• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #26
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      2nd July, 2008

      Third person, watching a reporter in a mafia home interviewing the head mobster. She says something and he goes to attack her, but she escapes out the window and runs down the hill. Now i am a guy at the bottom of the hill standing by a dock with a speed boat nearby. As she runs down the hill she is being chased by mafia goons. I have a sniper rifle with a scope, and i start shooting down the guys as she keeps running down the hill. I manage a couple headshots, and their heads explode. I wake up before she makes it to me.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    2. #27
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Talking 3rd July, 2008. 3 Lucids in one night!!!!

      WBTB, at three in the morning.
      In a cul de sac being chased by my girlfriends little brother. As he chases me down a street i "Force" the street lights to go off so he can't see me, then i make my way over lots of train tracks and a highway bridge, dodging trains and big trucks. I jump off the bridge and land in a construction site. It's still night. I see a man driving a bobcat, so i kick him out. Unfortunately he falls under the treads when i kick him out and i run him over. The gore and shock of being a murderer makes me realise I am dreaming. I try once again asking for my dream guide, but nothing, so i decide, stuff it, I'll try summoning them. I look for a packet of seeds, knowing i'll find it in the dirt. On the front is a photo of white flowers, and some words saying Orchids, but i look away and force them to say "Dreamguides" I look back and they say dream guides. I take out two seeds and plant them next to each other. Using my mind and hand gestures i make them grow out entwined together, but then they stop growing. I figure it's because i woke up and i can't control it anymore, so i pick up the 20 cm tall plants (now in a pot?) and show mum what i grew in my dreams.

      Me and a bunch of people in a high rise apartment, breaking into the apartment of an old witch that we plan to burn. [Fragment missing] i'm a storefront on ground level with a japanese girl. We are hiding from the witch, peeking out the shopfront windows. She is a old lady with white hair and a bit chubby. [Fragment Missing] Me and the japanese girl have managed to kill the witch, but as she dies she cackles saying that she still wins, because she gave us aids using her enchanted bugs, I decide the jokes on her because bugs digest the HIV virus and can't spread it. Me and the girl walk away happily.

      Me and my best friend buying coke in Bi-Lo. [Fragment Missing] Me, him and a couple of school mates i know are all crossing the street together, making cars stop for us. We enter a huge city park, thats very green. An old guy and his older dad are running laps, and the father is losing. We go to the optometrist in the park and ditch a couple of the kids by going through the back toilets.

      In Antarctica, the evil black slime is chasing me. A little red balloon watches me from above wih big cartoon eyes. I know i must wake up because i will die out there.

      Me and an unknown girl are at a carnival, hiding from the carnies. we are both hiding under equipment and stuff. They find us and we run, she gets away and i am captured. I am in my bedroom but it's bare and grimy and there are carnies looking at me. I become lucid and try to flame them. I manage to create 10 cm high inferno on my arms (Like full on blaze up my arms) but i can't shoot off fireballs. I get frustrated so i don't bother. One asks me to carry dishes to the sink so i oblige and then i walk back. I talk to one of the carnies (red hair, searing blue eyes) about dreaming. I shake him and tell him he's dreaming but he says it doesn't work like that, that i am the only consciousness in my dreams. I tell him then maybe i could open a door and travel to his dreams, but he says he is special and it could kill me. He then struck a deal with me, saying that the next night i dream he would tell me and we would go to someone elses dreams and make them lucid. He shakes my hands, and then walks off. I walk out, of the tents, but along the way i see a little carnie kid scrubbing a dirty wall. I decide to help out and wave my hand and make the wal sparkling white. I wake up

      Out at my current property, running away from it because a guy on a motorbike is going to chase me. I hide in a ditch
      and realise the absurdity of my situation. I'm in the middle of nowhere so i decide to fly. remembering my last failed attempts, i decide not to think about it, and i just close my eyes and throw myself at the ground and miss (thank you Amethyst Star). I fly through the air superfast, but i'm so excited at finally flying that i wake up.

      Flying was so amazing, like feeling the wind and the vertigo as i swooped. I loved it. can't wait to try again tonight.
      Last edited by snoozer; 07-03-2008 at 01:14 PM.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    3. #28
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Thumbs down 4th July, 2008

      Driving a 4wd up my old driveway. I go to park in the carport, but crash into a yellow car. I reverse then hit it again.

      Me in a big wooden tower thing, that comes toppling down with me inside, oil slick involved

      Steve and Justin on mountain hike with pirate DVDs

      Really bad dream recall, no idea why.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    4. #29
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      10th of July, 2008

      For the past six day's i've been having dreams, but i haven't written them down and i've forgotten them by breakfast. going to start using my dream journal again.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    5. #30
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Thumbs down 11th July, 2008

      Dream journal slipped down side of the bed. Remembered really vividly but couldn't be bothered to get it and write it down. Now all i remember is a brown bear. Stupid bad recall

      I can now recall meeting some girl i used to like in year nine, at the back of some building.
      Last edited by snoozer; 07-10-2008 at 11:49 AM.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    6. #31
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Thumbs down 13th July, 2008

      I know I've been having dreams but I haven't been writing them down in the morning. Must motivate myself to get up and write it down before i go back to sleep and forget them.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    7. #32
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Found this scribbled in my dream journal. It's undated but it's recent and I don't remember any of it.

      Fluffy red santa thing

      Stay together for the baby

      guy with shotgun killing pigeons on castle rooftop. We are both vampire monsters who have lived for 1000's of years. Apartment figurines action toys of me and him. he leon resident evil 4.

      hunted crazy red guy

      *(girl i know)* really tall, walking across school field next to me. us reminiscing about times at the fire shed parties

      driving brother crash into store. guy with mullet

      at bus stop. see same kid in to different places.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    8. #33
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Talking 14th July 2008

      Formal Dance, me in a tuxedo looking hot and attracting plenty of girls

      Woke up at 8 am (it's the holidays) and went back to bed. (it's the holidays c'mon)

      In school (We're on holidays right now) and i'm talking to some friends. we compete by touching a handrail and i show them a big bruise on my leg. they are impressed. We are now in the school gymnasium thingo, and there is smoke and a bad acrid smell. everyone knows there is a fire but they don't know where. I see my girlfriend come through the door and i run to her. Everyone seats around the gym, and we are told that Harry did it. ( i don't know a harry.) harry stands up, with a huge back pack on, and he storms out. Now the school is under attack by little grey aliens, and i have a pistol. When i shoot there heads off two waving little legs regenerate there. I'm on the roof of the school and i'm near some tower sort of thing. I keep shooting them but they keep coming, so i get to the top of the tower. I look down and see that the winding ramp that spirals down the tower is really long (long a spirl carpak thing) so i just jump down the middle (similar to my other dream) and land at the bottom, not making a crater this time. I run out onto the field, and see cars. I decide i don't have keys, so i need a car that i can start. I picture my car and it's there. I get in and drive away (didn't need keys anyways). I decide not to try to change anything, so i'll go along. I decide i have to rescue my girlfriend because the dream left her behind. I do a u turn on some country road and head back really fast. I feel lucidity slipping, so i do a reality check (finger through hand, my hand was like putty and my finger stretched it out) and rub my hands. This time i feel the sensation of rubbing as well as pins and needles in my left hand. I keep driving back to school, i see a house getting closer. I park the car and i'm out the front of Shaun's house. I'm not sure if the little aliens are there, so i pull an xray torch out of mid air ad look inside the house. little grey aliens are everywhere, so i make my self invisible to them. Unfortunately i woke up and had amazingly painful pins and needles in my left arm. only asleep for an hour coz it was 9 am.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    9. #34
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      20th July, 2008

      Still not writing stuff down, haven't been home enough. have to get back in habit before i stop caring and forget about lucid dreaming like i did last time

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    10. #35
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Smile 22nd July, 2008

      At a dingy cafe looking icecream parlour with three other boys i know from school. Two are friends but one i don't associate with. A man asks what icecream i would like and i say cappucino. So he grabs an empty 2 litre icecream tub (like you buy at the grocery store) and puts in a small scoop. Thats for the butter flavour he says. The he dips the wooden spoon he used in some dirty grey water and continues to fill the tub with green, white, brown, pink and orange icecream, till i have like a super icecream or something. I didn't pay him anything for it and walked off with the other boys.

      In a carpark with Rachel. She has a giant cheese and bacon roll, and wants to give me half. She gives me the half with more cheese. When someone asks me where did i get it i told them rachel hailey gave it too me, but her last name isn't hailey.

      Two friends are rolling me up in a very malleable mattres

      Chasing a car and dodging traffic in a crappy blocky hand held game

      Me and my friend are rock stars. At school in the undercroft, and we here fans roaring and cheering. I have those big ugly horrid sunnies (pic below) that make ppl look like bugs. I ask me friend
      "Did you ever think that song you wrote would lead to this"
      Although in the dream I knew i wrote the song but he is more popular so we would only take off if it was 'his' song. (I'm not in a band and i don't play any instruments.)

      Resident evil four. found 10 handgun ammo

      Yay, all back to normal dream recall. Something good about cleaning your room and leaving the journal right by the bed for the morning.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    11. #36
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      23rd July, 2008

      All are fragments now. I woke up at four to write these down and only put in a couple sentences. I tried WBTB but no dream recall at all this morning.

      Somebody spread rumours about my arm being out of joint.

      At my old place, running from psychos

      Swapping groceries with my sister

      In town, walking out of town with a bottle of red cordial.

      Going to finally attempt WILD tonight, I've read as much as possible so i'll just see how i do.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    12. #37
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      25th July, 2008

      Single shot pistol in my hand, shooting to badguys in some farm bright daylight. Hard to load and shoot, eventually escape on magic carpet which flies me to town now midnight. Carpet turns into giant robot and i follow him through alleys and past a stage.

      Don't remember any of this, just written down from this morning.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    13. #38
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Thumbs up 26th July, 2008

      Post apocalyptic future, but the power plants are still running because fluorescent overheads are still running. Me, some family and friends, and my girlfriend are looting an abandoned electronics store for mobiles phones and walkie talkies so we can keep in touch with each other, because we're going to split up, to be more comfortable. [fragment missing] Me and my girlfriend living in the upper levels of a skyscraper, with a single bed right next to a wall size window of an unknown city below. I am a merchant, wanderers, travellers and nomads hike up the stairs (elevators don't work but the lights do) and buy (something, herbs or jewellery i think) off me. after a couple (days months years??) a wanderer tells us of the New Army gathering in the streets below. We look through our ginormous window, now it looks like we're only 5 floors up instead of 40 or 50. Easy to see what looks like a huge parade of people, all dressed in black with weird future helmets, yelling and cheering. in my dream it looks very nazi and we decide to leave the city. [fragment missing] Living out in the country, a permaculture like setup with a garden out the back with veggies and stuff, and a low chicken pen, (i don't know how to describe it, it was like a mini maze that was low down, and i was chasing our german shepherd through it coz he wanted chickens{haven't seen a german shepherd in real life in years}) also had four bunnies living in a pen with three ducks, but the ducks were dead because they were genetic mutants resulting from the apocalyptic thing (no idea what) the ducks looked fine, except one was bright red and they all had bald heads, and i was disappointed we couldn't eat or sell the stupid mutants. Also had a weird little pet, like i'd image a racoon cross shitzu puppy. It was a really cute weird mutant. Any ways, my girlfriend was out the back doing something to the vegetable, and i had to go into town for supplies, which i thought was weird, because our permaculture setup was perfect and self sustaing. I walked into town [fragment missing] walking back out of town with nothing (wtf) and come across a group of 5 dc's waiting for me. They are part of the new army and my girlfriends mum was one of them. I am ordered to go back to my place so they can arrest her too. I take them along a detour, where the hill was so steep by the end we were crawling up it. Finaly got the the place but they were all tired. I make a break for the back garden and yell for my girlfriend to get out and get to a safe place, run away etc. As i run around the corner i see her get up and flee and i see our dog (gender unknown in the dream, just a big nasty looking german shepherd). I tell the dog to skitch 'em, and I watch from third person (body still running) as the dog takes out three of them.
      Unfortunately i woke up after this, but this would had to have been the longest time frame i've ever had in a dream, it was incredible. I feel like i was only experiencing key events, and years could have gone by in between. I think my electric blanket being set to high had something to do with this.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    14. #39
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      At my old place in the country, with a large group of people my age. It's night, and we are being hunted by an evil person, dressed all in black and with black unreflective goggles so we can't see the whites of his eyes. I think his skin is black too. Anyways, it's really dark and the big group of people is scared as hell. Me and two friends sneak to the bank of the dam and lay down real low, and we all 'feel' him pass by. Some people in the larger group scream, and then everyone's screaming and running off. I see some people running through up through the gully that feeds the dam, and we 'sense' that those people are going to be chased first, so me and my two friends run up the road that goes up the hill (now daytime), then turn into a paddock and we are just running through my property with me leading, because i know i used to live here and i feel like i am recognising all these things as if i haven't been there in a while (5 years, not since i was twelve) We come to orchard with the creek running next to it in a gully, we jump into the gully, which is really thick with scrubs and bush which we fight too. we come to an area in the gully where all the trees are graffittied with bright blue texta or paint. I somehow connect this to a long ago ex girlfriend (which i met after i left). Then i wake up

      Hanging out by some lakeshore with my best friend. I go into a small shack and take what looks like the last can in a carton of bundaberg rum, but my friend says "chuck us one" and i look, and i see now that underneath the thin cardboard there is another row of rum (there wasn't before). I chuck him one and come back and sit by the lake shore in beach chairs. We know there is a giant monster beast thing in the lake, but we have to stay here because we were sentenced to die out here and we must be eaten by it. Can't recall the rest.

      In a pet shop on the corner of the school field. Big fish tank with a regular star fish, a weird little chubby starfish with little tentacles underneath so it could move faster than the first one, and a hermit crab cross starfish with little vivid blue tentacles as well. My girlfriend wants to pick up the little hermit crab but i tell her it's dangerous. I have to restrain her because she tries anyways, and i know those tentacles are dangerous. Next i look the fishtank is on the counter and it's really low on water and the animals are dying, so i get the DC shop lady to help.lost recall there.

      Fancy dinner party, but i'm under dressed and i feel like i look like a waiter.

      No lucids in ages
      Last edited by snoozer; 07-28-2008 at 10:00 AM. Reason: thick, not think

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    15. #40
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      31st July, 2008

      Fell asleep in my girlfriend's loungeroom. i think it was DILD but i don't remember much, just being lucid
      One moment laying on the matress, next moment i'm standing behind the lounge and two girls from school are there. I feel like i'm losing it straight away and i wake up.
      Will try WILD again tonight, fingers crossed. so far i've been trying to fall asleep but stay conscious, but so far just been falling asleep.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    16. #41
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      4th August

      Haven't been writing dreams lately, got my dream diary hidden away coz people coming over this weekend so i been cleaning my room and shit. Wouldn't want people to think i'm weird or anything . Last night i attempted WILD again, i can almost keep myself conscious, I got to the point where i was having mild SP, i felt like i couldn't move, but i knew the moment i tried i would be able to. Also had hypnogogic auditory hallucinations, nothing visual. I feel like i'm almost there. the imaginary noise was like a squelching sound, that came from inside my head, not like behind my head but it sounded like it was in my head. weird.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    17. #42
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      14th August, 2008

      Haven't written in ages, been too busy and shit. It's so easy to forget about lucid dreaming. I've been having vivid dreams again, but my diary's been unused since like forever. my dream recall has improved though because I can still remember the one I had this morning.

      Me and the girl in the year above me (who supplies me grog) are walking around the school together talking about stuff. I end up missing $70 coz i want to pay her for grog.

      no wonder I haven't been dreaming in ages, last weeks binge has made it's way into my dreams. Anyways going out this weekend, so prob no more dreams in this journal for a couple days.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    18. #43
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      been a long time. Exams and assessments make it so hard. I can't believe it's so easy to forget about as something as cool as lucid dreaming. My dream journal's been empty for ages, feels like i haven't touched it for a month. Luckily, my electric blanket gives me really weird and vivid dreams, so i remembered i had an account here and wanted to write about it.

      I can't date these but it's pretty recent.

      I'm walking around my kitchen and i can smell delicious cooked sausages, but in the fridge there's just a plate of raw sausage, on the table there is raw sausages covered in a tea towel, in the sink there is raw sausage bleeding and everything and by my stove tops there is one of the jock guys in my year, but in the frying pan there is just raw sausage not cooking. And i'm shitted, because i know what a smell but can't find any of that delicious sausage.

      Two girls in my year are getting angry and me coz i make them horny (like wtf and they ain't even good looking lol)(and i have a girlfriend of almost two years)

      weird, but i love the electric blanket.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    19. #44
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      29th August, 2008

      haha! my first MILD! (Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dreaming). I drilled it into my head before I went to bed that. "When i count backwards from 539 I will fall asleep. In my dreams I will become lucid and have control of my dreams. I will remember this when i wake up"
      I didn't even make it to 300 before I fell asleep.
      Me and Josh are walking around a house in town. I recognise it as being my house but ir's distorted slightly and different. We keep walking and now we are in a dark barn. I force fluorescent lights on and see the inside of a dusty old country hall. There are now people here and it looks like some old cowboy cowgirl hoedown, with no dancing, just people sitting at tables drinking whiskey. I sit with a boy i know from school. He's not a person i would associate with dreams as I kinda fear him because he went a little nuts at school once, to the point where someone had an AVO against him. Anyways, I sit with him, and he doesn't act stupid and dumb, he tells me to look at all the people drinking whiskey. I look, and it seems alright. He tells me to keep looking, at their mouths, and i realise it disappears just as it pours into their mouths. He tells me that using a mouth is weird in dream, and told me to try it. I summon a glass of whiskey and try to pour it in my mouth but it doesn't work. Then he tells me to watch him. He puts the lip of the glass inside his mouth and keeps pushing, until his lower jaw is inside the glass. He told me mouths are funny in dreams, and that i should try it. I did, and i felt skin stretching, but it didn't feel uncomfortable at all, even though the lower half of my face was in a little glass cup. It felt so similar to poking my hand in my dream that i decided to poke my hand, forcing my finger to bend the skin, like i trampoline. I then pushed out with my hand and shot my finger out with a spring noise. My glass was back on the table full of whiskey, and that boy i sat with tells me his leaving, and i should be able to drink the whiskey now he mentioned. I tried and it's burned my throat, but had no effect on me. I then spoke to a school friend of mine but he was a stupid DC and didn't make any sense at all. I then woke up at exactly four o clock, even though my alarm goes of at 5:30. I find this particularly strange because 1: it was EXACTLY four o clock on my digital clock, like 4:00. and 2: it's not the first time. weird. I went back to sleep and had various weird snippets but no more lucids.

      My friends gives me three dollars to buy him something at canteen. Instead i go to the cincinatti ride setup on the school oval. I give her three dollars and a ticket and she gives me a padlock. Now i have nothing to give back to my friend and i feel kind of bad.

      I have a book of egypt with a photo of the sphynx on the front, but in the photo someone had spray painted "The Simpsons" on it. I looked up at the real sphynx and someone had spray painted Spider Man The Phantom but it had lines through it.

      At a train station with my girlfriend. Bought us icecreams before heading into the airport terminal. I had to go to the toilet and the lady at the desk told me it was upstairs on floor ten. I leave my girlfriend in the foyer and go to the door, walking through an indoor snowfield before reaching a big indoor plaza. [fragment missing] I'm now at the bathroom, and two boys from school tell me it's an atomic bathroom that is completely recycling, the water is blasted with radiation destroying everything but the water and then used again to flush. (I know it doesn't work like that)

      In the cincinatti tent I'm talking to someone, who says i sold my soul to the devil for the three dollars and getting a padlock, but i was okay now.

      Very messed up, but great seeing as I haven't recorded my dreams for ages, and talking about lucids again seems to have induced one. Anyways i'm going back to bed, it's 5:43 am and I don't have to be up til 6:30.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    20. #45
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      31st August, 2008

      One big long epic dream, slept in til 7:30 it was great, except that when i woke up i worried about the time coz i thought it was a school day and i FORGOT EVERYTHING! It's taken me ages just sitting here back tracking on what i can remember. I know it went on for ages, and it was an epic one, but thats about it. the best i can do is write in the fragments i can remember and maybe fill them up later on. All writing in purple is from the same dream, just keywords of different parts.

      Wrong House
      Bad People
      Blue Motorbike with buttong start
      Accelerator grip falls off handle
      follow ute
      dirt road stall big truck
      scenic mountain view
      ride over fence
      bedroom window
      evil woman/women? people.
      coffee mug
      scented bath salts
      people plan

      so angry i forgot it all after i woke up.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    21. #46
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Thumbs up 5th September, 2008

      In a big dark factory. I intuit that I am an orphan working with other orphans. I feel i must escape, and i shimmy up a large pole to the upper levels, but finding no exits I jump down three storeys and land on my feet. A common dreamsign i think now. Several 'orphans' come with me and we run out a gap in the wall. we run along a dirt road, but we 'know' the army is coming behind us and we have to get off the road. I help one of the blind girls over a barbed wire fence and we run through scrub and bushland with the blind girl holding my hand. I'm pretty close to lucidity by now, but not quite, but i 'force' the environment from bush to suburb and we hide out in a house.

      At my old place in the country being harrassed by an intellegent tabby cat, so i throw poo at it from a paper bag i have in my hand. It doesn't smell or feel like i would guess poo feels like, but it looks like poo once it's airborne. I escape the cat and tell someone that the mean cat pooed all over the lawn.

      Very weird, but close to lucidity in my first dream, unfortunately i forgot how it ended. I have been using the Lucid Remix Mp3 as well as my electric blanket turned up high to keep me semiconscious during REM. Tomorrows saturday so hopefully i will be able to sleep in when i wake up and have a lucid dream, haven't had one in ages.
      Last edited by snoozer; 09-23-2008 at 10:25 PM. Reason: I intuit not 'If Intuit'

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    22. #47
      Member snoozer's Avatar
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      Dry Spell

      I blame exams but this is horrible. I know i have dreams, but my recall is shot to pieces. Last exam tomorrow. This morning i woke up at four for no reason, which i believe is a good sign, I used to wake up before my alarm when i could LD, so maybe i'm getting back in the flow. At any rate i plan to try Malacs Fast Grab As i can visualize fairly well, and i'll post my results on both his thread and this. Good luck to everyone who's attempting lucid dreams and having a dry spell, this sucks.

      Just recalled a piece of dream i had this morning. I was talking to a girl i knew two years ago out the front of my place, and i woke up and was completely awake, not even remotely sleepy. I think tonight i will put the electric blanket on high (always good for vivids), pop some multi vitamin (packed full of B vitamins), drink the fabled apple juice, and attempt my cross of MILD and WILD and then WBTB/MFG. must break this dry spell!!!
      Last edited by snoozer; 09-18-2008 at 11:34 AM. Reason: Just recalled a bit of dream I had this morning.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    23. #48
      Member snoozer's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008

      Thumbs up 19th September, 2008

      Hell Yeah!! heaps of really vivid dreams. At some point i tried malacs fast grab but i think i don't think it worked or i remembered it. Most of this is legible but i woke up this morning and wrote down key words. I'll fill in what i remember but if i don't i'm just putting in keywords that might jog me later on. A fair amount of this was semi lucid but because i can't distinguish what was and what wasn't it'll all be purple.

      Buying a meal at macdonalds, so i can get a free green stirring rod on display at the front door. They are dark green little spoon looking things, but where the spoon normally is it was like a bubble thing, like ravioli or something. Inside was a free coupon for a coffee, as I 'know' that its post apocalypric and there is food shortages.

      Real estage agents display house on tvs to save making posters which cost paper (possibly tied in to above dream with post apocalypse)

      Big mean slobbering werewolf going to attack me and my friends, but a little boy who is with us transforms into a werewolf, and then he grows really tall and fur envelopes his face. So he looks like a big hairy faceless monster. Afterwards i was jumping fences running away from a mean bull.

      I threw away my brothers glasses, and was walking around a property on top of a hill looking for them. I could see heaps of sunglasses of all different kinds, but not his glasses. I now have a mobile fone and i'm listening in to a conversation between a girl on my bus and her boyfriend.

      A whole bunch of people on pushbikes and scooters on a bush path, that is cemented...? (post apocalyptic)

      Crashing a very expensive car down a steep hill. I felt so bad about breaking the windows??

      Wet towels closet

      convicted murderer, getting reskilled in a restaurant.

      at a 'local' (don't know where i was) newspaper print, looking at signed photo's of famous people who work there. Frank Woodley the comedian was in a photo.

      A discussion with a creppy psychopath at my school about blu ray discs and dvds.

      Much happier, will nap now to get sleepy then after dinner attempt WILD.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    24. #49
      Member snoozer's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008

      20th September, 2008

      Another post apocalyptic one. At my grandparents with several friends. There are 7 of us but only six party hats so i can't wear one. Giant skyscraper office building.

      whole bunch of weird explicit sexual dreams involving girls that aren't my girlfriend one was on my bed at my grandparents another was outside by a creek.

      Had to go to the toilet but couldn't find one

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

    25. #50
      Member snoozer's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008

      Angry 24th September, 2008

      Bleugh, first FA. I 'woke up' at 6:30 this morning, went to the toilet and went back to bed, and as soon as i fell asleep i woke up at 6:15. I better start doing RCs in the morning. lost all recall of other dreams, but I remember attempting VILD, first visualizing green hills, but eventually took the form of Hypnagogic Hallucination, because i began looking at things i didn't initially imagine, like llama/sheep that were really fast and spastic, and me and my friend leaning on a fence talking, but i don't think i got to the point of entering the dream because i had an itch or the urge to swallow.

      Personal Tasks Completed: 1
      Lucid Dreams (2010): 1
      My Dream Journal of Horrible Recall

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