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      Veteran of the DV Wars Man of Steel's Avatar
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      Mar 2007
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      Houston, TX

      The Fortress of Solitude

      These first few are from several days ago, and I'm not including my first (and only lasting) lucid as of yet. Just for reference, and because I dislike the necessity of taking the time to edit out names (I use TiddlyWiki for my main dream journal), a quick run-down of common people appearing in my dreams:

      • Heather - My older sister, by 14 years.
      • Scott - Heather's husband.
      • Justin - Heather and Scott's seven-year-old son; my nephew.
      • Matt - My older brother, by 17 years.
      • Alesia - Matt's wife.
      • Gabriel - Matt and Alesia's son, age two.
      • Taiven- Matt's youngest son.
      • Tab - My other sister, older by 12 years.
      • Adam - Tab's husband.
      • Maggie - Tab and Adam's four-year-old daughter; my niece.
      • Cody - Maggie's little brother, age three.
      • Harrison - Maggie and Cody's little brother, one year old.
      • Mama - Well, this one should be self-evident. My mother.
      • Daddy - Again, self-evident. My father.
      • Daisy - My Labrador/Golden Retriever mix, whom I love to death.
      • Sadie - My cat, a tabby, though she sometimes thinks she's a dog, and always thinks she owns the place.

      • Ron and Winda - My neighbors, really awesome people.
      • Frank and Diana - My neighbors, a younger middle-aged couple. They live up shared our driveway, past Ron and Winda.
      • Columbo and Java - Ron and Winda's Boxer pups, male and female respectively.
      • Luna and Benni - Frank and Diana's dogs, Basset Hound and Golden Retriever respectively, both female.

      Now that that's out of the way, on to the dreaming!

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      Ghost Town Dog
      Monday, March 19 2007

      Dreamed of a female Boxer, a really pretty dog, bigger than Java or Columbo, but still young. I think she had a tail, not sure. Her coloring was like Columbo's, but prettier. (odd, I know) We roamed and walked through a town, part of which was deserted, a pretty dark dream. Mama was there at times. Towards the end, I was hugging the dog, I had bond well with her, and named her Karina, after my character in my Star Wars RP, even though the name Duchess seemed to fit best. In the end, we came home and I was about to let Daisy and Karina get to know each other, I had Karina outside Daisy's pen.

      The Band At The Field
      Monday, March 19 2007

      Next dream, we (Me, Mama, Daddy, Heather, Scott, Justin, Tab and Maggie, I think) had to run behind a small classical band playing for a small audience at one edge of a field, then around in front of another section of a band and some onlookers around the other side. I led us. We were headed down a wide but short pathway with the field to our left, with a line of decorative firs between us and it. Ahead was a back entrance to a restaurant, with high, narrow steps (two, or maybe just one, it was a big step up) Between us was a woman who looked quite like Queen Elizabeth, with two beautiful greyhounds. As the others filed into the building, I stopped to pet a couple of dogs, not the greyhounds, just mutts, basically.

      One was black, and quite nice, the other was brownish, and growled at me at first, until I let him sniff my hand. I just thought 'he's just a dog, don't worry' and petted him, murmuring to him, not sure yet if it was a male or not, until he rolled over, and then I told him he was a good boy and got up, headed into the restaurant. Once I got into the restaurant, it was just small two-person booths, and everybody else was seated already. I found Mama and Daddy and they had found a booth? large enough for me to sit with them. It was apparently Night To Be Much Observed.

      I ordered something, not a steak, and ate most of it before getting up to go to a different section. I sat in a small two person booth near Matt and Alesia, they were at a table with maybe Alesia's family?. The booth I was in was too small my stomach was seemingly a tad distended, and it was uncomfortable, I was messing with the table itself some. Matt came over and said something about the food being good, and I responded "Yeah, it sure is. I originally wanted steak, now I'm glad I didn't get it." expressing how filling the food was. That's pretty much all I remember.

      Fun With Driveway Terrain
      Monday, March 19 2007

      Next dream. Skidding down driveway, Tab, Heather, Mama and Daddy behind. Making hills to slide down in the driveway using my momentum with something like World Machine technique, just thinking about it and the driveway would form a hill I"d skid down, then I'd use the momentum to go up the next as I formed it into one to go down. When I got to our personal driveway I gestured back and flattened it out normal again. At home, Heather was trying to get me to help her with some computer problem, things were arranged slightly off, where the kitchen should be was a large bare room divided from the living room, which was normal mostly, by a grid-like decorative divider. Heather was in there.

      Tab put in a movie, some Zombie/Comedy DVD in, I asked if Maggie should be watching that, she said it held Maggie's interest. So we started watching that on our new 65 inch TV, Mama said we had won it, but when pressed revealed that we had it on a three-day or so trial. I was standing up facing the couch, TV to my left, on the cherry table which was underneath the bar, Mama was in that old blue denim covered glider to the door end of the couch. The TV was turned to face the couch. Maggie was behind me, and reached up and grabbed/pinched my butt, I yelped, turned around and picked her up, placing her on my left leg in my lap.

      She put her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. I leaned over, putting my head on Mama's shoulder, that is when I asked her about the TV. I was staring at Heather in the large area, past Mama, I guess, she wasn't in my vision, thinking how perfect this all was. Then I began to think, well, not exactly perfect, Matt's not here, Heather's still a bit meh, etc. I was starting to wake up I think, at this point, but I became Lucid. For about one second in my dream, I was completely totally Lucid, but I was already waking up before I became Lucid. I couldn't even move my dream-head, there was the still image there as I came completely awake.

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      Edit: Updated a little, changed the title.
      Last edited by Man of Steel; 04-19-2008 at 01:48 AM. Reason: Updated!


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