• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #26
      Member Anemone's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by odds View Post
      Tents aren't bad once you get comfortable-- I have a friend that lives up in Santa Barbara with her husband and their newborn child in a tent! Talk about environmentally-friendly.

      Your dolphin dreams are indescribably sensuous and beautiful. The words flow so well, and the imagery is so vivid!

      More, please!
      That is very environmentally friendly. I've never been in an actual tent before, so to dream of it was rather odd. lol

      Thank you for your comments! Sometimes it can be so hard to get dreams down in a descriptive manner, there's just so much going on that I often have to leave things out so they won't be too long. ^^
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    2. #27
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      January 2, 2007

      I had a daily routine of houses that I went through. I would go into one through the unlocked front door and then head to the backyard, hop the fence, and go into another one. I did this while the people were at work. They usually left their front doors unlocked. One afternoon I was heading towards the house that I usually went to and hopped the fence, when I noticed they had gotten a dog, I saw it come around a bend in the area near the side of the house where I was standing by the fence. It seemed little, but I knew I shouldn't mess with it. This prevented me from doing what I would usually do. I think that I tried different houses for a couple of days, but I'm not sure. The beginning is somewhat blurry.

      I decided that I would change houses, even though I knew there was no way to continue with my routine since none of the other houses led to the same places. As I was considering entering another home, someone was arrested for doing exactly what I had been doing for a long time. This kind of freaked me out. I'm not sure if I actually saw the person being arrested, or if someone told me. I headed inside a new home, which I had been in a couple times before, and tried to make sure none of the neighbors saw me do this. It was a very nice home. The neighborhood itself was nice; lots of big, old shade trees, big houses, nice exteriors. This one was white with a dark trim, cottage style almost in it's design but still modern looking. Nice carpet, nice furniture, nice everything. Very bright, clean looking. The living room and dining room were mostly what I got the chance to see.

      As I looked around I saw these notes and a letter addressed to me! They were sitting on this little round table near a wall in the living room. I was kind of freaked out. They were from someone named Jadi-- with more letters that I can't remember. I grabbed them and walked out of the house with my bag over my arm, and came face to face with the owner of the home. I didn't know she was the owner at the time, so I played it casual like I was supposed to be there and tried to walk away. She stopped me with a smile and said she was glad to finally meet me, she had been leaving the door open for me all this time. I was very surprised. The neighbor across the street came out and was giving us an odd look. I asked who the letters were from and she said her son, who would be perfect for me. She said he was around my age, I asked what age and she just said "early twenties". I told her that it was nice of him, but I had a boyfriend; she kind of dismissed this. We were standing at the curb and I think we were heading to my house. As we were initially talking I told her about having to switch houses and how my routine had been changed, she comforted me, saying that she was sorry to hear that.

      So we enter my house and I'm completely self-conscious. We're renovating and everything is a bit of a mess. I keep remembering how her beautiful white carpet was spotless, how there was no dust in her home, and how beautiful everything was compared to my house. My house seemed very dim, while hers had been very full of light. We sat down for a while and were chatting, then I saw that the pest control guy was here. For whatever reason I headed outside to help him. I felt that he never really did a very good job, and there were some spiders I wanted killed in particular. I took one of his little sprayer things and got to work. He didn't say anything to me. I killed the spiders in the wood pile and was spraying everywhere else while he did some stuff too. I tried spraying the patio rafters but only got the spray all over me. I asked if it was okay, and he said that in moderate amounts it won't hurt me. So when I finished that I desperately wanted a shower, which for some reason was outside behind where our pool equipment would usually be. So I look around and don't see him, so I assume he's gone. I start taking my shower, and when I'm done I'm about to move to dry off and he comes around the back corner of the house. I duck down really fast, covering with the towel, hoping he doesn't see me. He walks on by and leaves without a word or a look.

      Inside my brother is home and he's playing with the woman's daughter. She's a very cute little girl of around 1-2. She's already learning to walk and we're holding her hands to help her balance while she totters around the living room. She's so adorable. She can sit up, and pull herself to a standing position, and walk about 4-5 steps before she tumbles over again. We play with her for a while as I chat with her mother.

      Somewhat hazy as I don't remember a lot of detail from this dream. I was at some hotel complex or something and I was staying there with some girl. The whole complex was full of people our age, I don't know what exactly we were doing there though. While I was out doing something, my roommate had arranged for us to move into larger accomodations. I got back to this and was surprised, and a little upset. The rooms to begin with were very old fashioned, 70's decor, and everything seemed to be and ugly shade of green and mustard yellow. The wallpaper was peeling in places, so was the linoleum flooring. The place we moved into was very dirty, but it was almost like a house rather than just a room. There was a big kitchen, living area, bedrooms, bathroom. It was empty and dirty, desperately needing to be cleaned out. I was glad it was bigger but I felt so out of place, so hopeless here. It was a depressing atmosphere throughout the entire dream, being inside.

      I was standing in this little concession area looking at pastries to buy. You could buy like 6-9 at a time, and they varied in price and flavor. There wasn't really anything I wanted. I was talking to someone there, don't remember or know who. I ended up buying raspberry, or some kind of berry, pastries.

      With someone and my brother I think. We were in this neighborhood. There was a friend on a bike who wanted to go off, but he hadn't been here in so long we were afraid he'd get lost. He went off anyway and we had to run after to make sure we didn't lose him. I think we spent part of the dream looking for him. I've seen the neighborhood before, sort of old, run down, white plaster houses. Not sure if this is the same as the hotel complex dream or not.

      Asking someone if Jadi-something was really her son, and her replying by saying she lied and he wasn't.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    3. #28
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      January 3, 2007

      I had gone back to public school for my last semester, since I was basically done with classes. I was bored, having nothing to do that semester, so I decided to enroll in one class. I enrolled and was pretty excited about it. The school looked like a mix between my middle school, elementary school, and a school I've seen in other dreams. So I started and a bunch of people I knew from 7 or so years ago also went to the school. I was happy, there was only one problem...my teacher hated me. I don't use the word "hated" lightly either, he despised me with a passion. He said I was insolent, uncooperative, not creative enough, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now. Nobody understood why he didn't like me, it confused them all. Ironically enough, I ended up having to spend a lot of time with this teacher, having him explain different things, becuase I had a lot of questions. I also ended up having to help him around campus. So although he despised me with some fierce passion, he had to spend most of his day with me.

      He didn't resemble any teachers I've ever had. He was tall, slender, nice build, dark hair and eyes, and rather attractive. I wasn't really bothered that he hated me, in fact I seemed to enjoy giving him a hard time in the dream because of it.

      Doing some really weird math problem. The classroom looked like my third grade classroom, very small and compact. The teacher or whoever was saying a bunch of numbers and letters and you had to arrange them on this square chart or something and then subtract them or something. This may or may not have been the same teacher, I can't really remember. All I know is that everyone got 10 for the first answer, which was correct. The second problem had all of us sitting there asking, "What the fuck is this?"--nobody could figure it out. The teacher was leaning over helping me, he seemed impatient, which makes me wonder if this was part of the first dream or not.

      Visiting my grandmother's house with my dad. My aunt had lost a lot of weight, maybe 100lbs or something, she was totally thin. I was very surprised by this. That's about all I remember.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    4. #29
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      January 4, 2007

      Dreaming of talking to Dan. He's trying to tell me how his plane ride went, but I keep interrupting him to ask "But how's your typing?".
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    5. #30
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      January 7, 2007
      Dreamed that I got bitten by a snake in my backyard. In the dream I was with my dad and some other family and we were trying to get this snake to go away. It chased me into the pool and I kept trying to get away but it was really fast. It bit me and I was trying to stay calm until I got to the hospital. I told my dad in the dream about a dream I had had previously about being bitten by a snake.( I really did have the dream I told him about.)

      Going to Toy's R Us with my mom to see if my cousin really worked there or if she was lying. I ended up seeing all these people I used to go to school with. I don't know why they were all there in a group like that. I bought some shoes they had on sale, and my mom bought a bunch of other stuff. We paid, me avoiding the school people and then we left. I know they saw me as we left and got into the car, but I ignored them. They all looked the same as they had in like 7th grade.

      At the family's house, fighting with someone. Yelling about not wanting to have anything to do with anyone anymore and leaving. My grandmother got really angry but I didn't care, I left anyway. Skip some details I don't remember...I'm with Angela and a couple of her friends or cousins or something in this building. We're sitting there talking about stuff, and I tell what happened with my family. More details I can't remember...something about my dad being ill and going to die.

      This tunnel thing underground with evil guys in it, or something. Some organization. I was going down inside the tunnel with a couple of other people, or something. This isn't too clear. It was like a three tier tunnel, a hole in the ground with some steps. Near the end I remember hiding and two people who are spies for our side in the organization are coming to get us out, when this librarian on the other side stops them from doing so.

      Woke up at around 6am and pondered WILDing, but decided not to. As I was falling asleep on my stomach, I don't know if I dreamed this or not. I felt like I was paralyzed, I tried to move my head but distinctly remember not being able to do so. It may have been a dream, but I remember it being so real. I don't remember any dreams from after that in particular.

      Being in this renovated classroom of my 5th grade teacher. I had missed about a week of school and came back and asked how to get my assignments. She said just to get them from someone else. I went into the new bathroom built into our classroom and there was this big bathtub then two stalls. One had nothing in it, the other had one toilet. The whole place was dirty. I used the restroom despite this, and came back out. Don't remember anything after that.

      I think 2, 4, and 6 are all related, but I can't be sure. All I know is that the buildings involved looked like Toy's R Us and in one of them I was wearing the shoes I had bought and we all had these matching see through tops over a t-shirt.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    6. #31
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      January 8, 2007

      I was at school and in Mr. Masterson's room with Lisa, who had brought me there from the cafeteria where we had been eating. We were in search of a library pass and went to this other teacher to get one. We ended up in Masterson's room because that's where the library was I guess. He wasn't entirely friendly. He got annoyed with me pretty fast, which reminds me of a rl event that happened. After that I was trying to put a book away and this little cardboard stand broke or something, but was easily repaired, he got pretty angry and I ended up leaving. I was sort of crying when I returned to my regular classroom, where this pretty teacher was teaching. I sat down and Joseph noticed I was crying and kept looking at me but I tried ignoring him. We started working on these posters, we had to color them in. Everyone was almost done but since I had been away I had to catch up.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    7. #32
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      January 9, 2007

      We were all gathered around in the parking lot of this shopping center at about mid-afternoon, it resembles one on the main avenue here in my city. It looked like we were standing near the laundromat, or near Smart and Final. There was a race going on and it looked like a woman had got first place. We, being me and some friends, were all very excited about this. A woman had actually won, it was amazing to us. (Felt like the 1950's to me, even though everything was very modern.) She was a tall blonde with short hair, very pretty. We wondered if it would be taken from her and given to a man instead. We hoped that it wouldn't. Our hopes were soon dashed as the prize was taken from her and reassigned to a man. We were outraged! So were many other nearby people.

      We started something akin to a riot I suppose. It was a violent, outraged protest to what had just happened. We all began screaming, holding up signs, marching around the parking lot, and generally annoying the people in charge. Some of the other men in charge tried to stop some of the girls, and I was soon chased around the parking lot by my old 6th grade teacher, Mr. Woods. He was saying that women had no place doing things like this, that they shouldn't be involved. I was so angry. I think they were trying to arrest me, or something. I kept running, but I was getting tired. It was dark outside now, and my friend ran around, cutting me off, and told me to get in the car, which I did.

      Skip some stuff I can't remember, I get onto a motorcycle with a friend, male. We're heading down the street because something is going on, or we're chasing someone. I don't have a helmet. We see a police officer and she pulls us over and tells us that we both need helmets. I ask if I wear his can we go, and she says no. So we had to go back. The street was almost totally deserted, it was very dark and we kept swerving oddly through the lanes. Finally we turned, ignoring the turn lane and just turning. We went back into one end of the previous parking lot, and we see all these cars piled up in the corner. There's been a huge chain reaction accident. People are being pulled past on stretchers. I had a feeling it would come to this, and I was glad I wasn't involved in the accident.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    8. #33
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      January 12, 2007

      I was in college and I was a roommate with 3 other people, one girl and two guys. The girl was tall, blonde, thin, and very nice. The two guys were around medium build, brown/black hair, pretty nice as well. The room or whatever we were staying in was also a pizza parlor. So on one end there was a big red counter that went in a semi-circle around the whole room, and had the kitchen behind. Then on the other side was a bed on a wall facing the counter, and two other beds on the other wall. There was a bunch of mismatched furniture, end tables, two different dressers, and two refrigerators.

      The room/building itself looked pretty old, the architechture and just the general feel was that the building was made in the 50's or 60's. The three who lived there made their living by selling the pizzas, and I was now part of the little group. I was really shy, unsure of what I could use and what I couldn't. I was going to be sharing the bed and smaller space with the girl. I didn't mind, she was really nice and made me feel welcome. They practically lived on pizza. Even though irl pizza would have made me sick, I ate a lot of it in the dream.

      I know that I had this really long conversation with the girl about something, but I can't remember what we talked about. My dad came to visit and he was upset at first that I had two guys as roommates and then he saw how we lived and was okay with it. At one point I asked if I could bring in my own mini refrigerator, the girl was fine with it, but she said that I could always use one of the two that they had.

      Recurring theme in this dream seems to be the number 2. Two dressers, two refrigerators, two guys, two girls. Weird.

      This dream was very frightening. There was this huge monster thing, I'm not sure what, but basically it ran around eating people and then they were trapped inside it's head. It was like a giant skeleton, or something similar. We were in this large colony type area, or something. I was with people who are in my linkshell on FFXI, so maybe we were in an area of the game. We all looked like normal people rather than our characters though, so I can't be sure.

      Part of the place we were in was my house. It was like this outside area led into my hallway and down to my mom's bedroom. In the bedroom we had hidden a woman and two children. It was our goal to keep the monster thing away from her and the kids. The monster really liked to eat young women, so I was avoiding him as much as possible. I watched him eat many others, but I managed to elude him. Aurelius kept running down the hallway, sneaking, to check that the girl and the children were doing alright.

      The monster thing was coming my way, so I hid behind this tower outcropping against the wall, but he came around and saw me. I threatened him that if he swallowed me, I would have the men in his head build something to destroy him. He laughed and said he liked me, so I got to stay alive. I ended up having the pretend I loved him. He always wanted to kiss me, or this or that. It was disgusting, but I had to play along.

      Skip to me on this roof with a woman, talking to her about her husband fixing roofs. In the distance I can see two hilltop settlements, and the mist is just beginning to settle over one. It's a gorgeous sight. It's nighttime, and we can see the stars so clearly. I told her that I loved it when the mist was just settling. She said that she loved it when there was thick mist and fog around her. I couldn't figure out why, because she wouldn't be able to see anything. I never got a good explanation from her. I think her husband had been eaten by the monster thing.

      I had to use the restroom, so I went down the hallway. We had to be careful doing this because the monster was always on the lookout for us going to the back bedroom in hopes of escaping. I used the restroom and I guess I checked on the children and the woman, then the monster started getting impatient and was going to come after me. I knew he'd know the people were hiding so instead I ran down the hallway and into his arms and giggled and kissed him and just generally distracted him.

      This was odd because usually he was about 20 feet or more tall, that's how he managed to eat people. When I ran to him and into his arms, he was about my height or a little taller. Don't remember much after that.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    9. #34
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      January 17, 2007

      A dream I had a premonition dream. It seriously freaked me out and I posted about it on another forum that I frequent. I spoke to someone who had experience with this type of thing, but I can't remember what the dream was foretelling at all or what the woman said to me for advice.

      I was sleeping and I woke up feeling freaked out about the psychic dream. I shifted very slowly to pull the covers over my head(I never do this irl) and protect myself from anything that might be in the room. I was thinking about how I never wanted anything paranormal to happen to me again. (Not sure if this qualifies as a false awakening, I'm not even sure it really was a dream, but I can't remember waking up for real doing this, so I think it was.)

      On the phone who some guy who had called, he knew who I was but I didn't know who he was. He says he knows me and that he's the one I've been looking for. My soulmate or something. I didn't believe, even though he knew a lot about me. I was more skeptical than freaked out.

      In an Ice cream shop with Dan in a mall. Buying the these cone type things. They were like these normal cones only the base cone was bigger and there was a cone over the top of the ice cream. Some had orange sprinkles. We got one the first time, but I can't remeber which we got. All of them were vanilla ice cream.

      The second time we went in the guy handed us one with orange sprinkles. Then Dan asked about something called a moon rocket or something similar, for Kitsume.(Game friend)

      The man went to the back freezer and grabbed something that looked like a regular chocolate ice cream bar. Dan went to set the ice cream down on this washer that served as the counter as the guy tried to hand him another ice cream thing. The guy gave him a dirty look and Dan said, "Not a good day for this one." Then he went to pay for it.

      Woken up by my brother saying Dan called.

      January 18, 2007

      It was early in the morning when we heard the news that Shirley was missing. The details are kind of fuzzy here. I remember running somewhere and running into Ellen Degeneris. I then was either talking to my dad, or was at, my grandmother's house with my dad and other family members. I guess everyone thought that she was dead. We had heard she was dead, or it seemed like she was dead. I think we knew where she was, but not why, or what had happened exactly. I remember sitting in the living room of my grandmother's house in a circle of family members. I decided to go see what was going on with Shirley.

      So I ended up at this business looking building. I snuck inside, and had to do a lot of sneaking around to get to where Shirley was. She was tired up, or held down, and was connected to all these tubes and stuff. It was keeping her asleep or under control. I'm not sure what had/was happening, but I managed to get her out. Details are fuzzy now. Everything in the dream was very dim though, it had a fuzzy not-quite-real feel to it. I got her out and everyone was reunited and happy, and everyone was talking and she recovered fine. I still have no idea what happened there.

      Dreaming that I was calling Shirley irl to tell her I had this dream about her.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    10. #35
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      January 26, 2007

      Dream fragment:
      In a warehouse or something similar with a male teacher and a class. He was trying to explain shielding to them but wasn't doing it adequately. He said to the class that I had more experience and therefore I was told to explain to everyone how to shiled appropriately. We were in some kind of danger and needed to know how. I said that the most important thing about a shield is that it must cover EVERYTHING. Top, bottom, sides, everything must be there. I said this was the most important thing to remember. It was also important to believe the shield was going to work, to really believe. I was walking around the boxes we were gathered near, explaining all this, and I wasn't self conscious in the least, like I would have been irl.

      It was night. Somewhat dim. Boxes were piled up high enough to lean comfortably on. I had a feeling about the zoo being nearby, or needing to get there. Not sure why. A couple boys I knew from school were there. Ryan I noticed especially.

      Noticed a bit of a change in my dreams lately. I've become more brave, more outgoing, more confident, and instead of being the sole target of pain or violence, people around me are and I'm helping them, or I'm with a group and helping to solve problems.

      January 27, 2007

      I'm at the library which is completely rearranged, but is the usual arrangement in dreams. I'm looking for an Anne Bishop book and only found one, which was a hardcover and smallish, less than half the side it would need to be to be that book. When I opened it the print was huge and the writing childish. I wasn't surprised by this. I had been helping the librarain look for a Lloyd Alexander book but we couldn't find it. I was standing at the shelf I found the Anne Bishop book at and this younger kid came up to be and said my name, and commented on my choice of books, criticized really. He looked about 10, short, sandy blonde/brown hair. I went to one area where there were larger books and they looked like they were outside maybe.I was looking for something, and passed a huge book with the name GAVIEL across it, and thought of Aaron. I overheard a conversation about a girl who bought a bunch of books to get 7 tickets to turn in for merchandise, a backpack I think. There was a whole area of merchandise now. I was thinking this was pretty ridiculous of her, since that backpack would have been cheaper just to buy without getting the tickets.

      Woke up at one point and told myself I had been dreaming and pictured what I'd been dreaming about, (for another dream I can't remmeber now.) and tried to get myself to go lucid before I remembered that I was awake.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    11. #36
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      January 30, 2007

      I was with Dan in what seemed like a FPS game. We were in a house-like structure with several floors and rooms. We're both doing really well with keeping the other players back. We run around shooting at other people and dodging their shots, and we knocked several people down. As we were near these stairs/ramp thing. Looking up someone was shooting into the air and letting bullets fall down on the people below. I dove down into a corner against one wall but got hit in the left shoulder. It was a sharp pain, something I won't forget. So we go into this room and it's near where we've been going for a while. It suddenly seemed more sinister, there was this odd breathing sound and it went kind of dark when it had been sunny before. It seemed almost a red-colored darkness. As I came around the corner where the door was, Dan pulled me down behind it to hide from something. The "something" came around the corner after a few minutes. I was scared out of my mind. It was this huge skeleton thing, that was red, covered in blood and skin and nastiness. We crawl to hide under the table with this blanket. I'm soo scared. The thing comes around through the room again, and reaches down to grab my leg, then I wake up.

      I was at a friend's house, D's. It was rearranged differently than it would be irl. She was playing this game and I was laying down and watching. Her uncle or someone comes over. Then it's kind of like we get sucked into the game or something. Everything is kind of weird and multi-colored, bright colors. There's this game robot-man-thing that challenges us to complete a task in order to stay alive. He brings out this miniature doll house looking thing. It's probably about 3 feet tall and sturdily built. We have to demolish it with our hands in a certain amount of time. We start doing so, but don't beat the timer. He says that it's okay, we can go inside and try another test and he'll let us live. So we go inside the house, which looks like the house next door to my old house. We're going in to play a game or something.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    12. #37
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      January 31, 2007

      More to this dream than I can remember. Starting from the clearest memory:
      In a bedroom that looked like my mother's. There's a large and grumpy dragon in the bed. I'm in there to talk to it, or something. I can't really remember what was said. Apparently we needed this dragon on our side because we had to defeat the evil side, or something. There was definitely a threat, apocalypic almost. So somehow I end up walking out onto the balcony with this dragon, and getting ready to ride him. He's being very nice to me, which is surprising. At first, I'm extremely nervous that he'll drop me, but once we're up in the air, I feel more relaxed. We fly over what looks like the backyard of my old daycare center. Other important stuff happens but I don't remember what it is. I know I make a report to the leader of our side about the enemy.

      So I'm in the jungle, it looks like Yhoator or Yuhtunga, but it doesn't matter which it is. A and I are doing something, I'm showing him around mostly, trying to get him used to the area. We end up making this huge train of goblins and some other stuff and we have to run for our lives.

      At some point we were in this closed in tube-like area. It reminded me of the playrooms and stuff they have for little kids. It was very closed in, hot, and dark. It wsa a green tube/tunnel thing. I'm explaining the way we have to go.

      I went out to get get the mail and we had a ton of it, like we hadn't gone out to grab it for like two weeks. I couldn't figure out why we had so much. I started looking through it and noticed these letters and forms for some girl in Canada. They had been "Returned to Sender" (which was the girl) but instead of being sent back to her, they were sent to me. It was bizarre. There were also these school forms, for like financial aid, or a test or something. I was so confused as to why her stuff would be return-sent to my house, when she lived in Canda and I had nothing to do with her. I contemplated opening the mail, but I didn't. Most of it was personal letters she had written to other people.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    13. #38
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      February 1, 2007
      We won a contest or something to have our bathroom re-designed. The guy came in and was telling us what he wanted to do, but I was refusing the offer to have it redone. I had worked really hard to design our bathroom a few months ago and I didn't wnat him to redo everything and have my efforts be a waste. I told him this and he was insistent that our bathroom was an eyesore as it was. I refused his services. He then wanted to compromise. We compromised on the color, and he left. I waited for him to come back, but he never did.

      I had a lot of pictures taken and when we got the results back the person in the picture wasn't me. My mom sent them back to get a refund or send our actual pictures back.

      I was having lunch at the cafeteria, which resembled the cafeteria of my old elementary school. I was in the bathroom and happened to notice there were two people having sex in one of the stalls. I left the bathroom and went out to get some food. I decided not to mention that I had seen this, afterall, it wasn't my business. Either I told a friend of mine, or she saw what had happened too. I let her know I wasn't going to say anything. I went to grab some food, there were these little round sandwiches in these little plastic containers, they were about the size of a silver dollar. I grabbed two of those and sat down to eat. I had some fruit and the little sandwich thingys. As I started to eat, my friend blurted out what had happened, or was happening, in the bathroom. I was a bit angry that she decided to do it without any regard to tactfulness. I stood up and said some diplomatic sounding stuff, like, we weren't saying this to get anyone in trouble, we were just worried about the well-being of the people involved. Something like that. The mother of the girl, who was one of the chaperone ladies, was shocked, but thankful that we had let her know what was going on.

      Can't really explain, but my dreams have taken on a different feel. They feel entirely different than they used to. Weird stuff still happens, but it seems more dream-like than life-like.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    14. #39
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      Wow it's been ages. A lot has happened in the past year or so, and my dreams have been a bit neglected. However, I'm back now so hopefully I can get on track.

    15. #40
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      1. I was in a condo that resembled the one I just moved out of, but also resembled several other places I have been in dreams before. There was some sort of party going on, and a guy I was attracted to would be there. I wandered through the condo for a while and talked to Elan, who was also there. I remember vaguely getting on my bike to leave.

      2. I had received the aquamarine earrings back and they were so shiny and beautiful, I couldn't stop staring at them.

      Not very detailed or exciting, but it's a start.

    16. #41
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      A little update:

      September 8, 2008

      There were these odd bugs that turned into giant white butterflies with fangs. My father and brother in the dream had already killed one because they hadn’t realized how aggressive they were, and had set it off into changing into the fanged butterfly.

      I had just heard their story and seen a news segment when I noticed one of the bugs in the pond in our living room. I moved away and it began wandering around the loving room. I kept freaking out and my dream dad kept telling me to swat it away. When I did, however, it had changed into its aggressive form and became a huge butterfly. It was white and black. I managed to kill it with a newspaper or something. It was very freaky.

      There was a huge landscape outside, like a desert oasis with mountains in the distance. Very familiar looking. I can’t remember what I was doing there but some guy was showing me around.

      Vague recollection of water and a ship. I’m not sure of the event or significance.

      September 10, 2008

      I was going to class but I forgot to put shoes on. I called my dad and asked him to please bring my subway uniform. I think my aunt and uncle were visiting because I had grabbed her wallet on accident. I went to this store I had visited before in another dream with my mom. This time it had changed though, it used to be a mineral store, now it was other things.

      Katheline was working there. I asked if they still had shoes because I didn’t see them anywhere. She showed me and I browsed, seeing a pair I liked, but then saw they were categorized in ranges of 22.94-10.00 and under. I was having trouble finding cheap ones in my size. I wandered about until I realized I was going to be late for class. I rooted around in a box and pulled out a brown one I liked and had Kat come over and help me find the matching shoe. I bought them then realized I should have picked the next size up. I headed to class in this huge lecture hall where Robin Williams was the professor. We were doing an exercise and he knew me personally by name.

      September 11, 2008

      Standing in the dim room that had balcony doors like a gate. There is a huge broken mirror we are investigating. He seems unconcerned; someone must have shot it. I pick up the compressed, shattered pieces, and say there are no bullet holes, and that a gun couldn’t have done this. We argue, then leave.

      In a house resembling the daycare. There are lots of children running around anked. I think we have kidnapped them. We “play” with them, but we aren’t kind to them.

      The guns come out, the children panic, run and hide. We shoot and they disappear, like its not real or something. They just disappear into thin air when we hit them. I see a lone boy cowering on the steps, I don’t shoot him because its cliché and I feel bad for him. Jeff shoots him anyway, I’m done.

      Lying on the couch naked the phone rings. The other guy picks it up and then hands it to me. It’s the client, angry about her case not being top priority. I lie and tell here we’re dealing with another client who has experienced a death, and that death is more important than robbery, but that since she called I would make her case a priority and we would discuss a time, and Jeff would call her back. I did that because it was his fault the case wasn’t being taken seriously, so I wanted him to have to deal with it personally.

      I said I supposed I would go comfort the children. I found three girls in the hallway and put a pillow and blanket on the floor.

      Very disturbing dream.

      September 15, 2008

      It was a dark, rocky place. I was there with another person and we were trying to evade a band of evil bandits or something. The person was like my mentor, or father, or something. He was an older man. We sent the horse away, to hide and be safe, but he was reluctant to do so. He kept looking back at us as he descended the rocky stairway and bridge to the cave.

      I don’t remember too many details, everything had this ominous, “end of times” feeling to it. The bandits eventually found us, but I don’t remember what happened.

      September 16, 2008

      My dad was coming for a visit. I was kind of nervous because I wasn’t sure how he was going to respond to everything. The apartment was pretty small, so it was going to be awkward anyway. While he was visiting I showed him that I got my ear pierced a third time, and he wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. There was this huge party going on and I was just kind of sitting there, listening to the music and smoking a cigarette in the corner. My dad came up and said that everyone needed to leave. Evelyn was disgusted and I was confused, I’m an adult and he shouldn’t be telling me what to do.

      Same dream, maybe, not really sure….

      I was driving down a road and I made a wrong turn. This road is a road I’ve made wrong turns down many times in dreams, because it was familiar to me. I ended up at David’s apartment complex where he lived with a bunch of other people he knew in several apartments. Apparently the only way out was through this hole in the ceiling, which they boosted me into but I was just pulling myself up when Evelyn came by. It was near Halloween or something, because we walked into this other apartment by way of David’s and these people in Halloween costumes all said “BOO!” then realized we weren’t “The Children” and turned away.

      There was this creature, this woman with wings. She was red and orange with black wings, but she looked humanoid. Everything was very dark, dim, dirty, sooty.

      She was racing the prince to see who could win. The castle was dark, there were many obstacles, it almost reminded me of Bowser Castle from Super Mario. She was moving up this ramp when she noticed this moving stairway. She went up and discovered the Princes long in-hiding father, who was apparently cursed and brought his wrath down upon the entire castle, destroying everything. She died.

      The prince was on a ship, rowing and his legs were aching, I don’t remember if he was captured, but he did land on shore.

      September 18, 2008

      In the school. We’re doing a project, I’m not really sure what exactly it is we’re doing, I can’t remember. There was something to do with sewing, cutting material. I remember going to borrow a needle from someone else because we didn’t have one. We were all spread out over these huge tables. The classroom as dimly lit, it was dark outside. Evelyn and Kat were there I think.

      At Carolynn’s house. I was visiting for a while and Justin was there playing video games. I was in the kitchen with her and we were cooking, I was helping her to get vegetables and things ready. I was staying there for a few days. The house was dim, dark. Everything had changed, things had been rearranged, especially in the playroom.

      September 22, 2008

      Aaron told me why he wasn’t speaking to me. He said it was because I had flipped off his grandmother in a picture that I had taken with me and some other people. He said I had sent it to her and now he wasn’t going to speak to me. This made no sense to me but he just kept sending me really weird texts about it.

      I was visiting the horses, it was getting dark though. I played with the dogs and then I went to see the horses. I ran into evelyn there unexpectedly and we talked for a few minutes then I decided it was time for me to leave. I ended up leaving with some other people because of some creature that attacks cars at night.

      In some huge hotel, with a couple of other people with me. I kept getting lost, I couldn’t remember what floor I was on and then finally I remembered it was the 57th. We went to dinner, did some other stuff.

      September 23, 2008

      I was in jail and it was time for my phone call. I called my mom’s home number but nobody answered. I remembered she was with my dad so I asked if I could call that number, but the lady said no and told me I could only re-dial the same number I had dialed before. Very stark, sanitary place.

      We had gone to the beach on Cancun and we were relaxing on the beach when we noticed the children in the water. Their faces were contorted and blood was coming out of their mouths. We rushed to rescue them and saw that they had been bitten to shreds on their legs. They told us they had been force-fed these round white pills that would attract the sharks. They were then left in the water, and sharks had attacked their legs. We knew that we wouldn’t be able to save their legs, but we could save their lives.

      A huge building that was set up for women’s learning. Only women were allowed and we had poetry readings and other events. We decided to expand out horizons and try to invite men so that they could share in our events. An Asian lady came up to read and the men jeered at her. We kicked them all out and I comforted her. Dark, mostly burgundy, chairs, curtains, etc.

      Walking around a hybrid house, part Mom’s part Shaw. I was blessing things with a stick I had made into a wand/staff. I tried placing my other want horizontally through a hole in the new one and wedging it there. It kept falling out, however. There was this suncatcher with these two dolphins on it, but I kept thinking one of them was really a shark, but every time I looked closer, it would be a folphin. It just didn’t look right. It had a very angular nose and looked sinister.

      September 24, 2008

      I dreamed that Aaron finally got in touch with me. He said he had been camping and there was no reception, but he was back now.

    17. #42
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      September 27, 2008

      I was trying to lay down powder around doorways and every wall in the house, which resembled my mom's. However, I kept getting interrupted by my family members and different things going on around me. I was in a panic, it was very important that I get this powder down so that we would be safe. At one point we went to this store, which was familiar from other dreams. It had a bunch of craft stuff and halloween stuff, I don't know what we were doing there, but eventually we got back to the house and I tried to continue. Then there was a disturbance in the laundry room, and I had to go banish something in there to give me some peace and stop scaring the family. At one point I was in the kitchen with a child. Something happened that was significant, but I can't remember exactly what it is now. It had to do with a large cardboard box, and I think it moved on it's own or slammed into something, and that's all I remember.

      Dim as usual, kind of a dim, filtered sunlight in the house with some darker areas and shadow. The store was pretty bright.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    18. #43
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      September 29, 2008

      1.I dreamed that we were all in this big room and we were planning something. At first the dream was like FFXI, they were helping me to get this item that I didn’t have, or something. Everything was so dark. It wasn’t just dim, it was all a really dark blue, almost black. The light, the people, everything. Then we were in this classroom place, doing something. I wish I could remember what, but I can’t.

      2.Driving towards this really dirty railroad track looking area. I get out of the car to head to class, or something. There’s this group of other people there too, heading the same way. TJ is there. There are all of these weird ditches in the ground, which are kind of a shortcut. TJ goes into them or doesn’t want to, or something, and they do the opposite and give him a hard time. We arrive in this big open area, white, where there’s a man speaking and lots of stairs.

      3.I’m getting ready to fly out to Michigan to see Dan and his parents. He’s already out there and I’m two days away from leaving, but haven’t even bought my plane ticket yet. I talk to his parents for a few minutes, and they give me a hard time and joke around with me. Dan is apparently in the bathroom, so they hand the phone over to M. >_> Yep, M. I ask him what he’s doing there, I don’t remember his response. I keep waiting for him to get off the phone, like why would he want to talk to me? But he keeps asking me what I want to talk about. He says some stuff about Thanksgiving and Halloween, but he messes up the months, saying Halloween is in November after Thanksgiving. There were really long pauses in between when he was speaking, so I kept thinking he put the phone down.

      October 1, 2008

      1.Work was completely dead, so M was going to leave and I ended up leaving too. He came over to the house, which was my Mom’s floorplan. We didn’t do much and he didn’t stay long, I’m not even really sure why he came over. O.o I told him there was someone who liked him, and he wanted to know who, but I wouldn’t say, I think in the dream I thought it was Mercedes lol When he left I watched him from my bedroom window and waved, he waved back. I remember talking to my brother too, although I don’t know what about.

      2.Running towards this car, police were chasing me. I smashed it in with my arm and got in, and started driving. They kept trying to surround me, but somehow I managed to get around them a few times. No idea why they were chasing me.

      Oct 1 (cont)

      Colors on the ground, bike, chasing, mannequins on the grass, stolen, night.

      3.So it was me and my mom for sure, and then another woman. There were these three men chasing us, signified by the colors yellow, red, and blue. We were on this bike and trying to get away. We went around what started out looking like the apartment parking space here, where I park. Then it turned into my neighborhood in California, we were on Fowler, and I was going through the neighborhood, I was going to cross to Carolynn’s side but I didn’t feel I knew it well enough to keep us safe. So I went and circled back around to the parking area. They pulled up and I remember grabbing for my mom to get back onto the bike, but I think we were too late. They pulled up and I was standing near the pole, and there were these colored squares on the ground, I was hitting them with this huge hammer thing, maybe it was a pick, I’m not sure. It was getting really heavy though. Before the three made it to us, I managed to destroy the yellow man, by smashing all of his colored squares. The red and the blue guy were still coming at us, and the two people I was with, not sure if it was my mom anymore, were trying to get my back while I kept smashing the colored squares. I managed to finish off the blue guy before he could do much damage, which seemed to piss the red guy off even more. I think he hit me at least once, because I remember stumbling, but I kept swinging. He was taunting us of course. Finally I managed to smash his squares, but it was a huge struggle to do so, as the weapon I was using was getting extremely heavy and I was so tired.

      4.Kat, Evelyn, and I were setting up these mannequins in the front grass. Again, in the middle of the parking/grass area in front of the apartment. They were women mannequins dressed as men. I went inside and took a shower, and was looking out the kitchen window when these guys came up and stole my mannequin! I yelled that they better put it back, they asked what it was for, I said decoration, so they put it back.

      5.Throwing white energy at me in disks, going back inside, telling the others, talking to one of the team’s brothers, watching the webcam, going outside, defeating him, passing out, stealing oxygen from environment, going into team member’s house where his brother is, all these bugs, humming, sign of whatever we’re trying to defeat, they crawl on me, I get fed up and go into the bathroom, shower, he comes in

      I had gone outside and walked around the side of the house, on Scott Ave. There was this guy standing there, and he started throwing white disks of light at me. I ran away and went back inside. I told the others and then went into my bedroom to get on the computer. I was talking to one of the team member’s brothers online on yahoo, then I was watching his webcam. He was pretty hot. We all went outside and were fighting the guy, he kept targeting me, I’m not sure why. I was at the front of the group trying to be a target then, while the others lobbed whatever they could at him. Eventually I had to jump to the ground to avoid one of the flying disks, and then I passed out. I remember him standing over me, ready to kill me, when someone killed him.

      Apparently someone else had fainted too because he was stealing oxygen from his environment to keep up his disk throwing, and since we were closest to him we had no air to breathe.

      We walked through the neighborhood, which was similar to the one back in California, but was altered in the typical way as it has been in many other dreams. It was night and were walking to the team member’s house, where his brother was. There were all these bugs around apparently and we wanted to investigate. The bugs were all over the bedroom, and there was a humming and we were trying to pinpoint it to kill whatever it was we were after. I was wearing shorts and some of the bugs, which looked like crickets, latched onto my legs. I brushed them off, and fed up, went into the bathroom to take a shower. The brother comes in, and he kisses me, and I think we’re about to have sex but I wake up or something. I don’t remember the act itself.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    19. #44
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      October 5, 2008

      Dreamed that family came to visit from out of town. It was really weird because it was like I didn't exist, or wasn't there. They just interacted with my mom and brother and dad, but ignored me completely. I spent most of my time in my room watching tv. Everything was really hazy and dark, like it was cloudy outside and going to rain.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    20. #45
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      October 6, 2008

      I don't remember my dream, but I do remember how it made me feel. It was really creepy, and really dark, and not pleasant at all.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    21. #46
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      Dream recall hasn't been so good lately. All I remember of last night's dream was that it was another one of those "I'm driving and my brakes don't work" dreams. I remember running a stop sign and a red light, but it was late at night and there was no traffic. I can't remember completely but I was with someone else, I think my mom.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

    22. #47
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      Me and Dan and M and R were in an arcade at an amusement park or something. We were playing different arcade games. Nothing very remarkable.

      Haven't been sleeping well.
      "The time is always right to do what is right."
      -MLK Jr.

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