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    1. #1
      ZzzZZzzZZZZzzzzzZz Remoh's Avatar
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      Remoh's dream journal.

      Well now that I've started school again, I'm on a more steady sleep schedule so I'm going to attempt to get into lucid dreaming. I would say my recall is decent, I can remember usually at least 2 dreams a night. My dreams have been very vivid lately. I'll leave a little commentary at the end of my dream every time, leaving my feelings about it.

      I'll start posting my dreams here starting with the one I had last night.

      Night of October 21:

      I was in my brother's room down the hallway from mine, and I was either playing xbox or watching tv, I'm not sure which. I can always hear when someone is coming down the hallway towards the room, our hallway seems to be very loud when someone is walking on them. Anyway, I was feeling pretty weird and decided to lay down on the bed. A sudden feeling came over me and I knew I was being possessed by the devil (Don't ask me how I knew, i just did ). He didn't make me do anything very bad or scream or anything, I just got up and walked around the room. I did, however, try to scream out for help but I couldn't. I remember screaming as loud as I could but no sound would come out. I walked near the door, still possessed, and then I heard my moms footsteps coming down the hallway. My mom opened the door and I was free. I told her about what happened, but of course she didn't believe me. I just shook it off and went back to lying down. It happened again. I started to walk around like before. Still not being able to scream, I walked around the room pretty normally. Then, the footsteps came again. I started screaming at my mom telling her that it had happened again. She didn't believe me.

      This is really all I can remember about this dream. It was very vivid, especially me trying to scream out for help. It wasn't that scary when I was in the dream, but after I woke up in the middle of the night I was afraid to go back to bed because I didn't want to be possessed again. It's kinda funny now that I think about it.

      Second Dream from that night:

      I was at school. We have a circular stage in the middle of our rally court, and there were a bunch of kids circled around it. I went up in the middle of the group to see what the commotion was about, and they were all staring at a blank stage. I thought that it was kind of weird (I should have RC'd at that point, ugh!). I then saw them pulling in my dad in a wheelchair towards the rally court. They held a pitchfork up to his neck and began questioning him. My dad didn't want to answer any of them, so they rolled him onto the stage and everyone was watching him. I ran around the school really really fast, and collected people to come help me fight off these bad men. Once back at the rally court I ran around the circle in the middle and flew up into the air (I am kind of amazed that I was able to do this actually. I know I wasn't lucid, but I can remember making myself fly by just telling myself to do it). While in the air a little above the crowd of students, I made a speech about how treating this man this was was horrible, and that someone needed to do something about this. While doing this I felt really proud of myself. Almost as if I wanted people to praise me for doing this. People cheered for me, and I started to fly around some more. I can't remember what happened to my dad but I know he got away fine.

      This dream was also pretty weird...the whole flying part was pretty cool. I can remember the feeling of flying, and making myself fly very well. Hopefully this means when I do get a LD I will be able to fly pretty well. There is something about the dream that troubles me though. The part where I made my speech because I wanted people to cheer for me, and I expected them to cheer for me. I should have been doing it just because my dad was being treated badly. Well, this dream made me think a little bit.. that's it for my first dream journal entry!
      Last edited by Remoh; 10-23-2008 at 12:05 AM.

    2. #2
      ZzzZZzzZZZZzzzzzZz Remoh's Avatar
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      Southern California
      Night of October 22:

      I was going down to where I work to pick up my schedule for next week, which I had been meaning to do for a long time. I got there and everything was normal, except the counter setup in the front was kind of weird. It was shaped differently and there were different people behind it then usual. I went up and asked for a schedule and the man there told me there were none left. I could see that there were some right on top of the counter in the back, and told him that I could see them. He pushed me away and told me I couldn't have one. I went upstairs to the managers office and for some reason my mom was up there. I told her that I would be in the car in a second and that I just had to grab a schedule. I then remember walking out of the mall and seeing my mom drive away without me. The last thing I can remember is me walking down the street on my way home.

      I should have done an RC around the time I noticed the counter was weird, I guess I just have to get in the habit of doing them when I see something weird. I'm trying to do them as much as I can during the day when I see something weird. I guess it was a pretty boring dream

      Second Dream:

      I was at my high school and my mom was there (she seems to be in a lot of my dreams). We were outside of the field and she was explaining to me that I was pregnant. I was pretty shocked and didn't even realize in my dream state that it couldn't be possible, seeing as I am a guy. I just kept staring at my stomach trying to realize that there was a baby growing in there. I told my friends, and they were pretty amazed too. I didn't know who the other parent was and apparently no one really cared, because I never was asked about it. The next thing I remember is that me and 3 of my friends were at this fair right next to a beach. I had a bigger stomach and was still pregnant. We decided to ride on those swings that go around in a big circle. While on the swings, they seem to stretch REALLY far out. The chain seemed to grow as we swung, and soon I was going above the sand of the beach. The chain didn't look so sturdy, my friend and I started to notice this right before they broke off. We went flying and landed on the sandy beach. As we got up and brushed ourselves off we looked up and saw the fair barely still in sight. We started to walk back and almost instantly reappeared at the swings where we met our friends that were getting off the ride. No one seemed to care that we flew off, or that we basically teleported back. Then, I was back at my school again talking with my mom. I explained to her that I was a male and that I couldn't be pregnant. Just as I said that my stomach shrunk back down to normal size and I was no longer pregnant. This is about all I remember about it.

      So this was a very strange dream which I should have realized right from the beginning. The whole thing was very vivid, and it was one of those dreams where after I woke up I was relived to be awake. I woke up thinking, "thank god I'm not really pregnant". I don't really know what was up with that whole fair scene that I had, but I can remember the beach very well. I remember being really, really scared as I fell from the swing.


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