Last nights dream started with a situation similar to how I finished my evening IRL last night before sleeping. In the dream my friends and I were coming back from somewhere (IRL it was a sports bar we went out to). I was driving and instead of going to my house I ended up going to the house my grandma lived in for most of the time I knew her while she was alive. Supposedly that is where we had all met up. So we get home and a couple of my friends leave but my closest friend of the female persuasion (whom we'll call "H") apparently had to be taken somewhere else. Somewhere else ended up being this building that was kind of like a restaurant but it ended up being more than that. The reason for taking her there was that for whatever reason, this other guy, whom we'll call "G", was picking her up there.

(IRL G is a guy that H had previously been together with, separated from, and after about 1-2 years eventually was given a 2nd chance by H. There is a level of jealousy between myself and H but we don't say anything to verbalize it, we have had talks about where we both stand, and we typically just stay out of each other's way. I have nothing against him and tend to avoid mixing company with him because I don't want the jealousy poisoning by mind and I also don't want to do/say anything negative to him.)

After we arrive we both get out of the car and there is a brief exchange of pleasantries or what-have-you before I leave. At one point, G voiced that he was kind of upset that day but didn't specify why. In the dream I recall having thought it could have been because H hung out with us and didn't hang out with him. But that's just the jealousy seeking satisfaction in my opinion. At one point or another, they leave and I go back to my grandma's house.

I arrive back at my grandma's house and by this time it seems to be daylight. Someone else is there (I think my uncle) and I recall trees having been cut down. There were a lot of orange termites in yard and my uncle and I traced the termites to a stump between my grandma's house and her neighbor (2 stumps in that location, but IRL there were never any trees in that particular location of the house, though there was one close by that was cut down when I was young). The termites were overwhelming but we went inside. After going inside my mom was sitting there in one recliner witha blanket over her like she was sick. My grandma appeared to be comforting her for some reason but I didn't ask. (IRL I don't have a very strong family attachment so my lack of concern in the dream was a little colder than reality but almost 30 minutes away from where we were. I don't recall what he needed to do but We drove a car (that i have never seen IRL) to someone else's house on the way at which point I followed them while driving the same car we left in. The time of day advanced rapidly and by the time we arrived it was dark.

Wherever it was we ended up, there was an event I don't recall very well that led to me realizing I needed to go to the dentist. A molar was chipped and my front tooth was slightly black with the gum around it black. I end up driving to a dentist office which ends up being in the same restaurant we were at earlier in the dream. I go inside and there is a bit of an exchange with the dentist but then I become aware of a bomb in the building. I remember walking out of the office thinking I needed to get people out but no one else was aware of the bomb so I was torn because I thought if I let people know, then I would be accused/held responsible. At one point, police/investigators etc show up and while I was effectively a suspect, I some how managed to convince them that it wasn't me (not entirely) and a guy that was still in the restaurant (who I assume was the person responsible) ends up letting us know the bomb is going to go off shortly. But he didn't take responsibility, he just worked with the police or whatever to "help determine who did it". Really this just served as a mechanism to keep me in the building even though I thought it better to leave. Whatever the guy told the people eventually let me out of the building seconds before the bomb was to detonate. The actual explosion proved to be anti-climactic and people were still in the building this entire time. Didn't matter much to me though. I left and the dream changed.

For the remainder of the dream I was working at a Sonic Drive-In which was managed by the manager of the cafeteria where I work. (I have worked at Sonic IRL in the past, starting after high school when I moved in with my grandma since my parents kicked me out to force me to learn to take care of myself.) It was late and 2 orders came in but it didn't seem that we had the necessary materials to construct the meals. I spent a large part of the time scraping together what was needed, the burger meat wouldn't stay together as if the grill was too hot, and I also was trying to do some closing chores at the same time. It was very inefficient, ineffective, and I generally felt under pressure to perform without the tools to do it. I felt inadequate with an awareness that maybe someone else could do it better.

The dream ended in the middle of the Sonic experience and I woke up to go to work.