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      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Tyler's Dream Sanctum

      My Dream Journal

      Alright I decided it was too annoying to write in here every time I had a lucid. Now I decided whenever I feel the need I will post as much as I can about a lucid, no matter how little it is.

      Legend: (For below posts)
      Normal dreams/events
      Common Dreamsign (Probably only common in my dreams)
      Lucid parts/events
      Very short memory, or too lazy/tired to format (I won't bother with colors or labeling in these)

      Time When I went to sleep (For sake of time vs. results)
      Length Length of what I can remember
      Stability Did I need to do any techniques to keep from waking? etc.
      Control (If I was lucid) How much control did I have
      Lucidity How aware I was.
      Quality How real things looked.
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-17-2008 at 09:15 PM.
      "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.."
      - Ralph Emerson

    2. #2
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      DILD: Saturday, Febuary 9th.
      Time: went to bed around 11:30, not sure when I fell asleep
      Length: about a mere 10 seconds.
      Stability: low, My real eyes wouldn't close fully, and I think my "dream eyes" were squinting.
      Control: too short of a dream to know.
      Lucidity: same as above ----^
      Quality: good, but wasn't really a long enough dream to know in detail.

      I'm in a city. I'm not sure how long I've been here or how I got here. But. It's a very old city, looks like something you would see in (if anyones ever played the game Assassins Creed) a desert built kind of city, and the city is deserted. I study the way the light is hitting the walls and the detail of the textures. I realize I must be dreaming. I'm really surprised that I found out I was dreaming that fast and easy, and I begin to get giddy and excited like a little boy (lol). The dream started to fade when I realized it was just a dream.. So I did the spinning technique. And it worked! Awesome. So then I tried looking around, I spotted nothing in site but buildings, until my eyes stumbled upon someone in a window. A dark silhouette which I could just barely make out, it was standing behind a bared up window frame (the window frame looked trashy and abandoned kind of, with boards nailed across it). Then something in my room made a noise, and I woke up. The whole thing lasted probably less than 10 seconds.

      I think it was my cat that made the noise. lol
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-17-2008 at 08:52 PM.

    3. #3
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Normal Dream: (Cant remember the date)
      Time: Can't remember when I went to bed, but it was probably around 10.
      Length: About 5 minutes.
      Stability: Good
      Control: None
      Lucidity: Unaware
      Quality: Looked very much like real life, with very little flaws.

      I'm at my friend Steph's house. She's having another party, and I remember being in the entrance way but I can't remember how I got there. People are saying hey as I kick my shoes off and grab a beer. I remember looking around and saying to myself, "It kinda feels like I'm already buzzed or something" it felt like I was buzzed for sure, the way everything looked when I turned my head and the way my sinuses felt. I look down at my hands, and my beer disappeared. (I should have took that as a Dream Sign but I didn't). Some of my friends were standing in a circle around a table, and there was what looked like a 40 oz, and someone called me over. "Man you gotta try this, Tyler." someone said (Can't remember who) so I said back "What is it?" "Its called Zambuka 251!" they said as they poured me a shot. And, I was guessing at the time it would be like 151 Rum (75.5&#37 except twice as strong, so I was pretty pumped to take the shot. Then I had a False Awakening. I woke up in my bed, and stared at the ceiling and I remember saying "Damn." I moved a bit to sit up, to get my dream recall going so I could write it down, but as soon as I moved, I had another weird FA. I woke up in my bed, and said "Damnit!!!" again. This time when I tried to sit up, I fell through the bed, and all I remember seeing is myself falling from space towards the earth, there are stars all around and I'm flying real fast towards the earth. I moved and I woke up.
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-17-2008 at 08:53 PM.

    4. #4
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Normal Dream: Tuesday:March 3rd

      Was trying some lucid dreaming. Trying at first a VILD (which failed), then succeeded into a WBTB/VILD method Lucid. Second dream was very unstable, so I decided to wake and try again. The dream:

      Time: Fell asleep around 1-ish?
      Length: Felt short, about 10 minutes? Hard to tell when sleeping.
      Stability: Flawless
      Control: Less than none. Negative control?
      Lucidity: Thought it was real..
      Quality: Meh. Realistic looking/feeling, anyways.

      I'm running away. I'm shaking with fear, and theres blood on my hands and I'm climbing an elevator shaft to get away from someone, something. I'm losing grip on the narrowing ladder as I descend the elevator shaft due to the blood layering my hands. My hands feel ground and sore as I begin to slip. Suddenly I'm falling. I'm falling and it feels like gravity is squeezing me in tight embrace as I'm flailing toward the ground below (felt like cliff jumping, but terrifying knowing there was ground below). Everything goes black. I hear complete silence. I try to open my eyes but suddenly all I can feel is surging pain through every part of my body. Suddenly my eyes are wide open, and the pain is gone. A blinding light is being shone into my eyes. I'm strapped to a table and can't move any part of my body an inch. The parts of me not even bound to the table can't move- its like I have some kind of paralysis. All I can see is a plain ceiling outside of the aura of the blinding light. I feel chills down and up my spine. I hear voices, whispering, then choruses of voices in chaos, I can't understand anything, now everything is spinning. I screamed as cool steel was pressed into every inch of my arms (I think they were needles if I can remember right). Then blood sprayed into my vision I woke up, really really f***ing confused. I'm all sweaty, and it felt like I still had the pain from the dream.

      edit: & now I just read this like 3 months later.... O_O
      Last edited by Conquer; 07-09-2008 at 05:50 PM.

    5. #5
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Normal/Lucid: Tuesday: March 11th

      Time: Went to bed at 12:11 exactly. I remember that for some reason.
      Length: The normal dream was about 30 mins, the lucid one was about 30 seconds.
      Stability: Good for the normal dream, horrible for the lucid.
      Control: Moderate.
      Lucidity: I realized I was dreaming but I didn't really do anything about it.
      Quality: Looked moderate... started to look very realistic once lucid.

      The Non Lucid Part: I'm at my school. Well. When I walk around, I realize it's actually not my school. But I've been here before, I think in another dream, probably. The school has the same layout as my school, but everything looks different, people, walls, lockers, classes, etc. My locker is down where the Music Hall is (my 1st period class is instrumentals) and instead its my 1st period Math class. Don't know why, but for some reason I just know it's math. (I had Math first period last semester, maybe this means something?) Anyways, for some reason I have a locker down here, and my lockers in the spot of my friend Alex's. I go to class and it takes forever. After about half an hour of talking through class, someone says something funny and I begin wake up laughing.

      At this point, I feel the dream quickly slipping away, and I remember reading about DEILD (Dream Exit Initiated Lucid Dream) so I lay completely still. Sure enough, sleep paralysis flows over me faster than normal.

      The Lucid Part: Suddenly I'm back at the school. I'm right back at my locker, with my hand on the lock. (I also notice its the kind of lock I had in gr 9) I begin to spin it, then I realize "Hey! I was just here. Lucid dream!!" and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. lol. But I could really care less. Anyways, I'm trying to open my locker to get something, can't remember what. But I can't remember my combination. I can't even remember any of the lock combinations I've ever had. (Of course now that I'm awake, its easy: 50/30/40, 2/8/28. - Fairly easy to remember, no?). So I stare blindly at the lock and I can't even remember 1 number of my combination. I was looking at the number "55" on the lock, which is weird. (First time I've been able to read in a dream.). Then I remember I'm lucid, and I tug on the lock, thinking "I shouldn't have to put up with this I'm lucid!" or something like that. So the lock breaks. But it breaks.. strangely. The dial is implanted into the locker it seems, and I dunno It just broke really weirdly..

      The dream starts slipping away really fast. I forget to use a verbal command or to spin or use another technique.
      I wake up. Tried to go back to the dream, but the sun was shining in my eyes. Which makes me think.. If it's roughly 10 o'clock, what have I been dreaming since 12ish?

      The 30 second (or so) lucid seems longer above, but the one where I went to class was actually way longer and I can't remember much from it. Seems my recall rocks when I'm lucid.
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-17-2008 at 08:54 PM. Reason: Highlighted Lucid Parts

    6. #6
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Something about sitting in the music hall and Kaitlyn was there, other people were there too I think but I was talking to her about something... my hair or something to do with her dying her hair darker. Also maybe in a different dream or earlier/later, something about my mp3 player looking different and turns out it was my bros phone or something :S
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-17-2008 at 08:55 PM.

    7. #7
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      I can remember something about how everything looked so real and then I did the nose RC.. But then my brother woke me up and I could see both the dream and my brother at the same time. He told me I said to him "I'm peeking" or something (because I didn't want to fully leave the dream I didn't open my eyes fully) anyways I did the nose RC again (careful not to move too much) and I couldn't breathe through my nose anymore . But I put my arm back down, and SP returned to my whole body. I closed my eyes and started to drift back into the dream. Did the nose RC again and could breathe through my nose again even with it plugged. Then someone (either Rachell or Garrett) woke me up and I decided to just get up.

      Weird, I remember barely anything about the dream itself but I remember my reality checks.

    8. #8
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      Something about Kaitlyn again (wtf!), dying her hair lighter instead of darker.

      Saw her today, turns out she did dye it lighter.
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-21-2008 at 01:59 PM.

    9. #9
      Prospit Dreamer Keitorin's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Conquer View Post
      Something about Kaitlyn again (wtf!), dying her hair lighter instead of darker.

      Saw her today, turns out she did dye it lighter.

      "Often I will spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I'll amuse you an entire eve, but, alas, you won't remember me. What am I?" - Sloth Demon, Dragon Age: Origins mage origin

      [Dream Log @ Tumblr]

    10. #10
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Keitorin
      Yay I have a fan and btw it was coincidence really, she said she was dying it dark or maybe light... nothing psychic haha


      Fell asleep today holding her. Had a dream about me getting dressed for school or something in very dark clothing, something about music and wow my recall is gay.
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-21-2008 at 01:59 PM.

    11. #11
      Prospit Dreamer Keitorin's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Conquer View Post
      Yay I have a fan and btw it was coincidence really, she said she was dying it dark or maybe light... nothing psychic haha
      Hehe, hi. *waves*

      You're not the only one with not-so-good recall at the moment. I didn't remember anything from my dreams this morning, despite all the work I did trying. And I'd been doing so good.
      Last edited by Keitorin; 06-23-2008 at 06:16 PM.

    12. #12
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Keitorin
      You're not the only one with not-so-good recall at the moment...
      I find that writing down little tiny bits of information helps, just because you "can't remember enough to write about" doesn't mean you should just forget the small amount you do remember. I think writing down any random info you remember helps little by little, and likely helps lower the chances of going through a period of time with no recall ("dry spell"?).

      Anyways, no recall for last night
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-21-2008 at 01:59 PM.

    13. #13
      Prospit Dreamer Keitorin's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Conquer View Post
      I find that writing down little tiny bits of information helps, just because you "can't remember enough to write about" doesn't mean you should just forget the small amount you do remember. I think writing down any random info you remember helps little by little, and likely helps lower the chances of going through a period of time with no recall ("dry spell"?).

      Anyways, no recall for last night
      Totally agree. I think even shrugging off a tiny bit will only hinder you.

      Same here though, at first. I didn't recall a thing, but then after like forty minutes of lounging in bed, I suddenly remembered a line that I dreamed about my friend sending me in chat.

      Maybe I'm trying too hard. Or maybe it's the Melatonin...or maybe I was too tired when I laid down. I heard that could effect it.

      Eh, no use dwelling on it like that. XD;
      Last edited by Keitorin; 06-23-2008 at 06:16 PM.

    14. #14
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      lol you made my day....

      No recall for last night again. God damnit. Eh, Schools out

    15. #15
      Prospit Dreamer Keitorin's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Conquer View Post
      lol you made my day....

      No recall for last night again. God damnit. Eh, Schools out

      I didn't have recall this morning at first, and then when I stopped trying to - I suddenly started remembering, as if I'd been triggered by something. It was really weird.

      My best advice is to not start getting frustrated. You will recall again. You are doing your best, so it can only get better.

      Yay, school is out!
      Last edited by Keitorin; 06-23-2008 at 06:17 PM.

    16. #16
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Yeah I'm trying not to get frustrated. I think my summer sleep schedule of staying up until early in the morning and sleeping until noon might affect it.

      I definitely had no recall for last night, as I passed out. :/

      Btw, why did you have to attach that huge signature so many times lol... ):
      Last edited by Conquer; 06-23-2008 at 02:31 AM.

    17. #17
      Prospit Dreamer Keitorin's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Conquer View Post
      Yeah I'm trying not to get frustrated. I think my summer sleep schedule of staying up until early in the morning and sleeping until noon might affect it.

      I definitely had no recall for last night, as I passed out. :/

      Btw, why did you have to attach that huge signature so many times lol... ):
      That might have something to do with it. I didn't have any dream recall for years because of my awful schedule. Now that I've gotten control of it, I've had more dreams (recall) then I've probably ever had in my life.

      Haha, sorry! I fixed it to show only on my first reply.

    18. #18
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      thank you very much

      Anyways I tried going to bed at a normal-ish time last night, and I ended up having a tiny bit of memory. Should've became lucid because of all the weird dream signs but I didn't. Oh well. :/


      June 22
      I remember talking to my bro (I think) about some game and me pulling out a demo disc.. (I think that was the end of that dream) Then something about me getting new bass strings.

      ..Yeah. I had more but forgot it.


      June 23
      I was playing in my instrumentals class in some kind of weird band performance where there was a little midget running through a ring of fire (LOL) there was more to it that was weird afterwords (nothing to do with the instrumental band thing) that was also awesome funny. But I lost it.. :/


      June 24
      I remember I was placing bandages over cuts and (I think) burns on my biceps and (I think) my stomach. The bandages ended up in a strange looking symmetrical pattern. For some reason it felt secret, like I couldn't let anyone know about it..


      June 28
      I had recall but I went back to sleep then forgot the whole thing. It was actually 2 small amounts of information but wow, I'm surprised I forgot it.

      I tried to do about 3 WBTB's because I kept waking up and being tired. I think at one point I became lucid just as I was waking up from a dream.. I remember my sinuses felt different after about 5 seconds and I could suddenly hear the radio playing quietly in my house.


      June 30 (Lucid)
      So there was this big fat guy, and for some reason I was seeking his daughter's hand in marriage, or maybe I just wanted her I forget now. But anyways he brought up a whole bunch of stuff that I had no skill in (working for a living, experience with money, etc) and I ended up bluffing and telling him that I didn't need to work because of my massive inheritance. Anyways at this point I randomly became lucid, but I didn't realize how strange and stupid it was and I was determined to prove him wrong. So I went and got a bank statement receipt thing (forget where/how) and the total of my savings was pathetic. I focused really hard and greatly increased the number, my goal was 50,000 but it ended up going to about 108,000 something. However I noticed I couldn't get the number to stay, it would randomly change from 108k to 50k to 70k to 12k etc. Then I woke up. :/


      July 01
      I can remember is something about being able to change the size of my tv by dragging the right corner like a window on a computer, I sized it smaller then bigger then back to normal. (Htf did I not notice this was impossible? lol?) I also remember something about a party and my dad was making it look really bad the next day. He was actually spreading some vomit that was on the ground/wall to make it look like there was more to guilt trip my brother.(Eugh wtf!?)Anyways I was really pissed off at him for doing this, and that's all I can remember, how real the anger felt.

      Note, at least now I'm remembering something (usually) every night. Dream Journals work guys! Yay. xD


      July 02
      Something about Jeopardy and Halo ... And this exchange student Kevin that was in my class when school was in....... Weird. Made no sense.


      July 03
      Tried to WILD with a very late WBTB this morning. Actually layed there from 9 30 to 11 30. Was starting to get these weird visuals of HI that actually formed colour and spinning wheel things. The SP was intense, felt like I was floating down a stream or something. Every time I started to see something that looked like more than what I was picturing, as soon as I focused on it, it vanished. I think this was because I had already slept for so long.


      July 06
      First recall in a while. As far as the plot went, I was back in school and turns out I had gym first. Anyways I went there and the teacher turned out to be a complete psychopath, he was overly hardcore and no one liked him. This one guy I know started (Randomly) beating the **** out of this other guy I know (funny to watch lol). Anyways there was something about we found out he was secretly a murderer or something and I was like ahhh.Thats all I remember.. o_O
      Sometimes I wonder, how the hell did I not think at one point that I was dreaming.
      A note that I wen't to bed at 11/12pm-ish, as compared to my usual 1-3am.
      Last edited by Conquer; 07-09-2008 at 05:24 PM.

    19. #19
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      DILD/2 FAs: Tuesday, June 8th.
      Time: I was in bed around 1 30, not sure when I fell asleep though
      Length: Probably about 10 minutes in total
      Stability: It was pretty stable, but when I started thinking that "wow, this looks so amazing how can this not be real??" it kinda started to fade a bit.
      Control: I think I had more control than I was using, everything I did try to do worked perfectly.
      Lucidity: Pretty aware, but I never thought to do reality checks or anything to increase my awareness. Ex. I didn't fly around, brain control people, etc. I followed the rules of reality. For some reason.
      Quality: Everything looked really real, which made me overly excited.

      I remember how the dream started (or at least as far back as the memory goes?) everything was darkness, then suddenly I opened my eyes and I could see the ground below me moving. I looked up and it turns out I was walking with my friend to school (random, schools out + we both take a different bus there).. Anyways we were discussing something about how there's so many scene girls at highschool and how girls are either "Prep", "Scene", "Emo", or dirty. When the dream 'stated' as I said earlier, we were just on the last hill to the school Anyways when we finally got to the school, I realized (for the first time in ages) that none of this made sense and school was out. Then I became lucid. I got really excited, everything looked very real. Everyone was walking quickly in either direction at the doors, so I didn't talk to any DCs. Except one of my friends, who was walking by and stopped to ask me what I was doing after school, and I told her nothing & that she should come over because my parents were gone (I wanted to lose my lucid-virginity, haha) Of course I was bluffing about my parents not being home, but I knew I was in control enough to alter that. I forget what happened during the day but I remember later that night she came over and I kept losing the dream's stability like crazy before I could even do anything - I did the hand RC but it didn't help because my hand looked perfectly normal (no missing fingers or weird skin colour or anything like that, as I've read in other people's journals) As for what happened from this point on I'm not sure. I thought I woke up, but turns out I had a FA, and I was at school again (xD) but I didn't realize it this time, and I was talking to someone about what a weird dream I had last night. They referred me to some other dreaming forum, (I remember she told me "you should check out this site, then you can remember your dreams all the time by practicing (lucidity.. something something)" and it never occurred to me once again that I was missing dream signs like crazy. Then I had another FA, but I didn't realize my previous FA was a FA. (confusing!) I thought it was the next day, so I got up, wen't on my computer and searched google for the web site she gave me (xdc.com - turns out its a software page?) in my dream the search had 0 results, but now that I'm awake I realize this is kind of a dream sign in a way, it could be expanded to mean any-dream-character or something. Yeah..

      In general, I forgot to do reality checks upon waking (3 times in total counting the 2 FAs and then actually waking up later). I forgot to do reality checks when becoming lucid, and I forgot to do stabilizing things when the dream started to fade. I realize now how easy it is to wake one's self from a lucid dream. Better luck next time, self.
      Last edited by Conquer; 07-09-2008 at 05:44 PM.

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      2 Lucids in a row yay, but.. Last night's lucid was so horrible, I don't even feel like writing about it. Everything was really fucking weird (_reeeeally_ weird), and whenever I focused I couldn't control any elements of the dream at all (I couldn't make stuff appear/disappear).. Bah. Better luck next time, once again. Btw I don't care what anyone says, that stupid "Show me your energy" stuff doesn't work lol
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    21. #21
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      WILD: Friday, July 25th

      Time: I went to bed at about 3, drunk from earlier having half a 26er of raz.
      Length: 30 minutes or so, I knew the exact time but I forgot it.
      Stability: Very stable, I had to concentrate to wake myself.
      Control: Good amount of control, I could fly and summon things. But I couldn't summon any of my friends or random hot broads. Btw wtf r guys always so horny during dreams its weird :S
      Quality: looked very real, except my "room" which was really weird looking.

      Amazing WILD this morning! 3rd lucid dream (in a row) I've had after drinking bacardi raz. Hmm. Anyways. I think maybe alcohol helps with WILDing because I usually fail at the point where I start to see 3D HI. My heart usually pounds really quick, and I focus on the image too much and eventually lose it. But with a nice buzz going, I'm able to be relaxed and slip into the dream without over excitement.

      I did an unintentional WBTB (slept for 6 hours, then was awoken by a txt - I forgot to put my phone on silent the night before) then eventually layed there for an hour trying to get back to sleep. When I woke up I could feel I still had a buzz going. Anyways I had very slight SP after a while, I only had a small amount of numbness compared to normal (I think its from the buzz).

      Then this feeling happened, the SP got really heavy really fast, and it felt like I was being lifted. To describe the feeling, it was like getting sucked into the dream. I opened my eyes when the feeling passed, and I could see my ceiling. But I looked at the fan. It was directly above me (as opposed to the other side of the room as normal) and it had no blades on it. My wall paper was strange too, it had strange designs of tools like hammers, wrenches, etc. on it. I thought it was very ugly, hah.

      At first I couldn't move, all I could do was stare at the bladeless fan and the ugly wall paper. But after some concentration I managed to stand up. It was weird, because my body still felt tingly. The lucid lasted around 30 minutes and was quite the experience.

      The first thing I did was I went down to my basement (hard to find because my house was so different), and I had a long conversation with my brother about how I was having a dream and nothing was real. For some reason it never occurred to me that he wasn't real either. After a 5 minute discussion or so, I went outside because I didn't want to waste my lucid dream indoors. When I got outside I realized nothing looked like where I live. I randomly tried levitating at first, but I couldn't do it. Then I jumped, and stopped myself before I hit the ground. So I _did_ levitate in a way . Eventually I used this flying technique I read around the forum a while ago, (imagining a force under your feet) and started to fly around in search of my dream guide randomly. I was going really fast and was only like 15-25 feet off the ground the whole time. I almost got caught in a telephone wire, too.

      I saw this house and I told myself, my dream guide lives in that house. I need to go inside and speak to my dream guide. But when I got to the house it looked very locked up and un-inviting.

      Eventually I got distracted, and flew around in search of the nearest 'gentle men's club'. Haha. I ended up asking a nun where it was LOL. Eventually I got there, and they IDed me and I didn't have an ID on me but after a lot of concentration (a lot, I never thought it would take over like 10 seconds) I summoned a fake ID in my pocket. I went inside and it turns out the owners of the club were having some kind of 10th year anniversary party thing or something.

      But it was a lame party. It was some sort of lame business discussion convention thing. So I left, and flew around aimlessly. Then I felt like I had to go to the bathroom really bad, so I flew to the nearest washroom. I walked in, paused for a second, then remembered I was dreaming. So I decided to wake myself up because I had to pee so bad.

      I concentrated on trying to feel my normal body, trying to get that numb feeling back. I managed to lift my arm slightly and it woke me up. Then I realized I didn't have to go to the bathroom at all. I was really pissed. (Bad choice of words, haha)

      Anyways. The experience was amazing.
      Last edited by Conquer; 08-26-2008 at 09:59 PM.
      "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.."
      - Ralph Emerson

    22. #22
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Err, something about:

      A. My house and (I think) it was the next day and I was getting up to go cut the grass.

      B. A friend of my asking me some kind of question which didn't make sense and I didn't know the answer anyways.

      C. The moon rising, the sun setting.

      For the record, 2 failed WILD attempts. Stupid central air fan was keeping me from falling completely into it both times. Definitely need either ear plugs or to fix that damn fan..
      "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.."
      - Ralph Emerson

    23. #23
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      [BACKGROUND="Black"]Wake Induced Lucid Dream.[/BACKGROUND]

      But I don't feel like writing about it, as I just went over the random details of all I did with my adopter-mentor person.

      - Learned to love the fan noise rather than hating it. Sort of. It's kind of a love hate thing. I hate it when trying to get to sleep, but now I love it when trying to WBTB.
      Anyways, GTFO my journal!
      "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.."
      - Ralph Emerson

    24. #24
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Another 1 minute DILD Lucid Dream, oh joy.

      Gave me time to practice stability and reality checks though. Found my hand looked very normal, even when I focused on the detail. Kinda made what I saw blur when I moved it fast across my eyes. Overall, I ended up over focusing on my hand and it woke me up. :/
      "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.."
      - Ralph Emerson

    25. #25
      Lucid junkie. Conquer's Avatar
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      Had a 5 second lucid dream, maybe. This was a little while ago, I'm writing things down from this peice of paper I had in my room. Was a WILD (woot), but once I got visuals it was like my mind wasn't accepting what it was seeing. The visuals that were forming from the imagery kind of reversed back into the imagery, which turned into nothing. I layed there, but couldn't get any visuals back even after around 10 minutes of frustration. Eventually rolled over and fell asleep. Has happened more than once before, but I feel like I need to write this one down.


      I remember having a DILD, and I said to myself something along the lines of "zOmG lUcId DrEaM!!11oneone" hahaha. But then I just went along the normal dream, doing nothing interesting. Just decided to let the dream pull me, and eventually lost lucidity. Storyline was something about walking through the woods, anywho. What I had written down doesn't make enough sense for me to copy it to here.
      "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.."
      - Ralph Emerson

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