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    1. #1
      Member Kuma's Avatar
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      Kuma's Dream Journal

      My dreams are very random and sometimes get very real in feeling. I have always been a big dreamer. I have been able to control my dreams since I was 12 and am now 26. I still remeber my first Lucid dream when I was 12 and that is when dreaming changed for me. I now feel as if I am crossing over to another world when I dream. I have had dreams that also have came true which leads me to beleive in precognition. I am looking to expand and explore my dream world more. I am searching for something and do not yet know what it is. So hopefully while I am here someone can help guide me on how to reach the next level. I would apperciate any input or comments on the dreams I have. Thanks


    2. #2
      Member Kuma's Avatar
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      I will start with my first lucid dream I remember like it was yesterday.The date is unkown but happened in 1990. I was 12 years old.

      It was a dark alley and there is a laundry mat down the alley. I was in the laundry mat with some other random people. My little step-brother was yelling and I did not know what about. He opened the door and there was a creature that was throwing rocks the size of basket balls towards him. One of the rocks hit him in the stomach and made him fly backwards. Then I rember a black and white cow walking down the alley and talking but I could not understand what he was saying. My brother got up and ran away. The creature was coming towards me and I started to run, but I could not move my legs fast enough. It was like I was in water, and then that is when the dream changed. I thought why is it I can not run? This seeems uncommon. I stop and looked around and started to notice things change and I thought to myself I am in a dream. The creature was gone and everything got brighter. And then I woke up.

      Since this dream I have been able to realize when I am dreaming sometimes and try to go with the flow knowing I am dreaming. I have had dreams of people dying and meeting poeple I have never met. I think dreams really are a way for our mind to sort things out and also communicate in a differant way. I will start posting my current dreams here in hopes of helping me to understand and be able to control them more.

    3. #3
      Member Kuma's Avatar
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      This morning I only was able to remember the last part of my dream.

      I was on a bank by a creek. It was very green everywhere. I do know I was somewhere very bad before I got to the creek. Then I noticed little macaroni guys running around. They kept coming up to me and looking at me like I did not belong there. I was so much bigger I just flicked them into the creek like little pebbles.

      Then my alarm went off and I had to get to work.

    4. #4
      Member Kuma's Avatar
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      This morning I wrote down on paper key notes that would help me remember my dreams. It helped and I was able to recall more information.

      The Dream

      I was in a park and was watering the dry grass. A friend I know named Pete was there also.
      Then I was in a office and my boss was there playing pool. Then we were watching a movie and a small TV there and I fell asleep. When I woke up my wifes Mom and Dad where outside with their new car and the oil was overfilled and was causing it to run bad. My best friend Mike was there also. (who I use to work with and soon will again) Their dipstick housing was pulled out of the engine and laying on the ground under the car.
      Then I was at the shop working on the Lotus we have there. I was repairing the broken T connector in the main section of the coolant hose. Then I heard my daughter waking up and woke up out of the dream myself.

    5. #5
      Member Kuma's Avatar
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      March, 15 2005

      I have found this site again. I still do not know if this place is for me. This last year has been very difficult. I have accepted my dream abilities and have discovered I have telepathy abilities also. My Mom confirmed my thoughts by letting me know it is something that has been in our family history. I am one of the first she says that is able to control it and be able to be around crowds. It is a burden that I have accepted and stopped fighting it. Fighting myself is the hardest part. Sometimes I do not know what I am thinking because the voices of others are so loud. I think that is why the internet is good for me to communicate while having a break.
      The lucid dreams I have are some of my wifes dreams. I am able to enter her dreams. In the dreams I have been able to view but not engage. There is a blackness that surounds me and blocks me from helping her. She has bad dreams and it is difficult see them and not being able to help.
      In between my last entry I have been able to communicate with animals. I have been able to fly once, and have been able to run. The first run I had was a wonderful feeling. I had the feeling of breaking loose from the weight and was able to move as fast as my mind would take me. I get too excited and am anxious to fly, and then wake up. I have been waking up very fast latley. I have awaken 4 times with a minute to spare before my alarm is scheduled to go off.
      Another thing I have noticed is my dreams have been good, and peaceful. I think this is from accepting who I am. I am not sure if I will continue this journal or not. I feel it is good to get rid of some thoughts in my head and be able to have a place where I can look back and see what I wrote here.

      Bye for now, and I know I will be back here soon.
      -wakes from the darkness and rubs the dust off-

    6. #6
      Member TygrHawk's Avatar
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      Hey Kuma! I just wanted to say that your abilites sound quite interesting, and I hope you stick around -- I think you would have much to contribute here.

      I'm very interested in dream sharing. Maybe your telepathy makes it easier for you, but I'm hoping to learn how to do it.


      Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...

    7. #7
      Member Kuma's Avatar
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      I just woke from a good dream. It started out as being downtown portland, Or. There was a lady in a office across the highway that was talking with a friend in a office on the other side. They would run out onto the highway and try to give stuff to each other. This was hard because the highway was at differant levels and they were trying to use a string with a bolt tied onto the end. The women on top of the bridge would throw it out and try to swing it down to the other. This was not working to good and cars where almost hitting them. I jumped down from where I was sitting in the sky and told the one below to run down the road to where the roads were level and run back up here. She did and when I saw here running the scene changed and now she was on a joggin run in high heels. there was more girls running after here on the side of the highway and all the cars had stopped. The ladys where asking if this was a new exercise the works the calves. The first women follwing her had on some big sole pink high heels. Then it changed again to where I saw her dissapper and I saw the crowd that was following her was the crowd that was following forest gump in the movie. I started running and they all followed saying thank you. I said I was only getting it going to turn it over to this guy that looked like forest gump in the crowd. He had a long beard and running shoes on.
      The next segment I am working on a BMW 325i, and am replacing the oil pan gasket on the car. I am in some garage down town. When I remove the pan a stripped bolt and a tool falls down out of the engine compartment. I examine them and see alot of rust on the (what looks like snap-ring pliers) toll and notice is worn out, and has some wear marks on it from the bolt. I then am trying to through down some oil cloths to catch the oil dripping from the pan being removed. I know I have been dreming this entire time and am bored with this dream. I am a mechanic in real life and work on BMWs and the last thing I want is to dream about them. So in the dream I close my eyes and think of the job being done and imagine the pan going back to gether and the car is now all done once I open my eyes. From here I am thinking what could be next this dream seems not to be ending anytime soon. It is saturday morning and I know there is no alarm that is going to go off to wake me up. (sure enough I slept two hours more than I usally wake up)
      The next part of my dream got rough. Before I tell what happened I remember having a feeling of the dream fighting me and trying to take over. I believe there is something about the dream world we do not understand. This is alot of time in our lives we spend dreaming/sleeping. For me dreaming is almost like another life. Alot of people I know while awake only show up once in awile in the dream. Well anyways here it goes as good as I can remember.
      I start walking down a alley and it is well into the night and the sky is black and grey in parts where the moons shines through. The moon is at full and the alley is casting shawdows from fire escapes. I look at myself and imagine being dressed in black armor leather. I see a big vampire/werewolf walking towards me. He has no shirt on and the muscles on him are huge. He hits me with great force and throws me back and out of my leather jacket. I feel like I am getting smaller as he comes towards me. He is yelling at me in a language I do not understand. I jump up onto the wall standing side ways as he runs past. I notice I have changed form to where I am exactly like him now. I notice someone running from a monster that is part human and part amphibion. The guy is change actually is part human and wolf, but is mostly wolf and then he collapses and turn shuman. The monster chasing him picks him up and carrys him away. Then I turn to the monster chasing me and am now fighting him up in the air. He dissappers and the city starts to turn into daytime.
      My sleep started becoming restless and I woke up right away from my dream. Looked at the clock and it said 7:58am. I now know something is up with this time. I have awaken at 5:58am, 6:58am and 9:58am before. This is not the actuall time because my clock is set ahead of normal time. I do not know exatly but around 30 minutes ahead of normal. I have no idea what these times mean. I will try to look for these in my dream next time. In my dreams I have been trying to get more done instead of just going with the flow and changing a few things here and there. I am really wanting to leave the city area where most of my dreams take place, but am waiting for my ability to fly while dreaming.

      Thanks for the post.
      I noticed something with my telepathy the other day that I would like to share. I noticed that I can tell my cell phone is gonna ring before it does. I also can tell if it is my wife or friends. I get a though interferance of the person that is calling me. I think this is from the frequencies of the digital communications of the cell phone. I my brain hears them and reconizes the signal to that of them calling and me answering. It is almost like a code scanner I guess, and it logs the codes when they happen enough. This is also how it seems to work with other people I think. I can hear peoples thoughts sometimes. I try not to since this is personal information but they just come to me. The people that know me think alot of the time if I am thinking about what they are thinking.
      It is a burden sometimes. When I was young I wanted to have supers powers like Superman or Incredible Hulk. I now take it back because I did not know what kind of responsibilities it would mean. I watched Spiderman 2 and could relate to Peter not accepting him as being spiderman and wanting to be normal. I fought my abilities and thought I was making things up, but after a wile you deep down really know what you have and then you just have to accept it or fight it and go crazy. MY mom claims the crazy part. She has has same thing, but says not like me. She says I can control it and use it to help me and others around me. I guess we will see. I cannot tell what the future holds.

      Another note for journal is I fell asleep around 10:18pm on couch and woke arouen 11:30pm. Played game on computer until 1:00am and fell asleep around 1:45pm. I now realize there was a monster on the game that was in my dream.
      -wakes from the darkness and rubs the dust off-

    8. #8
      Member Kuma's Avatar
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      This entry is late in day and is not as clear as it was this morning. Was at hotel in vegas. This crazy lady would not leave me alone. Only remember alot of lights. Had the deeling of being lost. Was very hard to find my way around and what I was doing.
      My sleep last night was very fast. It seemed as though it was only 5 minutes. Wish I could remember more. (Note to self place notepad next to bed)
      -wakes from the darkness and rubs the dust off-

    9. #9
      Member Kuma's Avatar
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      April,6 2005

      I have had what I call erasure dreams latley. When I wake up all I can remember is blackness, and then sometimes days later there will be a little glimmer of what happened. It seems the more I understand them and am able to control them the harder it has been to remember. I think being ready for them with note pad is blocking them so gonna not work on remembering them or controling them. Gonna go back to going with the flow and staying out of trouble. Maybe if I just stay in the background I will remember more. I will follow up on this in the next entries.
      -wakes from the darkness and rubs the dust off-


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