Last night I had a vicious dream assault my mind. It took place in what I can only assume to be a funeral parlor, although the decor and the character of the air was a bit festive for my liking.

Anyhow, I was walking through a small room for what seemed like hours, somehow, with my still-living Grandfather on my Mother's side. Apparently we were on our way to view the deceased body of my long dead Grandfather on my Father's side. My living, breathing, aging Grandfather took a look-see, had enough and exited the dream.

As I approached the casket, however, horror. The face staring back up at me, crushed and disproportionately aged, was my cousin Bobby. We are the same age, grew up together playing street hockey and and video games. But as he lay there, lifeless and somehow.....deflated, I realized he had grey hair and the look of long years. His body was only half in the casket, with the stiff, board-like legs hanging over the edge opposite fro the viewing side. If I weren't of sound mind, I would swear this experience were real, based on vividity alone.