• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Journeys Through Time and Space

      I'll start with the night of September 5, 2008. I had a distinct recall of four separate dreams:

      Hi There

      I'm laying on the sidewalk on a clear, sunny day and an attractive former coworker, holding a single helium balloon, comes by to ask me a question. I try to look up her skirt.

      For the Motherland?

      I'm in a Soviet infantry squad in WWII. We're training with the M44 rifle when my squad leader orders me to "shoot an Asian" and he points at another member of our squad who is standing about 25 yards away near a road. I line that squad member up in my sights and shoot him, then a modern convertible pulls up about 100 yards away; I shoot both the driver and passenger. Seagulls start flying around near the car.

      I notice nothing really happened to any of the people I shot, then toward the end of the dream a score sheet pops up showing I hit all three but only inflicted very minor wounds.


      This dream was set in Renaissance times. I'm a member of a mercenary company from Germany. I get the impression that I'm a knight or minor nobleman. I don't know who we're working for, but they have a nice castle with amenities like electric lighting and modern bathrooms.

      I'm standing in a hall of the castle when a fellow member of my company walks up to me and grabs the hilt of my sword (which for some reason I'm wearing on my right side), holding it in its sheath. I pull out a khukuri from an adjacent sheath on my belt with my left hand and hold it to his throat, at which point he lets go.

      He asks where I got the khukuri. "Mail order from Nepal," I tell him.

      He says "OK, cool."

      I notice that an outer pocket of the khukuri's sheath contains tweezers and a toothpick. After I sheathe it, I get into a discussion with other members of my company about Queen Elizabeth I, then retire to my room in the castle where I meet my sister.

      Mission Impossible

      I'm on some sort of secret mission to infiltrate a movie theater. I arrive on a BMW F650CS motorcycle and park outside the rear entrance after riding around the building a few times. I'm not dressed well enough to use the front entrance; everybody coming in the front door has a tux or gown on. Near the front entrance is a ticket-taker in a red bellhop uniform.

      I scout the many levels of the theater, never encountering an actual movie showing, and come to a 2-level fine dining restaurant in the basement and try to go further down a ramp into what I believe is the kitchen area, but a waiter chases me out.

      I come to a section of the theater where they're selling model kits, auto parts & electronics. I remember seeing that a model kit of a Chevy Camaro costs $697.00. I leave through several sets of doors to return to my motorcycle only to find somebody sitting on it who I know is an enemy agent. I grab him and he melts into a pad on the seat. I pick the pad up and try to throw it into the garbage can; I miss and it lands back in the auto parts store.

      I know at that point I can't leave on my bike and have to find another way to escape. I walk toward the rear of the theater building and come to a warehouse area. This area has security robots patrolling, and a reticule pops up in the middle of my vision which turns red whenever I look at the bots. I know at this point I have to escape through the wind tunnel on the other end of the warehouse.

      I run down a corridor when the bots aren't looking and jump up to a ladder along the side of a shipping container, then climb the ladder to the top. I run along the top of the containers to another ladder which I take down to a narrow alcove which I somehow know is inside one end of the wind tunnel. I need to get to the other side and I inexplicably know that if I jump up, a 200 mph wind will carry me there. I jump into the wind and it blows me across.

      After reaching the other end of the wind tunnel, I climb down another ladder to exit and see a fenced-in helipad ahead of me with a strange craft floating a few feet above the ground. Several people are heading to this craft; I hop the fence and follow them on board. I discover I'm on an Australian starfreighter headed for Europe, then the dream ends.
      Last edited by saxman357; 10-04-2008 at 09:43 PM.

    2. #2
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Another night, 3 more dreams. None lucid, haven't remembered having one of those in over a year.

      Night of 9/6/08


      I'm standing in a sheriff's office with about 20 other men, and we've captured two suspects, although I'm not aware what they're wanted for. The sheriff deputizes all of us, then splits the posse up into two groups: my group is to take the two prisoners to the jail and the other group is to search for the third suspect. We walk outside and the dream ends.

      On The Run

      This was initially set somewhere in Eastern Europe. I'm a lone cavalryman sent to scout the advancing Mongol hordes and report back. I see that the Mongols are waving many different flags behind a hill crest and marching the same troops over the hill multiple times to create an illusion of greater strength.

      I look ahead of me and notice a Mongol lancer coming at me full tilt; I turn my horse around and try to gallop away. I look over my shoulder and realize I'm not gaining any distance, in fact he's just barely too far away to strike with his lance.

      I push the horse to go even faster, then the terrain turns into a modern freeway and I'm now riding a motorcycle. I hear sirens and look to my right to see lights on several overturned police cars.

      I ride on, then the road disappears and I'm now standing waist-deep in a river. I turn to a man who was standing next to me and ask him what the depth of New England is; I don't get a reply. I climb out of the river and up a hill; at the top of the hill is a diving board where my sister is giving a speech.

      Who Knew the Romans Were Fighting Irish Fans?

      As the dream opens, I'm standing in a K-mart in the shoe section. Everything is dark and I don't know what I'm looking for. I leave the store into a January snow shower, then suddenly arrive at the house where I grew up. I go in and down the 2nd floor hallway and walk into what was my parents' room, then as soon as I walk in it becomes a hotel room in South Bend. The room is very bare, with just a bed, nightstand, and safe sitting on a piece of plywood on the floor. There are no decorations on the walls, just plain white paint.

      I go to bed, and wake up the next morning to see I have 20 voicemail messages on the phone. I listen to the first one and it sounds like complete gibberish, but it makes sense to me. I delete the rest without listening. At this point I remember that I need to meet up with my legion to go to the Notre Dame football game that day.

      I walk out of the house and arrive at a parade ground, where the Romans are breaking camp for the march to the stadium; I fall in and march with them. We arrive at the stadium in time to see the first pregame show: a marching band performing with some members on horseback. The entire band marches past us a couple times when a woman next to me comments that it would have taken our high school band forever to do that since this band has 647 members. A guy standing next to us says that he didn't play along with the band because he wasn't paying attention to the trombones.

      We go up into the stands and another band comes out, and forms the word "loSER" on the field, then begins playing my high school alma mater. The crowd to my left sings along, then I walk back to a table and sit down for breakfast with the legion's paymaster.

      I have my money in a pewter cup in front of me. I get up to get some water, then I come back to notice I have 2 "decicenture" coins missing. I point at him and shout "Thief!".

      He says, "No, I have an arrangement."

      "With consent!", I interject.

      He replies, "No, but I don't have to pay taxes on the money I change."

      I look at my money and notice I have only three "centure" coins left and point that out to him. He simply looks down conceding defeat and gives me my money back. I tell him, "Nothing personal, sir, but your reputation does precede you."

      He simply tells me "Remember to eat the bad spots too."

      "It's a part of life," I reply, and begin to eat the slice of cake in front of me.

      We finish breakfast and I start cleaning up; I'm almost finished when our commander comes up to me and yells at me to start cleaning up.

      "Yes, sir!" I reply, while wondering what the heck he thinks I'm doing here and noting that nobody else here is helping.

      I finish cleaning up after breakfast, then I think to myself: "Why am I staying here? My enlistment ran out during the Battle of Gettysburg." I decide to leave and start walking out the back exit of the stadium.

    3. #3
      Member apachama's Avatar
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      My what historical dreams you have. Very interesting.
      Apachama: Noun. Slimey things made of dust.

      "Everything is beautiful"

    4. #4
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 9/7/08

      Mostly fragmented except for the disturbing final dream of the night; took some time to piece these back together.

      Fish Story

      I'm standing on the bank of a clear mountain stream, maybe 20 yards wide. There are several rocks in the middle of the stream with four river otters laying on them. Upstream of the rocks (to the right), I see a very large bass "hovering" in the river and cast my line out to it.

      The fish immediately bites and I set the hook and begin reeling it in. As soon as I bring the bass out of water, however, it turns into a black giant clam. I take the clam and swing it onto the bank, but once it lands it transforms into a large octopus.

      I grab a sheet of plastic to hold in front of me while I get my hook out to make sure I don't get ink on me. This works as the last memory I have of this dream is the sheet being covered with black ink.

      Railroad Maze

      I'm driving a locomotive on a section of track with a lake on either side of me. I go forward and reach a maze which I have to navigate through multiple railroad switches. I drive the locomotive ahead to the left, then I stop, set the switch, and back up to go further into the maze. The dream ended before I got out of the maze.

      Detachable Penis (false awakening)

      I wake up in my own bed and look at my alarm clock to see that it's time to get up. As I'm getting out of bed I reach down and touch my penis, and I see that the top half of the shaft is hanging by a small thread of skin, which soon breaks. There is no blood; it's a completely clean break and I get the impression I'd be able to urinate OK with the stump.

      I hold the broken off tip onto the stump with my hand to keep it warm so it can be reattached, then I leave my room and arrive in my childhood home. I take a quick shower, then go upstairs to the living room in my underwear and tell my mom I need to go to the emergency room. She asks why and I tell her there's something wrong with my penis; I'm too embarrassed to actually explain what happened. We go out to the garage and start to get in the car, then with great relief I wake up for real.

    5. #5
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 9/8/08 - Didn't sleep well and my recall was very fragmented.

      Untitled Fragment

      I'm standing in the upstairs hallway of my childhood home. The lights are on and I'm looking at my right arm.

      Up In Flames

      I find myself on a battlefield in feudal Japan, although here I'm only an observer rather than a participant. I'm standing near siege lines outside a castle. Several samurai are next to me in full armor; I look to my right and see a line of archers behind a shallow trench.

      I glance back at the castle and it's now on fire.

    6. #6
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 9/9/08

      Bicycle Theory

      I'm riding a bicycle cross-country after having been instructed by a group of monks as to how to pedal long distances while carrying a heavy load.

      I'm in a small town in southern California on the border with New Mexico (yes, California bordered New Mexico in this dream). I'm struggling to pedal up a steep hill, then once I get to the top the pavement ends and I ride down a nearly vertical dirt slope while avoiding a car coming in the opposite direction.


      I'm back in high school and getting ready to present a project on the events of 1862 in the American Civil War. I staple several reports onto a bulletin board and set it up on a table. I step back and realize I'm standing with several other people in an empty building that reminds me of a church I visited several times as a child. We decide that one of the walls is in the way, so we'll get rid of it. I pour gasoline along the baseboards of that wall, light a match, and toss it on.

    7. #7
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      Night of 9/10/08

      Klarinet Meisters

      I find myself in my old high school band room. I meet two friends of mine from high school; the first one comes up to me holding her saxophone and proudly tells me that she made second chair in Klarinet Meisters (that's how it was spelled in the dream). Another friend confirms that she did, and he also states that several band members' parents are also playing in Klarinet Meisters.

      A Strange School

      I enter the front door of Cleveland Public School, which is a high school built in the year 1963. I go up several floors through narrow enclosed stairwells reminiscent of an attic, with trap doors on each landing.

      At one of the landings is a cave with a wooden sign posted in front of the entrance. Written on the sign in red paint is simply "Don't". A black and white cat with spiked fur and red eyes strolls out of the cave and begins speaking.

      "Devil devil devil," says the cat.

      I try to have a conversation with the cat only to determine he's not making any sense. Since he's still saying "Devil", I ask him to say "God" instead. The cat complies and says "God". I then ask the cat to say "Jesus", but he is physically unable to do it. Frustrated, the cat turns around and walks off to a grassy area and begins throwing a football around with Kellen Winslow.

      I leave the cat's lair and eventually reach a cavernous area dug out of granite in the center of the school. Below me, somebody's doing stunts on a motocross bike inside the cavern. He/she rides the bike up a stone ramp and it goes high into the air, flips over, then comes crashing down.

      In the center of the cavern is a spiral staircase heading down. I go down the stairs and underneath the stairwell a group of students are having a party. The party is focused on baking cupcakes and drinking vodka. I eat a cupcake and walk over to the cafeteria.

      I get to the cafeteria and walk through a group of students eating lunch. I notice that along the wall is a row of urinals; I walk over to one of them and urinate.

      The Health of Hitler

      I'm laying under my covers when I see through them a shadowy figure of a doctor walking around my bed. He states that Hitler was in such poor health toward the end of the war that he wasn't able to do much to contribute to the war effort.

      My vision begins flashing blood-red and I hear a horrifying animal sound to my right. I sense that my right hand is being mauled and manage to shake myself awake.

    8. #8
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 9/12/08


      I find myself vacationing somewhere in North Africa when I hear that a rebellion has gotten underway and the rebels are kidnapping Americans. I head out the door of the house I'm staying at and see the barrels of several tanks poking out above a ridgeline to my right.

      I run along the base of the ridge while my vision opens up a picture-in-picture view of soldiers charging over the top, and I manage to stay just ahead of my pursuers. When I reach a fork in the dirt path, three soldiers are standing guard directly in front of me.

      I remember at this time that I thought ahead and brought a pistol and saber with me. Without hesitation, I shoot and kill the three sentries and continue running. I look back and see that I'm gaining ground on the soldiers giving chase.

      I come around a bend and find myself surrounded, at which point I draw my saber and start to slash my way out.

      Burmese Restaurant

      I'm driving a car on a well-maintained expressway in Thailand. I cross the border into Burma and the road changes to a dirt trail.

      After what seemed like most of the day driving on this path, I reach a hotel and decide to stop for the night. After checking in, I go downstairs to the hotel restaurant for dinner and meet roughly 10 people who are all friends, relatives, or acquaintances of mine.

      We sit down to eat, but as soon as we finish, the waitress brings another course to the table and we begin to eat that. I lost track of how many courses our meal was, but the dream ended before it finished.


      I'm piloting a starfighter on a reconnaissance mission near Jupiter. A freighter off in the distance ahead of me releases three drones. My radar indicates that one of them may be carrying a fission warhead and I get tasked to take two photographs of it.

      I set an intercept course for the drone and take the first photo as I'm flying past on an opposing course. After that, I turn around and need to catch up with it for the second photo. After about 5 minutes of maneuvering, I get in position for the second photograph and take it.

      At this point I notice lasers being fired at me; I roll my fighter upside down and look below me to see a cruiser is firing in my direction. I target it and my targeting computer reports it as friendly.

    9. #9
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 9/13/08

      I had been drinking alcohol before bed and my recall of anything prior to about 4:30 AM was pretty much shot, but I did end up having my first lucid dream in over a year.

      White Mansion

      I wake up in my bed in a white room. I notice that against the right side of my bed is the front door of the house I'm in. I realize that doesn't make any sense and that I must be dreaming.

      Everything in the room looks slightly distorted as I get out of bed. I walk down the hallway and notice I'm alone in the house, so I decide to summon people into the dream. I try several times, each time expecting the person to be behind a closet door, but when I open the doors nobody is there. I spin around to see if it changes anything, but I'm still the only one present.

      I walk ahead into the kitchen and see a mirror in front of me, although I can't see my reflection in it. I go up to the mirror and try to reach into it. I discover the mirror is indeed solid, but I begin to see my reflection (although I appear hollow at first) when I get within about 6 inches of the mirror.

      I step back, almost to the hallway, and decide to fly. I effortlessly float up to the ceiling and watch myself doing so in the mirror. I come back down to the floor and climb a flight of stairs to the second floor.

      Upon reaching the top of the stairs I encounter the first person I tried to summon earlier. She is dressed in a long nightgown and her hair changes colors several times before my eyes. I kiss her and notice her hair is very greasy, and I suggest she go take a shower and that I would like to shower with her. She lays down on the floor and begins to undress, then I wake up.

      Flight Over Water

      As the dream opens, I'm flying over a marina and I cross the river and land on a dinghy. As I land, I realize it's missing a mast and rigging, so I take off again and head to my left. I see a powerboat coming toward me with about 7-8 women on board waving to me. I fly down to just above the boat and pick up two of them and lift them onto my shoulders. I then fly back up into the sky and turn around to approach a mirror floating in midair.

      I look back at the women I'm carrying and notice that both of them have grown beards. I suggest they shave and then the dream ends.

      Buying A Bicycle

      I park my truck on the street near the Seattle airport and walk to a bicycle shop. I pick out a mountain bike and take it for a test ride. The bike's chain is very loud, but I manage to get it up to around 40 mph and I decide to buy it.

      As I begin to ride it home, I come to an intersection where I have to wait for a streetcar to cross. I dismount and carry the bike across the street, then I climb into an amusement park saucer ride.

      After a short ride, I exit and walk into the back door of Jo-Jo's Self-Help Restaurant, which bills itself as "Home of the Flip-Flop Fish". I decided that the flip-flop fish didn't look very appetizing and exited through the front door.
      Last edited by saxman357; 09-30-2008 at 12:56 AM.

    10. #10
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Well, a week of work stress and illness didn't make for very good dream recall, and the one dream I did recall well I didn't log because it was so depressing I didn't want to remember it any better.

      Anyway, I seem to have made up for it in the last two nights and especially last night with a stream of false awakenings leading to a brief lucid dream, then of all things an encounter with the shade of Genghis Khan.

      Night of 9/19/08

      Missile Drill

      I'm at Cape Canaveral in the early 1960's. We're about to launch a satellite, but on the next pad over we're also preparing a ballistic missile for launch at Cuba. I hear an officer saying "If the Cubans react, we'll wipe Havana off the map," the implication being that the satellite launch was to be used to test the response to a potential missile launch.

      Runaway Car

      I'm at a baseball game with my family and decide for some reason I need to leave early. I go out to the parking lot, which is the parking lot of an elementary school I went to, and see we have two cars parked next to each other - a Toyota station wagon my family had when I was very young and a Saturn coupe which was the first car I owned.

      I get in the Saturn and leave the parking lot, but once I get onto the street I lose control of the engine, brakes, and transmission, although I can still steer. The car goes up over a curb, across a parking lot, back onto the street and through a red light.

      I try everything I can to stop the car, I push the brake and clutch pedals and nothing happens when I do that or when I shut off the ignition. The car keeps going down the road gaining speed and I finally manage to stop it by steering off road and crashing into several trees.


      Night of 9/20/08


      I'm in the basement of my childhood home with John McCain & Joe Biden. I have two suitcases on the floor with files on each major party candidate for President/VP. I go through the files for John McCain & Barack Obama without comment.

      I open up the second suitcase with the file on Joe Biden, who comments that I'd better have a file on Sarah Palin that big. I pull out her file and show him that it is indeed roughly the same size.

      Discussion - False awakening #1

      After a false awakening, I'm at my old high school discussing the above dream with a few of my classmates.

      Morning Routine - False awakening #2

      After another false awakening, I find myself in my bed, however my bedroom furniture has been rearranged. I look at the wall behind my bed and see large maps of Ohio and North Carolina on the wall. Normally I like maps for decorative purposes, but these were not well-drawn at all.

      I start to yell about how somebody rearranged my bedroom while I was sleeping, but then realize there's nobody else here. I walk downstairs to my kitchen and as I'm walking through the kitchen I do a reality check by looking at the digital clock on my stove. At the second glance the numbers change completely and I realize I'm dreaming.

      Uncharacteristically, I become very excited about this and can barely keep myself from waking up. I decide that I'll bring someone into the dream, so I walk out of the kitchen and tell myself that she'll be behind me in the kitchen when I turn around. I turn around and she walks out of the kitchen into my living room, then turns her back to me and starts pushing buttons on my VCR. I tap her on the back to try to get her attention, then I wake up.

      Wind of Souls

      I find myself in a courtyard in what appears to be the dead of night, but somehow I know it's about 7 AM.

      I climb a set of stairs to a pedestal that lists a class schedule for juniors; a professor is standing behind the pedestal. He tells me that Temujin will be coming soon to take his bride.

      I leave the pedestal and walk down a gallery of marble sculptures, then I suddenly find myself in a stone cavern underground. A nameless, faceless entity comes up to me and tells me that it's OK, I'll be back on the surface in a few seconds and I won't remember anything. I'm taken to the end of the cavern, then I find myself back in the courtyard the dream began in. (In hindsight, I'm fairly convinced this cavern was Genghis Khan's tomb.)

      I walk back up to the pedestal, but as I get there the ground in front of me drops away. An incredibly intense wind begins to blow through the courtyard. I hold onto the pedestal and close my eyes. At this point, I hear the professor telling me to open my eyes, but I need to look up because souls are being blown away from the Earth.

      I open my eyes, but instead of looking up I look straight ahead and see the earth at some distance in front of me, realizing the wind has blown me into orbit. I look down at the earth and point at it, but as I point a large wave erupts in the Atlantic Ocean from the Grand Banks toward Newfoundland. I point at the ocean again as I'm quickly circling the globe and create another wave.

      After another several orbits, I see two spirits being blown past me, a man holding a woman by the leg. The wind picks up and blows them out of orbit and off into deep space.

      After they are gone, a rope streams out of my hand and I'm carried along it back to the pedestal I was standing at earlier, and the wind dies once I land.
      Last edited by saxman357; 09-30-2008 at 12:58 AM.

    11. #11
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 9/25/08

      Football Practice

      As the dream opens, I find myself in an apartment which is part of a complex that has appeared many times before in my dreams, although I've never seen such a place in my waking life.

      I'm standing in front of an aquarium feeding my fish when a plecostomus swims out of the tank and begins swimming along the living room wall. I pick it up and put it back in the tank when I notice an upside-down catfish swimming in midair next to the tank. I also pick it up and put it back in the tank.

      A woman and two men come up the exterior staircase into the apartment; I recognize one of the guys as my football teammate. He goes over to the computer, sits down & begins playing a game. The second man is standing in the doorway and for a reason I can't understand calls me a coward. I said, "You're calling me out?" and punched him in the chin.

      We fight our way out the door, at which point we are now in a hallway outside a locker room. I slam his head against the corner of a painted brick wall, then I grab him in a full nelson and continue slamming his head against the wall while asphyxiating him. Soon thereafter he collapses; as soon as he hits the ground I begin to frantically worry that I killed him. A trainer comes out and checks his vital signs with a strange hand held machine and she confirms that he's alive.

      Relieved, I begin to make my way to football practice. It occurs to me at this time that I play guard and running back, and I need to go to running back practice today.

      I follow overhead signs through a maze of hallways to a wrestling room where the running back practice is being held. There are two drills for today, a 10 yard hitch receiving route and a 20 yard running route. I go out to receive the first pass and when I turn around, the quarterback throws the pass several yards off to my left. I run the route again with the same result. I turn and ask him why his passes are off target and he responds with a cryptic answer referring to my route running, then the dream ends.

      Falling Into A Dream

      As I lay in bed with my eyes closed, I begin to feel my arms and hands paralyzed followed immediately by a wave of vibrations. The paralysis seems intermittent at first, then as the vibrations go away it becomes constant.

      Imagery appears out of the void of a computer screen running through lines of text and old fashioned Windows 3.1 dialog boxes. A disturbing pornographic image suddenly appears on the screen, albeit blurred, then disappears almost as quickly. The text and dialog boxes persist for a short time later, then fade to black.

      Above me and to my left an outline of a window appears as I feel myself floating up out of my body. As soon as I leave my body, the window shoots up and away and I get the feeling that I'm falling into the depths of the earth. I do everything I can to will myself back up, and I finally stabilize myself and float back up to the original level.
      As I arrive there, the void melts into a scene of my bedroom in my childhood home and I immediately realize I'm in a dream.

      I sluggishly climb out of bed, noticing my slightly distorted vision (which seems to be a common dream sign for me) and I walk over to my closed door. I decide I want somebody to appear on the other side of the door, but when I open it there's nobody there.

      I walk to the bathroom and go up to the mirror. I see a distorted reflection of myself in which I have a pointy face and I'm clean shaven (I wear a full beard IRL) and I see that I'm not wearing my glasses. I lift my right index finger and try to stick it through the mirror; I discover the mirror is indeed solid.

      I leave the bathroom and turn back to face my bedroom, at which time I notice the person I wanted to appear outside my door is now indeed standing in front of my door, then I wake up.
      Last edited by saxman357; 09-30-2008 at 01:00 AM.

    12. #12
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Night of 9/26/08

      Der Flieger

      As the dream opens, I find myself a German fighter pilot in WWI. I'm flying a Fokker Dr. 1 triplane (painted yellow with red trim) and I'm on approach to land back at my airstrip, which is about to be overrun. I dodge the enemy ground fire and land safely.

      As my plane rolls to a stop at the end of the runway, I get out and help push it out of the way. As I'm doing this, my view becomes a third person top down view, then once the plane is off the runway my view goes back to first person.

      A supply officer is walking up to me and I tell him we need more bombs. He informs me we have none left.

      "So we're just supposed to strafe?", I ask him.

      He nods and goes to reload the machine guns on my plane and my wingman's.

      I go over to talk to my wingman and we have a conversation in a mixture of English & German. We discover that we're from different units; although I don't remember what his was, mine was JG2/2.

      As our aircraft are rearmed and refueled, we prepare to take off again, then the dream ended.

      A Series of Strange Events

      I'm lying in bed and begin to enter sleep paralysis. I feel several waves of vibrations through my arms and I faintly see swirling colors appearing out of the darkness. I can just barely hear a whispering voice to my right, but I can't tell what it's saying. I know the voice isn't real, so I just relax and enjoy the ride.

      As the darkness melts away,
      I find myself in my own bed, but it's now daytime. I find my reaction a bit sluggish and my vision distorted and realize I'm dreaming.

      As I get up out of bed, I immediately see that I'm also sitting on the floor on the other side of the room. I go over to the "other me" and say "Hey, this is a hell of a dream, huh?"

      My perspective changes, and I (the other me) nod my head and lay down on the floor.

      My viewpoint changes back, and I (the first me) look away, then when I look back I see that my other instance has changed into a disembodied torso, then in front of my eyes it changes again into a jug with a spout. I pick up the jug and carry it downstairs, where I arrive in my childhood home.

      I walk into the kitchen and see a woman I don't recognize. I ask her who she is, but I don't remember what she said if anything.

      I leave the kitchen, then turn around and head back in to see if anybody else has appeared, and on the counter I see a disembodied woman's head in a glass pan, and she's eating Jello. I take a closer look at her and see that she has a beard. I ask her where the rest of her body is; she responds that she doesn't know.

      I walk into the living room where my mother and sister are sitting on the couch. I hand the jug to my sister; she drinks from it and her eyes disappear. I stand in front of her looking at her now eyeless face, then I wake up.


      I find myself in a bedroom/home office suite with a window overlooking a small city skyline.

      I look at the wall and see a poster with a moonlit scene and a picture of a unicorn; the inscription at the bottom of the poster reads "Two Parents". I take down the poster and replace it with several photos of my motorcycles. The picture I remember most is of my DR650 parked in the middle of an ice cavern.

      I walk over to my desk in front of the window and pick up an old SLR camera. It has an odd lens that allows a limited pivot range; I play with the pivoting lens while looking through the viewfinder then I push down on a lever to activate the light meter. A series of dials and tapes appear in the viewfinder and I remark "This looks just like the instruments in an early Boeing jet."

      I put down the camera and look at a scanner radio I have sitting on the desk. The radio is on and I'm listening to Coast to Coast AM, where a guest is being interviewed about lucid dreaming.

      Making an Admiral

      I'm following my usual route to work, except I'm walking rather than driving. I note that I'm going slower than usual because I'm following a deer which is using the road directly in front of me. The deer crosses a set of railroad tracks and I follow.

      I decide the deer is going too slow for me, so I turn off onto a side street which I use occasionally in real life. I walk off the road onto the grass. As I'm walking along the road, I see a silver Ford Taurus on the shoulder with the hood up. The car is smoking and making a sputtering noise.

      Two Mexican guys are looking under the hood and one of them diagnoses the problem as bad piston rings. I look under the hood myself and agree. The driver then drives away with the hood still up and the car smoking and making noise.

      I turn to the two guys and say "Better to replace the piston rings now than the engine later," as we're all confused why this person is continuing to drive the car.

      I eventually get to an office building where my dad greets me and tells me that I'm about to become an admiral. In order to become an admiral I have to go through a ceremony, and he tells me to go kneel in front of a couch. I do so, and I see a city skyline and a large globe in front of me.

      As part of the ceremony I need to sing a song, but I've never heard the song before so I need to repeat the verses after my dad. The song starts out OK and I don't have any trouble at first, but as it goes on it becomes more and more absurd and I lose my ability to recall what I need to sing. The only part of it I can remember is a verse about Adam going over the sea from London and Ireland.

      I get more and more frustrated as the song goes on, then I wake up without completing it.
      Last edited by saxman357; 09-30-2008 at 01:16 AM.

    13. #13
      Member apachama's Avatar
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      The disembodied head, and in face the whole WILD is weird. Any attempt at interpretation?
      Apachama: Noun. Slimey things made of dust.

      "Everything is beautiful"

    14. #14
      Member saxman357's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by apachama View Post
      The disembodied head, and in face the whole WILD is weird. Any attempt at interpretation?
      Not a clue as to the head/torso/loss of eyes. It occurred to me about halfway through the dream that it was lasting awfully long for an LD, though.

      The only connection I can see with anything in the dream is the spot at which I was experiencing bilocation. Several months ago, I had a nightmare in which I had a false awakening and I went out of body and floated up to the ceiling from my bed. As soon as I left my body, I felt a very strong evil presence in the room with me, and I saw a shadow entity that happened to be in the exact same spot in my bedroom as the "other me" was in the WILD. As soon as I got to the ceiling I realized I had a pistol in my hand and I began shooting the entity. After hitting it several times, it vanished and I woke up screaming. It was such a convincing FA that the first thing I did when I woke up was go and check my wall for bullet holes.

    15. #15
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      Night of 9/28/08

      Fragment - Knights of the Crimson Eagle

      I observe a scene from a battlefield in medieval Europe. From my limited recall of the dream, I seemed to be looking at still images of the battle.

      The most vivid memory is of a group of knights charging with lances. The knight I saw in the foreground was astride a dark chestnut destrier in full gallop. He was wearing a mail hauberk with a black surcoat and a great helm. He carried a black kite shield emblazoned with a crimson eagle.

      North to Alaska

      I'm on a motorcycle trip to Alaska, and after one day's riding from Ohio I arrive at the town of Grey, in the southern tip of Alaska's panhandle. I note that I arrived there without having to ride through Canada.

      As I get into town, I see that Grey is a very small town with only a few trailers in sight. I pull off onto the grass and park my bike, then I pitch my tent and camp for the night along the road.

      I get up the next morning and leave my tent to find myself back at my office, where I'm going through my mail that arrived while I was out. A classmate from high school is standing next to me at my desk.

    16. #16
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      Night of 9/29/08

      Fragment/False Awakening

      (This dream occurred as my clock radio alarm went off in the morning and I slept through the music for several minutes.)

      I wake up in my bedroom in my childhood home and notice my stereo is on. I reach for my remote control and try to change the volume without success. The scene changes completely, and I see an image of an ancient warrior who looks a lot like Brad Pitt's portrayal of Achilles in the movie Troy. He is laying on the grass, then gets up and starts looking around. It occurs to me that he is "looking for his women".

    17. #17
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      Night of 9/30/08

      Papal Visit

      I'm in a monastery that has a floorplan a lot like a shopping mall. I'm walking around on the second floor when I hear a monk saying that the pope is about to arrive. For some reason, I'm not looking forward to meeting the pope and I'm uncomfortable about how to greet him.

      I decide to go downstairs and stay out of the way while he's here. I get to the staircase but can't go further as a monk dressed in a wedding gown is guarding the stairs.

      A great deal of sunlight shines down into the monastery and I turn around to see the pope walking down a stairway out of the clouds and into the building.

      Brothers in Arms

      In this dream I find myself a veteran watching a parade with two other men. One of them is a high school classmate of mine wearing his Army uniform (IRL, he did join the Army after graduation), and the other guy I don't recognize, but he is shirtless.

      I'm standing next to the shirtless guy and he begins to choke up with emotion while watching the hundreds of flags go by in the parade. I give him a bear hug and I tell him it's OK, that after the 7 years we spent in Hanoi I feel the same way. I remind him how when we were POWs every time we looked up and saw our planes overhead it reminded us of home.

      I look back at the parade and see hundreds more flags pass by before the dream ends.

    18. #18
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      Night of 10/1/08

      Pit Stop

      I'm driving my truck down a straight 2 lane road behind a motorcycle. The bike's rider loses control and crashes off the right side of the road. I immediately pull over & stop to make sure he's OK, but as soon as I get out of my truck I find myself at a service station parking lot.

      Several other people are standing around and I notice my motorcycle parked about 10 feet away. I notice that the chain and sprockets are on the opposite side of the bike from real life and that the chain has come off of the rear sprocket. I take a closer look and I see that a pin holding the rear axle in place has come out and I begin to look for it.

      After much searching, I find it laying on the ground. I fix the chain and sprocket and I put the pin back in place on the axle.

      After I replace the pin, I start the engine, get in the saddle, and ride away.

      College Tournament

      I find myself inside the multi-level lobby of an office-style building. I'm holding a laser pistol and realize I'm in an FPS game in a team deathmatch as white text scrolls across the bottom of my vision.

      I see two people on a ledge above me, a teammate of mine to the left and an opponent to the right. I shoot my opponent several times and their outline flashes red. I go down a hallway and enter a glass elevator which begins heading down.

      As I reach the bottom floor, the door opens and I exit to find myself at a college in Chicago. I'm in a student lounge/cafe area and I'm looking for somewhere to hook up my computer. I walk through a staff lounge but don't see any place to plug in. I walk down a hallway and arrive at a gymnasium.

      I find myself in another competition, this one being a combination of a remote control car race and gymnastics. The objective is to get your car across to the finish line while getting yourself there by a series of flips. I try this several times but I'm slower than everybody else and I finish last. By the fourth run, however, I get an idea and I rev up my car and get the wheels spinning but hold it in place on the floor with my hand. At the signal to start, I let go of the car and it immediately takes off and makes it to the finish line. I then begin flipping my way over to the other side of the gym and end up finishing first.

      End of the Road

      I'm driving my truck on a road I drive every day in my town, but I notice the scenery has changed dramatically. The road is now in a granite canyon, with one lane on the rim and one lane in the canyon itself. I'm driving along the rim and I think "I hope they keep the road like this."

      I drive forward but brake to a stop as I see the road end at a sheer drop in front of me. A car in front of me goes over the edge, seemingly without any problem. I get out of my truck and walk to the edge and see that the road actually keeps going almost straight down, but I can't see the ground as there is a sea of clouds far below me.

      I jump off the cliff and land on top of a limbless tree trunk. I then leap to several more trees before I reach the final one. As I land on the final tree, I hear a creaking noise immediately before the tree gives way and I begin to fall.

      As I'm falling and looking at the clouds far below me, a thought occurs to me: "This is a dream." As I become lucid, I remember what freefall felt like when I used to skydive and I move my body into a stable position and let myself fall for some time.

      I get near the clouds and decide I don't want to go through them and that I'll just keep flying above the clouds. I increase my altitude, but without a real frame of reference I soon lose focus and begin to fall again, then the dream ends.

    19. #19
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      Night of 10/2/08

      Fragment - Samurai

      I'm standing on a battlefield as a samurai with several hundred warriors under my command. I order my archers forward and they fire several volleys of arrows at the advancing enemy. I then lead a charge against the enemy while wielding a yari with a sickle-shaped blade. The blade breaks off and I pick up a weapon from a fallen foe.

      A Nomad Through Time

      As the dream begins, I find myself standing inside an ancient Egyptian temple. I walk forward to the altar and I see a black skull, but behind it is a ghostly visage of a woman laying on the altar. I extend my hand and hover it over the skull and feel a wave of energy surge through my body as the temple begins to crumble around me. I run for the exit and make it out just before it collapses.

      As I exit the temple, I'm suddenly transported into my truck where I'm driving down a dirt road through a hilly area. The truck goes into a skid and spins several times before I steer out of it, but once I straighten it out I find myself driving on a freeway in California during the night.

      I follow signs for Highway 101 which is labeled on the signs as the COLOR route, and I decide I'll go to Portland before I head for home. I look at my clock and see that it's about 11 PM and I decide I need to stop for the night. I get a motel room and the night passes in an instant.

      I leave my room in the morning and get back on the road. I drive to a warehouse and when I get out of the truck I'm suddenly teleported inside, where a number of security guards move to surround me. Something distracts them and all but two go outside to investigate, and I decide to make my move.

      I run for an emergency exit and go outside to the railroad tracks, where a late 1800's style steam locomotive is waiting behind a gate of a chain-link fence. I open the gate and climb onto the locomotive, but as soon as I touch it I'm standing next to a model train on a straight track with a stick figure standing on the tracks in front of the train. The train begins to move forward and runs over the stick figure, then falls off the end of the track.

      Once the train falls, I'm transported to the roof of a restaurant where it is again night. I climb down several pipes and fall into a dumpster. I lift myself out and drop down into a stream where I finally wake up.

    20. #20
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      Night of 10/3/08


      I find myself in my own bed as a scene of my bedroom appears out of the void. I see Barack Obama standing on the other side of the room holding a silver tuba and I realize I'm dreaming, although I was able to exercise very little, if any control in this LD.

      I ask Obama if he can play "Take 5", and he proceeds to play the sax melody line on his tuba. We walk down the stairs and I engage him in political conversation. I can't remember any of the details apart from asking him why he's a Democrat.

      So I Made Admiral After All

      I'm sitting in auditorium with a number of sailors and I realize that I'm wearing an admiral's uniform. We welcome several old men into the theater and recognize them as veterans. I give up my seat to one of them.

      A film plays and seems to last several hours, although I can't remember what it was about.

      After the film, we leave the theater and go outside to board a bus where we get ready to play Wheel of Fortune. Vanna White organizes everybody into groups of three, then runs the names 2 times through a computer to optimize the matchups. I see the final matchup and notice that I'm listed twice in the same game. I tell her that and she says it's not a problem.


      I'm a lord in medieval Europe and have just returned from a successful campaign in order to report to the king. Before I can get to the king, however, another lord who is jealous of my success looks at the pads of my fingertips and declares that I've committed treason by riding with the enemy.

      I'm taken away to a dungeon where I know I'll be tortured before being hanged, drawn & quartered. Inside the dungeon, I'm seated at a table with a variety of torture instruments laid out on it. My accuser runs a rope around my neck and asks me if I would like peace or fire.

      "Give me fire!" I defiantly reply.

      He leaves and I notice several witches standing around and one of them points to a board where a paragraph of nonsense words is written with several of them circled. The message makes sense to me, though, and it occurs to me that I can prove to the king that I've been framed.

      I send one of the witches away to tell the king that the lord who accused me is lying because he has discolored his fingertips with arsenic.


      Not much recall of this one, other than remembering that Rush Limbaugh got into a car accident in South Carolina.

      Fire at Sea

      As the dream opens, I'm aboard a small sailboat in the middle of the ocean. I somehow create a Seawolf class and a Typhoon class submarine nearby, then I create a "laser boat".

      I end up aboard the laser boat and discover that it is armed with a powerful laser gun. I target the original sailboat with the laser; the first shot burns off the rigging and the second shot sinks it. I target another small boat with similar results.

      After that, I look to my right and see a large ship coming over the horizon. I target it and fire several times with no apparent result. As I get closer, I retarget the laser beam at the bottom of the superstructure and see it catch fire. I pass the ship starboard to starboard and see a number of chemical crates on the ship's fantail. I target one of the crates with the laser and set it on fire.

      Soon after, the ship begins to capsize and falls over onto my boat. I need to get away quickly because a chemical explosion is about to happen, but I realize I now need to swim, so I jump in the water.

      At first I can only swim very slowly, but then I roll over and discover I have an extremely fast backstroke. I swim away and get up onto a pier when I hear a distant explosion. I then stand on a piece of driftwood and ride around the pier while an unintelligible voice is narrating.

    21. #21
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      Night of 10/4/08

      Didn't sleep well, recall was very scrambled and in no particular order

      Journey to India

      My sister and I arrive at a city in India and rent a car. I follow a vague outline of where we're supposed to go on my GPS, but it seems all wrong.

      I drive down several main streets and end up running a number of red lights because I can't see the signal until I'm right on top of it. I turn right at a train station and we get out and meet one of my high school classmates. She has a paper map which shows that we need to get on the third train.

      We cross several sets of tracks, narrowly avoiding being struck by a train in the process, and as we are about to board our train the dream ends.

      Of Serpents and Cancer

      I'm sitting with my mother at the dining room table in my childhood home. We're talking about several species of poisonous snakes that burrow in swamps because we're afraid they might be in our blackberry patch out back.

      It suddenly occurs to me that I have lung cancer and I become extremely concerned. I walk through the kitchen and down the hall to the medicine closet where I take out what appears to be a bottle of pills. Despite its appearance, it's actually a breathing test and I turn the cap a half turn in order to prepare it for the test. I put the bottle up to my mouth and blow into it, but I can't move the needle more than halfway which confirms I do have something wrong with my lungs.

      Fragment - Launch Into Orbit

      I'm sitting at a computer terminal steering a satellite into orbit. I remember separating the rocket boosters and commanding a pitch maneuver, but that's it. The interface looked a lot like Orbiter for PC.

    22. #22
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      Night of 10/6/08

      Untitled Fragment

      I'm supposed to meet a high school friend of mine at his house, but I can't find it. I try to look through my attic to find the house.

      Breaking Bread

      I find myself walking through the men's clothing department of a local WalMart when I notice there are computer games stacked in the shelves and along the walls. I look at several of them before I pick one out that's part of a five game pack. The game I select is called "Rebel General".

      As I pick up the box, my view changes to a field where the ancient Macedonians are fighting the Persians. I watch the Macedonian peltasts throw several volleys of javelins, then they pull back and the hypaspists and agema advance and drive the Persians back.

      After the battle, I see a general riding a horse around the battlefield, although he is so small that even on his horse he doesn't quite come up to my knee. It occurs to me that I should be "breaking bread" with him, so I pick up and open a box of saltine crackers. I take a cracker out and break off the corner, then I try to give it to him. His horse has other ideas, though, and bites my hand instead. I try again with another piece of cracker, but the horse bites me once more.

      Frustrated, I drop the cracker on the ground and walk away. At this time, I notice a small pig, about the size of a cat, running up to me. I toss a cracker to the pig who happily consumes it. I feed the pig several more crackers and I realize this pig has the same name as a cat I used to have (upon further reflection, I'm inclined to believe that this was in fact the cat - maybe in this dream she came back as a pig?). I crouch down and begin to pet her, then she rolls over onto her back and I rub her belly.

    23. #23
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      Night of 10/9/08

      Jack's a Lunatic

      I'm standing on the grass outside my childhood home. I notice that although the lighting makes it appear to be daytime, the sky is black with gray and green clouds, and at this point I realize I'm dreaming.

      I lift myself into the air and begin to fly. As I cross into the cloud layer, I remember this month's lucid tasks. Become your costume? I can't remember the last time I had a costume, but I decide that in the same spirit I'll fly to New York City, land on the Empire State Building, and become King Kong.

      I fly further to the east and I decide I'll make a stop along the way to talk to a jack o' lantern. I descend back through the clouds and see a house looming in front of me. I lift myself back up to clear the roof, then I land in the back yard. I turn around and walk up onto the back porch where I see a jack o' lantern sitting on a rail near eye level. I go up to it and say "Hi there, how's it going?"

      It seems to come to life at this point as the eyes begin to move around and scan its entire surroundings. After watching it roll its eyes for a few seconds, it looks at me and grins even more than it had been in its inanimate state.

      "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" the jack o' lantern shouts at the top of its lungs (if a dream jack o' lantern could be said to have lungs) and begins laughing maniacally. This is so ridiculous that I can barely hold myself back, and after a few seconds I succumb to laughter as well.

      While laughing along with Jack, I make the mistake of closing my eyes.
      When I open my eyes, I find myself in my bedroom in my childhood home where I lose my lucidity.

      I'm listening to a baseball game on the radio where the Cleveland Indians are leading the Tampa Bay Rays 12-5. I'm sitting on the floor looking at several fishing lures I have laid out. A cockatoo is several feet ahead of me eating mixed nuts out of a can.

      I pick up the bird and go upstairs. When I get to the living room, I set down the bird, who goes right back to eating the mixed nuts. I go back to listening to the ballgame and I notice the Rays have scored several more runs and soon have the game tied. I tune out the game in disgust before I wake up.
      Last edited by saxman357; 10-15-2008 at 08:59 PM.

    24. #24
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      Night of 10/12/08

      Ghost of the Battlefield

      This dream occurs on a European battlefield in WWII. As the dream opens, I realize that I'm a ghost. I have a sort of water pistol in my hand and I use it to shoot a German soldier as I advance alongside a squad of British or American troops (I couldn't tell which nationality for sure).

      I make my way to a command post where a I need to take a key from a German officer. He is strolling around the building muttering about how one of his men named "Haider" pronounces his name "Hater". I sneak behind his back and see the key in a tub of water; I reach in and grab the key immediately before I wake up.


      I find myself on the first floor of my childhood home during daytime. I notice there is a semi truck inside the house and it's struggling to get up the staircase. I yell at the driver and ask him what he's doing.

      "I'm just getting the paper," he plainly replies.

      At this point it occurs to me that I'm probably dreaming, so I pinch my nose and try to breathe. When I discover I can do so without any trouble I know for sure I'm dreaming. I walk upstairs past the truck and summon a DC; I turn around to find her standing behind me. I decide to try to adjust her appearance; I'm initially successful making slight changes, but I soon wake up.

      Gun Shop

      I walk off the street into a gun shop. I see a stack of futuristic looking weapons behind the counter and this grabs my attention.

      An employee is standing behind the counter and I ask him if people are buying less guns because of the economy. He told me that people are actually buying more and he thinks it's because of the election.

      I take a look around and see a 21 foot long model of the Bismarck along the wall; I slide it out to take a closer look.

      Around this time, a young woman comes into the shop and asks what their safety rules are on the range, since she wears her Achilles behind her Featherlight. The man behind the counter tells her she has to take her Achilles off and she walks down into the basement to go to the range.

      I follow out of curiosity as I haven't seen this range before. I go down two flights of stairs and walk through several offset doorways before arriving at a very small pistol range. It's a cold range as I arrive, but it's crowded with two people setting up targets on the wall about 7 yards from the firing line and about 6 people on the line. I find a spot on the end I can shoot from, but I decide against it since I'd like to have more room.

      I leave the range and go back upstairs, take one last look at the Bismarck model, and walk out through the front door where I find myself in the center of my town. I begin to cross the street, but as I walk further the road keeps getting wider and I'm never even able to reach the middle of the road before the dream ends.

    25. #25
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      Night of 10/14/08


      I thought for sure I'd remember this one, but when I woke up in the morning I completely forgot it.

      All Work and No Play

      I find myself at my office in the middle of the night. I'm aware that I've been at work for the last 72 hours straight.

      I get up to take a break and walk to the restroom, noticing that all the lights are off in the building. I go into the darkened restroom and take a shower.

      Mob Movie

      As the dream opens, I hear background music for the opening scene of a movie while I see a man resembling Al Pacino fall onto a skylight on the roof of a city building. He lands face first on the glass and looks down into a factory, where a mob boss is arriving.

      Three black sedans enter the building flanked by many armed guards, including several with dogs. One of the guards is leading a horse through the building.

      The view goes back to the roof, where the same man as in the beginning falls onto the skylight again, but he is now a gray-haired old man. It occurs to me that he has taken over the criminal operation.

      This portion of the dream soon ends and I find myself in a bed in what seems to be a hotel room. I look out the front windows and see police outside preparing to launch a raid. I pick up a pistol from my nightstand and go over to the window, but once I get to the window I see that nobody is outside and that my room has suddenly moved from the first floor to the second floor.

      I walk back to the bed and set down my pistol next to another one on the nightstand. I pick up a radio that I can only hear white noise through; it occurs to me that this radio has been turned on for the last several months. It has a small television screen on the back and I try to pick up a TV signal without success.

      I put down the radio and walk over to a desk, where I pick up a catalog. I browse through it to discover that it is a catalog of adult Halloween costumes with several based on animated Disney characters. I get to the last page of the catalog where it shows a list of "fun facts" about rodents along with a crossword puzzle.

      I set the catalog down and find myself transported to a large cog-shaped chamber with extremely high walls and a catwalk far above me. Several men in medieval style clothing and light armor are shooting at each other with crossbows.

      I walk to the other side of the chamber dodging several crossbow bolts along the way. I turn around and the men are gone and I'm the only one left in the chamber. I notice there is no exit to be seen, then I look up again and it occurs to me that I'm dreaming.

      I decide to create a door on the other side of the chamber. I walk across and notice an elevator in the wall in front of me. The call buttons are set in a reflective metal surface; I walk up to it and notice my reflection looks normal. I try to reach into the mirror and discover that it is solid.

      Before I call the elevator, I decide I'll have a DC appear inside it once the door opens. As soon as I push the call button, the door opens and there she is, but her hair and clothing are nothing like I visualized her (in fact her hair was a completely different color).

      I walk into the elevator with her and we make out for a while. I notice during this that I'm losing my focus on my surroundings as I'm only paying attention to her. We stop and I notice the elevator door is still open as I regain some awareness of my surroundings.

      I ask her to stay in the elevator while I leave and close the door so I can change her appearance and open the door again. We kiss again, but this time I close my eyes and completely lose clarity. The dream fades to black and I soon wake up.

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