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    1. #1
      Member DreamVortex's Avatar
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      Dreamvortex's Vortex Of Lucidity

      Hi, welcome to my dream journal. I'll be updating every time I have a Lucid dream.

      LDs only

      Date: 5th february 2008
      I put my head down after 11 blocks of chocolate (Dairy Milk™) and I fell into my dream....

      I was standing in my bro's room with a guy I know from school and he was next to the bed in my brothers room about 1 metre and 20 cm away. He told me to breath (Coincidental much?) then I thought "Hey! I might be dreaming!" so I used the Nose RC and What do you know, I can breath! I teleport to a random area in my house.

      (I didn't really have control of my inner lucid powers...)So I end up strangely in the same place but at a different time.(This is where it gets exciting!)

      I decide i should test myself and, with my brother in the room,(Or in other words the one that told me about LDing)I set his pillow on fire after telling him to lift his head up. BUT he does eventually put his head back down and burn his skull. What was the noise I heard after this you ask? "OW!!" I get excited and teleport to my front room(OR living room whatever you wanna call it).

      I see my mom with a load of PS2 games. She picks one up that says PLAYSTATION 3 and she says to me "Here use this for something" but I shook my head and silently said "No". Oh and my dad was there to sitting near her but he didn't speak he only stared at me. 0_0

      I then went near a small, red set of ladders and tried flying using the imaginary staircase trick. First time I tried I failed so I then tried using the ladder to help but unfortunately it only ended with me holding the ladder with my parents with a "What the f-" type look on their face...(I understand why I couldn't float or fly, it's because I couldn't think or believe that I could.

      I then teleported without fully understanding why (AGAIN) and a big chunk of wall was suddenly placed in my bro's room. I decide to try and change the look of the posters in there. For some reason I was hoping to change it into pokemon (XD) but I fail horribly and change it into Britney spears........

      Then, after teleporting yet another time I find myself in an area of pure happiness. The sun shines elegently amongst the bright, green grass, the roads are clean and look completely brand new, and ahead I see a large, raised half bridge glistening in the sun. I focus on the very edge of the bridge, I close my eyes and then reopen them only to find that I was there. Yes! Finally I teleported when I wanted to! Success!!

      Ahead of me was a large, grassy field with many different plants growing and butterflies...I felt pure freedom, I felt as if nothing in the world mattered anymore, the only thing left was me and a world of complete freedom...It felt like taking a once in a lifetime oppurtunity, only better...
      There was one thing I wanted to do in this dream and that thing was to fly.
      I knew that time was running out...I bent my knees, stretched my arms out, gazed at the soothing, blue sky...Then jumped!!

      Before I knew it I was soaring faster and further than I ever imagined possible! The elegence of it all, the wind crashing against my face, the sun warming my back, it's times like these where you'd say that the experience was like a dream, but no, it wasn't like a dream, it wasn't like a dream at all, it WAS a dream, a Lucid Dream where anything is possible if you believe in yourself.

      This amazing flying experience ended when I slowly stretched my arms back to my side which caused me to crash back down to the ground with tremendous force! The only thing I heard was the sound of my ribs shattering, puncturing my internal organs, lungs, heart, everything
      . The air was forced out of me in a split second, I had a splitting headache and every part of my body hurt like hell. With the few seconds I had left living, I healed myself and teleported to a random area in my house (I couldn't teleport where I wanted to as my energy was extremely low)
      I ended up outside my parents bedroom so I walked inside slowly, wondering what unusual things could lurk past the door...nothing, just the normal room. I turn the light on but it is very dim...I then decide to test another 2 things I was determined to try out: Telekinesis and Summoning

      I focus completely on summoning lightbulbs, success! (I summoned around 50 XD) I stretch my arms and fingers out in direction of the lightbulbs, this causes them to glow in an eerie black and blue mist which shows that I had them under control. I slowly raised my hands upwards causing the lightbulbs to levitate above the ground. At this point the lightbulbs lit up and I executed a pushing movement that planted the bulbs into the walls. The room was covered in a pure, white light which forced me to the ground. I closed my eyes tightly, reopened them and stared at the dark ceiling...I was awake...
      Last edited by DreamVortex; 12-04-2009 at 08:32 PM.
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      The Vortex Of Lucidity (My Dream Journal)

    2. #2
      * DV Veteran * Achievements:
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      draemvortex123, sounds like a great first lucid dream!

      The fact that you were able to teleport from place to place is very impressive especially for a new LDer.. I don't think I've ever teleported!

      Well done!

    3. #3
      Lucid Dreamer In Training painseeker's Avatar
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      Good First LD
      Last edited by painseeker; 03-09-2008 at 10:49 AM.

    4. #4
      Join Date
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      since u already have 1 good lucid dream, more will come in future !!

    5. #5
      Member DreamVortex's Avatar
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      9th march sunday 2008

      I wake up after a zombie dream and WBTB into this short, quiet LD.

      Suddenly, Im around a beach on a warm, sunny day and i hear..."Ok guys we won't be seeing this beach for 12 hours!"
      I didnt look at the guy who was speaking i just responded " Wait, i want to mark my spot!" so i jumped out and went to take whizz in the sand.

      I looked at my suroundings, while doing my thing, and i saw sand figures. Then a women comes and does the same as me!! my dream then ended.
      Last edited by DreamVortex; 03-12-2008 at 04:57 PM.
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      The Vortex Of Lucidity (My Dream Journal)

    6. #6
      * DV Veteran * Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by dreamvortex123 View Post
      i just responded " Wait, i want to mark my spot!" so i jumped out and went to take whizz in the sand. I looked at my suroundings, while doing my thing, and i saw sand figures. Then a women comes and does the same as me!! my dream then ended.
      LOL @ a woman marking her spot in the sand!

      I also corrected the name of your dream journal to "Dreamvortex's" from Draemvortex's".

    7. #7
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      wow!!!!! your dreams are pretty interesting! i like them they'r cool!

      and good job on telporting

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    8. #8
      Member DreamVortex's Avatar
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      Thanks, although i didn't want teleport. Keep on looking and there will be more
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      The Vortex Of Lucidity (My Dream Journal)

    9. #9
      Member DreamVortex's Avatar
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      Cool 12 March Wednesday 2008

      I wake up ready to go out but i then doze off to this quite short LD.
      I get up and its suddenly night time and the lamp is on. I look around and everything seemed to be ok. I teleport unwillingly through a door and i find i've shrunk! So im near the door to the exit of the house and i saw my buddy callum and he said something i didn't understand.

      Anyway I thought i was dreaming so i plugged my nose and i can still breath.(Starts to feel wierd when you can breath through your nose, especially when you've done it three or four times.)

      When i realise im dreaming I grow and i go outside and only a few street lamps are on yet i look up and i see the moon, its so relaxing but i think that since i've hardly flew i should try my very best at doing it this time. I get ready but then i see a bag on the floor and i pick it up and i think i might need it so im about to fly and i hear my bro calling me and feel im losing lucidity yet i pull myself together but only to wake up feeling tired.

      And thats that but atleast i didn't get cought stuck in a microwave like this poor guy→→
      Last edited by DreamVortex; 03-12-2008 at 06:10 PM.

    10. #10
      Member DreamVortex's Avatar
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      20th March 2008

      I only remember bits of this dream. I think it was ginger beer that made me lucid.

      I realised i was dreaming by plugging my nose but i don't remember where.
      I can remember setting around 4 or 5 people on fire and i can also remember being on opposite sides of glass with my teacher.

      I don't really like her so i tried to summon a machine gun to try and shoot her but i failed and thats about all i remember.

      EDIT: i set the people on fire in my town near a red car.
      Last edited by DreamVortex; 08-13-2008 at 05:28 PM.
      Lucid Dreams: 2
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      The Vortex Of Lucidity (My Dream Journal)

    11. #11
      * DV Veteran * Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by dreamvortex123 View Post
      I only remember bits of this dream. I think it was ginger beer that made me lucid.

      I realised i was dreaming by plugging my nose but i don't remember where.
      I can remember setting around 4 or 5 people on fire and i can also remember being on opposite sides of glass with my teacher.

      I don't really like her so i tried to summon a machine gun to try and shoot her but i failed and thats about all i remember.
      Well, this was a nice sweet dream.. people set on fire.. wanting to machine gun your teacher! LOL!

    12. #12
      Member DreamVortex's Avatar
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      i was so close to getting that machine gun! I could see it flashing in my hand.
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      The Vortex Of Lucidity (My Dream Journal)

    13. #13
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      Hey everyone, Ifeelbad after saying I was staying for good then leaving straight after. Alot has happened since my last post. I promise I'll stay and try to post regularly. I think it is time I tell you people a bit more about me. Well, I'm 13 (please, no harsh comments about my age), I practice Parkour (This is what I've mainly been busy with) and I play guitar. Feel free to ask me any questions. Meanwhile, I'll get back to my Dream Journal
      Last edited by DreamVortex; 12-11-2009 at 03:12 PM.
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      The Vortex Of Lucidity (My Dream Journal)

    14. #14
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      Voices of Grey

      This was quite a scary Lucid Dream...It happened sometime in August (20th I think) one night when I was trying desperately to get some sleep.
      I mentally opened my eyes and knew straight away that I was dreaming, all I could see through my mental eyes was grey and a faint image of my bedroom wall. I knew that I was losing Lucidity fast. Out of nowhere these voices started screaming "Help Me!!!". The voice was of a 20 - 30 year old woman. Then after the scream I heard glass shatter. Whilst all this activity was continuing, I tried to open my mental eyes even more and believe in myself so I could escape from this nightmare. It was no use, so I had an idea of closing my mental eyes or moving my mental body but as I was losing Lucidity I knew that it would result in moving my physical body that would therefore wake me up. But, I had no choice, I closed my eyes, which opened my physical eyes and I springed my upper body up to recap on what just happened....
      Lucid Dreams: 2
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      The Vortex Of Lucidity (My Dream Journal)


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