s. I had resolved myself to go out and see some scenery. I took flight in the classic superman manner, headed over an unusually lush hill behind my house, and flew along the railroad tracks.

      The tracks were lined with tall grass instead of rock. As I flew, I noticed birch trees beginning to line the track. After a bit of that, the forest I was in opened up into a town. The first thing I noticed was the building. I even made note of it so I could remember it better. It was the size of one of the old plantation mansions from the southern US, but was made of brick. It was slightly run down, but still very imposing looking. There was a tower attached to the side, also of brick, and perhaps half again as tall as the tower.

      I kept on flying. Next (I was facing my left the whole time) was some sandstone church. It was, again, very large, but also old-looking. The chapel was... hard to describe. If someone took a pyramid, sliced it in half along the corner, and elongated the distance from the peek to the corner nothing was done to, you would have it... but in something resembling sandstone. On the large flat face formed by cutting the corners was a door, and a statue, some religious icon I would expect. About 20 feet from the door was another half-pyramid... but only a fourth as tall, and hollow. They faced each other to make a sort of incomplete diamond shape.

      I faded to black, but managed to not wake up. The scene was now a crowded open-air marker. I experimented with flying here. When I would try to fly, I would reach my speed barrier pretty quickly. I toyed around with my thoughts for a while, and found a good one to think. I managed to go pretty fast.

      Faded to black again, then was inside some research center. Some researcher had brought a coffin from somewhere, and was going to trust only 3 people with the key. He gave me one, but I said I wouldn't be around much longer. When he asked why, I told him I was lucid dreaming and would be continuing my journey west. I did open the coffin, just to see if anything good was inside. What I found was black plastic lumps. They were light, as if hollow inside.

      My vision faded. I wanted to use this place to start again, so I kept moving the plastic lumps around in my hands. Eventually, my vision came back. I went to the sliding glass door at the back of the research facility and opened it. I apologized for needing to leave to the guy, then did a super dream punch and punched out the sliding screen door that was behind the sliding glass one. I apologized for that, too, even though it was unnecessary and intentional

      The facility overlooked a rainforest. I looked up at the sky and noticed the clouds were odd; they were much too opaque. I wondered if I should cause an end of the world scenario, but decided against it. I flew over into the rainforest (or rather, the meadow with copious amounts of plant life next to the rain forest), and while I was flying, I called my dream guide. Suddenly, hundreds of parrots took flight; I picked out a blue, yellow, and white one to follow. The parrot landed near the base of a tree, and so did I. I started talking to it, but it just sort of looked at me. I was running through parrot voices in my head so that my mind knew how a parrot would talk when I faded to black.

      I had nothing to anchor myself with this time, so when I came to I was back in my house. At first I thought it might have been real life; it was certainly real enough. But then when I thought back, I hadn't gotten out of bed yet... I just sort of appeared, so my lucid continued. To test it, I tried levitating around, and it worked pretty well. My friend was there, but he had forgotten he was lucid. I reminded him, got the sigh, and tried to go back to the rainforest. He asked me if he could come with me, but I said no.

      I tried to visualize a door leading to it behind me. I turned around, and... nothing. There was only a wall. I considered flying back, but the chances of me finding the research facility were slim. Instead, I got sucked into following another plot line (I did maintain my lucidity, and used it throughout), but again I can't remember exactly what it was about. I do remember that, in the end, there was someone sleeping in my bathroom under a bed sheet. He was disheartened by something, but I forget what.

      I faded to black... well, almost. One eye (the left) faded to black, and I was left with a giant blind spot in my dream. I fought that by keeping the one eye in focus, even if it was just barely. My left eye finally came back into focus, and the last main part of my dream began.

      I was going to try super-powers now (other than flying). I thought force lightning would be cool to do, because I could yell "UNLIMITED POWER!" while doing it . I extended my arm, and... nothing. I tried this for a good three or four minutes. Sometimes I could get a glow around my hand, other times I couldn't. I even got one neon pink line to shoot out, but when it hit someone it broke and the pieces fell around the room.

      Well, I wasn't going to give up on this task. Seeing as I was having trouble, I decided to ask an expert who just happened to be wandering around. Joruus C'Baoth, an insane force using guy from some star wars book, just happened to be that guy. I asked him if he could show me. He started mumbling like a madman, and zapped the nearest guy with lightning.

      A friend of mine, one with long hair, was near. I decided his hair could give a good indication of weather I was on the right track or not. I raised my hand to his head, focused, and closed my eyes... and faded to black. I managed to come back. I went through the motions and focused, but the harder I focused, the more my vision waned. I decided to stop focusing altogether and just let it flow naturally. My friends hair stood up, and the more I let it flow the more stuff happened. Small arcs started forming between his hair.

      Then, one bolt shot from my finger. I moved that feeling to my other fingers, and had bolts coming out everywhere. I could see the electricity flowing from my body, and the path it took in my fingers. My friend's hair was glowing like a blue-white Christmas tree now, so I got to do my yell. I ceased the lightning, and we both got a good laugh.

      Vision faded once more, and I barely got it back. I made the trek to my room. I opened the door expecting to see a DC I was trying to make (one I met a long time ago, a very nice person), but doubt crept in. I saw no one, so I sat down on my floor. As I was looking around, my vision faded.

      And no, I didn't make it back into the dream this time. I became immediately aware of my body because I had an itch.

      EDIT: Somewhere in here, I remember rolling around in something only to find out it was tiny pins. The pins were poking me, so I dulled the tips mentally and gradually transformed my shirt into a chain mail shirt. I wish dream time wasn't so screwed up, then I could put this where it should go

    5. #80
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      Nothing from last night.

    6. #81
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      And after sort of blowing off dreaming for a while, I got inspired
      Last night was wicked.

      Dream 1

      The line is blurred between these two, since I had them earlier in the night. I forget how (it was explained at some point), but a race of war-like humanoid aliens has taken over earth. We had no chance, really; they could hit us from orbit, and we were still using current day tech. Humanity was now in servitude to them, building warships and the like.

      Well, a couple of friends and I were rebelling (at first). We had decided enough was enough... and were going to do something about it. Somehow, I ended up in space in a fighter (the part I forgot explains this :/). I was flying around outside a very blocky mothership, when I went in to land. This was part of some grand plan that I forgot, but I had to land in the hanger. I did so, and there was a ship waiting for me. I got in it, and took off.

      First, I blew up the core in some nearby space station. It exploded, but I cheated to do it; I just wanted to see how to. So I loaded my game, and landed in the hanger again. This time, I didn't get into the fighter in the bay. I just stood next to it. Then, I was detected. The entire ship started to accelerate, then break suddenly in an attempt to throw me out the door. I held on. I got into the fighter, and used this to slingshot me forward at some incredible speed.

      I was no longer in my ship, and the spaceship was now fairly close to the ground. I tumbled down into the ocean, and when I hit I rolled around in the water at least 4 times before I could stop myself. Then, suddenly, I was somewhere else.

      Dream 2

      I was now in some open-air market version of my elementary school playground. I guess when I was on board the alien ship, I was suppose to have made a bunch of money. I spend that in the attack, so I was left with approx. $70. I decided to buy some "tobacco smoking tools" (haha), from one of the street vendors. I spend most of my money, but making change was a chore.

      So I went into my house, and dropped these things off. Then I got notification that I was "summoned" to go work on some alien project. I had one chance to get out of it; that is, I had to win some ridiculous game. It involved a plastic death star (but the sphere only had around 12 sides) that had to be spun around the middle. The objective was to line up the two faces with the same color. I had three tries, but I failed them all.

      So I loaded my game, but that trick didn't work this time. I was sent to work putting panels on a starship. My plan was to sabotage one of the panels so that a rebel team could easily board the ship.

      Dream 3

      I didn't get the chance, as I woke up. I went back to sleep, and was thrown to some random location out in the middle of a forest. I knew where I was (though the scenery was completely new), so I followed the convenient path. Along my walk, the path went along a cliff that dipped off into the ocean. I looked down, and noticed a viking ship floating there. I thought nothing of it, and continued on.

      I was close to my cabin in the woods now. Suddenly, a wolf ran out from the underbrush and tried to attack my companions! I froze time, pointed at the wolf, and typed "kill" into an invisible keyboard that was apparently built into my chest. When time unfroze, the wolf dropped dead. We continued on, and ran across some more... things. They were undead skeleton-looking guys, but with glowing scimitars.

      I pulled my freeze time trick, but they unfroze before I could type in my code. I scrambled to punch it in, and barely made it. I walked to my cabin, and had some philosophical discussion... which I forgot

      We were now ready to try some sabotage, however. We went to the boarding station for a transport to the work site. When we got there, I was asked for some ID. I said I didn't have one yet, so they pointed me to a registering booth. I registered, and the database said my race was "half-divine". I blacked out.

      After the blackness, we had won. The station was destroyed, and we were on the run from all kinds of officials. This lasted for a few minutes.

      Dream 4

      Woke up, fell back to sleep. The aliens had build another station, identical to the first, that we were going to sabotage (persistent buggers ). Although, this time I was a Jedi randomly. We stood outside discussing our plan. I told the strongest member of my team that I intended to go undercover into slavery, and destroy it from the inside. I went to register. When I did, the lady said "Hey, aren't you that half-divine that just blew this place up?" I was baffled. I had blown up the reception office, too... but that didn't matter now.

      My first act was to freeze time and put as much distance between them as I could by flight. Last time I was swamped with police and stuff, so I was going to keep them off my back this time. I made it pretty far, when I noticed her; the alien prime minister, and her guard were walking down the hall. I went for the guard. She was as tall as I was, and very strong. My friends told me to leave her; there was no way I could win. We locked hands in a test of strength. She was losing at first, but than she began to change...

      Her face became more animal like, and thin brown hair sprouted from it. Her eyes became more wild, and the teeth sharpened. Her arms bulged. I started to lose, and broke off my attack as quick as I could. I ran down the stairs, and off into some random building. I was standing by a stairwell when some police came for me. I pulled a jedi mind trick on them, and they left me alone. After a while, I found myself trapped in a basement with the person I told about the mission.

      Suddenly, it dawned on me. Why was I running when I could just use my lucid powers to go to a new place? Transitions are not my strong point, but I figured I would try. There was a door leading out of the basement, and I asked my friend to focus on the door leading into a grassy meadow. We honestly stood looking at the door for 3 minutes before I opened it.

      Well, it half-worked. The door lead to where it should, but the carpet in the room was a grassy meadow. Outside my house was about 2 feet of snow. At least the madmen were gone. I went to the door, and noticed that it was cold outside. I made it warm, and stepped out. It was a nice 70 degrees, as was the snow. I messed around with the snow for a bit, then flew over to a frozen Lake Michigan.

      I slid around on the ice for a while, then decided to go for a swim. I ran over to a thin spot in the ice, and broke through. The water was about 70 degrees, but felt a little cold. I bumped it up to body temperature, and went for a swim. Breathing air underwater threw me for a loop, though. I kept bumping into ice chunks, so I decided to abandon that idea.

      I got up out of the hole, and decided to manifest a person. I turned around to find the person with a blanket on his head. We talked a bit, and I took flight. I found that I could go much faster flying feet first, but it didn't feel right. I flew threw a massive gorge, and followed the river that went through it. It eventually lead me to a series of cliffs. I decided I was going to try flying through the mountain, instead of over it.

      It didn't work too well. It felt like flying through a thick oatmeal, so I gave up. I instead hiked over it with two random people. When we got to the top, we had to go down a steep cliff to get down the other side. One of the people slipped, and fell in the river. The other went in after him. Both drowned, and floated to a delta near a dream version of Lake Superior.

      When I got to the bottom, they were both very dead. I went up to them, and told them they could breath water (hey, I could ), so there was no possible way they could have been dead. They both got up, and went to their fathers house which happened to be the one they floated up next to. I went out onto the ice, determined to find some shipwreck to go explore. Instead, I found a sunken house. Only the very tip of it was sticking out of the ice. I looked at the house, and my dream started to fade.

      I tried to keep the house in focus, and did for a while... but some external noise woke me up.

    7. #82
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      Very odd. I wish I could remember the whole thing

      Dream 1

      I was in some cabin up in the mountains. My friends mom had died, and he had sunk into depression/insanity. I guess it was a very violent death, as he was looking for her pieces to bury. I decided to help him. Somehow, I ended up at a stream. A face in the water talked to me and made me a deal; I could keep any pieces that I could hold on to. I didn't understand what this meant until I started getting mauled by zombies every time I would pick up a floating stray hand or foot. I gave up after a while, and forget what happened after that.

    8. #83
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      Dream 1

      I remember being trapped on an island. I was on some sort of trip, and "we" were stranded. This island happened to be populated by lantern people. I caught a glimpse of one, and it was very cool. It was like a man clad in a raggedy black robe... but instead of a face, the person had a dull glowing, blue-glass lantern. The person also had a blue-flamed torch in one hand.

      I guess that these lantern people wanted me to eat of the foods on the island and stay with them, but I declined. I forget what happened after that.

    9. #84
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      Haha, this dream was great.

      Dream 1

      I forget how the beginning went. The first thing I remember was me not being me. I was someone else, and I was on a quest or something with the real me. Well, the enemy we were fighting had come up with a plan to kill the real me by distracting the new me. I saw the plan being imagined; the person would unleash a bunch of zombies, I would get distracted, and he would kill the real me.

      So after seeing that all unfold, I was back where I was standing before. I allowed all of it to happen, kind of like an actor following a script, and all went according to plan. I fell for the distraction, and when I came back... the real me was gone. I set of to another part of the house I was in to find the man that had committed the crime. In order to prevent the real me's psionic powers from being unleashed, the man had not only sealed the body in a brick of concrete, but he also cut out the real me's brain.

      I found the brain near him. It had the texture of cold bacon, and was both flattened and elongated. I took up the brain and tried to used telepathy to revive it so that it could help me in the fight against this guy. I guess the real me in the dream was pretty much immortal, because I was running on the assumption that the brain and the body would join up after the brain helped me get the body free. Before that could happen I woke up

    10. #85
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      Two second lucid! Wohoo!

      Dream 1

      I forgot the start of this dream. The first thing I remember was looking around and realizing we were near our destination planet. I was in some space ship with a few other people. I couldn't get an accurate count, but there were around 3 other people. I was one of the lowest ranked on the ship. So we saw our destination out the back door of the ship. Once one caught a glimpse, we all had to go...

      So I poked my head out into space (there was no physical door on the back) and looked. It was an earth-like planet, but the landmasses weren't the same. The atmosphere was also very, very blue, and surrounded the planet like a fuzzy orb. I was talking to everyone about how cool it looked when the ranking officer told me to shut up and stop being annoying.

      We had been sitting the entire trip; I know this because even though we should have, I didn't want to sit back down and sleep like the rest of the guys. So, to stretch, I decided to clean the rather dirty spaceship. Most of the floor was covered in legos. I was scooping them up by the handful and dropping them in some large plastic tub.

      I realized that was a bad idea real quick. Just like in real life, they were LOUD. I woke up one of the guys in a seat close to where I was working. He just glared at me, and the ship started to rumble. We were landing. Someone told me it would be bumpy and that I should sit down. I made my way to my "seat" (more like an outline of my body in foam) and fumbled around with the strap. After I got myself strapped in, my vision began to fade. I suddenly knew I was dreaming, but I was also waking up. I couldn't stop myself and just ended up in my bed, wondering what the planet looked like.

    11. #86
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      I had 2 that I could remember when I woke up, but I forgot the first one within a minute.

      Dream 1: Vampire King

      I also forgot the first part of this dream. I was with a group of people, and we were hunting vampires. We had followed a lead to a department store. The vampire king's lair was hidden behind a false wall that held sunglasses. We stood around outside this thing taking for a while ("You know, this seems like a really bad idea") but eventually went in.

      When I got inside, I noticed that the floor was made up of the same stuff those really expensive iron gates are made of, and it looked really nice. I rode the elevators (each only went up a floor, and they looked like pistons in a car) until I was on the the third floor. I met a guard vampire and punched him in the face (his body broke into pieces after I did this). I eventually made it to the top, and found a large worm-like creature with fangs.

      I noted that the arena was very small and that it would have been easy to fall off of if I wasn't careful, and there was also a hole in the middle so that it was shaped like a doughnut. Just then, it dawned on me how I would beat the king without any weapons! (who's idea was that? haha) When the worm charged I used his momentum against him, and flung him into the hole.

      He fell, and I knew I had won. I gripped onto the platform and planted my feet because I knew he wouldn't just die that easily. He kept flying up the sides of the platform and falling back down the hole, doing it incredibly fast. He almost hit me once, but because of my stance he just went between my legs. After a few minutes of the death scene, I faded to the next dream portion.

      ...which I forgot. I remember finding a SUV that had a road in the back, and a small town.

      After this, the first thing I remember is being in a library type room. One of the people that was a hunter with us had to go somewhere to clear our name. It was thought that we all were vampires. The person left to go talk to the ruler of the land, and we were left to fend for ourselves. Suddenly, wooden stakes shot from behind the walls and we were all hit. I was hit in the shoulder, but the pain wasn't too bad.

      Well, we knew we had to run from the vampire hunters that were now after us! We ran down some stairs into a dark basement place under the library. We kept running and came to some stairs; this could be our way out! I was about to run up them when someone stopped me. He said that the local police station was up those steps, and that being labeled as vampires would get us killed if we went up.

      We were out of options, so we decided to morph. (Animorphs anyone?) We hid in the shadows on the other side of the stairwell and began the process. Well... they did. I just pretended to change because my mind has a hard time with it . We were becoming cockroaches so that it would be easy to sneak out. The other hunters turned the corner just as we were finishing up. She pointed out to someone that I looked like a squished cockroach and then took up position by the stairway.

      Well, after we had all finished morphing (I was a cockroach now, but third person) we were now faced with a new challenge: how to get up the stairs. I guess one of my friends had a really jumpy cockroach, because he asked us all to grab on to his back. How we did this I don't know, but there were 5 cockroaches stacked on top of one another by the time we were done. The bottom one hopped up the stairs while my third person body walked behind. Someone made a comment about how "those roaches should join a circus!"

      After we made it up the stars, logic breaks down. There was no police station, it was only an alley. Somehow I went to a shop and donated $20,000 to the local castle. We then went to the castle, and found that it had gone to good use. There were literally thousands of flowers, and all the guards had very nice light-blue armor on. We went inside and found the friend that had left us earlier. His mission had been successful, and the donation helped him prove his point.

      He asked what we had been doing in the meantime, and I told him (with colorful language ) that we were attacked with stakes and barely made it out alive. I woke up after I told my story.

    12. #87
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      I wish I could draw. There was a book that I saw in the 6th (yeah, 6. Its amazing what an extra hour of sleep can do&#33 dream that had this really cool cover, all gold-inlaid and in a different language.


      Dream 1: Trip to Kygastarn

      The first thing I remember about this dream is looking around. The country I was in (ky-gah-starn is the only pronunciation I remember, but the name changed around during the string of dreams I had a bit) was very pleasant; it was located in South America somewhere around southern Argentina near the ocean (I even got out a map to check ). I was admiring the trees in particular. They were like the trees around where I live, but there were some slight variations; some of the bark was textured slightly different, or the leaves were a slightly different shade of green... those sorts of things. I had incredible eyesight, too, because I was doing all of this from about 50 feet away from any trees.

      Well, the people I was with were preparing for some ceremony. This part is hazy. I remember someone coming up to me and telling me that there was something I needed to see, so I followed...

      He led me somewhere closer to the ocean because I could see the tree line dropping off, and the wind was much heavier. What he led me to was a dead horse. I randomly teleported behind the horse and was now facing where I came from; suddenly, I was attacked by a horde of flies! I had flash backs to a movie that I had seen (one that never existed. funny, that) that involved these flies. They infected a person and once that was done, the person would die a painful death when the fly eggs in their blood hatched.

      There were other people around me that got infected too. I realized then that I was in the said movie. I knew the outcome; everyone would sustain themselves on some elixir made from the flies' blood for as long as possible, but only I would live. A treatment would be made from my dead friends and would save me. I went with my friends to receive the first drink of the elixir. The machine was in some Mayan looking shrine that was half-crumbled. The elixir tasted a bit like a nasty cough syrup, but there was some difference I can't name. After the first treatment one of my friends died; flies came out of his nose and eyes and his skin started crawling.

      Dream 2

      I woke up in my room (not really, it was a false awakening). I sat up in bed, thinking I should probably go get my next treatment. It dawned on me that what I had just experienced was just a dream, and that I was never in that movie. I was going to go back to sleep, but my bed was vibrating and buzzing so I couldn't. Someone had left a rumble pack on for something under my bed, so I got out of bed to turn it off. After that was done I went back to sleep.

      Dream 3: Fleshy Pod Wars

      Now I was at some roadside park near a swamp. There was some dream before this that tied in, but I forgot it. It was winter (the water in the swamp was frozen), but it wasn't cold. The "lucifer" is a ship from freespace; why it was only about 3 feet long and in a roadside park, I may never know. So suddenly I noticed that there were pairs of random freespace ships floating around and that the park was actually a background. I realized then that I was the lucifer (yeah, all 3 feet of it; hurray for third person).

      What puzzled me, though, was that there was only one lucifer. Suddenly, the second one jumped in (freespace term again, means came out of wormhole-like thing...). This new one came under attack by all of the ships in the area, and I was going to defend it. I started shooting beams from my side at the opposing ships methodically and sluggishly. After 4 or 5 minutes, I had cleaved through them all with energy.

      Now, though, enemy spawn points had appeared. They looked kind of like meaty towers with three spikes jutting upwards from the base. I killed these with some fleshy pod that I now had in my hand (I was no longer the lucifer) that shot out blue goo. They dissolved when the goo touched them.

      I went back to check on my pal, the lucifer, and was horrified. It was consumed by one of these spawn points! I tried to save it with my blue goo, but all I did was melt the lucifer. Saddened, I left and continued on my journey.

      Dream 4: Bees OF FURY

      I forget the transition, but now I was near my house. My journey was going to take me someplace behind my house, but on the way there I ran into a large number of bees. Many of them flew off of the flowers they were on and at me. I ran away, waving my hands over my head to create enough wind to throw them off course. I ran like this until I made it to my door, and stomped a few of the ones I knocked out of the air.

      Dream 5

      Somehow linked to the bee dream. Now I was in a car parked in my driveway. Suddenly, WHAM, I was lucid. The door opened on the other side of the car. I paused to look around at the incredible detail of the car, but as I was doing so I woke up.

      Dream 6: Return of Kygastarn

      I went back to sleep, and was outside my house again. On the sidewalk was a giant (it had to be at least a foot and a half thick) book. The cover was red and inlaid with gold letters. The design was very nice- I knew it had come from Kygastarn, and was sort of a giant fact/religious book of the country. I walked over to where my family's garden was and noticed two veiled women talking to my father. Naturally, I had to investigate

      They were Kygastarni royalty, or so the fact book told me (even though I didn't have it, and even when I did I couldn't understand it). I pointed this out to my father, but he said he needed one of them to help him with some work he was doing. I tried to talk him out of it, but he refused. I was sitting on an ATV at the time. My father and one of the girls got on after they were done talking. Needless to say, the seat was huge.

      So my father drove over the hill where the bees attacked me in the previous dream. They were gone now. He drove for a while before I woke up.

    13. #88
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      Woah. I love the ending to this one.


      Dream 1: Zombie Escape

      We were under attack and needed to act fast. A legion of zombies was closing on my house. My friend and I only had two guns at our disposal: a fairly normal pistol, and an Uzi. My friend (who got named Garret later) handed me the pistol, and we ran. These zombies were pretty fast (unlike the classic shambling ones) and we had to run fairly fast to keep ahead of the mob. I was firing over my shoulder as I ran, and I did nail a few zombies.

      Well, soon my clip ran dry, as did my spare. I tossed my gun to my partner, and he threw me the Uzi. I almost missed the catch. We had to slow down to do this, so the zombies started gaining. My friend yelled for me to run faster. I was pretty pumped on adrenaline now, and I wasn't getting tired from all this running (I usually don't in dreams, anyway). Then, I decided to take command; I had an idea.

      "Run down the hill! I don't think they will be too mobile in a forest!"

      We were in my yard at the time, so we veered off into the forest. We came to a small creek, and this is where I decided to lead our little escape; after all, I did know the area better than him. We hoped that zombies couldn't jump, and hopped over (the banks were steep, so if the couldn't jump they probably couldn't get out). We ran until we hit the 20 ft or so high ridge that was in a clearing (it was where the railroad tracks behind my house should be, but this ridge is almost always in dreamland).

      After trying to get up the ridge for about 5 minutes and trying different places, we finally made it up. In an ode to cheesy boss fights everywhere, when we reached the top an incredibly large zombie appeared out of nowhere. I still had my Uzi, and put it to good use; first, I shot the head until it exploded, then the body followed. A card appeared.

      It was a wireless ATM card. Some omniscient voice said that we couldn't take the transmitter out, because the card would explode. That was a shame because we needed it to fix our radio to call for help (you know, the one that magically appeared a few seconds ago.) We got out 50$ from the card, and continued to walk the line along the top of the ridge.

      This continued until we ran into some power lines. They were too close to the ground, and whenever I went near them I felt like I was being electrocuted. The only way to go now was towards the highway; we hoped that the zombies had lost our scent and that we could flag down a ride once we got there. As we walked, the scenery (rather abruptly) changed from summer to winter. There was now a very large hill in our way, and I began the climb. My dog was behind us now.

      I made it up the hill, but when I reached the top there was a platform made out of old logs. I went to go use it as a foothold, but one of the logs came out, slid down the hill, and smashed into my dog. I hoisted myself up onto the platform and began to feel sad. I guess the log had done something to me, too, because I was now dying (it might also have been from the cold, I can't remember). I called out my dogs name, and Garret, who was now on another platform by mine, said that "He's dead, you idiot. He will never answer."

      Whatever wounded me was taking its toll now. I laid there, and images started to flash through my head... images of better times. There was that time that I found a wild horse that I became friends with, and that time that I met this owl... (none of this ever happened, strangely enough)

      The owl looked at me in my death-visions. I knew I was hallucinating now, and I was half in the owl landscape and half on a wooden platform- the line was blurred. I gazed into the owls eye, and noticed that it was made up of hundreds of tiny gems. It was utterly breathtaking. The owl began to fade, and only its eye remained. The eye got larger, and I was suddenly at peace. That too faded in time, and I was left with nothing except serene darkness.

      ...and then the movie ended. I had played my part well. I got up and walked away, and then woke up in real life.

    14. #89
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      Meh, I hate when my inner voice is telling me that I am dreaming and I just ignore it to continue with the dream.

      Dream 1

      I forget how it started because I slept in. First thing I remember, though, was packing stuff on a bus. Our organization was leaving to a new location. I had all of my stuff packed, but I couldn't leave until tomorrow, when I would catch the next bus. I went to sleep.

      I woke up about 3 seconds too late to catch the bus in the morning, so I went back to sleep. I woke up 3 hours after the last bus left because the person who I asked to wake me up decided to mess with me.

      I was furious.

      I looked out the window at where the bus was suppose to be. I kept hearing "lucid dream" being mentioned in my head, but I was too preoccupied with anger to take full advantage of it. I put it on the back burner, and began throwing random crap around. After all, it was a dream; I could do whatever I wanted. Breaking glass objects became strangely satisfying

      Eventually my father came by and told me to stop. I told him that I didn't want to, because it was a dream. He asked me to prove it, so I pulled my signature move: hovering about 4 feet off of the ground with my legs crossed. He believed me, and now that I was snapped out of breaking things, I could do something more constructive.

      I decided to catch the next bus that came by. It wasn't going to my destination, but I would change that. I sat in the back and started talking to all of the people on board, telling them where we were going. I eventually talked them into believing it was 3 hours ago, so it did become 3 hours ago; I was now on the right bus.

      The lucidity cut out about here and I went into a foggy transition. I ended up where I was going, and spent a long time talking to the people there. The place I was sitting at with these people was beside a ridge that looked out into a dead forest. It would become a cave from time to time.

      There were corrupt police talking to each other out in the forest. Up till now I was having doubts about joining this group, but I now knew that my cause was worthwhile. We were dedicated to taking out those scumbag corrupt elements of the government, but up until then I was still uncomfortable with fighting the government.

      After that revelation, I went out of the cave for a walk. When I was coming back, I saw two men lacing the entrance with dynamite. The cave was now shaped like a backwards C, with the open part being dead forest again. I yelled to my companions to get out of the cave. I kept yelling, but they just looked at me like I was crazy because I never said why. One person came out and yelled out why they should leave. As they made their way out, the dynamite went off.

      The two men who set it up were laughing now, and I was ready for a fight. I walked up to the red-haired one and gave him a right hook to the face. He started to fight back, but I could hardly feel his blows... so I just laughed. He gave up after a while.

      The other person had won his battle, too. Apparently the dynamite had really just dropped 3 doors into the entrance of the cave, two of which required keys. The other guy opened the door, and to my relief, everyone was alright (though a bit scratched up and shaken). I said "See? You guys should listen to me more often, haha..." before I woke up.

    15. #90
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      Heh, had a good LD last night. I even pulled off this months task

      Dream 1

      I forget most of this one. I do know I was with a group of 3 or 4 people, and we were trying to survive out in a cold winter environment. I remember being wrapped up in a very thick sleeping bag, and being required to change into my jacket... but all I wanted to do was stay warm inside my bag. I eventually changed (very awkwardly might I add) into the jacket inside of my sleeping bag.

      Dream 2

      After waking up for no real reason at 5am, I went back to sleep while thinking about lucid dreaming. After a dream involving a bus ride where I was laying down in a seat wrapped up in a thick sleeping bag (probably the same one from before) and another dream where I was driving a car down the same stretch of road over and over I ended up in a very, very large house. I forget how, but the first thing I remember was being lucid.

      This house was so large in fact that it had mountains and a large, very nice lake inside of it. I was standing on the edge of this lake, admiring it in my lucidity. There were two DCs with me (well, there was a third that kept phasing in and out of existence, but I won't count him), and if I remember right I asked them to follow me when I went lucid. My goal was to spend a lot of this LD with these cool guys instead of myself. I would describe them, but only the personality stayed constant; there bodies kept changing.

      We were going to cross the lake, so my first thought was flight. I tried to go superman style, but that usually doesn't work for me, and it didn't here either. I could have spent time working myself into the right mindset, but I decided to try something different: wings! I have only flown with wings once before, and even then they were just my arms.

      I decided to give them to my DC companions first though. I looked at the first one (I'll call him Morpheus, because towards the end that's who he looked like; not here though) and asked is he wanted wings so that he could fly with me. He agreed happily. I pointed at him and tried to will them into existence; I thought I had failed, but when I looked really hard I noticed a very faint outline of black crow-like wings sticking out of his shoulder blades. After I noticed them, they became completely visible.

      In a split second the person became a large hawk. By "large", I mean a hawk with a 7 or so foot wingspan. He then flew over the lake and tried to fish with his new claws, but failed miserably. He came back and I told him that the hawk I had made him really isn't a good fisherman. He said that he noticed when he almost drown when trying to dive under the water to reach a fish.

      I asked the next DC is he wanted wings, and he replied with an apathetic "not really...", but he did want to get across. His coat collar kind of reminded me of a shark fin, so I asked him if he wanted to be a shark. He thought that was a cool idea, and agreed. He swam with his legs around in the water while it was happening. I stopped paying attention when his legs fused and became a large fin. He did stay the same color as his coat, though; a nice tan.

      Now it was time to give myself some wings. They were nice osprey wings, and they sort of phased into existence out of my shoulder blades. They were pretty long, too, and went most of the way down my back. It was time for us to take flight (or fin) and head over to the other side of the lake.

      Morpheus was much faster than I was. It made sense to me; I was still pretty awkward with these new wings (though, it was strangely easy to move them around and fly with them. I felt like I had had them my entire life), so it made sense that a DC would be better than dream flight at me. We made it across the lake to the other shore without incident.

      After this we fly from the shore to the door leaving the "majestic lake" room on the other side of the lake. I had flying with wings down by now, so this flight was very natural. I made it to the new room, which was something straight out of a massive sporting goods store. I knocked a few things over, and went back into the main room.

      Now, all of the lights were off; the lighting looked like it was a few minutes before dawn. This usually means that the dream is ending, so I went and found Morpheus. He was walking away, so I asked him to follow me. We talked about things for a while, but I can never remember speech very well. He seemed pretty happy being a DC. He had to go to the bathroom, but I wouldn't let him go alone because I was afraid that the dream would end when he was out of sight.

      After his bathroom little break, I remembered this month's lucid tasks. The snake one would have been too hard on limited time, I thought, so I decided to go with the leprechaun one. I asked Morpheus if he could help me find one. He thought for a moment, and one fell right out of the sky and behind one of those little wall things that usually run along balconies. I ran over to see him, but all that was there was a child's backpack (it was leprechaun themed, though).

      Or was that all? I put my head to the floor, and through some lucid magic my eye phased through and I could see under the boards. He was there, all right; just in hiding. As I was looking, he went to a trapdoor near me and opened it up. I reached down and scooped him into my hand. Oddly enough, he was only about an inch tall!

      I asked him what it was like to be a leprechaun. He replied with a nice apathetic "Eh, it's not bad." At a loss for words, I set him down. I transitioned into the next dream shortly after.

      Dream 3

      I was now an astronaut. I was the last one to join, so I had to sit in the worst seat on the space ship; the one that was outside of it. The ship was shaped like an elongated pac-man, and I was sitting in the mouth while the rest of the people sat near where the eyes should have been. The mouth had ridges on the side for me to hold on to, thankfully, because we were going incredibly fast.

      I was complaining a lot during the trip because laying sprawled out and hanging on to edges of a moving spacecraft is not fun. We eventually landed on mars, and I was the first one out. We put out some probes and I woke up.

    16. #91
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      The last dream was odd because it was a mix of being awake and dreaming.

      Dream 1

      I forgot most of this one. I was with someone else and we were charged with infiltrating the taliban. I remember riding around in the back of an old pickup truck, yelling "I hate jews!" once or twice for good measure (it was all for the cover, of course, and sounded very awkward). Later I remember the leader driving off in a newer (but still pretty old) light blue pickup to go and kill some people. I told the people that were left behind that he was going off to kill without them, and they got a little upset. Then my partner somehow gave himself away. I woke up before anything happened to him.

      Dream 2

      Went back to sleep. Now, I was playing the role of a soldier and reliving a past war. Sometime after vietnam, the US had decided to crack down on obscure cults that wanted to kill people (ok, not really, but that was the story). We were crawling at the time down a road towards a cult that specialized in beheading people. There were at least 100 or so people crawling down a dirt road with me, which made no sense.

      Well, we came to some railroad tracks soon enough. Our orders were to stop for nothing, so I sped up to cross them quickly. The person behind me didn't, and lost his legs to a train. I could hear him screaming, but we needed to go on; it was our mission. We continued, and soon I saw the cultist hideout.

      Or rather, mansion. It was like a tobacco plantation house from the south, but with old west saloon doors. There was some guy running around outside with a smiley face stitched on his shirt... and the most insane grin on his face. He hoisted a gun, as did I, and shot. I no longer had a head, and my view fell sideways into the dirt. I could still see, but couldn't move.

      A female reassured me that it was alright. She was the one that was assisting me in my quest, so I trusted her. The manic man took me inside and tried to "fix my head", even though I didn't have one. Afterwards, my "ghost" got to talk to the cult leaders. They had pale yellow skin, and it was disturbingly smooth and uniform. I told them that I did not hate them for what they had done, but that I pitied them. Their response was only a disturbing gaze. Then, I left.

      I had to live through the flashback as part of my quest to become a hero. The elf woman and I could now enter the nearby temple. She could before, but now I finally could. The temple was built into the side of a hill and was very ancient looking; if I could draw it, I would. We ran up the exterior ramp around and around... and then, when we got to the top, we took the spiral staircase down. The stairs were very old stone and carved with odd symbols.

      "So," I said, trying to be funny, "are the missing steps part of elven architecture, or is that just age?" She laughed a bit, and said they weren't. The temple kept going down and down... and eventually, we made it. There was a large circular crystal on the floor, and a dark tunnel leading down.

      "The true test waits in here," she said. We both slid down the tunnel, face first and on our stomachs. It became a fine dirt, and we were plunged into darkness.

      When we made it to the bottom, I couldn't stand as the space we were in was too small. I knew that the only way out was to dig, but how far down were we? I considered going back up the slide, but it was too steep. I began clawing at the ceiling, but was strangely calm. After only a few feet, I could see sunlight, and it was very welcome (ah... oddly enough, I am very claustrophobic in real life. Fearlessness in a situation like that is incredible for me).

      When we got out, the elven woman told me that she was grateful for my quick thinking, and that she had to admit that she was a bit worried. I was in my yard at home now, and we headed off into the swamp to find the elven village to continue my quest.

      Well, we got there, but by the time we did everything was flat like an RPG and the elven woman was a mushroom (uhh... what? ). I walked onto the tile containing the town. Someone stole my money so I now owed the inn guy 10xx gold. I woke up.

      Dream 3

      Not wanting to leave it unfinished, I rolled over and went back to sleep. Now I was in the woods behind my house, but in a different spot. My mission was now to follow my dog into the woods. As I did I felt my vision switch to one of the back of my eyelids, so I became lucid. Instead of opening them, I grabbed onto the small trees and followed the sound. I used the small trees to guide my was, and as I left the thick part of the forest my vision came back.

      I was near some ruins now. I knew this dream was unstable; it was, after all, about 9 hours after I went to sleep. I *think* one of my eyes in real life opened now because I saw my bedsheets vividly with one eye, but I forced it closed. I needed to speed this up, so I walked over to the ruins.

      I was now under an old dome looking building straight from a daedric ruin in morrowind. I raised my hand into the air and absorbed my powers to fight the evil plaguing the world. I became the "lightbringer" in elven tongue. I lowered my hand to hold the katana I tried to manifest... but I only manifested the weight. It was invisible. I tried to get it visible for a little while but then gave up.

      When I entered the dome before, the local elves hid in their homes. I made them come out and cheer for me (by now I had taken on the role of director to keep from waking up). Then, the evil guy appeared. He was a dinosaur with smooth, cream-colored skin and a gem on his forehead. Lacking a sword, I began punching it.

      This is where it starts to get wierd. Now I was flying down a shaft while standing still. I kept punching him while some speech went on in the background about how I was damaging the right half of his brain. And, coincidentally, he only had a right half... so when I beat the jewel up, I won. The narrator kept going, and the shaft led me to a giant ear. I entered because I had no choice. I slid into the ear, down a spiral slide, and out into the forest. The guy stopped talking, then I woke up.

    17. #92
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      Well, this is the first day this week that I remembered a dream... but it was self-induced by poor sleep habits. REM rebound is great. Vivid dreams... but I still got up too early and forgot a lot of it. I'm just going to write fragments because I can't put them in chronological order.


      I remember being outside in a video arcade that was under a outdoor festival-like tent (you know, with 4 metal poles holding up a canvas roof). I remember sitting around and doing something, then heading inside the building nearby. Someone tried to give me a box of stuff, but it was suspicious so I didn't take it. My friend took it and gave it to my physics teacher, and it was a computer virus.

      I also remember being at that exact same location in relation to everything else, but it was a building in this fragment. I was in a college class now. I forget the subject. After class, I remarked that it was pretty amazing how the human mind can adapt to new life styles with relatively little trouble.

      I am pretty sure this was the last fragment I had before waking up. I remember going to the beach with my friend and some girl. He was hitting on the girl, so I decided to let them be. Keep in mind, this is not an ocean beach or anything; this is a lake superior beach, so its nice and chilly outside. I had a nice view of the other side of the landmass I was on (it cuts in like a V, so I was on one side of the V and I was looking at the other). The view kept getting blocked by sky, though; by sky I mean sky colored clouds... or something. I motioned for the two lovebirds to look when the clouds finally went away; the view was incredible. They looked, but really didn't care...

    18. #93
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      Recall has been garbage lately, but I managed to pull something from the blackness last night.

      Dream 1

      I forget most of this one.

      I was on some trip with some friends, and we were staying in a hotel. I remember smoking up with one of them, and walking around in a haze... which, by the way, was pretty close to what it should have felt like.

      Dream 2

      Two parts to this one.

      I remember being in a fairly rundown town; cracked cement with grass growing through it, rusted-out gas station, you name it. I was with a friend, but I forget why we had stopped. There was a group of people near to us, and they gave off this bad feeling. I felt like we should leave, but we didn't. A car nearby started blaring rap. While I don't normally like rap, I was kind of moving to the music.

      The group of people (like usual, I never saw their faces, but the clothing was very odd; winter jackets and stuff in the middle of a city) came closer, and I knew something was up. One of them was brandishing a longbow. This wasn't a tiny longbow, either; it had to be at least six feet long. They came up to me, the guy knocked an arrow, tilted the bow horizontally (a reference to holding a .9mm sideways, and a pretty funny one at that), and demanded one dollar.

      I knew that I didn't have one dollar on me. I asked them if they would take a five instead. They didn't want a five, but after some arguing I got them to take it. I broke open my wallet, and lo and behold... one dollar bills had magically appeared. I asked them if they still wanted the dollar bill, and they did.

      -unknown period-

      Now I was in the same town, but walking into an arcade. I decided to blow some time by playing an arcade game. This game was incredibly odd; it was a tabletop game with two rounds. The first round had a bunch of cheap plastic cars on the table. The piece you used was some spring loaded car, and the object was to flip at least one of the other cars over with it. It was launched with a little pull tab on the back of the car, which made it hard to aim.

      I did alright during that round, and then got to the second round. This one had more, smaller pieces to knock over, but was round limited. Again, I did alright, but then lost. I went outside and met up with a friend. He was sitting on a bench on a peninsula, and there was a tree nearby. The area was surrounded by cattails. I thought it was pretty nice until a bee started flying around my head.

      I learned through dream memory osmosis while I was running that the bench was actually a bee reserve for the town. They were all relocated to that one bench, or rather, the one hive under it. I woke up.

    19. #94
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      Haha, see what I mean about getting lazy? Its been a while since I've updated. This series was pretty cool as far as dreaming goes. Sure, the actors and the plot kept changing, but it still had a great ending.

      Dream 1

      I only remember the end. I was in some military base sneaking around. My friend was there as well as a member of the military that was helping us out. One was Russian (like I was in this dream for some reason) and the other was Turkish. We sabotaged something and left in a hurry.

      We ran, and gunfire filled the air... somehow my friends had already made it back to our "base". It consisted of futuristic but obsolete (the dream was set in the future) craft in a walled off parking garage. Once I made it back, my Russian friend (who was now American) gave the order to attack. He was very specific on the point that I needed to get back to base as soon as the assault was over. I hoped in some sort of hovering gunboat and took off.

      This gunboat was fairly nice looking. It was a dark, dark red, almost black, and consisted of two long boxes with tapered ends stuck to each other with a long, thin connector in the middle. There were two machine guns on the front of the boxes, which I promptly test fired. It was very satisfying.

      So I flew over the walls and landed on the top of one of the enemy hover crafts, in a blind spot. I turned my guns downward and unloaded into the poor guy. It took a while because they had incredible armor, but I brought him down. I looked around, and noted that the battle was over, so I returned to base.

      The base was destroyed, as was most of the equipment. It was suprising, really; we shouldn't have even survived, much less come out with a victory and a half of a base. For some reason I had walked back to the base; perhaps some dream transition made me lose my ship, I can't remember. On the way back I noticed that bloodsuckers (from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) were running rampant through the city.

      I climbed back to the top of the parking garage. My American friend said that we only had a few minutes to stay because the balance had been destroyed in the city. One of those bloodsuckers came up through the chimey behind us, so I killed it with the AK-47 I had on hand. The gun disappeared afterwards. I tried to get the American's attention, but it took a while. When I finally did I told him a bloodsucker had just tried to attack us (even though I was shooting a gun about 5 feet from him he didn't notice). His eyes widened in fear. The British guy (previously Turkish) said that we should follow him as he knew of a safe place. We did, and it lead to a massive string of roof-jumping.

      I was running scared now. We were hoping along the rooftops, but I was moving faster than everyone else. My intuition was my guide, and I only hoped it wouldn't give out. I kept my jumping up until I came to a building with a large hole in the roof (most of them were damaged in some way, but my intuition guided me to this hole). I jumped into it and, still running at full speed, made my way down the stairs to street level. I took a few corners and then came to three doors.

      The wrong one would mean my death; there were at least 100 bloodsuckers behind me, and since I was still running full speed I had little time to decide. I decided on the rightmost one. I went in... and found out that it was just a lobby with three doors. What a relief

      I went into the main building that the lobby lead to. Inside were a bunch of British men that looked like they were straight out of a James Bond movie. The head guy could have been one of the reincarnations of Q. My friends were sitting in one of the giant leather couches that this place had built into the wall. I listened to Q talk about things, but I forget what they were. I looked over and saw the other British guys and they were making fun of me behind my back. Not in a nice way, but in a racist, "oh hey look its a communist bastard" way (I retained my Russian-ness). The couch my friends were sitting on was built into the wall in such a way that those guys couldn't see me when I sat down, so I did. Q said more stuff.

      Dream 2

      The start of this one is a bit fragmented, too. I was too focused on the ending when I woke up

      The previous part of the dream was somehow assimilated into this one. Now I was in the same city, but not... it was farther ahead in time. I was now hiding out in some force-fielded building with a few people. We were hiding out from some anti-robot task force, though I'm not sure why.

      Eventually we had to leave in a hurry. We were running and eventually got attacked. We got in our time machine... thing (it was made of thin, shoebox cardboard. The door was a folding flap) and took off into the unknown.

      I got out of the box time machine and looked around. Somehow we had docked with a space station. To keep our cover we had to go sign up with the military as they had just made a call for everyone on the station to do it. All six of us walked down the hall towards the sign up station. I looked out one of the windows and got an incredible view of a planet.

      So we got to the sign up place, but I had no idea what to put my name down as. I couldn't use my real name; I had been "dead" for hundreds of years now. I am not good with making up names, so the other guy in my group that couldn't make up names and I hung around for a while. I failed my aptitude test because I was the second last to fill out my sheet. I ended up just putting down an alternate spelling of my real name.

      Anyway, we were sending messages back and forth to people in our party in russian. We figured that by now the russian language would be dead, that our country had succumbed to time. One of the people on the station picked it up. It turns out Russia somehow made it, and now owns a space station. I got the impression that they were some of the last humans.

      Anyway, that planet I saw needed to be destroyed. It was never explained why, but our time machine could do just that. The problem was that it needed people to fly, it couldn't run on remote... so we had to make a choice. Should we sacrifice ourselves to save what was left of humanity? Most of the crew thought so. We had been traveling as immortals for ages now, and most were tired of it. I and one other didn't care either way. Eventually we rigged the ship so it only needed 4 people to operate, and my 4 friends went off to collide with the planet.

      For some humor I guess, the mind threw in one last part. I was talking with people on the station when I learned that I had an english test from a couple hundred years ago to make up. I made some crack about how I should have gone in the ship when I woke up.

    20. #95
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      Meh, the lucid dream was great and all... but it was so sad at the end

      Dream 1

      I forget all but the end of this one. A couple of friends and I were staying in a hotel, and I had gone outside with one of the others for a walk. It was a nice night, and both moons were out... wait, both? I looked at the sky in awe. This false moon was just barely peeking over the horizon. It was the color of the moon, but it had no texture... and was very creepy. I told my friend about it, but he dismissed it as the setting sun. Suddenly, it darted across the sky and became pale green. Red, meteor-like things started streaking past it, and then it disappeared in a solar eclipse fashion. First the body of it went, then the outline. I went inside.

      I went to go into my room, but it had become a door to the lobby of the hotel for some reason. My new room was a door away. Blacked out, etc.

      Dream 2

      This one started off with some duel between two anime characters in my back yard. They fought for 4 or 5 minutes, and then another one showed up. One of the first ones (a medusa-looking thing) attacked this new character for another 5 or so minutes, though she didn't fight back; she only dodged.

      After this, the first anime girl on the scene (the one that started off fighting the lizard thing) switched "modes", though I won't go into detail. We all just started walking around aimlessly for a few minutes, talking about something that I can't remember because I can never remember speech.

      Dream 3

      So I was standing in my back yard, and *WHAM*, somehow I go lucid. I look around a bit to confirm it (nothing really caused it, and everything was still very real, so... I had my doubts) and came to the conclusion that yes, it was a dream. Now what? I hadn't exactly been trying for one. First, I tried sort of pathetically to rip the world in half, but the concentration almost woke me up. I flung a shockwave in the other direction without looking, but stopped it when I saw I would have hit the anime girl. I began walking around to the front of my house.

      About halfway there I had the idea to do some matrix-like gunfighting. I always have trouble manifesting objects, so I used the changing shadow technique someone posted on here a while back. I saw a holster appear on my shadow, and then a pistol in the holster. I reached down and drew out the pistol; great, it had worked. Now to find someone to fight.

      I walked into my garage and found some random people. I asked the one wearing a trench coat if he wanted to matrix fight me; he agreed. He shot once at me, I dodged and shot back. I grazed his neck and claimed victory. He said that we hadn't agreed on victory terms so it didn't count. The new terms were that the first to shoot out all of the others teeth (?) wins. As he said this, he pulled out a shotgun and aimed it at me.

      My arm was made of steel, I guess, so I just put it up in front of my mouth and blocked the pellets. I then took out some of his teeth with my pistol, and he gave up. We all walked out of my garage and out into my yard, near some pine trees. I decided to mess with their heads a bit, so I told them that they were in a lucid dream. I told them they had powers and such.

      They were fine with it until I told them it was my dream and that they all existed in my head. Then they started to deny everything. I got some long explanation from one of them about how a dream was like a film, but I can't remember the specifics. I didn't buy it. I said "Oh yeah? If this isn't a dream... how could I do this?" and tried to levitate. It failed. I asked them to wait a minute, and tried again... and succeeded this time. They still said that it wasn't a dream and that people could levitate in real life. I gave up on the argument, but had another idea.

      "Who wants to go on a lucid exploration?" I asked them. They seemed pretty happy about it. I told them that we would go just as soon as I called Lunasia (the third character I met in dream 2, though she didn't have a name back then). I began yelling her name. After the second or third yell she came bounding over a hill in my back yard. I say bounding because she was part cat (with the ears and the tail) and ran on all fours. When she showed up, I smiled, and we continued on.

      My back yard is never constant in my dreams, and now it was some sort of swamp. There were logs half-buried in the hill leading down to use as steps. Most of the DCs were now on a quest to go to some sacred trash burial mound (read: garbage dump) while Lunasia and I were just along for the hike. There was a whole set of rituals behind the garbage, such as each person had one spot to dump and they couldn't touch anyone else's spot. We stayed in the back of the group and let the others lead.

      The swamp we were now in was something straight out of a video game. I don't think any of the trees were alive, the ground was mostly a soupy mud with a few dead shrubs thrown in every once in a while, and there were masses of cobwebs everywhere. We continued on through the soup, and I kept falling into the running water parts. Part way through I made a comment to Lunasia to try and lighten the mood.

      "Know who I haven't seen in a while?"
      "The Cheshire Cat. This place would be perfect for him."

      He didn't show up (thankfully) and we trudged on. Near the edge of the swamp, as I was heading out to the railroad tracks that always exist beyond my back yard, I ran into a spider web. It was heavy, almost like fishing line, but it also broke when I walked into it. I picked it off of my face and walked out onto the railroad.

      The other DCs were already out of the swamp, but were trapped in a gigantic web. I yelled at them to use their lucid powers and destroy it; they listened. The web exploded, and they all had huge grins on their faces. I forget the next part, but I think it was a dream transition.

      We had made it to the garbage and back, and were now in some house. There were a large number of people sleeping on air mattresses throughout the house, and Lunasia and I were sitting in the kitchen talking. It was just about normal stuff, though I can't remember exactly. We decided to go to sleep. Since this was her house, she got the nice bed, while I had to use some air mattress off in a side room. I asked her if I could stay with her for a little, but she said "not tonight. Tomorrow. We've both had a hard day."

      I tried to explain to her that there would be no tomorrow, that it was a dream. She thought I was joking, and I saw that I had no chance of convincing her. I asked her to try and look through my eyes when I awoke (a poetic way of inviting her to become part of my consciousness, to become one of my "inner voices".), and sadly went off to my mattress. I laid down and woke up.

      Dream 4

      I mulled over the last one for a good 30 minutes before falling asleep again. Now I was trying to find the killer of my father in some mansion. It was something like an obscure real-life version of clue. I thought the punk-rocker kid did it, but it turned out to be some random guy who wasn't in the mansion to begin with. I ended up chasing him down with some liquid shooting gun for revenge.

      This took a good 10 minutes as he kept ducking behind cover. I thought at first that it was shooting water but when it hit the guy he ended up writhing in pain and eventually dying, so I guess it wasn't.

    21. #96
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      One dream, but very obscure/unstable... kind of like those thoughts you get right on the edge of sleep, but more visual.

      I remember stepping out of an elevator. I walked to some lobby of sorts, and accepted a job as a teacher's aid. I was the pretender at this time (hm, haven't seen that show in years) so I could do anything. Then I randomly transitioned.

      So then I became a student in the class, but due to my actor status in the dream I knew who he was. I had just taken a test as makeup work. The teacher hadn't graded them yet, so she gave them to her new assistant to grade. I assured her that he would get them done quickly, but that he might also grade too harshly.

      So we all got our tests back. Most people got decent grades (I had none wrong, as did the witch-in-hiding that was in the class randomly), but some had answers marked wrong because their letters were lower cased. The teacher had a vendetta against this witch, so she put her head on the witches shoulder.

      "Wow, you got these all right. Its almost like MAGIC..."

      Then the view started to zoom in on her face. If it were a camera, I ended up about two inches in front of one of her eyes. As it zoomed, her face grew more wrinkled and intense, and the witch-in-hiding's face (when I could see it) writhed in greater horror with every millimeter of zoom. I was laughing about this when it woke up, it was incredibly ridiculous.

      So anyway ,after the epic zoom, the witch pointed out that other people in class had gotten 100%s too. That blew the teachers argument out of the water, and my view went back to normal. Then the argument shifted to the guy that got his lower case "D" marked wrong. Woke up shortly after.


      Two distinct parts to the one from last night. I remember fighting with my Aunt about how she was raising her kids, something to do with my grandmother...

      Then I was at the top of some sandy hill overlooking a beach. The road down went in tiers, so it was fairly flat for a while, then a small, steep hill that dropped 10 feet, then another flat spot, etc. There was some wooden structure on this hill, along with a large amount (one of those tanks that tractors can haul) of some chemical. I pushed it down the hill, expecting it to stop on the first tier down. I was wrong.

      It slowly rolled along the first one, then went down the second, then the third... and exploded, leaving green goo all over the beach. By now the past had changed so that I didn't push it (haha, mind lost focus I guess), so I told the guy that did to go clean it up because I had some treasure hunting to do. He did as asked, but with a fire hose, and washed it all into the ocean.

      So I went down to the beach with a bunch of random people and started picking up the gemstones and random gold lumps that were laying around the beach. Someone else had taken a large portion of them, but said that this other person and I could have the rest. I then started finding rings (these things had about half the diameter of a pea, which is pretty cool looking back ). After I had collected a bunch of these I woke up.

    22. #97
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      Fragmented, like the last two days, due to only getting around 7 hours of sleep instead of the 9 and a half that I need to feel rested. Still pretty good, though. It's hard work cutting up zombies/bear things with a splitting maul

      Dream 1

      This one had three parts.. First, we were traveling east along a highway near my house on a coach bus. When I say on, I mean on the top of the bus; why, I don't know. I do know that we were going on some archaeological dig or something. There were three of us, and we were all sitting near the back of the bus. Time warp.

      Now we were traveling west, through a city. We were getting closer to our destination. For some reason the driver was going about 40mph down a crowded street, and was swerving all over the place. This wouldn't have been a problem - I knew he wouldn't hit anyone because he was an incredible driver - but we were still on the top of the bus with little in the way of hand holds. I had a hand hold, but one of my friends didn't; he promptly fell off.

      So about 5 minutes later he showed up running along side the 40mph bus and jumped back on. I looked at him funny; not because he just did something superhuman, but because he had dropped his book of the day (he is never seen without a book). I told him this. He looked in his hands, looked back up, and jumped off. He jumped back on later with the book in hand. Time warp again.

      So now I was traveling east again, only it was night. I was also inside of the bus now. It was foggy out, and it seemed late in the evening... right after sunset, as it wasn't completely dark. The old explorer guy (that, up till this moment, hadn't existed) was going to leave from the old dig site soon (a site that I visited in the past; I didn't really go there, but got some handy dream memory to make it feel like I did), so I looked out over the lake we were passing. Sure enough, I saw his helicopter go by. TIME WARP that I wish didn't happen because not I have no idea what the dream story was

      Dream 2

      So now I was at a cabin somewhere close to out new dig site. Something evil was possessing people and it had to be stopped before it made it to the old doctor or something terrible (that I knew at one point) would happen. The other explorer with me was possessed now, somewhat at random, and running off into the woods. I had to act. I took off after her, but was far behind... that, and she had an ATV.

      Thankfully she had to follow the road. I did some cross country running and cut her off. I forget how, but I forced her to stop and the spirit left to go somewhere else. We got on the ATVs near by and headed back to the lodge thing. When we got there, there were zombies that had been taken by the spirit and some other bear-like, furless humanoids.

      I talked to the pilot (the old guy was oblivious to everything at the moment, and I could only reach him by air) but he said I didn't have enough experience to go yet. I grabbed the nearby splitting maul and hacked some zombie heads off, but didn't get too much experience, so the bear things were next. I tried to cleave one's arm off, but my maul got stuck half way through. I pulled it out of the bone it was lodged in and swung again, this time at its head. This also got stuck half way through. Pulled the maul out (by now I was getting tired, I was swinging as hard as I could) and swung again... this time the head came off.

      Now for the other two. But, what is this? One of the bear things has a maul! It tried to hit me (I got a sudden dream memory of being hit by one in the arm before for motivation... not very pleasant), but I ran back a couple of feet. Then it tried to throw it me. I arced my body to avoid it... but went the wrong way. Thankfully, the bear thing was way off and it missed anyway. I woke up after this.

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