• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #51
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      A history buff, I take it. Interesting dreams.

    2. #52
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by hungrymanz View Post
      A history buff, I take it.
      Yes, very much so, although I usually don't have as specific a historical setting or characters in my dreams as I've had recently (two presidents in three nights, for one). Generally, I find I tend to have a better recall of this type of dream, probably because the content catches my interest more.

    3. #53
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 11/30/08

      Untitled Fragment

      I listen to a coworker talk about flying bush planes in Maine and Alaska while I view a wooded landscape.

    4. #54
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 12/1/08

      32 Card Wampum

      As this dream begins, I'm in a hotel room watching TV news. I see a story about how one of my old high school classmates crashed while driving someone else's Ferrari. I wonder how she got her hands on a Ferrari, and why anybody would ever let her drive it. I turn off the TV and walk outside where I'm going to meet up with my contact from the Mafia, who I've agreed to take on a job for.

      I meet him and we get into a car and drive through several city blocks. I look to the left and see a familiar looking alley while we pass. We park on the street in front of a bar and go inside.

      As we step inside, I recognize everybody there as a high school classmate of mine, except for the bartender and a man sitting at a table alone facing away from me. This man is wearing a gray trenchcoat and fedora and smoking a cigar.

      My mob contact and I sit down at a table across from each other; as I sit down I notice there's already a glass of Scotch set out on the table for me - my hosts obviously know my taste in liquor. I appreciate the gesture, but I hold off on taking a drink for now.

      My contact gets up and walks over to the man in the trenchcoat so that he's standing opposite the man from me. He leans over and quietly tells him "I've got a friend of mine here to play 32 card wampum." I know that this is being used as a code phrase for the job I'm going to do for them.

      "Good," replies the man, who gets up from the table and walks into a back room.

      I stand up and walk over to the bar, but a man approaches me before I get there and asks me to have sex with him. Offended, I grab him by the shirt collar and throw him to the ground, where I begin to stomp on him. The bartender looks up at me as if to ask what I'm doing; before he can ask I shout "He made a sexual advance at me!"

      I walk outside and arrive at a parking lot where two basketball hoops are set up next to each other. I join a game in progress at the first hoop, but after passing the ball to one of the players I leave and go over to the second hoop. This one has an oversized rim and uses a smaller basketball which has a normal-sized basketball rim surrounding it without touching, much like a planetary ring. It occurs to me that this is called the "crime hoop". I take a shot with the ringed ball and it goes through the hoop.

    5. #55
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      Night of 12/2/08

      Fragment - Lobsters at Walmart

      I walk into a Walmart and go to a section where they're selling live lobsters. These lobsters, however, aren't in a tank, but instead they're running around loose on the floor. I look down and notice that I'm wading in about a foot of water.

    6. #56
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      Night of 12/4/08

      Fragment - Mona Lisa

      I'm standing in a walk-in closet with a woman named Lisa. Her face appears to me as if it's been painted on a canvas. I ask her how she likes my picture of her.

      Fragment - The Reef

      I'm looking at an underwater view of a coral reef while listening to commentary. The narrator says that he doesn't like the eels in the background.

      A tracked robot scoots forward into the corals, then comes back with three blades of grass.

      A Different Approach

      I find myself in a cafeteria area of a laboratory. I recognize a woman seated at a bench as a high school classmate of mine. I sit down next to her, put my arm around her, lean over and give her a kiss.

      After a brief meal, I get up and walk over to a window where I see another woman arguing with a man whom I recognize as the evil head scientist here. I open the window and yell to him "If you hurt her I swear I'll kill you!"

      I get up and walk through a couple of hallways and come to an area blocked by a security guard who apparently realizes I'm coming after the mad scientist. He raises his arm as if he's holding a gun (I can't see whether or not he does from the distance I'm at). With the perception of immediate danger, I spontaneously become lucid.

      As I'm running down the hallway toward the guard, I shout "Gun, gun, gun, gun!" trying to get a weapon to materialize in my hand, but with no success. As I get closer, however, I see that the guard is having the same problem as I am, and he is similarly unarmed. He stands up and I come to a halt.

      At this point he begins speaking to me in a very friendly tone, telling me that instead of fighting I should be hugging, because it will "open a third eye". Feeling enlightened, I shake the man's hand and introduce myself, asking him his name.

      "I'm Senecilicitatus," he replies, and at this point it occurs to me that I can also call him Seneschal.

      After a momentary (false?) awakening, I return to the laboratory where I'm continuing through the corridors on my way to the scientist. At the end of a brown-walled corridor I see a robotic turret mounted in the floor, armed with a Gatling gun. I move toward it and it tracks my movement, although it holds its fire.

      As I come up next to the turret, I remember the advice I was given and I lean forward and give the machine a hug. It immediately points its barrels straight up in the air and produces an arm bearing an LCD display; I realize that this turret has just become sentient.

      It moves the LCD screen in front of me and asks a question on the display: "Do you like to be called a Lord?". I hit a button below the display corresponding to "No", but the dream ends before the conversation could proceed any further.

    7. #57
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      Night of 12/5/08

      Fragment - A Sailing Excursion

      I'm aboard a 20 foot or so sailboat with my mother and we're exploring the rivers of Maine. After coming to a junction of two rivers, I turn the boat around and realize we've been going in circles navigating several of the rivers.

      What seems to be a full day goes by, and as darkness falls I find a marina and pull into a slip. I climb onto the pier while my mom stays aboard; she takes out an old fishing reel of hers and winds it with what appears to be yarn, attaching a huge spinnerbait to the end. She casts it upriver and I see the rod bend with a bite; she soon lands a suitably large bass, which appears to be at least 3 feet long.

      Fragment - Fighting Fish

      I'm standing in front of an array of fish tanks, each appearing to be about 25 gallons. I know this is an arena for staging fights with robotic fish, and I'm preparing for a 5 on 5 fight in the tank directly in front of me.

      I start to unwrap my "fish" from their packaging, and one by one as I open their packages they swim through midair to a tray slid out from the bottom of the tank. After the first two swim to the tray, I push the tray into the tank and unwrap the third "fish", which is actually just a fish head with no fins. As I unwrap it, though, it swims just the same through the air and into the tank.

      At this point I notice a small rope coming down from the ceiling in front of me; below the end of the rope I see a tiny white elephant (no more than a few inches tall) who starts to speak and tells me about his fears, which I don't remember.

    8. #58
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      Night of 12/15/08


      I "wake up" to find myself lying in my bed looking up at the ceiling. A red box appears directly in the air directly in front of me; inside this box in white text is the name "Odumbake". As I read this, I start to float up out of my bed toward the ceiling, but after gaining a foot or two of altitude I fall back down.

      At this point, I hear footsteps downstairs and realize there's an intruder in my home. I try to yell, forming the word "Hey", but I can't get a sound to come out of my mouth.

      I reach over to my nightstand and pick up my pistol, aiming it toward my doorway and line of sight down the hall. I hear more footsteps and try to shout again without success, then I see a figure come up the stairs and turn down the hall toward my bedroom. It's a large man, almost a giant, wearing a white hockey mask, and he begins to run directly toward me.

      I line up my sights on him and flick off the safety, but when I squeeze the trigger nothing happens. I try several more times, but I still can't get the gun to fire, as the hammer isn't even falling. As the intruder comes through the doorway into my bedroom, I wake up.

    9. #59
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 12/16/08

      Untitled Fragment

      I'm standing in a room with tan-colored walls when I hear a voice tell me that lucid dreaming is mainly for "1953 era Anglicans".

      I see several small crosses appear in front of me; since I'm not an Anglican, I pass on a metal cross and choose a simple wooden one instead.

    10. #60
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      Night of 12/19/08

      Going to the Sun

      I'm riding my motorcycle in Montana and I enter a small town near Glacier National Park. I pull into a parking lot to check on my tires before entering the park.

      As a couple other riders pull up next to me, I dismount and walk around my bike. While doing this, I notice a bulge in the sidewall on the right side of my rear tire and know I need to replace the tire. At first I'm concerned that I might not be able to get a new tire in this town, especially the knobbie I'm looking for, but then I remember that I'm carrying several spare tires in racks next to my saddlebags.

      I remove my saddlebags and take the tires off the rack to see that not only are they the wrong size (what would you expect for a spare tire mounted here?), but the tread pattern is so poor that they're almost slicks. I set four spare tires down on the pavement, then another rider comes up to me to help me look for new tires.

    11. #61
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      Night of 12/21/08

      Fragment - Kwanzaa Feast

      I'm standing in the garage of my childhood home while working on a motorcycle I used to own. I look to my right and a table full of assorted foods appears, although all I remember seeing is a roast turkey. I realize this food is for a Kwanzaa feast.

      On the Ramparts

      I find myself at Fort William Henry, although the fort itself along with Lake George have been moved from New York to the Virginia mountains. From the ramparts, I look out onto the lake and see that the water almost comes up to the top of the walls. I see a lone sailboat at anchor about a quarter mile away.

      Looking back down into the fort, I see that I have a motorcycle parked here. The bike is an orange "Ferrari F1", which resembles a Yamaha FZ-1 fairly closely.

      I enter a restroom in the fort and walk up to a trough-style urinal approximately 15 feet in length. I stand at one end of it and see a sink at the far end; I urinate down the length of the trough into this sink and see a dark yellow stream of urine strike a bar of soap.

    12. #62
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      Night of 12/22/08

      Fragment - They Don't Know the Italians

      In this dream, I'm a mafia member about to go to prison and I'm having a face to face conversation with another man in a darkened room. I recognize this man as my brother (in the dream; I don't have any brothers IRL).

      During the conversation, I realize that he is the informant responsible for sending me to prison. He mentions that he's not using any witness protection.

      Feeling betrayed, a sentence comes to my mind regarding the police: "They don't know the Italians." At this point, I know my brother will be killed for his testimony against me.

      First Class

      I'm at an airport walking to the terminal to catch a flight. For this flight, I'm booked in first class, seat 6H, on board a Learjet.

      I arrive at a first class lounge area where I can see the plane through a large window. Wearing a polo shirt and khakis I feel underdressed here; seated at the nearest table to me I see a businessman in a suit playing a game of paper football with a female companion. He holds his hands up to form the goalposts while she sends the "ball" between the uprights.

      I hear the call to board and walk into a glass enclosure which is supposed to transport me into the aircraft.

      Fragment - 4x4 Picnic

      I'm driving my truck along a wooded trail along with several other vehicles. At the end of a short segment of trail, I begin to cross a rock obstructing the path, but as my right front tire clears the obstacle I'm transported to the backyard of my early childhood home where a picnic is taking place.

      At first I don't recognize anybody there, but then I see several other instances of myself walking around, upon which I reach a minimal level of lucidity. I walk up to one of them and say "Hi, me," but the dream ends as soon as he turns around.

      Bleak House

      Part I - Hypnogogia and the Hat Man
      I lie on my side in bed with my eyes closed and feel vibrations sweeping throughout my body. A vague scene appears, which I can best describe as a silhouette of my bedroom as seen from the doorway. The background pulses with varying shades of red, but in the foreground I observe a tall shadow figure appear from the lower right corner of the image.

      As it comes further into view, I see what appears to be a shadow man wearing a fedora and trenchcoat standing next to the bed. I become apprehensive at this point and the thought occurs to me that perhaps I should shake myself out of this state. I convince myself that what I'm seeing isn't real, though, and hang in there, imagining a clouded sky, as the vibrations intensify slightly, then they suddenly drop off and my vision goes black.

      Part II - The House

      I sit up in bed, thinking I just experienced a failed WILD and still unable to see any of my surroundings. I do a RC by trying to pinch my nose and breathe, but when I raise my hand there it goes right through where my nose should be and I realize I'm in a dream.

      I stay put and begin rubbing my hands together; as I do this the light level increases and I realize I'm in the basement of my childhood home. I walk to the door and up the first flight of stairs; when I arrive at the top of the stairs I realize it's broad daylight outside, but also the house is completely bare with all the walls painted white.

      I walk up to the second story and arrive at a living room that I don't recognize, where I see my mother and sister sitting on a couch. I go up to them and promptly wake up.

      Back to the Party

      I DEILD and end up back at the picnic two dreams earlier. I walk up to a round table that several people are seated at and place my arms around the table.

      I stare intently at the center of the table, and after several seconds I and the table float up into the air. I reach an altitude of approximately 50 feet, then my view becomes third-person before I wake up.
      Last edited by saxman357; 12-24-2008 at 01:50 AM.

    13. #63
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Ack, long dry spell going on here. Last night I had the most vivid dream in over a month, though, so maybe I'm starting to get back on track.

      From my notes: Night of 1/11/09

      Discovery of the Ancients

      I find myself inside a bunker on an expedition to the North Pole. Across from me, I see a short, rotund man wearing a crown. He's here because he believes the earth is hollow and has an entrance here at the North Pole; a belief which I openly mock.

      I turn around and see dirt slide off of the earthen wall to reveal an old blast door. I put my hand against the door and it opens. Looking inside, I see nothing but pitch black until I turn on my flashlight and shine it down the corridor, where I see an ancient tunnel network.

      Suddenly I end up inside a laboratory inside these tunnels, where I see several L-shaped crystals on tables. I shine my flashlight on them and notice that two of them spontaneously grow moss when they're illuminated.

      I leave the lab to tell my colleagues of this discovery, following three others onto an escalator. When I reach the top, I find that I've arrived at the second floor of my old junior high school. Soon thereafter, however, I lose my footing and begin to fall backward over a railing, waking up just before I hit the floor.

      Night of 1/21/09


      As the dream begins, I'm pacing around a hotel room in the middle of the night. I leave the room to go to the lobby and notice my room number is 149-D.

      Instead of arriving at the lobby, though, I reach an auditorium full of people, most of whom are smoking. I smell cigarette smoke as it's blown into my face by the person next to me. I see an image of a computer terminal in which I'm looking at my online bank statement. While doing this, I notice a fraudulent transaction on my account for approximately $400; which I realize is being used to buy several illegal guns and silencers.

      I immediately take out my cell phone to call my bank, but I can't get a signal. I try again with a very weak signal, but the call drops as soon as the line is answered on the other end. I go back to my room, but once I get there I'm startled by the sound of four explosions and I realize I need to get out.

      I leave my room and run down the hallway to the emergency exit staircase; where I dive down a flight of stairs just before I see a SWAT team arrive from the floor above, presumably in pursuit of me. Running down several more flights of stairs, I reach a section under construction and blocked off by 'Caution' tape; I duck under the tape and continue down the stairs.

      I look further down and see three black men with shotguns leaving down a corridor; it occurs to me that they're gang members I need to avoid. As they exit, I drop in behind them and climb through a broken window. I jump down from the window and land next to a blood-soaked bed. I leave the bedroom and pass through an adjoining hallway, where I finally reach a control panel for a bridge across a subterranean chasm.

      While trying to figure out how to operate the controls, I look to my right and see a female bystander next to me. She agrees to leave and stall the police as long as she can to buy me more time to get the bridge into place. I flip several levers and see the bridge begin to rotate and extend to a blast door on the opposite side, which then opens as the glass barrier immediately in front of me retracts to allow me onto the bridge.

      I run across the bridge and arrive at a narrow, dark corridor where a single, small beam of light between the left and right walls at about knee level. I see a number of mice running around with large sticks in their mouths. Looking down, I see two strange creatures, less than a foot long but resembling a Dimetrodon with a parrot's beak. I pick up one of them right before the dream comes to an end.

    14. #64
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      Night of 1/27/09

      A Trick of the Eye

      As the dream begins, I'm standing outside a large building at either dawn or dusk in a desert region. I see a tank driving past with Adolf Hitler sitting astride the raised gun barrel and swastika banners draped on each side.

      I look back out into the desert and see an extremely large (I'd estimate about 500 feet long) brick-shaped object flying toward the building I'm standing next to. I run around the side of the building and take cover as the flying brick collides with the exterior wall, creating a large breach.

      I cautiously walk back around to the breach and see that it has revealed a passage into the building. I enter this passage and my vision turns to greyscale. I feel a sense of foreboding and raise my hands in front of me as I believe I'm holding a pistol, but a look at my hands indicates that they're empty.

      Eventually, I traverse several long masonry-lined corridors and reach a door. I raise my "invisible pistol" and kick in the door. As I step inside, the color returns to my vision and I see that I'm standing inside a dark, windowed room full of computer terminals. I'm unable to make many observations regarding this room before the dream comes to an end.

    15. #65
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      Night of 1/31/09

      Fragment - Hobo

      I find myself on the south side of Akron, Ohio knowing that I need to get to Cleveland. Therefore, I do the logical thing and walk over to the nearest railroad tracks and hop onto a passing northbound freight train.

      As the train heads through the city, I climb on top of an orange-painted locomotive. I look up and see that the train is passing under the "Public Building", a skyscraper in the shape of a large clocktower. I begin to worry that we may be passing under low-clearance tunnels, in which case I shouldn't be on top of the train.

      I climb down the side of the locomotive as we pass another train to the left; once I get onto the deck area I'm watchful to make sure the engineer doesn't see me in the locomotive's mirrors.

      ...I suddenly recall ending up standing in a parking lot, where I board a taxi for the rest of the journey.

    16. #66
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 2/5/09

      Fragment - Suicide Is Painless

      I'm in my childhood home, standing in front of the basement toilet. I'm holding a pistol and I shoot myself in the chest 6 or 7 times. I don't feel any pain, only some pressure on my chest as I look down to see the blood staining my white T-shirt.

      Fragment - Bad Astronomy

      I'm on what appears to be a moon of either Jupiter or Saturn. I look up into space at another moon, a gaseous sphere that appears to have a land mass the shape of North America. The moon I'm looking at is also surrounded by a single ring running north to south.

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