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      kick out the dreams

      Hello, readers. My name is James and I'm a 27 year old college student. I'm trying to cut back on my pot smoking and usually when that happens my dreams become quite vivid and I experience a few lucid dreams as well. I've been having lucid dreams infrequently since I was about eight years old, but I am still very much a novice. Here's how I'm going to do this thing:

      lucid dreams will be in blue

      normal dreams will be in black

      Hypnagogic imagery, dreamlets, and hypnagogic hallucinations (I have a lot) will be in . . uh . . . green!

      and I'll have brief character descriptions before describing the dream in red. if it is relevant, that is.

      Well I hope all this works. I'm not very computer savvy.

    2. #2
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      Well I hate to start this thing with no dreams on it so I'll quickly include one from a couple nights ago. Here is the character rundown . . .

      Suzy: a girl I occasionally buy acid from.
      Polly: my siamese cat of 16 years that died in summer 2005. I dream about this cat all the frickin time.

      Apparently my parents had gone on vacation with my grandmother and I was tasked with house-sitting my grandmother's somewhat weathered home in Dallas. I was also supposed to take care of my parent's two dogs and my grandmother's dog. Sounds like a recipe for wacky time. Anyways, it was a dark night and I was eager to get into my grandmother's house and off the street. When I entered the old house I was greeted by not only three dogs, but a large gang of dogs that were jumping all over the place. I recognized one of the dogs as Matty, who belongs to my ladyfriend Suzy. I was completely dumbstruck as to what I should do with all of the dogs when I heard a familiar cry. It was the unmistakable meow of my cat Polly. Somehow she had crawled into the couch cushions in an attempt to escape the dogs and found some sort of secret passage/hole that led beneath the house. I began to panic because I was so worried about the cat and I couldn't believe my parents had left her alone with all the dogs. I removed the couch cushions and started sticking my arms into the dark hole in an attempt to retrieve Polly. To my disgust I found that the hole was filled with big rats which are one of my biggest fears. I woke up soon after and it was late morning.
      Last edited by jamestheobscure; 03-23-2008 at 10:51 PM.

    3. #3
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      I must have been a teenager again in this dream because I was living in my parent's house that they owned during the 90's. They were throwing some sort of dinner party and more and more adults were showing up and filling the living room. For some reason I was wearing a REALLY ridiculous looking baby-blue knit sweater that depicted a panda bear among some dafodils. It was ultra-goofy and I was really embarassed to be wearing it but I felt obligated to wear it so I guess someone had given it to me. My mom kept insisting that I meet with people at the party but I was so embarassed that I tried to go to the bathroom a lot to avoid them. She finally caught me and made me shake some people's hands. Then she offered me some sort of sausage and cheese appetizer that looked like a turd. They were arranged neatly on a party tray.

    4. #4
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      I went to sleep at about 3 AM this morning. Before going to bed I smoked some resin out of my broken pipe and I ate some Pilsbury Toaster Scramblers. I also took the "dreamer's coctail" of melatonin and vitamin B6. The results were good. I had so many dreams that I couldn't really keep track. Here are a couple . . .

      1. I was living with my Mom in a large, spacious home that was luxuriously furnished and had a lot of sunlight pouring in. However, in the upstairs master bathroom there was a horrifying ceramic replica of The Joker's head (from Batman) that was staring towards the shower and giving me the creeps. I went downstairs to tell Mom that I was going to take a shower and I mentioned how much the Joker head was creeping me out. She smiled mysteriously and told me that the statue had some strange powers. She said it would cause you to hear voices from another realm. She also told me to not look into the mirror for too long with the statue around because the effect might be too much for me to handle. The dream sort of ended there but I don't think I ended up going upstairs because I was too afraid. Looking back, I wish I would have gone and looked into the mirror because usually that induces lucidity for me. I wonder if my Mom was trying to point me in the right direction so I could become lucid. Usually I am attracted by the bizarre or absurd so I'm surprised that I was too scared to go up there.

      Brent: one of my best friends since I was 12. He's a local artist and musician now.

      In this dream I was outside in front of a local bar. It was a very hot day and I was drinking a bottle of Yuengling Lager. I suddenly remembered that Brent had planned a sort of parade/protest march and I had been tasked with putting up a few tiki torches along the road in front of the bar. I still didn't have them up so I began frantically trying to put them into place because the parade was about to begin. Meanwhile, I was also trying to drink my Yuengling because it was quickly losing its coolness in the heat. I finally finished putting up the torches just as the first dirty hippies in the parade appeared on the horizon. I think one was playing a djembe which brought a smile to my face. I sat underneath a tarp with two cute girls (one blonde, one brunette) and I noticed how much I was sweating.

      "It feels like summer out here," I commented. "I can't believe I just said that because I hate it when people say that just because it's hot outside."

      The girls giggled a bit to my surprise. The blonde one was adorable. I finished my beer and then watched the parade roll in with the two chicks.
      Last edited by jamestheobscure; 03-23-2008 at 10:52 PM.

    5. #5
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      I smoked during the weekend and, predictably, my dream count was pretty low. All I remember from last night is one dream where I somehow turned into a dragon and fought an army. I remember blowing fire on some army trucks and artillery guns and watching them all explode. I also remember a dream where I went to Spanish class but all the seats were taken up so I had to wait until the next class. My friend Jenny was there too but she lives in Florida in real life. I'm going to avoid smoking during the week so my dreaming should pick up.

    6. #6
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      Another one with my mom in it. That's been happening a lot lately. Other characters:

      Bob: stoner-guy that works with me at Pizza Place. nice guy but he can get irritating sometimes. never takes ANYTHING seriously.

      Lucy Pinder: she's not really in the dream but she's a british model known for her gigantic tits.

      Carleen: manager of Pizza Place.

      Employee of the month

      When the dream starts out I'm working the cut-table at Pizza Place except the resturant has been relocated inside someone's house. I'm cutting pizzas adjecent to someone's kitchen, with an ironing board only a few feet away. It's also a very busy night because I'm having to work really hard. My friend Bob is continually making dumbass jokes that aren't really even funny and I'm beginning to get very annoyed. I told him to get lost (or something to that effect) and he became very offended and sulked away.

      A few minutes later I'm taking a break by sprawling on the couch in the living room while all the other Pizza Place employees scury around the living room and kitchen. Some corporate big-wigs were walking around the home/resturant but I didn't give a shit and I continued to chill on the sofa. All of a sudden my mom appeared in a Pizza Place uniform and began to jump on my case for slacking off. Carleen stood beside her in silent approval.

      Without a second thought I jumped up off the couch, casually announcing "I quit!" and I walked out the door. Everyone looked really shocked and it really couldn't have been cooler. It was night outside and I looked at the house and saw that it was actually a nice, suburban home. I looked around the neighborhood and didn't see any traffic from the resturant, I now appeared to be in a more "normal" scenario. My car was parked in the driveway along with a blue truck and some other car. I thought someone from Pizza Place would come out the door after me but no one did so I started my car and prepared to leave. However, one of the cars was blocking me in the driveway so I gleefully drove over the flower beds and through the yard, leaving long tire marks everywhere. I drove down the street about half a mile and then pulled over to think. I decided to not start looking for a new job yet because it was already pretty late.

      The scene then skipped ahead to when I was home that night except I now lived in a plush skyrise apartment. Everything was decorated GOLD. I seemed to have checked my messages and found out that I had won a date with a big-titty British model named Lucy Pinder. I was really happy about this but then I discovered that I read the message wrong. Instead of getting a date with Lucy Pinder, the contest was to have Lucy Pinder clean your apartment.

      I was suddenly back in my real-life apartment, still holding the information about the model contest. I thought to myself that I would almost rather have her come clean my apartment because it's so messy in here. Then I woke up at around 4 AM.

      This seems like one of those dreams where you're almost lucid but not quite. My behavior was definitely more resembling of my lucid dream behavior than real life. When I pulled my car over I think it was because I was trying to make sense of all these bizarre situations. I knew that something wasn't normal but I didn't quite make the leap. Oh well. I'm really just disappointed that i didn't get to meet that model.

    7. #7
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      I had several short but weird dreams last night.

      1. I was living in the house on Knob Creek Rd. from my teenage years. There was a leprecaun hanging out with me and he looked just like the evil one from those movies. However, this one didn't seem to want to hurt anyone but I still wanted to avoid him for some reason. Throughout the dream I would frequently go outside and fly up to the roof (yeah I guess I could fly) to try to get away from the leprecaun. It was also night outside and I could look up at the stars.

      2. I was with my brother in a hotel bathroom and we were throwing various things into the toilet and trying to flush all of them. The toilet was already filled with actual shit so it was really hard. I spotted several of my own possessions in there including my Seinfeld DVD collection. I remember telling my brother to take out the Seinfeld DVDs so maybe we could get it to flush.

      I think I left the hotel room for a while and when I came back I found my brother passed out in the floor and there was a movie on the tv. I watched the movie for a minute and it had John Wayne in it. He was lounging in a pool wearing white swimming trunks.

      3. In this one I was at a train station somewhere here in TN. Apparently the roads around the train station had been rerouted so now no one ever came here and the place was about to be shut down. I was talking to a guy in his twenties that worked there and he was telling me about how busy it used to be there and how he used to see a lot of Appalachian Trail hikers that came through there. I sort of felt sorry for the guy and everyone at the neglected train station. Although I'd never seen this guy before, he was a very realistic dream character and he made the dream seem very life-like.

    8. #8
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      Tonight is the night. I'm going to do everything I can tonight and tomorrow morning to have a lucid dream. I don't have much to do for the first half of the day tomorrow so I can try the various wake-back to bed methods. I forget all of the abbreviations for induction methods.

      To give a little history of my lucid dreaming, I've had probably between 10-15 lucid dreams in my lifetime. About 3 or 4 of those have been WILD's when I've been meditating on my back and "fallen asleep." The rest have been DILD where I'll be in a dream and I'll suddenly just realize that I'm lucid without a cue. I've also had tons of hypnagogic hallucinations where I'll wake up about thirty minutes after going to bed and I'll actually see people standing in my room. The hallucinations dissipate after a few seconds. That doesn't happen too much anymore though.

      So . . . I think I will wake up in the middle of the night and take some B6. Then wake up again at about 7 or 8 in the morning, stay up a bit, and go back to bed trying a WILD. Bombs away, baby.

    9. #9
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      Well, for all my talk there were no lucids. At least I got to sleep a lot. One problem I'm having is staying focused when I wake up in the middle of the night. I'm usually pretty out of it. I did have some regular dreams though.

      1. There were several dreams with the same scenario. I would be in my grandmother's old house with my family and my dad would be flipping channels on the t.v. It would always eventually land on "Batman: the Animated Series" which I loved as a kid. The only one I can really remember had an intro before the opening Batman theme. It depicted a sort of ultra-terrestrial god "programming" a cyber-reality where everyone looked like a punk rocker and rode around on motorcycles. There was a narrator explaining things and it seemed kind of like a mix between Tron and Akira. I'm not sure what any of it had to do with the dark knight, though. After the intro the opening theme began with the usual music except the image was different. It showed Batman running into some sort of psychedelic vortex as the music played.

      During all of these Batman dreams my sister would be sitting on the couch and she would make the same comment to me, "Boy, you sure do like to watch t.v."

      And I would reply with, "Nope, I just like Batman."

      2. The next dream was basically like a scene from a movie that had Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson, and James Caan sitting together on an airplane. I think its because I watched "Bottle Rocket" last night. Anyways, the flight attendant walked by and James Caan and Owen Wilson both ordered beers. Luke Wilson seemed detached and he was sitting with his head back and his eyes closed. James Caan knudged him with an elbow and asked, "Hey, do you want somethin to drink?"

      Luke remained in that position and responded quietly, "Yeah . . . just a BIG whiskey."

      "We're gonna have to carry you off this plane," said James Caan.

      "Well get ready, strong-man," replied Luke.

      Well I'm a little disappointed that I didn't attain lucidity last night but I'm happy that my dream recall is getting better. I'm also happy that I've managed to avoid drugs and alcohol for the most part and I think that's made a difference. I might just have to get fucked up tonight though since it's Saturday and all.

    10. #10
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      1. The first dream I remember involved me scaling some sort of ice structure outside of a building. It appeared that a post-apocalyptic scenario might have been in effect because none of the buildings or street lamps were exhibiting any light and everything outside was covered in layer upon layer of ice which made it hard to even walk down the street. I was accompanied by a guy that looked a lot like Jerry Seinfeld (I guess it could have been him) and we were trying to get over a huge mound of ice. Eventually I think we changed tactics and started to traverse some tunnels that went under the ice.

      2. In the second dream I was hanging out all day with my pot dealer, Whinnie. She's a cool hippy chick but I always feel that she's ripping me off. In the dream I bought twenty bucks worth of pot from her and then she talked me into waiting around to buy pills from another lady that she knew. In reality I hardly ever do pills unless they are free and I have nothing better to do. We were sitting on the porch in front of my apartment on a sunny day and finally a middle-aged woman arrived and sold us some pills. I paid another twenty bucks for some pill I'd never heard of . The woman selling to us was not very amiable and she seemed to be in a great hurry. Whinnie dropped a huge wad of cash, pills, and weed on the ground right as my two conservative Christian neighbors walked outside. I buried my face in my hand in mild embarassment because I'm already under the impression that they percieve me to be a big druggie. After we got the pills I rode with Whinnie in her van to some beach house about twenty miles away. This didn't make sense because I live in the mountains of tennessee and the nearest coastline is hours away. The beach house area reminded me a lot of where I used to live in Monterey, California.

    11. #11
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      Unbelievable. So many dreamsigns yet I didn't become lucid. I had to do a speech today at school about dreams so I guess my imagination was pretty active last night.

      At the beginning of the dream I was walking down the street in my neighborhood on a sunny day. There were three middle-aged women walking ahead of me on the sidewalk and I moved around them because I usually walk pretty fast. Suddenly I felt the need to fly away. In this dream I guess I sort of had flying as a super-power but I was trying to keep it a secret. I ducked behind one of the houses in my neighborhood so I could lift-off without the ladies seeing me. They did see me run behind the house, however, and they began laughing and cracking a few jokes because of my strange Clark Kent-like behavior. I ran a few steps behind the house and lifted into the sky. The women saw me fly away too but didn't seem impressed at all.

      When I was flying above the city I started to hear the voice of a guy from YouTube that does lucid dreaming tutorial videos. He really does a superb job but in this dream he was giving me a tutorial on flying. I could only hear his voice though and as I listened my flying patterns became more complex. I flew around the trees a lot and I enjoyed viewing the blossoms on the trees. I could tell that Springtime is definitely here. I flew to Buffalo mountain nearby and practiced landing in the parking lot because I think I wanted to avoid people seeing me still.

      I have a gap in remembering this dream, because the next thing I knew I was in a house that was apparently owned by my parents. This house was pretty detailed in the dream but I don't think I've actually ever seen it. I had somehow entered the house by flying onto the roof and entering from above I think. I found myself in a dark dining room and I was specifically trying to avoid my parents so I would have to explain my flying powers. I left the dining room and walked quietly down the hall. I peered into what I think was my sister's room and saw my father soundly asleep on her bed. "Good," I thought.

      The next part is pretty whack. I snuck into the bathroom because I had to take a piss, only I encountered that problem of "double stream" if you know what I'm saying. One stream was hitting the toilet and the other stream was nailing the wall or trashcan or something. I made an adjustment and tried again, however I encountered double-stream a second time. I believe the dream ended with me still trying to take a piss while worrying about cleaning up piss and my parents suspecting of my flying powers.

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      It's about time. This only lasted for a few seconds when I was taking a nap this afternoon but I was definitely lucid. It's funny how whenever I have a lucid dream I'm at a pretty low point but then I feel high as a kite after the dream.

      I started in another dream but I can't remember the exact circumstances. When I became lucid everything became black around me. The first thing I can really remember doing is deciding to do a reality check. I did the nose-check for the first time ever in a dream. After the first time I still didn't believe I was dreaming so I did it a second time to make sure. My fingers were tightly pinched but the air flowed easy as a summer breeze. I burst out laughing and then I wondered if I was also laughing as I lay in my bed. I actually felt a pinge of paranoia that someone in the real world would hear me laughing even though I was alone in my apartment. I lost it soon after.

    13. #13
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      I'm staying at my parents house and I have no weed so the dreams have returned. This one I had last night not long after falling asleep. It was very vivid and detailed. If it went on much longer I feel I would have become lucid.

      I was sitting in my small apartment with my friend Brent, packing a bowl and shooting the shit. It was somewhat dark in the apartment but very bright outside as the sunlight spilled through the windows. Brent looked out the window and announced that our good friend, Barkley had arrived. Barkley appeared at the window a few moments later and began cackling like a lunatic in an attempt to freak us out or make us laugh. I anticipated his move and also started cacking on the other side of the window screen and I could tell he wasn't expecting it because I saw momentary fear in his face.

      Barkley came inside and reminded me that the night before I had gotten drunk and ran over something which basically ripped the exhaust from the underbelly of my Nissan Sentra. We had picked up the damaged parts and stored them in an empty freezer that was outside for some reason.

      The scene changed suddenly to the inside of a garage in one of my childhood homes in Michigan. However, Brent and Barkley were still there and we were still discussing my damaged car. The car was parked in the garage (as well as my friend Jason's truck) and when I inspected the bottom of the car I could see that the exhaust pipe was indeed missing. I saw a big bag of dank weed sitting on a workbench and I assumed that Barkley had brought it. I wish we would have smoked some because suddenly I became very angry and frustrated with the car and I went into a childish rage.

      I remember yelling every curse word including "son of a cock-sucking whore!!!" as loud as I could. I also said "It's hard to stay motivated with shit like this constantly popping up!" Brent and Barkley looked pretty alarmed by my sudden outburst and I stormed inside the house, intent upon doing something drastic and violent to appease my raging temper. I could hear Brent coming into the house behind me so I hurriedly made my way upstairs but it was really dark and I kept stumbling. I began to experience the slow-motion movement common to many dreams and this almost triggered lucidity but I woke up a few seconds later.

    14. #14
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      This dream involves my friend Shawn who owns a comic book store. However, in this dream he owned a tattoo parlour instead.

      I entered Shawns' tattoo parlour with the intention of getting some work done on a skull tattoo that I have on my left arm as well as a new tattoo for my chest. I didn't pay very much attention to the inside of the parlour but I remember that it was brightly lit and sparsely decorated. The walls were white and didn't have many of the hangings or illustrations that are commonly seen in tattoo places. Shawn was sitting behind a large counter.

      I immediately stripped down to my underwear even though there were other customers present in the lobby. Then I started digging through the small, metal trashcan next to the counter. I was looking for some white medical tape that for some reason I thought would be necessary to do the tattoo. Shawn seemed a bit weirded-out by me digging through the trashcan in my underwear. He asked what I was doing and when I told him he produced a new roll of medical tape and said that it would last us a year or something like that.

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      I was in the apartment of a girl that I know and sort of like named Maria. I know that she lives with her mother but I've never actually been there. In the dream I think I was waiting for her to grab something so we could go somewhere. While I was waiting, I walked around the place and noticed how the decor might reflect Maria's personality. It was dark in the kitchen but I remember the walls in there having an interesting design, almost like a zebra stripe pattern or maybe a sort of black and white snow-leopard type print. I also looked around the den for a second but I don't remember much. I remember lots of sparkly things.

      If I could re-enter this dream, it would be great if I could question certain things like "how did I get here?" and "where am I going?" I think I will start basing my reality checks on these sorts of time orientation things.

    16. #16
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      Yesterday was my first full day without cannabis since about six months ago. My memory of the dream is sort of blurry but certain details stand out.

      I was downtown with my friend Bill and I was trying to score some weed for him. The guy that I usually get it from was out so he referred me to another guy downtown. We walked to the guy's apartment and he let us in and sold me some weed. I remember that the guy was black and in his 30s with really long dreadlocks. One of the most vivid moments of the dream was when I handed him the money. The twenty dollar bill was very bright green and I also noticed the chipper manner in which the guy snatched it from my hand, almost like a child taking candy from an adult.

      The pot dealer happened to live right below my friend Barkley's girlfriend, so I decided to give him a call (or maybe I talked to him on the intercom system to his girlfriend's apartment). We decided to go see a movie although I can't remember exactly what we were planning on seeing. I think it may have been a Harold and Kumar movie or something else to do with pot. We were about to go leave to see the movie but Barkley raised issue that it was too early (I'm always way too early anywhere I go). I suggested that we could smoke some weed before we left and Barkley agreed that it was a good idea.

      I'm not sure where the last conversation was taking place, it may have been in person or over the phone. I just remember the actual exchange. I also don't remember what happened to Bill in the dream but I assume that he was with me when I was talking to Barkley because I suggested that we smoke some of his weed.

      Last edited by jamestheobscure; 12-28-2008 at 04:02 PM.

    17. #17
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      I'd like to describe the second lucid dream that I remember having, because I've never actually written this down. I had this dream when I was about 8-10 years old.

      I was sitting on the couch in my parent's old house, watching a Deputy Dog cartoon on television. Suddenly, without any sort of prompting, I realized I was lucid and began walking around the house. When I was a kid it was easier for me to maintain lucidity, so I had no worries about losing the dream. I remembered the first lucid dream that I ever had, and I was very happy and excited to have another one because I wanted very much to take advantage of this state, since I had been too bewildered to have any fun in my first lucid dream.

      With the cartoon still playing on the television, I walked down the hall and willfully materialized the most beautiful woman that I could think of, which at that time happened to be a teacher at my elementary school named Ms. Chandler. She was tall and curvacious with sandy blonde hair and full lips. I saw her standing in the hallway, looking completely real and alive, and I wasted no time walking up to her and reaching my hands around to her ass. As I squeezed Ms. Chandler's ass, I expected there to be no consequences because I was certain that I was dreaming. However, to my surprise she responded violently by transforming into an enormous ghoul, not unlike the librarian-ghost from the first Ghostbusters film. Terrified, I backed up several steps and then managed to wake myself up to escape the horrifying ghoul. I learned that morning that there can still be a great level of unpredictability in lucid dreams.

      After this dream I wouldn't have another full-on lucid dream until about ten years later. Part of the problem was that I didn't know anything about lucid dreams except for my own experiences, and when I told others that I could dream consciously they didn't know what I was talking about. It wasn't until about 4 years ago, when I was 24, that I learned the term "lucid dream" and actively, but not always with commitment, began to pursue them.

    18. #18
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      I failed to write about this as soon as I woke up so some details might have been lost. No matter, I thought it was a cool dream. I also woke up once or twice and then re-entered the dream again. I think I tried to do the MILD technique somewhat half-heartedly because I was so drowsy.

      I somehow ended up in Holland with my friend Brent and one of my professors, Mrs. Gardin, who also happens to be Brent's girlfriends' mother. I think we had originally taken a plane there to accomplish some short task but once we were there we were all taken with the beauty of the place (which is funny because it looked exactly like Tennessee) so I asked the question "why don't we stay here for a couple days?" Mrs. Gardin, being as cool as she is, said "Well yeah! Why not?"

      At this point I lost Brent and Mrs. Gardin and ended up walking around a lot on my own. I hung out with a vietnamese couple at an open-air market for a while. They eventually led me to a place I could stay which was sort of a big, old hotel that was used as a GIANT hostel. There were two to three people staying in each room and there were several rooms with about fifteen old computers each where you could do email and stuff. Curiously, the computer rooms were sort of dirty and didn't have any chairs. There was a beautiful Dutch girl giving me a tour of the place and when she showed me the computer lab I noticed that there were several dirty Middle-Eastern men laying on the floor that appeared to be diseased. This didn't bother me much though because I just figured that they were really high or tripping on shrooms.

      Eventually I guess I told my parents where I was and they freaked out and came at once to Holland. I guess they were worried about me and how I would get back to college because I didn't have any money really, only about $250 (which is what I currently have in my account). Mom and Dad ended up staying in my room with me at the hostel and we watched a lot of Dutch television because I was so broke and didn't want to venture outside the hostel much. As I flipped channels, I tried intently to decipher some of the dutch words because I speak a little Papiamentu from my time in the Navy and that language borrows heavily from the Dutch language. However, it mostly sounded like a bunch of gobbledy gook to me. I noticed that many of the channels were showing American programming, though.

      At one point I went to the bathroom and when I re-entered our room I heard my parents discussing worriedly about whether or not I was going to return to college in Tennessee. They kept talking about me even after I came into the room so I called them out on it but I can't remember their response.

      While I was staying at the hostel I would walk around the big building a lot and explore different rooms and check-out all of the hot girls hanging around. I went into one room and I saw a girl from Mrs. Gardin's class named Jessica. She is completely bat-shit but sort of sexy and I've always been sort of attracted to her but I've never talked to her in real life. In the dream I guess we sort of knew each other because I walked up to her and began a conversation. She was sitting at a table doing some sort of weird drawing of a freaky-looking woman so I flirted with her a bit by calling it a self-portrait or something to that degree.

      I think it's funny that I never really determined what part of Holland I was in. I don't think I was in Amsterdam because everything looked more like the countryside (like Tennessee). Not that I would know what HOlland looks like because I've never been to Europe.

    19. #19
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      This one is pretty weird. I attribute it to my 14 hour driving session from Dallas to Johnson City yesterday. When I finally got home I couldn't quite get back to sleep fully.

      I had just moved to a new town, which I think was Murfeesboro, Tennessee, because my friend Bill was there. I was looking for a job and Bill told me that the local barber was looking for some help so I went to the downtown square and found the barbershop. It was very dusty and quaint. Everything seemed to be made of old wood. The barber himself was a very strange looking guy. He looked to be in his 30s but it was hard to tell because his face was pretty disfigured and it looked like maybe he had suffered from chemical burns on his face as well. He was wearing dirty blue coveralls that a mechanic might wear. He seemed a bit weary towards strangers.

      "What can I do for you," he asked.

      "I'd like to get a haircut," I said even though my hair was already pretty short. "Also, I heard that you might be looking to hire someone to clean up around here."

      He seemed a bit startled at first but then became very responsive and almost friendly.

      "Yes," he said. "I'll have you just fill out this form with your personal information."

      He cut my hair very well and then I remember writing my name and some other stuff on the application.

      At this point the dream jumped ahead a week or so to when I was already working there and things got kind of weird. The barber and I would sometimes take breaks in the back of the building by the dumpster. Here we would usually smoke weed. One time we went out there on a day after it had rained and instead of pulling out some weed the guy exposed his genitalia. He was obviously aroused and he held it in his hand while eye-ing me expectantly. I thought he wanted me to give him a blowjob.

      "No, man," I said. "I'm not into that."

      "No," he said. "I mean you can do it too if you want to relieve some tension." I then understood that he not only liked to take smoke breaks but also masterbation breaks. Normally I would be totally freaked by a barber doing this but in the dream I went and hid behind a tree and did the same.


    20. #20
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      In this brief dream fragment, I saw my brother rubbing "fake tan" lotion all over my 1 year old nephew, who was wearing only a diaper. My nephew didn't seem to mind but he looked rather silly with orange-tinted swirls all over his body. I remember saying something to my brother to the effect of "hey you shouldn't put that crap on a baby."

    21. #21
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      In this dream I was drinking in a bar that very much resembled the Tipton St. Pub in Johnson City, TN. This place was a bit bigger, maybe. I was sitting in one of the booths, across from the bar, and occasionally I would walk across to the bar to get more beer. My brother's crutches (he is a paraplegic) were lying in the booth with me, so I assumed that my brother was there somewhere. This is a good example of faulty logic because my brother could not have wandered off without his crutches (he can't walk.)

      At one point I went to the bar to order another beer and someone ran into me forcefully from behind and then kept walking. I was startled and angry. When I turned around I could see the guy walking away and he made some weird farting noise at me. This guy was about the same height as me, wearing a tan-colored plaid shirt and he had a blonde mullet-type haircut. I either said something to him or pushed him back and all the sudden he was up in my face threatening to kill me. I was a bit startled and didn't say anything.

      At this point Mullet-Man, along with his friend who looked like a cave-man, began harrassing the people who were sitting in the booth next to me. I think he was accusing one of the guys there of owing him money or something. The altercation became more intense until Mullet-Man grabbed one of my brother's crutches from my booth and began beating the guy in the other booth. I tried to jump up and get the crutch back but Cave-man got in my face and started pushing me away and cursing at me. I looked around for a bouncer or other employee and I noticed that the whole bar had pretty much descended into chaos. There was at least one other big fight going on and I noticed that the other bouncers were rather preoccupied. I saw one bouncer with a goatee rolling on the floor, grappling with someone. I wanted desperately to get my brother's crutch back. I felt a bit helpless.

    22. #22
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      In this dream I was traversing a dense, jungle setting. It was during the afternoon and quite hot, but I didn't mind very much. Eventually I reached the edge of the jungle and I encountered water. As I looked across the blue-green sea I could see that it was dotted with numerous islands and outcroppings. I somehow made it to the closest of these islands even though I don't remember swimming there. This island, like all the other ones I saw, didn't have very much area, rather it rose straight up into the air about four or five stories. It was also covered in bright green vegetation like all the other islands and outcroppings that I saw. Everything looked majestic and mysterious.

      I climbed to the very top of this island and looked across to the next one that was farther out to sea. It seemed to be about 50-100 yards away and I noticed some peculiar things on top of it. There was a fire pit and also some sort of porthole that must have led inside of the island. I wanted to get there badly so I could explore it but I was a little nervous about swimming there. Firstly, the island that I was on was really high up and I was scared to jump that far into the water. I was afraid that there may be some hidden rocks or something where I would get hurt. I was also worried about snakes and things like that.

      I must have gone back to shore because the next thing I remember is going back through the jungle to get back to the islands, only this time I was accompanied by my boss' son, whose name is also James. In real life I barely know this kid, who is about 20 years old. James and I quickly moved through the jungle with our backpacks on, and my muscles were getting a pretty good workout. I thought about how I would probably be sore the next day from all this climbing through trees and stuff. I also noticed how it was darker in the jungle, because the sun was hanging lower in the sky.

      Eventually James and I made it to the top of the island where I was previously, and once again I could see the fire pit and the porthole on top of the island that was farther out. Apparently, James had been there before because he was acting like he knew what he was doing. James jumped from the top of the cliff towards the water, and then things got kind of weird . . .

      Suddenly the scene changed from jungle, water, and islands to a bedroom setting. James and I were in a bedroom, perched on top of a bunkbed. Instead of falling into the water after he jumped off the cliff, James instead landed on his back on the bedroom floor, injuring himself very badly. Then the scene changed back to the islands and water, and James was down in the water yelling for help. I somehow managed to get him from the water to dry land, and I called his mom, who is also my boss at work. She was really pissed at me for allowing this to happen to her son, but I told her that I would get him back safely. Through the rest of the dream I was going back through the jungle, carrying both of our backpacks, and trying to support James as he tried to walk and crawl. The sun was starting to set and I worried that we would still be traveling through the jungle after dark.

      I wonder what was inside of that porthole on the far island. It sort of reminded me of something you would see on the television show "Lost."
      Last edited by jamestheobscure; 04-15-2010 at 05:26 PM.

    23. #23
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      Wow, this was a wacky one. For those of you who don't know my life story, I was in the Navy for about five years. In this dream, me and a good friend of mine, whose name is Andy, were offered a special contract by the Navy to go to Vietnam and help to contain some problem they were having with rebel groups or something. I was never quite sure about the actual mission here, and I actually only remember certain disconnected scenes.

      The first thing I remember doing in Vietnam was entering some sort of underground complex that was out in the jungle. It was night time and raining, and Andy and I were accompanied by a U.S. Special Forces team. I remember descending these blue and yellow metal ladders to get down into the underground bunker. I got the feeling that there had been a firefight here earlier, because there was smoke rising from the hole in which we were descending. I don't remember what was down in the bunker, but I think there may have been some dead bodies.

      The next scene I remember is after we completed our mission. We were in some old, damp barracks with the Special Forces team. There was a concrete floor and bunk bed everywhere. I was really, really tired and wanted to sleep but I was cautious about sleeping on one of these beds because the whole place was dark and damp. When I laid down I was happy to see that the pillow and sheets on the bed were very clean and crisp.

      The next part is the one that I remember best: the extraction! Andy and I were ready to leave Vietnam but first we had to ride quickly down a river on a speedboat. There were two other guys on the boat besides myself and Andy. The driver of the boat was wearing a red baseball cap, and the other guy was wearing green fatigues and I got the feeling that he was our liason with the military. Andy was sitting on the back of the boat, and I was hanging on to an innertube that was being dragged behind the boat because there was no room for me. My arm was submerged in the green water of the river, and I remember feeling anxious about whether my arm would come into contact with something undesirable under the water. There was a pervasive feeling of danger and the unknown as we flew down the river. We passed some other vessels, and as we passed one I heard a woman yelling for help in English. I wondered what could be wrong with her.

      At times the boat would turn down one of the bends in the river so fast that the speed of the boat would send us hurtling into the jungle canopy. I was always afraid when this happened, because I could feel the tree branches scratching up against me. One time we hit the canopy so hard that a rudder flew off of the boat and was caught in a tree. I told the two guys about this and pointed it out but they didn't seem to care. Rock on!

    24. #24
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      I was hanging out in an apartment that was supposed to be mine (never seen it before) and at times the apartment would morph into my childhood home on Knob Creek Road. My friend Brent was hanging out with me, as well as my friend Barkley and some other people that I can't completely recall. I'm pretty sure that we were drinking beer. Outside it was very sunny, possibly late afternoon.

      At one point Brent and I went out onto the front patio with our beers in hand. I could see that there was another apartment next to mine, it's almost like they were adjoined condos. A really attractive girl of about 20 years of age with sandy, blonde hair came and started to enter the adjoining condo. She had about three random dudes with her. I figured that she was my neighbor although we must not have been very good friends because she didn't even acknowledge me. Man, I hate shitty neighbors.

      Brent and I went out to the back patio with our beers and it was really nice. We were on a balcony with a huge picnic table and I was looking down at an enormous swimming pool. "I must be rich," I thought to myself. A few minutes later my neighbor, the attractive blonde girl, came out to the back patio and began sun bathing in her bathing suit. She was also wearing sunglasses. I just stared at her with a big gaping mouth. No shame here!

      Time passed and the sun started to set. It got dark and suddenly I realized that the condo had morphed into my childhood home, which also had a balcony overlooking a swimming pool. I suddenly heard loud hip hop music and I saw a small car pull into the driveway. There were four guys in there, all of them black or hispanic. I recognized one of them as an ex-neighbor of mine named Ace, although this wasn't exactly the real-life Ace. This guy looked a lot like him, but it obviously wasn't the same guy. Weird.

      I went down to the driveway and said hello to Ace. I guess I also asked him if he could get me some weed. He said that he could and told me to check out his new Glock. It was a shiny, silver handgun. He just handed it to me and I kept it, putting it in the waist of my jeans. I told him that I was going to have to go get some cash from the ATM in order to buy the weed. I took his car and started driving down Walnut Street toward my bank. I realized that I didn't really trust Ace and all of his friends (who I didn't know) being in my house. Because of that, I decided to not go to my bank and instead to stop at a gas station and use the ATM there.

      I got back to the house which had now again morphed into a condo. I was downstairs talking with Brent and Barkley, both of whom were eating cereal in the kitchen of the condo. It was now daylight again, like about 10 AM or so. It seemed that time had little bearing in this dream. I asked them where Ace had gone to but they didn't know. Suddenly, I heard people coming down the stairs and I momentarily panicked and pulled the Glock out and starting pointing it at the intruders.

      The people coming down the stairs were Ace and his friends and they scattered when they saw that I was pointing the gun at them. They started yelling for me to chill out. I gave Ace the money (not sure how much) and he handed me a big bag of marijuana. It had to have been at least an ounce, but the weed looked really weird, sort of like green Doritos. However, I was grateful and said "this dude is my MAN!"

      I don't remember much else. Not sure what happened to my hot neighbor. Weird dream.

    25. #25
      Member jamestheobscure's Avatar
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      I was hanging out in an apartment that was supposed to be mine (never seen it before) and at times the apartment would morph into my childhood home on Knob Creek Road. My friend Brent was hanging out with me, as well as my friend Barkley and some other people that I can't completely recall. I'm pretty sure that we were drinking beer. Outside it was very sunny, possibly late afternoon.

      At one point Brent and I went out onto the front patio with our beers in hand. I could see that there was another apartment next to mine, it's almost like they were adjoined condos. A really attractive girl of about 20 years of age with sandy, blonde hair came and started to enter the adjoining condo. She had about three random dudes with her. I figured that she was my neighbor although we must not have been very good friends because she didn't even acknowledge me. Man, I hate shitty neighbors.

      Brent and I went out to the back patio with our beers and it was really nice. We were on a balcony with a huge picnic table and I was looking down at an enormous swimming pool. "I must be rich," I thought to myself. A few minutes later my neighbor, the attractive blonde girl, came out to the back patio and began sun bathing in her bathing suit. She was also wearing sunglasses. I just stared at her with a big gaping mouth. No shame here!

      Time passed and the sun started to set. It got dark and suddenly I realized that the condo had morphed into my childhood home, which also had a balcony overlooking a swimming pool. I suddenly heard loud hip hop music and I saw a small car pull into the driveway. There were four guys in there, all of them black or hispanic. I recognized one of them as an ex-neighbor of mine named Ace, although this wasn't exactly the real-life Ace. This guy looked a lot like him, but it obviously wasn't the same guy. Weird.

      I went down to the driveway and said hello to Ace. I guess I also asked him if he could get me some weed. He said that he could and told me to check out his new Glock. It was a shiny, silver handgun. He just handed it to me and I kept it, putting it in the waist of my jeans. I told him that I was going to have to go get some cash from the ATM in order to buy the weed. I took his car and started driving down Walnut Street toward my bank. I realized that I didn't really trust Ace and all of his friends (who I didn't know) being in my house. Because of that, I decided to not go to my bank and instead to stop at a gas station and use the ATM there.

      I got back to the house which had now again morphed into a condo. I was downstairs talking with Brent and Barkley, both of whom were eating cereal in the kitchen of the condo. It was now daylight again, like about 10 AM or so. It seemed that time had little bearing in this dream. I asked them where Ace had gone to but they didn't know. Suddenly, I heard people coming down the stairs and I momentarily panicked and pulled the Glock out and starting pointing it at the intruders.

      The people coming down the stairs were Ace and his friends and they scattered when they saw that I was pointing the gun at them. They started yelling for me to chill out. I gave Ace the money (not sure how much) and he handed me a big bag of marijuana. It had to have been at least an ounce, but the weed looked really weird, sort of like green Doritos. However, I was grateful and said "this dude is my MAN!"

      I don't remember much else. Not sure what happened to my hot neighbor. Weird dream.

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