Okay, a few nights ago I had this dream that really got to me. It felt SO real!!! I really like this person and I think they like me too. The dream was that I was at a computer in an apartment I have never been in before, but in my dream I knew the apartment. I was playing a game on the computer (Spider Solitaire, I always play that), and she comes up from behind me, out of nowhere! It was kinda like she popped into my dream or something. She was also wearing something that she normally wouldn't wear, but I can tell that she was representing herself and not someone else or myself in the dream. As I am playing Spider Solitaire, she says to me, "Okay, it is time". My emotion was happy, because I knew it was a flirtation, but I didn't know exactly what she had meant by that. I kept saying hang on, let me just finish this game. She kept trying to get me to go with her, maybe three times before she walked away. Right when she walked away I stopped playing the game and got up to follow her. I do not recall walking down any hallway, but all of a sudden I was in a bedroom, not even standing there, but it was like I fell out the top of the room or something and just landed on the bed. We both did. I landed on top of her, and we both just looked at each other. We started to kiss, and even the kissing felt real. When I was with her, it did not feel like I was dreaming about her, it was like we were both really there and really kissing each other. Then we started to roll over and that was the end of the dream. I woke up feeling as if it had really happened. It also felt like the dream was mutual for some reason, so I wanted to find out if she had the same dream without directly asking her, not to make a fool of myself if I was incorrect. Today I told her I had a dream about her. As soon as I said that (she was not facing me at the time), she turned around really fast with this surprised look on her face and asked what it was. I did not want to tell her the whole thing, you know about the bed and the kissing, because I am not sure if she really likes me like that or not. I told her some of it. I said that I was on a computer playing a game and that she said to me "Okay, it's time". Her reply baffled me. She said "Time what, time to go to bed?" I had mentioned nothing about the bed to her. I don't know what this means at all. It was completely lucid and felt exactly like waking life so much. Since it was so lucid, and she was in the dream, does that mean that it was a mutual dream? Do you think that she had the same dream as I did? And what does it mean? Nothing about the dream felt wrong or as if it would never happen, it all just felt so right. It's hard to explain, but I felt this sort of connection with her, as if she were really sharing the dream with me. I would really like to know what this all means. I have tried to look it up, but the dream is too complex to find an answer on google or ask.com. I have even tried dream dictionaries and forums, and have not found a thing.

Another thing I want to mention, which has nothing to do with the dream, is that I feel we are sometimes telepathic with each other when we are not together. I have felt this way for about a year now and yesterday I wanted to know if I was just crazy or if we are really telepathic. In a "conversation" I had with her last night, I was trying to figure out if the telepathy was real or not, and to figure out if we had the same dream that night. I was saying to her how we should give each other specific clues tomorrow (today) to figure out if it is real. One of them was about my mother, I told her to ask me about my mother (which she has never done before), so that I could know if it was real or not. Today she did. Later I said "I have to tell you something". She said "Don't freak me out". This kind of felt as if she knew what was going on and that she was scared about the telepathy being real.

Yesterday I also had this image of a hat randomly pop into my head, and today she tried on one of her client's hat. My jaw dropped. It is not like we are always around hats!