So I'm an active guy normally. I played sports in college and now that I'm out I go to the gym regularly and joined a local basketball league. Well just 3 weeks ago I hyper extended my knee joint to where it felt displaced from it's socket and just 3 days ago I found out it looks to be an ACL tear. (For those not familiar, very briefly, it's one of the most crucial ligaments that holds your knee joint together and stops your leg from over extending itself too far forward. Most athletes who tear this ligament need surgery and some have been known to never fully recover again in their life or get back to playing sports the way they were used to.) As one can imagine that's somewhat of a big deal. So just after being told this news, 3 nights later I have a dream:

I'm riding a bicycle. I'm on a wood chipped pathway through some sort of wooded park that seems familiar by where I live. Its summer time. I'm riding slow, and steady, up some small hills through the woods. I come upon the upper portion of the park and I feel like I'm on my way to work. For some reason the concession stand makes sense. I roll my bike up to the bike rack to lock up my bike when I come across an old friend of mine I played college basketball with. He seemed older, (I really haven't seen this guy in 3 years or so) and he had a young child in his arms who he said was his son, named Paul. I continue to lock my bike on the bike rack and we have small talk and discuss what's new with each of us when I remember to tell him, "Rob! Guess what man... I tore my ACL,". He doesn't become excited or shocked or moved of any kind. He simply nodded in agreement and then looked me directly in the eyes and said, "Yep, you'll never play basketball again... you're done with basketball man..... you'll never play again". So I begin to really think about what this older, wiser friend of mine was trying to tell me and then -BAM- I'm awake.

I did my research like I normally do with any regular dream that really sticks out with me and proves to move me in some way and I must say the results I found were not what I expected but fit my scenario pretty well. Also, if anyone has anything else they would like to add that I may have missed in this dream, I would greatly appreciate some constructive diagnosis of it all. The main dream parts that I focused on and had the most luck with were; the bicycle, the lock, and the child. Meanings? Well... having a bicycle is related with wanting to be more active and improve my physical condition: which is absolutely true because I'm sick of these little rehab exercises and I just want to be able to play again. The lock is meaning for something that has locked me out or shown that it's difficult to get around something. Obviously this relates to my injury as well. I would like to play but my injury has "locked me out" of playing. Finally the child. Although there are many meanings I've found dealing with children, the only thing I can get to fit is that a child may represent an actual conflict situation that can become burdensome and normally wanting to find the solution. Therefore the child is similar to the "icing on the cake" or the who underlying meaning behind this dream. Anyways, I found my results to be fascinating and if anyone would like to comment or give any more solutions, feel free to tell me what you think. Thanks!