I am always able to naturally "fly" in my dreams and I would like someone's advice or opinion on what this means or what I am supposed to make out of this.

I know flying is common in dreams but in my dreams its like every time I fall asleep I again re-realize once inside that dream that all this time I always could fly (almost like flying was natural to me and it was actually the waking life when I couldn't fly that seemed to be the illusion) and I feel relieved to be able to use this natural, instinctive, and innate ability that I possessed. It really doesn't feel like a dream at all, it feels so real and it feels that in reality I really can fly. And when I say fly I mean I can start walking fast and then by hovering my feet first only a few inches from the ground and then begin to "walk on air" and imitate walking and my feet would still move and go through the motions but I would glide forward and the gap between my feet and the earth would each time slowly but surely grow further and further apart. And then I would remember that the laws of gravity that I thought I knew were all wrong, that in reality humans really can fly if they wanted to, and that flying was second nature to me, nothing foreign or special. Soon my feet doesn't have to move at all, my body remains still and I look down and see myself floating and levitating higher and higher and that as long as I maintained sufficient forward motion I could keep on forever going higher and higher and I could even safely go as high as I wanted but in the back of mind I was a little scared about having problems coming back down again if I flew too high up. However ironically at the same time I felt the sky offered a security from everything dangerous or unpleasant that might happen back on the ground, and I felt more and more detached earth and the troubles and problems of the world the higher I 'climbed'.

Other times I would look at at the sky instead of looking down at my feet. I would see the clouds coming closer and closer to me and for a brief moment I would feel such anticipation and anxiety as the unreal situation presented itself, I felt like superman soaring up towards the sky and punching though the cold puffy clouds. Soon the clouds would give way to a beautiful and wondrous bright sunny day at high attitude (like how it is when you look out the window of an airplane from 35,000 ft)

The whole flying experience feels like a combination of being able to fly like superman, or levitating (like in the movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hero, etc..) or skydiving with a wingsuit and tracking horizontally as fast as possible. What always remains is the feeling that when I fall asleep and enter such a dream, it actually feels like I have awaken from the other dream (real life) and entered the real world, with the real sets of rules and laws of physicals and flying has always been a part of who I am and what I am able to do..

Does anyone know if these symbolizes anything deeper subconsciously?
