• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Dec 2007

      Psycho stud's: Parallel Dimensions, Hallucinations and Delusions.

      Hi everybody welcome to my Dream Journal

      Well, I think its about time that I made one, so here it is. I would like to inform you that the entries may be censored more than a Chinise news report on Tibet. Don't expect that I will update the journal every day, or that it will be live, or chronological. Many of the dreams will be from months prior......................................... But rest assured they will be crazy, fun and insightful.

      Yes, okay, be patient. Now lets fly on to the dreams..........................
      Last edited by psychology student; 04-22-2008 at 09:39 PM.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Dec 2007

      Protecting George Bush from Assassination (9th Jan 08)

      (This is from a few months ago from an entry written in my real dream journal. Be aware that this was written right after the dream and while I was in a sleepy state).

      I am protecting George Bush from assassination, while at home. Suddenly this weird guy appears outside the front garden of my house. He "cunningly", in an attempt to kill Mr Bush, places a bomb on the window sill of my neighbour's home, then runs away. As he is fleeing the scene I begin to fire a gun at him but miss. My dream journal informs me that the final bullet "disintegrates and remains, in small constituents at least, floating in the air". By this I am convinced that this assailant has some sort of supernatural power. However, the pressing issue of the bomb recently placed on my neighbours window sill urged action. So I and members of my esteemed family decide to move the bomb to the front of our garden (how this helped the situation simply astounds me as I'm sure it does you). Apparently, the "bomb" situation has now been resolved.
      Somebody then approaches us who claims to know the perpertrator and speaks of his, and I quote his exact words, "mental unrightness".

      From here on there is a lapse in my recall. However, the events seem to resume when another person (I am unsure as to whether he is the same gentleman who planted the bomb) approaches the living room window of my home and begins to fire ammunition into the room. Everyone takes cover, and returns fire, and he flees. Ironically, I turn around to see my mother and my grandmother sitting peacefully in the middle of the living room drinking tea almost apathetically. Most astounding is the fact that throughout the whole proceedings, Mr Bush is nowhere to be seen.
      Last edited by psychology student; 04-25-2008 at 06:23 PM.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Dec 2007

      Goblin Leprichaun, very brief lucid dream.

      This is a very short lucid dream from the 4th of December 2007.

      This must have been early in the dream as I remember the environment forming around me, and the fact that everything was hazy.
      I appeared in the upper floor of a house, just short of the top of the stairs looking down on the front door, over the banister. I immediately knew that this was a dream and I tried to move but I was unable to. Infact, I could not see my arms.
      Suddenly this goblin, leprichaun like figure appeared in the hall ahead of me. He took one look at me and ran away down the hall, and around a corner. I was still unable to move. Partially as a result, a fear that this goblin man was going to come behind me emerged, and that is all that the journal tells me. I am unsure what happened after this.

      Last edited by psychology student; 04-27-2008 at 11:15 PM.

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Dec 2007

      Criminality, 18th January 2008

      (I noticed some good criminal dreams from the 18th of January in my journal of doom. Its weird because I don't often have these type of dreams and on that particular night I had consecutive dreams of me doing bad stuff. Meh, I blame it on the media. )

      I am back at secondary/high school, and I am chasing my friends. Alarmingly, this chasing involves shooting at them with a gun, and the journal tells me that it is MGS style (a computer game). They end up in the school dining hall.

      I am in a shopping center, in what is described in my journal as "foreign". I am told that Barack Obama is planing a speech at this centre on the same day. Nothwithstanding, I meet these new people, who are eventually described as "new friends". With our new bond, we decide to enter a nearby "Woolworths" store, in an endeavour to smash it up. The security guards attempt to stop us as we enter, but their attempts are futile. Interestingly, the acts of destruction by us are described as "involuntary". What this refers to is unclear.

      I wonder what a Dream Analyst would think of these?

      Good times.
      Last edited by psychology student; 04-28-2008 at 11:31 PM.

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Dec 2007

      Bedroom Lucid, 4th May 2008

      First Lucid in a while, I'm not sure whether it was a Wild or Dild.

      I become aware and it is supposedly pre-dream, I see HI, and decide to induce a spinning motion I read in a tutorial recently. It works and the spinning sensation vigourously increases until I enter a dream in my bedroom. However, I must note here that I did not recognise it as my bedroom in the dream, only post-dream after comparing the schematics. Anyway, I do a nose reality check for the sake of it, and it indicates that it is a dream. In the corner of this room is a bald man sitting with a woman. I decide to slap his head, but he is unresponsive, so I move toward the window. I decide to try to escape the room by flying through the ceiling, but it does not work, so I get back to my feet, and decide to look in the closet in the room. Alarmingly, and I imagine some Freudians are grinning wildly, there are clothes inside, two pertinent items being women's dresses. Apart from the obvious symbolism I was disapointed by the lack of interesting stuff, and decided to fly through the window. I fly past a neighbours house and notice some activity inside but continue onwards. I eventually reach the end of the terrace and get back to my feet. The dream suddenly ends here.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Dec 2007
      This was a lucid from a few weeks ago. I used supplements that night

      1100mg of Choline Bitartrate
      945mg Green Tea Extract.

      "All the cars in my neighbourhood had been trashed, there were gangs and vigilante's roaming the streets. I go outside and I am approached by one of the gangs. I get away by feigning ignorance, and take a bus to some other place. I don't pay a fare and I am very aggressive to the bus conductor. I get off near some town/casino place.

      This is where I become lucid. I decide to leave the place and I see that Fox television studios are across the road. I fly into one of the high office windows, and see Bill O'reilly getting some coffee before he airs, live, the "factor" news program. I decide to delay him and hijack his show, and in a satirical way shout live on air: "you are watching the O'reilly factor, where we fuck black people and immigrants". Police enter and I escape by flying to the studio ceiling".


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