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    1. #1
      Little Sparrow Clouded's Avatar
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      Let Be - The dream journal of a Hamlet fan

      Hmm...it seems kinda weird to be writing this down on a message board..well, let's try this anyway. Maybe you guys can give me your thoughts on it.

      I had this intiguing dream a while ago. I was in this building, kind of like my school, but not really. I had that dreamy sort of quality to it that makes bizzare things familiar. I remember there being other people there, but the only one I can recal with any clarity was this young man I was talking to.

      He was an attractive young man, quite a bit taller than me. He had red hair, and I remember that his chest was covered in ragged scars. He said his name was Robin. I don't know how long the dream lasted, but I grew rather fond of him in the span of time we were together. We kissed. It was the first time I had ever kissed anybody, real or dream character. It had always struck me as kinda gross, which I'm sure is my naivite talking, but in the dream it was really nice.

      I remeber right before I woke up, he gave me this really profound, insightful piece of advice. As is the nature of such events, I had forgotten it by the time I woke up. I was so frustreated that I had forgotten that I didn't even write the dream down. The memory of it stuck with me pretty vividly for about two days after that.

      That was two weeks ago. It was last night that my dream character's advice came rushing back and colided with my brain like a sledge hammer against drywall. I was listening to the stage show "Celtic Thunder" on tv when my favorite singer came on stage and started singing "Desperado".

      "You'd better let somebody love you, before it's too late"

      I'm still trying to interperate all the little details of the dream, but I think I get the main message loud and clear. I didn't realize my subconsious mind was capable of being so poetic. Even though it wasn't lucid, I think it was definately one of the nicest dreams I've ever had.

      Anybody here good at dream symbol interpretation? I'd like to try and figure out what else my mind is trying to tell me.
      Last edited by Clouded; 06-13-2008 at 01:29 AM.

      |It's hard to be the party leader...Oh who am I kidding, I love every minute of it. Lets hit the tavern guys!|

    2. #2
      Prospit Dreamer Keitorin's Avatar
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      Since DC are a part of you, it may be that you're trying to tell yourself that being with someone isn't a bad thing, so it showed you how it could be. The 'before it's too late' might be you worrying that you won't let yourself be with anyone, or that you don't think it could be that great. For instance, the kiss thing. I agree about the gross part, but I know it's not that bad.

      You're subconsious can have things to tell you that you'd never have guessed about yourself!

      I had a dream about 'clutching salt' that I realized might me telling me that I eat too much salt and I might die from it...

      "Often I will spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I'll amuse you an entire eve, but, alas, you won't remember me. What am I?" - Sloth Demon, Dragon Age: Origins mage origin

      [Dream Log @ Tumblr]


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