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    1. #101
      dark passenger of dreams Sekhmet's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      That cockroach dream was nasty! Good thing you woke up. At the rate that thing was growing, it would have been bigger than you before long.
      No kidding!!
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 12-26-2007 at 06:56 AM.

    2. #102
      dark passenger of dreams Sekhmet's Avatar
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      Non-lucid dreams in dark blue.
      Lucid dreams in dark red.
      Comments in black.

      INDEX for page 5
      December 24th, 2007 - Rice Crispie treats.
      May 9th, 2006 - Defeat the Guardians and Break the Mandala Seals.
      December 31st, 2007 - Two false awakenings. (5th lucid)
      January 4th, 2008 - Overstocked.
      January 8th, 2008 - Dream House Stripped Bare. (6th lucid)
      January 12th, 2008 - Pond of the Giant Alligator.
      January 16th, 2008 - Missing Persons Investigation the and Schoolhouse Town.
      January 17th, 2008 - Liquidation Sale.
      February 4th, 2008 - Anxiety about Appointments.
      February 5th, 2008 - Learning How to Fly Again. (7th lucid)
      February 9th, 2008 - Musical Cars.
      February 11th, 2008 - Don't be see Naked on the way to the Bathroom.
      February 25th, 2008 - Three Dreams.
      April 21st, 2008 - The Dragon Rider.
      April 22nd, 2008 - Avoid the Cops.
      April 25th, 2008 - Airport Arcade and Angry Gibbons.
      April 26th, 2008 - Transformers and Gangsters.
      April 28th, 2008 - Finding Money at Parent's House.
      April 29th, 2008 - The Butterfly Key.
      May 1st, 2008 - Long Point and Box World. (8th lucid)
      May 14th, 2008 - Optimus Prime plays in Traffic.
      May 21st, 2008 - Two Paintings.
      May 23rd, 2008 - Black Cat Mennonite Farm.

      I made some rice crispie treats for the holidays, and I cannot remember the exact date now (I believe it may have been December 24th), but I had this dream right after.

      My father and I were at an indoor confectionary market, sampling many different kinds of foods,and we came across one display that was serving the rice crispies I had made. I remember thinking in the dream, "Oh hey, those are my treats!" and feeling glad that other people were enjoying them too. I was a tad upset that I had to pay for a peice of something that I had made, though I said nothing and handed over the money for the treat. My father and I grabbed some and ate it gulped it down before moving on to the next display.

      I did not become lucid, however, and I cannot remember anything more from that dream, though it was quite lengthy.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 05-03-2010 at 11:27 PM. Reason: Created page index.

    3. #103
      dark passenger of dreams Sekhmet's Avatar
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      May 9th, 2006 - Defeat the Guardians and Break the Mandala Seals.

      I was going through an old journal of mine and I found an entry that I had long forgotten about. It is a dream that I had on May 9th of last year. At the time I thought it had great personal significance, but now I am not sure what to think of it. When I mention the name Sekhmet in the dream, I am refering to the ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet of transformation and transcendence, whom I liked to call my patron diety when I used to be a starry-eyed, idealistic pagan.

      May 9th, 2006 - "Defeat the Guardians and Break the Mandala Seals."

      I was younger in this dream and had shorter hair then I do in waking life. I did not need glasses as my eyesight was perfect. I wore a long robe that was a light brown or dark tan colour. I did not remember the specific reason for having to break the mandala seals, but in the dream I knew it was something I had to do.

      I was in some sort of magical place, a fantasy-esque temple of some sort, perhaps. This place had multiple levels and each level had a magical seal that was guarded by a powerful being. Starting at the bottom, I had to fight the guardian of that level to break the seal and only then could I progress to the next level. When the guardian was defeated, its body disappeared into the glowing mandala seal on the marble floor, before flashing brightly and dissolving completely. The path to the next level would appear as a circle of light above where the mandala seal had disappeared. For some reason I would also become more powerful when I defeated the guardian, like I absorbed its physical and magical powers when it died or something.

      I do not recall the details of guardians one to four, but I do not think they had any significance. I think I vaguely remember a few of these guardians appearing as character from classic monster movies, but I cannot be sure as my memory of them is fuzzy. All I do remember is defeating them with easy, breaking the seal and moving on to the next level. I breezed through the first four guardians, though I maintained a serious concentration on what I was doing, even as I became more and more powerful.

      The fifth guardian was not so easy. I was shocked to discover that it was non other than my patron goddess Sekhmet, in her fiery war goddess form, leonine head and all. She could have easily killed me, being a goddess and all, but she did not. Instead she played with me like any feline does before they consume their prey. Sekhmet bit me several times and tore off chunks of flesh from my body. At one point she tore off my entire right arm. She ate all of the peices of me that she took.

      Every time Sekhmet bit me or ripped something off my entire essence; my mind, body and soul, were consumed with such an intense burning that I could think of nothing else but that sensation. I stop short of saying it was painful, because while the sensation engulfed my entire being, it also felt that I was metaphysically connected to everything in the universe when I felt it, if that makes any sense. I did not hate Sekhmet for doing this and it seemed that I loved her more and more, despite the burning, as she slowly consumed me. After she took my right arm, I was willing to surrender myself to her, to be completely consumed, and indeed that is just what I hoped Sekhmet would do.

      Instead, something happened that I can not longer remember unfortunately, but I not only regained by lost body parts (and completely healed of all injury) but my regeneration seemed to surprise Sekhmet, who had, for the moment, ceased her attacks. Not surprised as in upset surprised, but more that she was either impressed by it or she just expected it or something. Either way, she just smiled a secret smile and the fight continued.

      Again I cannot remember what happened next, but somehow I bested Sekhmet and won the fight. I am not sure if I actually defeated her with my own strength or if she let me win. She disappeared into the mandala on the floor (with another one of those secret and knowing smiles on her face) and I was offically complete my quest. Despite my victory and though it was something I knew I had to do in the dream, I felt absolutely devastated at what I had done, as I felt that I had just killed my patron goddess. I collapsed on the broken seal were Sekhmet has disappeared and laid there and cried.

      After a while I reluctantly got up and walked through a gate that had appeared at the far side of the chamber. When I walked through I found myself in an ethereal plane where everything was magical and dreamlike. There were solid objects I could step on, but most things were colourful, transparent and glowing. It seemed to be perpetual night there but the stars shone like every colour of the rainbow. I seemed to be alone there, but I felt as I did when Sekhmet had been biting me: connected to everything in the universe.

      I wandered around in that ethereal magical place for some time, but the dream eventually fades.

    4. #104
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      Exclamation December 31 - Two false awakenings, one lucid.

      I had a dream last night with two false awakenings. I can't for the life of me remember any details about the dream itself, but I do know that I had a false awakening, after which I did and RC by biting my tongue - but it hurt, so I though I had really woken up. Then I had another false awakening, after which I performed the same RC and became lucid for a brief moment and realized I was in a dream, though I woke up for real immediately afterwards.

    5. #105
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      January 4th, 2007 - Overstocked.

      I had this dream this morning.

      My father, mother, my brother Ryan, and myself are in this dream. We all look as we did approximately 15 years ago. I cannot remember the beginning of the dream but at some point we are in a one room shed-like building. The walls and roof are made of white aluminum and the ground is cold, hard dirt. There is no heat, and we are all dressed in heavy winter clothing. There is one door, no windows, and enough room for a large queen sized bed, a fridge, a cupboard and a small table for eating. My family and I are in this place because there is a snow storm outside and we are essentially trapped until it is over.

      The bed has heavy, white arctic blankets on it, and my parents and Ryan spend most of their time underneath the covers trying to keep warm. Because there is no room for me, I am either at the foot of the bed or on the floor, with no blanket of my own. (I am usually on the floor because my brother Ryan literally kicks me off when my parents are asleep). I feel very cold throughout the entire dream, especially when I am on trying to sleep on the floor because a biting wind can be felt coming in from the gap underneath the door.

      When the storm ends my parents start showing me where the provisions are. There seems to be too much of everything and the cupboard and fridge are overloaded with foodstuff. My parents then inform me that they and my brother are leaving and I am going to have to take care of myself while they are gone. My father opens the cupboard and shows me many bags of milk and says that they do not need refridgeration because it is so cold anyway that they will not go bad. There is a red box filled with Fruit Loops cereal and my mom says something about getting a discount on them. My parents and brother leave and I am left cold and alone, with no idea where they are going or when they are coming back.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 01-04-2008 at 06:23 AM.

    6. #106
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      Exclamation January 8th, 2008 - Sixth Lucid - Dream house stripped bare

      For many years a particular house has appeared in my dreams. It does not look like any house I know in waking life, yet it looks the same whenever I dream about it, which is approximately every two or three years since childhood. In all dreams previous, the house was full of furniture and appliances and looked as if it has recently been lived in, but empty of people. Last night's dream was slightly different though because, while still abandoned, most of the furniture and appliances were removed, much of the plaster on the walls had been knocked out and the electrical wires, insulation and wooden supports were showing.

      The house sits at the bottom of a hill, close to water on a bay on an unnamed lake. The bay is choked with docks and boats and only narrow passages lead to open water. The area around the house is hilly and full of large houses, many of which have wooden stairs and walkways leading down to the dock. My dream house itself consists of three levels and a basement, and a secret staircase and room that connects the first and third floors. The outside is white clapboard and the roof is light grey shingles. Each floor of the house is long and narrow with low ceilings and all of the windows throughout are small and do not let in much light. The first floor consists of the kitchen, living room and a sewing room. The second floor has a large den, a bathroom and two bedrooms. The third floor is an open space, like an attic, and is always a toyroom in the dream. The basement has a bedroom, a bathroom, a large den, a tool room and a laundry room to the rear.

      I do not remember the beginning of the dream, or entering the house, but I find myself in the laundry room in the basement, and though it is stripped bare of any living comforts, I immediately recognize the place where I am. Despite just coming to awareness in the basement, I know that I am the only one in the house. Because it is a place I know I only ever see in my dreams, I become lucid. I do not try to force any control over the dream and am content to explore the house because I am curious as to why it seems empty except for the outer walls.

      The first thing I notice is that the ceiling seems higher than normal and the windows far out of reach overhead. Actually everything about the laundry room seems oversized. I feel that everything is as a child would see it, though I appear at my current age in the dream. The next thing I notice is that the pipes that once connected to the washer is still pumping out water. The hose from which the water is gushing pours into a bucket on what looks like the burnt out shell of the dryer. The bucket is leaning slightly towards the back wall and is overflowing onto a slanted, beveled concrete trough which directs the water to a drain that carries the water under the house and out to the lake. I also notice at this point that the lights are still on.

      I walk into the next room which also seems oversized, though mostly everything but the counters and wooden supports are gone. I walk towards the hall which leads to the den, but the lights are out and I cannot see where the doorway is. I stretch my arm forward and fumble in the dimly lit hall for the light switch but end up almost sticking my finger in an uncovered electrical socket. I eventually find the two switches for the lights for the large den area on the wooded support to my right and flick them on. When I enter the den I look up and it seems that the ceiling is three or four storeys high. It is only when I look towards the eastern wall that I realize why - I can see the secret stairs and room in its entirety. All of the floors up the the third have been completely removed, expect for the secret passage embedded in the eastern wall. There is no indication that there were any floors above, no debris or any indication of demolition whatsoever, except that I recognize the placement of the windows which correspond to the layout of each floor as I remember it.

      I can see the ochre coloured furniture in the secret room that has always been there, and except for the wall that usually hides the secret room and stairs being missing, everything else looks the same. The furniture is Victorian era style and there are many black and white photographs pinned to the far wall. There is even the single white candle burning on the small mahogany end table which is the only source of illumination for the narrow, windowless room. I am excited that the secret room is the same, and want to go to it, but the entrance to the lower secret stairs is only accessable by the main floor of the house, which is now missing. I start walking towards the easten wall anyway and trip over a pile of toys and clothing and various household items that I did not see until now. I recognize some of the toys as items that used to be in the toyroom on the third floor and pick up some for a closer look.

      I walk over to a black waist high bookcase and find several multicoloured and metallic dinky cars which I recognize from waking life which used to belong to my brother, though in the dream I thought to myself that they belonged to my cousin Keelan. I also found an black and silver flashlight that I used to own years ago and when I switched it on the beam was dim and fading. At the same time an LCD flashlight rolled off of one of the bookshelf ledged and right into my hand. Also at the same time the row of basement lights on the western wall beging to flick on and off seemingly by themselves. I stand up and walk into the middle of the room, trying to see down the north hall in case anyone is there, but I can see no one and both rows of lights on the western and easten wall flicker a few times and go out. It is dark outside so the many windows provide no illumination and it is completely pitch black in the house, save for the small candle in the secret room, though it obviously does not provide much light. I attempt some dream control by saying "lights on" and try to will it to happen, but nothing does. I can hear thumping above me, as if the main floor still exists and someone is walking back and forth across it. I start to feel scared, but the knowledge that I am in a dream does not fade. I also remind myself that I do not believe in ghosts and there really is no reason to be scared because it is only a dream. The thumping continues and though I cannot see anything, I feel the "presence" of something in the hall by the light switches. The terror in me grows, but so does anger and I scream at the invisible presence "TURN THE LIGHTS BACK ON RIGHT NOW!"

      There is no answer and I stand in the dark for a short time before the terror overwhelms me and I awake in a cold sweat. Or maybe I willed myself awake? I can't remember now.

      I think part of the reason I became so scared is because I know that I have patheticly limited dream control and when something freaks me out in the dream world I panic because I cannot make it just go away or use my lucidity to fight it.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 05-03-2010 at 11:08 PM.

    7. #107
      dark passenger of dreams Sekhmet's Avatar
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      Saturday, January 12, 2008 - The Pond of the Giant Alligator

      Yay, another nightmare...

      Jan 12, 2008 - "The Pond of the Giant Alligator."

      I cannot remember the beginning of the dream but at some point I am with several random dream characters by a large silty pond, deep in a thick tropical jungle. Because the jungle is so thick on either side of the pond, the only way across is through the water. I cannot remember why now, but I knew in the dream that it was imperative that I get to the other side. All of the DCs except for one get into the water and start swimming or playing around, but none make an effort to cross. I know I have to do it, but I am hesitant. I cannot immediately place my fear but then I notice something floating in the middle of the pond. At first it appears to be a large peice of wood or something, but it suddenly blinks and I realize it is an alligator or crocodile. I stand on my tiptoes to try and get a better look at the reptile and I can see that it is an absolute giant. It appears to be 20 to 25 feet long, though my measurement is possibly incorrect since the bulk of the beast is beneath the water and it is likely much bigger than it appears. I feel very afraid and do not enter the water. The DCs in the water seem oblivious to the presence of the creature and continue to happily splash around the pond.

      I suddenly find myself in waist deep water, but I am kneeling so that water is up to my neck. I stare frozen in fear at the the giant grey alligator and it looks right back at me. The eyes of the creature feel very menacing as it stares at me and ignores the DCs that are swimming and splashing around him. It suddenly disappears underneath the surface of the water and I panic because I cannot see through the thick silt and fear that it might be coming for me, so I dash back towards the shore. I cannot get out of the water for some reason but there is a neatly stacked pile of red brinks just beneath the surface at the water and stand on it to get as far out of the pond as I can. When I stand on the brick pile, the water only comes up to my ankles and I fear secure enough that the giant alligator cannot reach me without me first seeing him approatch. I am still terrified of it though and make no move to enter the water again.

      The lone DC that did not get into the water tries to coax me to cross with her. She is a teenager with brown hair pulled back into a pony-tail and looks like someone I used to know in waking life whom everyone called 'Bean'. Like the other DCs, she cannot see the alligator and does not understand why I do not want to get into the water. I am sure that at any moment one of the DCs who are already in the water are going to be eaten by the huge gator who is quietly laying in wait near the bottom. After some time Bean somehow convinces me to get back into the water and says that we will cross together. She is swimming beside me and I am trying to make large strokes with my arms with as little disturbance to the water's surface as possible.

      Bean and I are about half way when I scrape my right leg up against somethine hard and bumpy under the water. I stick my face in through the thick silt I can make out the outline of the giant alligator floating directly below me. If I reached out my arms down below me, I could have easily touched the gigantic creature's back. My entire body stiffens in absolute terror and I begin to panic. At that very same moment Bean decides she's had enough of swimming on her own and jumps on my back and wraps her arms around my neck in an almost-chokehold. I am immediately forced under the water by her weight and my body's refusal to move because of the terror I am feeling. My fear frozen body slams into the back of the alligator and the mind numbing terror I felt is difficult to describe. I was sure that the gator would turn and snap both Bean and I up in one gulp when it felt the pressure of us on it's back, especially when my body's function suddenly returned and I used the beast's back for leverage and struggled violently to not only surface for air, but to wrench Bean off my back. When I surfaced I kicked and splashed and screamed at Bean to "Let go of me! LET GO OF ME!!!"

      I was certain that the alligator would definately be attracted to my paniced spashing on the surface, but the creature did not make any move, though I could still feel it below me. Bean got upset with me because she could not understand why I had gotten upset over her jumping on my back without my conset and starting swimming back to shore with great indignation. Many of the other DCs turned to watch the commotion I was making and I was very frustrated that none of them knew about the giant alligator floating just below me. The dream gets fuzzy but the last thing I remember is making a mad dash for the otherside of the pond, and though I was still terrified that my kicking and splashing would attract the gator's attention, I could not swim calmly because I was still panicking.

      Woke up ina cold sweat, had chills the rest of the night and could not get back to sleep.

      Generally, in nature, if a gator is even slightly disturbed it will turn and attack anything that touches it. The fact that it wasn't "acting normally," like I expected it to, is possibly one of the main reasons why I was so scared thoughout this nightmare.

      Image courtesy of Marathon Books.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 05-03-2010 at 11:10 PM.

    8. #108
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      January 16th, 2008 - Missing Persons Investigation and the Schoolhouse Town

      "Missing Persons Investigation and the Schoolhouse Town."

      The dream starts off with me somewhere in the southern United States. The prominant colours theme of this dream are blue and orange. The sky is clear and blue. It is dry and arid and there is lots of dusty orange back country and only small towns scattered here and there. I am a private investigator hired to look into the murders of several young women because people are frustrated with the lack of progress from the police. I have a list of suspects and narrow it down to a man working at a remote gas station. I drive there at about noon (in a cobalt blue pick-up truck) and find the man talking to a police officer in a brown uniform, dark sunglasses and tan colored coyboy hat. The police man eyes me suspiciously when I ask if the suspect would like to answer some questions, but does not interfere. When I am done with my inquiries, the man quickly retreats into the gas station's office and the police officer wants to ask me some questions of his own. I do not remember what the questions were but they were personal in nature and irrelevant to why I was doing the investigation, so I decined to answer. I get into my vehicle (which is now a light grey four door car) and drive away.

      I drive for some time and come across a school in the middle of nowhere that looks like an old wooded train station. There are a group of boys playing out front and I stop to ask them some questions. I notice as I get out of my car that a police SUV passes by and the officer of the gas station is behind the wheel. He stares at me as he slows down and drives by. The first boy I talk to is blond and about 10 years old. He wears a blue sweater hand knit sweater with white letters across the front that spells "CHRIS." I ask him if he has seen anyone suspicious around or if he has seen anything weird. Chris shakes his head no, but his avoidance of eye contact and his arms hugging himself make me believe otherwise. Since I do not want to force the boy to talk, I tell Chris that if he ever needs to talk to someone, he can come to me. I give him one of my office cards with my cell phone number on it.

      The rest of the boys do not know anything, but one of them reveals that his older sister is one of the missing young women. The sun begins to set and the boys are called back into the school. I don't really think about why they are going into the school and not onto a bus to home. I get back into my vehicle, which again looks like a blue pick-up truck and drive for some time. The sky is a blazing orange when I find myself at a dead end. The is a large deep blue lake, and though I can see the road continue on the far side, there is no bridge and the land around the water is too rough for vehicles. I turn my truck around and head back in the direction of the school. When I get there it is dark and while the school is still in the same place when I left, a whole town seems to have sprung up along the road and some sort of carnival or festival is going on. There are coloured lights and decorations strung between the buildings and across the the buildings on the otherside. All of the structures look old fashion, like a set from an old wild west film or something. I park my truck on the side of the road and walk into town. While there are many people around, talking, drinking, partying, etc. I notice that the only other vehicle in the area is the police SUV I saw before.

      I ask a few of the people who are sitting on the porches of the buildings if they know anything about the missing people, but no one seems to know anything, or at least, anything they want to share. I observe several people shoot nervous glances at each other when talking to me and some just refuse to say anything, even that they know nothing. My cell phone rings and a deep, gravelly voice tells me to 'get out of town, or there will be trouble.' I ignore the threat and decide to enter one of the buildings and find that it is a small one room school house when I go in. Except for the desks and chalkboard, it is empty. The building beside is exactly the same, even though it says 'saloon' on the outside and has several men drinking on the porch. Upon investigating the rest of the buildings they are all singular unit school rooms. The original school looks like a modern gymnaseum with many inflatable beds, upon which many children sleep. I go back outside and find that while the town is still there, the partiers have disappeared and most of the colour has been drained from the world. It appears to be daytime again, and it is very bright, but the sky is grey, the dust under my feet are grey, the wood on the buildings are no longer browns and dark oranges but grey. The only colour I can see is the blue in Chris's sweater, as the boy is standing on the middle of the street and seems to be waiting for me. An extra letter has appeared on his sweater and it now says "CHRIST." I walk up to him and he says that he knows something about the missing people. He starts to say something which I just know is going to be really significant, but...

      ...the telephone beside my bed rings and wakes me up! D'oh!
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 05-03-2010 at 11:06 PM.

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      January 17th, 2008 - Liquidation Sale

      I dreamed I was at Westmount Mall in the Music World store. They have been having a liquidation sale because the store is closing. I am browsing the few shelves that have anything on them, but most of the stuff is crap. There were three cds that were sold individually, but were made by the same band and consisted of the themes body, mind and soul. All of the cd's had white backgrounds, neon pink writing and flowing spiral designs on the cover. The first cd was called "Physical" and was made up about songs dealing with the body. The second cd was called "Mental" and dealt with songs about the mind and perception. The last cd was called "Spirit" and were songs about the soul or something. I cannot remember the name of the band, but since the cds were on sale, and all three were still available, I picked them up with the intention of buying them.

      In the dvd section there were many blue boxs with pink and white writing on them. I cannot remember what movie or television series it was, but I figured that it must suck since no one was buting them, even at 80% off. I saw a dvd for a few episodes of Neo (Genesis?) Evangelion and though I have never seen the series and know nothing about it, I decided I wanted to buy it because it was less than ten dollars. When I picked up the dvd someone across the store yelled that the store was closing and we had to get out. I cannot remember the very end of the dream, but I think I ended up leaving without paying for anything and it was cool because no one cared.

    10. #110
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      Monday, February 4th, 2008.

      This dream came about by anxiety about medical appointments I thought I had today, Monday, February 4th, 2008. I thought that I had a doctor's appointment at 2:30pm and then a dentist's appointment at 4:00pm, but I realized only this morning that the doctor's appointment is actually tomorrow and while the dentist was actually today, I ended up having to reschedule for a later date because my community support worker (who was suppost to go with me to these events) had come down with the flu. I spent the whole weekend worrying about these appointments which I mistakenly thought were on the same day and I had this nightmare because of it.

      It is day time, the sun peeks through hazy grey clouds and there is a breeze which alternates between slightly chilly and refreshingly warm. I think I would describe it as a warm autumn day, especially with the breeze constantly blowing brown leaves and various other light debris through the streets. There are many people around, going wherever they are going, but they are all unrecognizable random DCs. Most of them are dressed for the weather, but almost all look like they have hard lives and come from lower class situations. No one is smiling or talking and everyone has a hard, grim facial expression as they go about their business. The surrounding facades are dull and faded but nothing looks abandoned or out of place, just dirty and worn down from much use and low maintenance. Most of the buildings are tall, imposing concrete office buildings with smaller businesses and apartments squeezed inbetween.

      I look younger than I do now, maybe about 17 or 18 years old. I have my big black highschool napsack on and am carrying something in my arms - a book, I think. I cannot remember much about what I was wearing but I do recall that I had on my black banded digital watch on my left wrist, mostly because I look to it many times in the dream. The dream starts off with me walking down a gritty city street, squinting against the sun that just came out from behind a dark cloud and is shining right into my eyes. I am on my way to my community support worker's office but the city is unfarmiliar to anything I know in waking life and I am not really confident about where I am going. I am worried because in the dream I still think I have those two appointments today and I am late already and afraid that I am not going to get to meet up with Susie (my CSW) on time at 2:15 pm. I constantly look at my watch to see what time it is.

      I turn down one alley, hoping it is a short cut, but I end up running into a deadend street. There is a parked car at the one end and the only way out is back the way I came. I cannot remember what happened next but suddenly I am sitting in a four door, dark blue car with a former co-worker of mine, his brother and one other person I do not recognize. Samir, the former co-worker, is wearing a black leather jacket, a dark blue skully and is sitting with me in the back seat of the vehicle. The car is parked in an alley way under a rusted metal staircase. Samir's brother and the other person in the front seat are talking and looking for something outside the vehicle or keeping watch for someone. Samir is leaning towards me and has a sad look on his face. He is talking, but I do not remember what he said. I think he offered me a ride to my destination, but I panicked because I do not know the way and I am uncomfortable being near Samir - not because I hate him, quite the opposite in fact, since I have a huge crush on him and I am afraid of what he will think of me if he finds out that I require community support to work on my life right now. I flee from the vehicle in shame and run out of the alleyway. Samir jumps out of the car and calls after me, but does not give chase. I steal one last look at his beautiful face before I turn the corner out of the alleyway and back into the busy street. He has a worried and confused look on his face.

      Back on the busy street I run into a throng of people I cannot push my way through. The crowd is moving slowing down the street and I am pushed along with it. At this point I realize that my book and wrist watch are gone and I think that I must have lost them in Samir's car, but I am not certain. The anxiety I feel about the appointments is aggrevated by the fact that I still am not certain where I am going, I cannot tell the time now because my watch is gone, I am worried about what Samir thinks of me, and finally I cannot go back to find either Samir or the watch because the huge crowd of people is forced me to go wherever the hell they are going. The sky has darkened considerably but not because the sun is setting. Indeed it appears that the sun had not moved from where it was at the beginning of the dream, but that the clouds in the sky have became thicker and blacker and are moving much faster across the sky, as if a storm is quickly rolling in. The breeze is also picking up and becoming chillier.

      There is a break in the throng of people and I am able to dive into a small stairwell in the side of a beige, bricked building. The steps lead down to a large metal door that was either green or brown but I can no longer remember. Since it is unlocked, and there is no break in the heavy crowd of people on the street, I open the door and go through. I am in a long, narrow hallway with flickering lights, exposed, leaky pipes and broken and decaying floortiles. It is not scary, just very badly maintained. At the very end of the hall is another large metal door and when I go through I find myself in what appears to be a large covered parking garage that is strewn with garbage and debris. To my right there is a brightly lit store or restaurant of some kind but I ignore it because at the far end of the parking garage I can see daylight and lush trees beyond the opening. I still feel bad about missing my appointments and wish I could call Susie somehow, but I figure that it is way too late for that and I want to go over to the trees.

      Some of the garbage in the covered parking area is very large and I have to navigate through it like a maze. When I am close to the exit, I can see a glass building and a garden full of flowers and trees. I step on something squishy and stop to look down to see what looks like a lump of flesh. I am grossed out but determined to make it out of there but I notice as I walk along many more parts of flesh on the ground. I think to myself that it looks like the large intestine of a large mammal and as I follow the trail of flesh with my eyes until I see a human body laying face down on the ground. It is a caucasian man with dark brown hair and wearing a dark blue shirt and black pants. I cannot see his face but I think he may have been a business man or somehing. His entire body is surrounded by flesh and internal organs and makes me think the man was disemboweled. Strangely, there is not blood or fluids, just solid body parts, and near the man is a large translucent tarp that had been wrapped around something long, narrow and red.

      I do not get much of a chance to see what is in the tarp because I hear a group of children laughing behind me. I turn and see about five or six pre-teens standing with their hands on their hips and trying to look tough. I cannot remember the details of most of the kids other than they were scruffy looking and wore dirty, ripped clothes. The only child that stood out was a blond haired girl wearing black goth clothing who seemed to be the oldest of them all and the leader of the group. She said in a matter of fact way that the tarp contained the body of another person. The other kids ignored the carnage and began playing in the garbage and debris like it was a jungle gym, except for the goth girl who just crossed her arms and glared at me. I forgot about wanting to see the trees and wanted to know about the children - why they were there and why they seemed uneffected by the dead bodies and garbage around them.

      The children ran away when I approached them and turned the corner near the metal door that I first came through. I followed and discovered they had gone into the small brightly lit eatery which I now noticed had a large pink sign saying "Susie's Snack Stop" or something like that. The name on the sign reminded me about missing my appointment with my community support worker and I feel pangs of regret, but I enter the resturant anyway. I pass a large white tub as I enter and see many confectionary treats, like marshmellow squares and nanaimo bars but I also notice that some appear to be made of vegetables instead of candy. The kids are all sitting at a table with an older man who seems to be the only person running the place. He is bald, wearing a light blue t-shirt underneath a white apron and is dishing out what appears to be macaroni and cheese into small metals bowls for the kids. I want to ask the bald man how this place can operate while surrounded by such filth and carnage, but I do not feel comfortable discussing it in front of the children. The goth girl is still staring at me, but her expression has softened and she motions to me to come and sit beside her.

      I remain standing at the edge of table and while the children talk and eat I suddenly hear men's voices from outside the eatery. I head for the exit and my eyes are drawn to the large white tub again, but I see nothing significant and continue on to the exit. The goth girl jumps up and chases after me. Outside the eatery the scene has changed. While it is still dirty and garbage strewn, the area appears to be a basement or something. There are exposed pipes and boilers around, but between those are tables and display cases with flags and lights for decorations. It looks like some sort of promotion or fair or something. There are adult men in business suits hanging around the tables and talking with each other. I see a man in a black suit head to the far end of the basement and walk through a solid wall. I start running in that direction, thinking it is a way out, but the goth girl catches up with me and tells me to stay with her. She has an expression of worry on her face that remind's me of Samir. I ask her why she wants me to stay and she says: "Because I love you." I do not know how to respond and turn to leave, thinking that the girl is being ridiculous. The other children come out and stand around their leader and they all watch me go.

      When I get to the wall that the man in the black suit disappeared through, it becomes transparent and beyond it I can see a concrete staircase leading up. I walk through the wall and a freezing cold sensation almost paralyzes my body as I do so. At the top of the stairs things become much warmer as it leads outside into a busy street. It is different from the streets at the beginning of the dream and looks more like the city I actually live in. The first thing my eyes are drawn too is a clock tower down the street and the time on it says 1:48. I become excited because this means that I still have time to find Susie and make my appointments, but as I start down the sidewalk I run into people dressed in marching band gear holding instruments. There seems to be some confusion and they are all running around like they don't know what to do. Suddenly a marching band line appears from a side street and start down the road towards me. There is a large float parade behind them and the sidewalks are congested with people come to watch the parade. I duck into a walled yard to escape the crowd, hoping to find a way through to a street on the otherside of the building, but instead run into a group of inner city youth having a free style rap competition. I am accosted and told that I cannot pass until I listen to some of the contenders. I am frustrated because I know that I can still make my appointments, I can feel the anxiety welling up inside of me again, but I stay and listen for a while. The first young man has black and had a kickin' afro. It was awesome because it was like a perfect circle. His beats were pretty cool but I did not stay to listen to the entire rap of the second guy (who looked like Eminem). I ran through the yard and around the building and to the street on the other side.

      I stood on the sidewalk and looked around to get my bearings. To my right, far down the street, I could see the parade approaching. To my left the road went under a large interstate bridge or something. In front of me was a small park space with trees and benches and stuff. I ran across the street to the parkspace and saw on the far side another road and beyond that a convenience store with a pay phone. I cross the park and come to another road which slopes down and is congested with cars. I think it is the parade again, but it turns out to be a funeral procession when two black minivans, followed by a black hearse, drive by. I almost get hit by the first black van when I try to cross. I do manage to dodge the cars and make it too the other side and I am almost overwhelmed by the emotions I am feeling. I am so close to being able to call Susie, hoping that she will come and pick me up, but my anxiety and frustration only grows as a approatch the pay phone. The walkway leading up to it suddenly narrows and I am either growing bigger or the store is growing smaller because all of a sudden my legs are trapped between the narrow metal railings on the walkway and my head hits the overhand of the convenience store's roof. I am stuck and frustrated and about to give up in despair...

      ...but then I wake up.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 02-04-2008 at 11:12 PM. Reason: spelling

    11. #111
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      Lightbulb 7th Lucid! Meeting a Dream Guide? RPG-like exploration and learning to fly again.

      I had this dream in the early morning hours of February 5th, 2008 and this is my seventh lucid since joining DreamViews.

      I cannot remember much from the beginning of the dream and what little I recall is kind of fuzzy. Everything is coloured in shades of dark blue and black. The setting is inside a small village where the buildings are all made of wood and the entire area is surrounded by a stone wall. There is one large building in the cener of the village that looks like a warehouse and has no windows. I am exploring the villiage much like an RPG videogame and everything is in thrid person perspective. The transition from outside to inside (or vice versa) is like the survival horror game Resident Evil where everything turns black, except for the door, which slowly opens and you then advance through in first person perspective before returning to third person perspective on the other side.

      I am moving through some wooded gates and doors, heading towards the large building in the center of the villiage. Whenever I see a cabinent or desk in a room or hall, I open it and search for items. I don't recall finding anything of interest before entering the large building. When I pass through the last door that will take me inside, the blue and black colouring of the dream dissapears and normal colours return, though it is still dark inside the building. Directly in front of me I can see metal frame bunk beds scattered about. There are lumps in some of the beds but it is too dark to tell if it is people or just a bunch of pillows and blankets. The bunk beds are scattered in a disorderly fashion across the floor and not in neat rows. There are a few beds that do not have a bunk and seem to have white hand knit woolen blankets on them.

      I walk towards the back of the room because I can see a row of cabinets in the dim light. As I approach them the room slowly begins to get brighter, as the row of florescent lights on the ceiling high above seem to slowly turn on. As I pass by the metal bunk beds, more and more of them become single non-bunk beds and their placement on the floor becomes more straight and orderly. It becomes bright enough in the room that I can see some young adults in some of the beds, while others remain empty. All of the beds have the white hand-knit woolen blankets now.

      At the row of cabinets on the back wall I find some objects when I search them. In the first I find a little glass vial filled with a clear liquid. There is a white label on the side but absolutely no writing on it. I put it away in my bag and a few cabinets down I find a syringe filled with a translucent redish brown liquid that still has the bright red safety cap over the needle. This item also has a white label on the side and is blank except for a scribble in hand writting in blue ink. The writting is two words and appears to be water damaged and faded. I cannot recall now what it said though I am sure that I could read it in the dream.

      I hear people talking behind me and to the left. I turn and see a row of desks with many older teens and young adults sitting at them. To their left is a chalkboard, to their right are the misarranged bunk beds and an elderly man with wild frizzy white hair and in grey clothing is standing in front of the students, pointing to something on the wall in front of them. I put the syringe in the bag and walk over to see what they are doing. As I approach them the lights come fully on and everything is bright and washed in florescent ambience.

      The elderly man turns and smiles at me and I think he looks a lot like Albert Einstein. He doesn't say it but I get the feeling that he was expecting me. There is something about him that feels "mystical" to me, though there is nothing about his outward, physical appearence that would suggest there is anything special about him. I do not know how to explain it; he was just giving off these warm, positive vibes that grew stronger the closer I was too him. The students in the desks all looked up at me and seemed to be expecting something. I looked back and forth from them to Albert in confusion, before the elderly man asked me: "Are you ready?"

      I have no any idea what he means, but I say yes anyway. Albert asked me to give him my bag, saying that I did not need it anymore. When I did so it felt as a great weight had been lifted from my metaphysical body (if that makes any sense). Albert moved to the chalk board on the left side of the room and said to his students that I could show them how to fly because I used to do it all the time.

      I became lucid because I realized what he was talking about, but protested that I could not fly anymore and had not done so for years. I cannot remember what he said next but it was something about making the air below me solid like the ground. I closed my eyes and imagined an invisible platform below my feet lifting me into the air. There was a loud "crack" and a dull sensation shot from the top of my skull and down my neck as something hard hit my head. I thought for a moment that Albert had smacked my with his pointer, but when I opened my eyes I realized that I had floated up above the classroom and smacked my head on the ceiling. I was excited but also kind of anxious and scared because I felt stuck and did not know how to come down. Albert told me to do exactly what I had done to lift myself up, except in reverse. I closed my eyes and imagined a ball of light above my head and shoulders that was heavy enough to push me downwards.

      When my feet touched the floor and I opened my eyes Albert asked me to hover. He said "It's easy. Use the Force." I imagined what the Force (from Star Wars) was like in my own mind, and "felt" the space between the walls, the floor, the ceiling, everything in the room and myself. When I did so, hovering was damn easy. I wanted to show off and fly across the room above the students heads but...

      ...the damn telephone rang woke me up! D'oh!!! Stupid F***ing telemarketers!

      Who was that old guy? A dream guide? Or just a random figment of my subconscious? I really have no idea, but man, what a trip! But because I am cynical and pesimistic, I doubt I will be able to fly again - I have just never been a strong dreamer.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 02-06-2008 at 10:43 PM.

    12. #112
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      February 9th, 2008 - Musical cars.

      I had a dream where my family's old 1986 beige-coloured Westfalia Vanagon was sitting in the driveway. There was another car in the driveway beside it but it was a metallic orange-coloured Aveo. The Aveo actually belongs to the neighbours directly across the street and I do not know why their vehicle was in our driveway. Anway I dreamed that the cars were there in the drive way the first night, then the next day the Aveo was gone, and the day after that the Aveo had returned but the Westfalia was gone.

      I don't recall any other details about this dream.

      Image courteousy of some German language Volkswagon forum.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 02-12-2008 at 06:39 AM.

    13. #113
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      February 11th, 2008 - Don't be seen naked on the way to the bathroom.

      I had a dream where I was sleeping in my bedroom in the nude. I thought it was nighttime and I went upstairs (my room is in the basement) without putting on a robe because I knew I was home alone. When I got to the top of the stairs everything was bright and I realized it was daytime. I thought I would give it a go anyway and started to quickly walk into the kitchen, but through the half closed blinds I could see a postcarrier walking up the driveway. I jumped back to where he couldn't see but I was determined to get the the bathroom at the far end of the house without having to retreive my robe. The funny thing is that there is a bathroom right at the top of the stairs but in the dream going to that one didn't even cross my mind. I went into the living room and croutched down and went around the kitchen by going through the dining room and into the sunroom. I made it to the bathroom without being seen though by the time I got there the postcarrier had long moved onto the next house.

      That's all I can remember.

    14. #114
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      February 25th, 2008

      I had several dreams last night. I cannot remember much of the details but they weren't overly long or anything anyway.

      1. This dream took place in the front yard of my parent's house. The entire yard was covered by a thinck layer of snow and slithering through the snow was a giant python that could hear me running around on the surface. The giant snake kept lashing out at where it could hear me moving around and trying to pull me under. There was some relation of the giant snake to one of my brothers but I cannot remember what now.

      2. Second dream took place in a wintery scene as well, but not one that I recognize. I was following a soldier armed with an AK47. He was escorting me through the area because I was looking for something and was determined not to leave until I found it. I cannot remember why I nneded an army escort. We came across a lake and along the shore I found my cat Zrinyi half frozen to death on the water's edge. I picked her up and put her inside my jacket to keep her warm and told the army dude that I was ready to go now. We started walking away back the way we came. I cannot remember any more of this dream.

      3. Third dream starts of in a small grocery store or something. I am wandering around, not really interested in buying anything. I walk towards the check out and notice an opening to a much larger grocery store to the left. I go in it and everything is labelled "Food Basics." I eventually wander out of the big grocery and outside, where a long wooded boardwalk follows a beach/ocean shoreline to a bunch of buildings in the distance. The sun is beginning to set and it is starting to grow cold. I start towards the buildings and I pass a group of young pre-teen boys on the boardwalk, who start throwing rocks, debris and insults at me. I try to ignore them and keep walking. There are other people on the boardwalk but I cannot see any details and everyone is cast in shadow.

      The bunch of buildings are three storeys and are college campus apartments. It is never revealed in the dream for what I am attending college though I think that it is summer holidays or something. I share one with four people and we are constantly fighting over space. I do not remember any details of my roommates but there was two young men and two young women. All three of us young women shared the second floor while one of the boys lived in the spacious third floor and the other slept on the couch on the first floor. All the the amenities of our apartment was on the first floor. I cannot remember why exactly but the young man living in the third floor offered to switch rooms so I could have his room. I accepted but this made the other women extremely jealous and they completely turned against me and did everything they could to turn the guys against me.

      At some point I leave the apartment to go to the grocery store and as I am walking I come across the group of boys who threw things at me earlier. They threaten to throw large rocks and what looks like hunks of concrete at me but instead I challenge them to see who can throw the farthest and they agree. I suddenly have a vision of one of the boys (in a hat) accidently throwing a hunk of concrete and severely hurting one of his friends (in a blue shirt) by hitting him in the face. Just as the hat boy is about to throw his projectile I grab his blue shirt friend by the collar and pull him out of the way. Sure enough hat boy lets go of the hunk of concrete too early and it lands where blue shirt boy was just standing. There is a bit more to this dream but I cannot remember any of it.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 02-29-2008 at 04:01 PM.

    15. #115
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      I've had several dreams over the last few weeks but they are always vague and fragmented and I forget what little details there are even before I can write them down on the pad of paper I have close to my bed. It's very frustrating.

      - One dream fragment I can remember is being in an underground volcanic tunnel and there is a race going on. The racers have dragons instead of vehicles. One male rider with white hair and a purple dragon becomes stranded on a small ledge when his dragon cannot make the jump over a lava pit. A chain link barrier appears around them and traps them on the ledge. I am not participating in the race but watching from above (I was floating or something?) and I was upset the the rider on the purple dragon became trapped because I knew him or liked him or something and I could do nothing to help him.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 04-22-2008 at 08:02 AM. Reason: spelling

    16. #116
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      April 22nd, 2008 - Avoide the cops.

      The dream starts off at night time in a neighbourhood that I do not recognize. There are several houses situated around a circular dead end of the street and everything in the dream is fuzzy and has a dark blue-ish shade to it. There are a small group of adolescent youth gathered in an upstairs floor on one of the houses. Some of the people are unfarmiliar and others are former grade school classmates of mine. I can only recall the names of two of them though most of their faces are farmiliar. There is a commotion outside and we are looking out the upstairs windows to see what is going on. A police cruiser is slowly making it's way down the street with it's lights flashing. Though the siren is not on, the red and white lights of the police car's flashing lights created a stark and eeiry contrast to the dark blue shades of everything on the street.

      When the police cruiser reaches the dead end a spotlight is turned on and it begins searching the windows of the houses at the end of the street one by one. The group of youth's do not know what the spotlight is looking for, but we all duck and cover when the windows we are at are searched. Once all of the windows of all the houses at the end of the street have been searched, the police car turns off its flashing lights and slowly drives away. Without saying a word to each other, the group of youth quickly makes there way outside. Some go to their own homes, while the majority of us run into another single storey home just down the street. It is a house that was not searched by the police spotlight and we feel safe there.

      We are in the livingroom of this house (I think it was supposed to be my place in the dream) sitting with the lights out when a S.W.A.T truck suddenly appears and backs into the driveway of a house across the street. In the dream, this house belongs to one of the people who is a former classmate of mine named B.J. We all watch as the house is apparently raided and B.J wants to return home because he is worried about his family and though we all implore him to stay, he sneaks out of the house we are in and across the street. He dissapears behind the S.W.A.T truck and is seen no more. I do not know what became of him but the other youth in the group become frightened because they do not know why the police seem to be out to get us.

      I cannot remember much more but there is something about one of my former classmates named Jen and a red brick fireplace.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 09-10-2009 at 08:19 PM.

    17. #117
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      April 25th, 2008 - Airport Arcade and Angry Gibbons.

      The dream starts off in some sort of airport terminal. Everything is white and shiny and it looks very futuristic. The place is virtually empty, save for a few darkly dressed individuals wandering here and there. I cannot remember why I there but at some point I wander over to a row of arcade games situated against a white brick wall. As I am looking at the machines a robot approaches me. It is designed like an anime style woman in a lavander coloured maid's outfit. The robots face is vapidly blank and the eyes stare straight ahead in a fixed and unnatural way. I think it keeps asking me if I need something but it is malfunctioning because it keeps trying to say the same thing, before stopping suddenly, twitching and buzzing, and attempting to try again. I am disturbed by the machines inability to function, and it's unrealistic, inhuman looking face. I turn from the robot and walk away.

      The scene behind me changes to a dimly lit bar and I can hear the sound of pool balls cracking together, bottles of alcoholic beverages clinking, and I can smell stale cigarette smoke. The din of people talking quietly surrounds me and it is only broken by random outbursts of loud, boisterous laughter. There are still arcade games around but they seems brighter and more flashier in this dimly lit bar than in the bright and sterile airport. I can hear a whurring sound behind me and I turn around to see the same robot I saw in the airport. It it still stuck in place and malfuntioning, though the face and breast plates have been removed, exposing the gears and wires underneath, and it's arms and legs are glowing softly like dim blue florescent lights.

      There is a group of four men dressed in black jackets and sunglasses at one table and they are all looking at me. They look like cops or federal agents and I try to ignore them and walk over to an arcade game but the men get up from their seats and come over to me. One of them asks me to come and look at something and I follow him to the otherside of the bar where it there is better lighting and less people. There is a group of about eight monkeys, some sitting on table tops, some on the floor, one hanging from a ceiling light, and they are all causing trouble. All of the monkeys are completely white, except for a ring of black fur around their faces and black beady eyes. I am not sure exactly what type of monkeys they are, but in the dream they are refered to as gibbons. Several of them have upturned chairs and smashed glasses and lights, and the biggest gibbon of the group has ripped wires out of the wall from a nearby electrical socket.

      The men in black jackets ask me if I can fix this problem and tell me to look out a window near where the gibbons are. When I do so, I am not longer in the dimly lit bar, but looking out of my parent's bedroom window at the monkeys, who in turn are now sitting on a wooden fence in my backyard. It is daytime and sunny and there is a breeze blowing because I can see the tree branches swaying softly. I am home alone but I have a great desire to go outside to the front yard to see if my van is okay. I cannot explain it, but I just know that the gibbons are a threat to my vehicle. Sure enough, when I go out to the driveway, the monkeys are there and attempting to damage my van. One has successfully pulled a strip of rubber off one side and the others pound and jump on it while screeching angrily.

      I pick up a large branch that has fallen from a tree in the yard and take a swing at the nearest gibbon. The branch is heavy and too large for me to handle with any decent dexterity and the creature easily dodges the sluggish maneuver. It jumps down onto the grass, runs in a few angry circles before charging me. I anticipate it's attack and swing again, this time making contact and knocking it back across the lawn. The monkey lays motionless, face down in the grass, but I have not killed it because I can still see it breathing. The rest of the gibbons, who had stopped destroying my van to watch the fight, become enraged and all attack me at once. I remember bracing myself and swing the branch but I cannot rememeber the end of this dream.

    18. #118
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      April 26th, 2008 - Transformers and Gangsters

      The dream I had today was long and very detailed but I just don't have the energy to write it all out right now. It involved Transformers and people with jedi like powers and took place in a world of advanced technological cities surrounded by poor, rural slum towns where serial killers and gansters ruled. I was a character who used to be a Transformer but was somehow turned into a human who now worked as a mercenary for hire and was being paid to hide and guard a little girl with a special key (Sari, from Transformers Animated?) There were several Transformers I ran into but they did not recognize me in my human form and I could easily attack and defeat them because for some reason I had powerful telekenetic abilities. By the end of the dream the Transformers had disappeared and I was wandering through a slum town and came across a factory where bodies of murdered women kept turning up in shallow holes in the dirt floors. I was hired by some poor farmers to hunt down the criminals responsible for the murders but the dream ended before I could find anyone.

      That's the gist of it anyway.

    19. #119
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      April 28th, 2008

      I dreamed I was sleeping in my parent's bedroom in the middle of the day and was awoken by the sound of someone sipping from a soda can somewhere in the hall. I roll over and see it is my dad and I quickly get up because I am supposed to be cleaning the house, not sleeping. As I get out of the bed piles of clothing and empty boxes appear on it and it looks like someone is in the middle of packing or something. I walk around the bed to the large brown dresser on the other side of the room and open the sock drawer. On the inside is an old radio that is playing electronic music and I turn it off. My dad gets angry that I am going into his dresser and I walk out of the room without responding.

      I go into the backyard and look over the green chainlink fence that overlooks the forest behind the house. Just out of my reach and laying in a pile of sticks and leaves, is an envelope filled with american currency. I do not know how much is there but I figure it is a lot because the wad of cash is quite thick. Suddenly two of my neighbours appear, one to my left and one approaching from the other side of the fence and coming straight towards me. I try to not draw attention to the money (hoping I can pick it up once the unwelcome guests leave) but the person on the other side of the fence beelines for the envelope, picks it up, and throws it into a deep hole that has appeared nearby. I am upset that the money is gone and stare after it into the hole, but it is so deep I cannot see the bottom. I angrily ignore the neighbours, even when they try to talk to me.

      The dream ends there.

    20. #120
      dark passenger of dreams Sekhmet's Avatar
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      April 29th, 2008 - Butterfly Key

      I am walking beside tall, handsome elf through a creepy, haunted looking forest at night. My elf companion has long dark brown hair, a smooth narrow face and is wearing dark red velvet clothing. I have pale blond hair and have on a purple Victorian style silk gown, with a black hooded cloak overtop. (The dress looked similar to this, except it was purple.) We are walking down a dirt road through the forest. Because I cannot see very well in the dark, and there is no moon to provide illumination, the elf insists that I stay close to him.

      I have a palm sized, metal item that looks like one half of a purple, blue and gold butterfly. There are various indentations on the back that make me think it is a key of some sort. I do not know the reason, but I sense that I am supposed to find the other half.

      There is a large gnarled tree in the middle of the road just ahead of us. There is a woman who looks similar to me (only she has golden hair and is wearing a light blue gown and a white cloak) standing under the tree, waving at us to come over. She is lithe and bubbly and seems to give of a dim light that reflects her glowing personality. Behind her I can see a large iron gate that is covered with think tangled vines. I want to move on but my bubbly doppleganger wants to solicalize with the elf and I and will not let us pass until we do so.

      She knows the elf and volunteers information about a past relationship the once shared. The handsome elf smiles at her and they both seem enthralled with each other's presence. I am anxious and eager to go to the iron gate; I can feel something drawing me to the darkness beyond. The woman in the blue dress is telling me what attributes of the elf she like's the most. I very vivdly remember her saying, with much longing in her voice "his hair, his smell... his testicles..."

      The elf and the woman fall into each other's arms, onto the grass under the tree and start making out. I take this opportunity to investigate the iron gate. One of the bars has rusted out and I am able to slip through the gap after brushing aside some tangled vines.

      Beyond the gate there is a small garden that is illuminated by four lamps in each corner. In the middle of the garden is a double tiered fountain. Other than the soft trickle of water, the garden is eeirily silent. The temperature in the garden drops dramatically and it becomes very cold. On the other side of the garden is two large doors made of wood, set into a dark grey brick wall. I cannot tell if the building is a castle or just another gate. I try to push the doors open but they will not budge. There is an impression where the doors meet, just above the handles, of a butterfly. The butterfly item I have fits into one half of the impression, but the doors remains tightly shut and I know that I have to find the other half of my trinket to proceed.

      Walking back to fountain I notice a faint glimmer in the water. It is so cold in the garden now that the water in the fountain is starting to turn to ice. I have to smash it with my fist and plunge my hand into the freezing water but it is completely worth it as I pull out the other half of my butterfly key. When I place the retreived half into the other impression on the door, there is a loud click of a lock opening. The two halfs of the key glow and float out of the impression towards me and right into my hands. The item is now a completely fused together and I cannot seperate the two halves even when I try.

      I push open the large wooded doors and walk into what appears to be a large theater or opera hall. There are rows and rows of cushions seats and a stage draped with velvet red curtains. The only light comes from small flickering candles that run the length of the aisles. Unlike the garden, this theater is warm and comfortable. There is a gap between the stage and the seats where a table upon which a small, black, metal chest sits.

      The box has a butterfly impression on the front and when I place the key in, the lid on the chest opens by itself. There is nothing inside but images and colours appear on the stage and memories and feelings of mine, some vague and some farmiliar, play out on the stage like a psychedelic, holographic light show. I cannot remember any specific details of what I saw but it was extremely wonderful and positive and I was completely entranced and lost in the experience.

      When the lights and feelings fade I find myself sitting in one of the front row seats, leaning forward on the table and hugging the small metal chest tightly. I do not want to move because I feel that what just happen will never happen again. I take the butterfly key in my hands and gaze at it intently, gently tracing my fingers around its contours like it is some fragile and vital part of my soul.

      I cannot remember any more of this dream.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 04-30-2008 at 07:53 AM. Reason: Fixed some grammar and spelling errors.

    21. #121
      dark passenger of dreams Sekhmet's Avatar
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      Exclamation May 1st, 2008 - 8th Lucid - Long Point and Box world.

      This is my 8th lucid since joining dreamviews.

      The dream starts off with my parents and I at a cottage harbour resort in Long Point Ontario, in which we used to vacation every year in October. I am standing in the gravel courtyard looking out over the boat launch. The day is a bit chilly, but sunny and bright, and I am wearing jeans and a large, poofy white sweater. There are some random DCs around, as well as people I know from waking life, but I cannot remember what exactly I was doing. For the most part of this dream I think I was peeking into the old cabins that I have not seen for a long time and trying to talk to the DCs that look like people I used to know there.

      The details of this part of the dream are fuzzy but it eventually turns into what looks like an 8-bit or 16-bit RPG. The scenery changes and I am no longer at Long Point but in a small square world. I am floating above it and looking down on a world map, which looks like this:

      Interestingly, the world is a similar sepia tone like the map and there are very few variations in colour. The grass sways in the soft breeze and the water sparkles, but all in yellow and brown tones. The land parts of the world are lush with long, thick grasses and flowers, but I do not recall seeing any trees. When I say it was a square world, I mean it looked like this place existed entirely inside a box. There was no sun (though it was bright like daytime) and there were crudely painted clouds on the walls and ceiling of this strange square little world.

      I am suddenly in a large field in the lower left hand corner of the world. In the far distance I can see something gleeming as if it was glass reflecting in sunlight. I become semi-lucid and float in the direction of the flashing and come across a group of funny looking DCs racing flying teacups around a bay. A pudgy DC motions towards me to join him in his teacup, but I am just content to watch. The pudgy DC was wearing a one-peice longjohn pajamas, a striped scarf, large googles on his head, and leather gloves with the fingers ripped out. The other DCs wore a similar smorgasbord of unusual clothing combinations.

      As they continued to race I noticed another flying teacup approaching from the northwest. It seems to be coming from a large fortress situated in that part of the world. The teacup is black and is being driven by a muscular, clean-shaven man who is wearing a tight fitting body suit. He has a stern expression on his face and is carring a large black whip. The other teacup racers become nervous when he approaches and some fly away in a panic. To the others that stay, the man in the black teacup challenges them to a race to a large whirlpool in the middle of the ocean and back. The oddly dresses DCs agree but I get the impression that they do not have a choice.

      The man with the whip flys over to me and pulls me into his teacup. Though I lose my semi-lucid state and can no longer control my actions. The race starts and the black teacup shoots past the others, gets to the Whirlpool, and makes it back first. Because the other racers never return from the race and I do not know what happened to them. The man then drops me off on a narrow cliff and sends me on my way. I walk for a while and see a cat rolling around in the soft grass just ahead of me. Unlike the rest of the world which is sepia toned, the cat is grey and white in colour. She looks farmiliar, but at that moment I cannot articulate in which ways.

      A new DCs appears behind me but I ignore him and continue petting the cat. She looks me in the eye and starts purring. It suddenly hits me that this is my first cat Bambi. I become excited and become fully lucid (because I know that she is dead in real life). I turn to the other DC and say: "Look! Look, it's Bambi! It's Bambi!"

      The DC seems to know who I am talking about but is indifferent, which frustrates me. I try to make him care but I cannot. He says something about a cave on and island in the north and that I will be safe from the Bad Guy if I go there. He then says that the Bad Guy lives in a fortress to the north-west. I pick Bambi up, cradle her in my arms and leap off the cliff. I can fly, but only for a short distance before I start to slow down and lose altitude. Once I am on solid ground though, I can jump up or make a running leap and fly for a short time again. I repeat the process several times until I have crossed a small bay filled with islands and reached the entrance to the large cave in the north.

      I cannot remember anymore because I wake up at this point. I am not sure if bolding the things in the dream that seem meaningful to me is going to help with recall or attaining lucidity, (I am not even sure if I am doing it right) but I do not believe I have anything to lose either, so I will give it a try for awhile.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 07-30-2009 at 02:58 AM. Reason: Formatting and grammar editing.

    22. #122
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      May 14th, 2008 - Optimus, traffic and trippy lights.

      Just woke up from this:

      I am standing on a busy road near where I live. The road rounds a hill and has metal barriers down one side. I am at the bottom of the incline looking at where the road crests the hill. It is either sunset or sunrise and the sky seems dim and is tinted pale violets and pinks. Traffic seems busy as usual and nothing really happens until a off-white coloured, two door hatchback comes over the hill too slowly and is rear ended by a dark blue four door sedan which comes over the hill too quickly and cannot stop in time to avoid the smaller white car.

      There does not appear to be any passangers or drivers in either car and debris from both vehicles is scattered about the road. No passing vehicles make any attempt to stop and help as they just slow down and drive around the accident. Suddenly a giant blue metal hand grabs the guard rail on the far side of the road and Optimus Prime (in his original cartoon incarnation) climbs over the metal barrier and onto the road. He steps between the slow moving vehicles and starts picking up the debris from the wrecked cars. He says something about wanting to help clear traffic but I am not sure if he is talking to me or someone I cannot see. The scene is comical because Optimus is hindering traffic more than helping, because the cars on the road now have to swerve to avoid his giant metal legs as well as the debris from the accident, and he keeps trying to carry too much scrap metal at once and is dropping and scattering it all over the road again. I remember thinking that "Optimus is not as graceful as he used to be."

      The sky turns a dark velvetly blue and answers my question about whether the sun was setting or rising. The street lights and car headlights come on but they are not the usual colours as all the artifical light is illuminated in bright primary or neon hues. Optimus himself is covered in red and blue lights while his eyes are round and bright white like the headlights on his chest. The headlights of passing vehicles on the road are all neon pinks, greens or yellows. The street lamps are flickering and changing colours to contrast or compliment the colours of the car's headlights as they drive by. The whole scene is technicolour and psychedelic and all the lights are flashing and strobbing like a dance club or a rave.

    23. #123
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      May 21st, 2008 - Two paintings

      I dreamed I was in some sort of classroom, and it appears that it is situated in a basement. The walls were concrete and painted a pale blue, with three windows near the ceiling along the north wall. Flourescent lights provided most of the illumination. There were many students in the room but I cannot remember any specific details about them. I cannot remember exactly what it was about them but I knew that I did not like them because they were bullies and stuff. I was relieved when they all left when the bell rang. I do not know what time it is and what the bell was for as I am busy painting on two canvases. I can clearly remember every step I took and every stroke I made with the paintbrush and it felt like I was engaged in this activity for hours.

      There were no clocks for me to look at but the daylight did not change from what I could see and it was unusually quiet for a school. It felt like everything outside of me was frozen in time. As I finished the second painting, however, the group of students who left at the beginning of the dream returned. They surrounded me to see what I was doing but I ignored them because I do not like bugging me when I am painting and I assumed that they were just going to bully and harass me like they always did.

      I cannot remember anymore of this dream.

      This dream is not the first in which I have created art but it is frustrating because my dream art skill level is always much higher than my skill in waking life and I can almost never recreated the images that I see in my dreams anyway. The two abstract paintings I made in the dream are still fairly clear in my mind, and I want to try and paint them for real, but I am afraid that the memory of them will fade before I have an opportunity to get my paints and canvases out. The first painting was made with the colours blue, green and purple, while the second painting was made with the colours red, orange and yellow. The second painting also had three distinct curved strokes, painted in red, in the lower left quarter of the image. I have tried quick sketches with pencils but they are colourless and insufficient.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 05-25-2008 at 01:13 PM. Reason: Formatting and spelling.

    24. #124
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      May 23rd, 2008 - The black cat Mennonite farm.

      This dream starts off with me as a passenger of a very old fashion car that looks like a vintage Model T without the canopy. The vehicle is severely lop-sided as the front left tire is normal, but the front right axel sports two tiny tires that look like they belong on a wooden pull wagon, not a car. I am in the backseat and the driver of the vehicle is a young woman dressed like a mennonite (in a pale beige dress), minus the bonnet to cover her light brown hair that has been pulled into a tight bun. I have on a grey mennonite dress as well but I think nothing of it in the dream even though I would never be caught dead in a dress in waking life. I know I am looking for something, but I an unable to say what, even when the young mennonite woman offers to help me search. It is for the search of that unknown thing that I have accepted a ride in her oddly designed car.

      It is daytime and clear and we are somewhere deep in Southwestern Ontario's Mennonite country, as I remember it from childhood. It must of just stopped raining because the road is extremely bumpy and filled with deep muddy pits as well as various debris that looks as though it has been deposited in the middle of the road by a mud flow. I cannot remember asking the driver how we will get around all the debris and mud, though I do recall her saying that the old car was "tough and like a tank" and it could drive over, and through, anything. She proves this point when we come across what looks like a crushed silver sedan sticking out a shallow mud pit. The vintage vehicle seems to struggle a few times, especially with it's two tiny front wheels on the right side, but on the fourth or fifth attempt it is sucessfully able to drive over the crushed sedan.

      There is a large white farmhouse a head of us in the distance that it sits in a depression in the landscape and is completely surrounded by water. The ground level of the building is no doubt flooded with water. As we drive closer the old vehicle slowly starts to become submerged and I am worried that it will stall, but it is strangely unaffected by the rising water level. The front door of the farmhouse opens as the driver parks the car and gets out. The woman who walks out of the farmhouse looks identical to the driver of the vintage car, only she is a bit taller and more corpulant, and is wearing a pale pink dress. It is obvious to me that they are sisters. The two of them seem completely oblivious to the muddy water that has flooded the entire farm even though it is knee deep.

      They invite me into their home and allow me to look around at my leisure, but ask that I do not venture into the upper floors. While every room on the ground has been flooded, the water is relatively clean and clear, besides the occasional household object floating in it, unlike the murky and muddy water outside. In great contrast to the simplistic ideals of the mennonite lifestyle each room is decorated, even crammed, with old fashioned household items, knick-knacks, trinkets, oddities, toys and even the random out-of-place modern item, (like a brand new Spider Man plushie I found in a linen closet). Many of the rooms look more like a museum than a living space.

      One stange thing I notice is that located in several rooms through the house there are three antique bisque dolls that have been tied together. The first group of three are all identical, dressed in earth tone Victorian fashion, blond curly hair and are tied toegther with what looks like twine. The doll on the far left is missing an eye. They are located in one of the first rooms, which I think is a lounge. The second group of three is located in what looks like a guest bedroom. The dolls are all identical looking with pale blue Victorian dresses, light brown hair and are tied together with a thin peice of red silk. The doll on the far left has a large crack down the middle of her face.

      I find a narrow wooden staircase and sense what I am looking for up there. Before I go up I look through a nearby window and see a vast farmers field that is devoid of water and with large mounds spaced at regular intervals. Whatever is growing in the field is under the large mounds. I hear a faint "meow" and I suddenly realize/remember that I am looking for my cat Zrinyi. I quickly run up to the second floor and find her at the top of the stairs in a yellow cat carrier. There is a room beyond where I find my cat and the heavy wooden door is slightly ajar. I sneak a quick peek and see the last group of three dolls that are tied together. They are in what appears to be an old Victorian style office, sitting on the top shelf of a dark brown book case. The windows of the room have been boarded up and broken lines of light give little illumination to the heavily dusty room. The dolls have black dresses and are tied together with a thick peice of rope. None of the dolls have heads and the one on the far left looks as if it bled when the head was removed, as the white collar of it's dress has been stained red.

      I hear one of the two sisters downstairs and quickly return to the ground level. I leave Zrinyi where she is and plan to return to get her. Now that I have found what I have been looking for, I am filled with a sense of urgency and desperately want to leave the farmhouse, but I suddenly feel like I am trapped and that I am not going to be allowed to leave. The sisters implore me to come and meet their father and brother. Up until this point I was unaware that there was anyone else in the house other than the two sisters since I had been through all the ground floor rooms and seen no one.

      In a room that has suddenly appeared near the rear, right side of the house sits two men dressed in modern clothing on a modern sofa, staring at a large screen t.v with blank, glazed expressions on their faces. The sisters are frantically running back and forth trying to attending to every need and want of these men, and are completey ignored for their efforts. The room is heavy with anxiety and fear towards the two men, who have a dominating and meancing presence. I stand in one corner of the room and watch helplessly as the older of the two men (the father, I assume) starts to yell at the younger of the sisters for something, though I cannot remember what. He starts physically assaulting her and I yell at him to stop but he ignores me. Until I call him a "lazy misogynist," that is, then he turns is rage towards me and I flee from the room, but I am not scared and instead laugh, knowing that I struck a nerve and made the violent man react out of his own insecurity.

      I run towards the narrow wooded stairs where Zrinyi is hidden, but instead I find the older of the two sisters at the bottom of the stairs holding the empty cat carrier. I realize at this point that the farmhouse is no longer flooded with water, but the floors have severe water damage and everything the water touched is now moldy and rotting. The older sister nods her head towards a nearby window and through it I can see the vast field that had the large mounds. It is newly plowed and through it runs hundred of black cats of all shapes and sizes. I think to myself "It's a black cat farm!" and know somehow that the cats had been grown from the field and where what was under the large mounds of dirt. I also realize that it is from my own black cat, Zrinyi, from which the "seeds" for these grown cats had been harvested, though I am not exactly sure how they did it.

      I demand to know where my cat is but the woman in the pink dress just shrugs. She has a tired and worn look on her face. The dream becomes fuzzy at this point and I do not recall exactly how I found my cat, but I do so at some point, and try to flee from the farmhouse. The two sisters try to stop me but they tell me that they do not really want to, but will face further violence from their father if they do not try. I feel bad for the sisters, but I am tired of the entire place and just want to leave. I push them out of my way and storm out the front door which I first came through, with Zrinyi held tightly in my arms.
      Last edited by Sekhmet; 05-25-2008 at 01:09 PM. Reason: Spelling and grammarical errors.

    25. #125
      I believe Neuroplasticity dreamship's Avatar
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      I am constantly rescuing my cats and many others in dreams feeling that if I do not something bad will happen to my real ones. Glad to know someone dreams of cats also.


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