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      Used Dream Salesman Mortalis's Avatar
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      Mortalis' Dream Journal

      Hi everyone, here is my dream journal not that I'm back at DV. I'll start with last night's dream:

      <meta name="qrichtext" content="1"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style> <!--StartFragment-->Last night I had a dream where I was standing in a warehouse with a few people. One was another cop (I guess I was one), the other was a very short (3 feet tall) person ?thing? in a robe with a hood, he was facing away from me. Then, there was a tall man with a stainless steel opera mask on.

      The man with the opera mask on was apparently the head of a group of charities to give money to small villages in developing countries. However, he was instead using the money for a world domination scheme. He was monologing, talking about how he would exploit this or that culture.

      My partner (the other cop) shot him in the chest, but he seemed unphased by this. Then my partner disappeared. I started to pull the trigger on my gun, but, the gun trigger was very hard to pull (DS!!! Happens in a lot of my dreams) I eventually shot him in the face, but the bullet ricocheted off of his mask. Even though he wasn't injured, the tall man got really scared by being shot in the face and I was able to tackle him. The problem now was that I didnt have any handcuffs.

      For some reason not having the handcuffs was not really a problem because I jumped up off him and shot the hooded man in the back. This caused him to grow about 3 feet taller, and he turned around. This is when I woke up.

    2. #2
      Used Dream Salesman Mortalis's Avatar
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      Hey, I had a lucid dream last night, its great coming back to DVs because it got me thinking about LDs so much that I just had one..sorry if its a bit disjointed, but I wrote it right when I woke up, and didn't want to go through it again...here goes:

      Journal for 12/8/08
      2008-12-08 08:35

      Lucid dream. In this dream, I learned that one of my friends from high school was getting married. I met his fiance, who was actually an ex-girlfriend of his from freshman year. She showed me her ring, but for some reason had two on. The ring was enourmous and I said that it really looked beautiful. For some reason through she got a little upset at that and said "Well, yes its big, but its only a quartz ring" I turned back to my friend, who said, "Get your suit ready buddy, cause you are the best man" The dream then skipped ahead to the wedding. I was in a brown suit that actually was very tight fitting.

      The dream skipped again to me talking to another friend of mine. For some reason we got into a brutal fight. By brutal I mean like a giant chicken vs. peter griffin in family guy fight. The fight went from room to room and for a while I was winning. I think stepped into a room with a bunch of people and the door closed. He wasn't able to get into the door at this point so I laid down on some random person's lap to rest a bit. Somehow then he opened the door and we started fighting again. I then knocked him out, but he got up and went into the bathroom.

      At this point an announcer appeared, saying that we had to go into the wrestling ring in the next room to finish off the fight. At this point I started to feel pretty bad about beating the shit out of him, and decided to let him win, especially since he was already so beat up. However, he came out of the bathroom completely OK, with just a little cut on his face. We started fighting and somehow he knew I was letting him win and got really angry.

      The fight then turned into an obstacle course type competition. We ran through various obstacles, and finally arrived at a chemistry lab. We were supposed to make a concoction that turned blue, then brown and then back to blue again. Somehow I managed to do this by throwing two random amounts of chemical together. (This is where I first questioned my dream by thinking 'hey, it seemed to turn blue as I willed it to, and thats not possible') But then I fell back into the dream, and the announcer said I could move on to the next part of the race, which was a sprint to the finish.

      I started sprinting down a blue bike path, which strangely enough had bus markings on it, like a bus lane and a bike lane, even though it was only about 6 feet wide. I was trying to sprint but my legs were moving very slowly (***This is a dream sign of mine!!***) I said 'Hey! I'm dreaming arn't I?' and immediately looked at my hands. They were tiny and moving slightly. This really got me into it and I spun in a couple circles to stabilize. The bike path suddenly had one of those wooden structures over it that are wood woven together to make a sort of lattice so that vines can grow on them. After spinning I knew what I was going to do! Fly of course! I started flapping my arms and floated slightly off the ground but it was really hard to get further than a couple inches. I ran out onto this grassy area and imagined I was wearing a jet pack. Suddenly when I would hold down my thumbs as if I were pressing buttons on the jet pack I would shoot into the air.

      Once airborne, a strange thing happened, I got a call from my step dad. He was talking about my grandmother's failing memory and how my mom hated that we had a guest staying at our house for the past month ( This guest is some DC, my parents don't actually have a guest staying at their house ). I decided to do a flip in the air at this time, and it was amazing. I then landed, and decided for some reason that the best way to end this annoying call with my step dad would be to force myself to wake up...I'm not sure why I decided that, but I did. I shook myself really hard and yelled 'WAKE UP'. Now I was awake in my bed (except it was my bed from when I lived at home), and I was no longer lucid. Good ol' false awakening lasted about a minute before I actually woke up for real.

    3. #3
      Used Dream Salesman Mortalis's Avatar
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      <meta name="qrichtext" content="1"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style> Forgot to post yesterday, so here are the last two nights...nothing very interesting.

      Journal for 12/9/08
      2008-12-09 10:13

      I arrived at a yacht club where I used to sail and work. When I got there, there was a class going on. Most of the students were out sailing but one was sitting on the dock. There was an instructor and a boat, but the instructor refused to take the student out. I decided to do so and jumped into the boat. At first it was full of water so one person started to bail it out. However, at the same time a new person was pouring clean water back into the boat to "wash it". I told them to stop, and finished the bailing myself. We started sailing but soon realized that there was another boat in trouble.

      We went to them and picked some of them up with our boat. Suddenly our small 4 person boat turned into an enormous sail boat. Not only that, I was now with my family on the way to a cousin's wedding (I'm not sure here if this is actually a second dream, but they seem pretty connected in my memory so I'll leave it as one.) Since the boat was so huge, it was almost impossible to steer. We ended up grounding it on a beach, and had to push it back off to anchor it.

      (Again, this last part may have been a separate dream, because as I remember it, it skipped ahead a bit...however, it's still on the subject of my cousin's wedding so I'm not sure)
      We were now at the wedding and all of my relatives were there. We were all sitting at a table before the ceremony and so my aunt and I decided to grab a snack before the ceremony actually started. Even though I left the table with my aunt, by the time I got to the store, it was my cousin who was with me. She informed me that her fiance had fallen asleep at the table, but we needed to buy him a pack of cigarettes. This conversation led to one about on/off switches for smoke alarms. We eventually made our way back to the table, but when we tried to put the pack in my cousin's fiance's front coat pocket there were already two full packs there.

      <meta name="qrichtext" content="1"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wra</style>
      <!--StartFragment-->Journal for 12/10/08
      2008-12-10 10:22

      I didn't remember much tonight, just a snippet of my cat turning on the shower and giving herself a bath..


    4. #4
      Used Dream Salesman Mortalis's Avatar
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      I had a pretty intense dream last night, but when I woke up, I was unmotivated to write it all down...here is what I remember now:

      I was on a cricket field in India, and some major members of a group called the Royal Police Force were holding a few people captive. For some reason, I decided to hear out both sides of the story. The police accused the people of killing citizens, but the captives did indeed have a pretty good explanation about how they were being framed. At this point I decided to investigate. I started talking to people at bars in the area.....

      And thats it! Unfortunately I didn't write anything more down before passing out again...

    5. #5
      Used Dream Salesman Mortalis's Avatar
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      Last night I had two dreams that I remember, the first being rather short and weird and the second being very long and intense, here they are:

      Journal for 12/12/08
      2008-12-12 12:28

      Dream 1:
      I was at the car dealership waiting for my car to be serviced, and I was browsing the web. I sent out a picture on a web forum of a Reese's Take-5, apparently un-eaten. I'm not sure how the dead guy got involved, but the pictured seemed to be lively updating and there wasa suddenly a picture of a dead guy with the Reese's half eaten. The picture of the Reese's on the forums now had more people responding saying they wanted to find it and get the last piece, apparently unswayed by the corpse laying next to it.. At this point my car was ready and the servicewoman came out with my keys. For some reason I asked if she test-drove all the cars which were brought in to be serviced, and she asked me why I was hitting on her.

      Dream 2:

      This dream occured much later in the evening, the first one ended at about 2:30am, and this one occured between about 9:00am and 10:00am. I know that because my girlfriend got up at 9:00 and I woke again at about 10:05.
      We were sitting in a computer class, but it was being held in a big electronics store, like circuit city. We were trying to do a presentation, using a database program. I was a bit frustrated because I couldn't figure out a certain command. Because of this the student next to me was trying to explain that first I needed to input the picture of a horse, and then 5 l -e 5. (I was pretty amazed that my recall for this dream was so good that I actually remembered that command) However, I kept typing it in and the numbers kept coming up differently (Dream sign!)

      The teacher was very strict, and though he liked my progress to begin with, he quickly started pointing out flaws in everyone's presentation. At this point the student next to me turned off my computer, loosing all of my work. We started to yell at each other, which drew the teacher back. The teacher yelled at us and told us to get in two groups, those who were fighting and those who weren't. At first I stood with the group that hadn't, but the teacher informed us that he had a surveilance tape of the store, so myself and about 5 others went to the other group.

      The teacher turned to our group and said that he was going to throw a golfball into the store, and whoever grabbed it and brought it back would not be punished for fighting. However, he made it clear that we could fight with each other to get the golf ball. On my way towards it, I grabbed a golf club and swung it around in circles as I ran towards the ball. This effectively kept everyone away during my entire round trip. When I got back the teacher said that he didn't really care about people fighting in the first place but threw me a dollar for getting the ball first. However, another student grabbed the bill, and we started fighting again.

      At this point, the entire store turned into a big battlefield, and every one of the students had swords. It seemed like a medieval setting. I was fighting mostly against a guy who I knew from high school, but neither liked nor disliked. We fought for a while, and each of us seemed to always have two or three swords, no matter what, and we switched off between close combat and throwing the swords. At one point a group of about 5 of us were all throwing swords at each other. I saw the guy I had been fighting and threw my sword, making sure to lead him as he was running. Time seemed to slow down at this point, and I knew, watching the sword spin and him run, that they would meet. The sword hit him in the side. This did not do a whole lot to slow him down, and he came stomping over to me and knocked me down. With him towering over me and me laying on the ground, I grabbed the two nearest swords to me. He pulled the sword from his side and started to swing it down on me, but I was quicker and shoved the swords into his stomach.

      There was a gurgling noise as he dropped his weapon. He tried to weakly punch at me as he fell on top of me. At this point I was exhausted and began to fall asleep. At just the moment when I was almost asleep, I felt someone pulling me out from under his body. It was a little man about 2 feet tall, who seemed to resemble a reptile more than a human, but had features of both. I looked down at the kid from high school. He was bleeding severely but was still alive. I felt a massive wave of sadness at this point, even though I knew he would have killed me in the heat of our fight as well. He smiled at me as I picked up my sword and slit his throat to end his pain.

    6. #6
      Used Dream Salesman Mortalis's Avatar
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      A bit late on these but, last night I remembered three dreams, the third one being very interesting! However, here is mine from two nights ago first, because I didn't get to posting it yesterday.

      <meta name="qrichtext" content="1"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style> <!--StartFragment-->Journal for 12/13/08
      2008-12-13 13:36

      Last night I had what I would call a James Bond style dream. I was on a cruise ship which was doubling as a semester abroad school for college students. About 80% of the students were just normal students, but there were some that were being trained in a special facility on the ship as secret agents for an evil empire. (Bwahaha?) It was my job to infiltrate the ship and learn as much as I could about the training program. Anyways, after checking out the facility and seing a few students poisoned for learning too much, I realized that I was dreaming.

      Upon becoming lucid, I immediately began to fly, not sure of my destination, but elated to be lucid. I then remembered that I had a couple lucid tasks lined up. The first was seeing things in numbers. I landed in a room and began concentrating on a ceramic pot. At first, it only half worked, the pot now had a "coating" of numbers, but the pot underneath was still clearly visible. I started to concentrate again, and this time I was blown away as the whole room turned "Matrix style". Everything, the walls, the table the pot was sitting on, and the pot, all became green and black, with scrolling numbers making up everything. I then woke up.

    7. #7
      Used Dream Salesman Mortalis's Avatar
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      Here are the three from last night..if you don't want to read them all, at least check out the third one, I had a weird DEILD from a F/A which I then pulled a dream scene into another F/A....

      <meta name="qrichtext" content="1"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style> <!--StartFragment-->Journal for 12/14/08
      2008-12-14 13:41

      Last night, I remembered 3 dreams, and gained lucidity during brief periods of the last dream. Here we go..

      Dream 1

      I was in the hospital, and my girlfriend was there visiting me. Just as I was ready to check out and leave, I got a phone call from my father saying that I still needed to give my insurance info and pay. I went up to the desk and showed them my insurance card. However, the lady told me that in order to pay, I would have to sign up for a promotional hospital credit card. I signed up and they gave me a neoprene wallet with the card and some coupons. I looked through the coupons expecting to find nothing of worth, but the first two were $50 towards some relatively cheap item (I now forget what the item is, but I remember that $50 could probably buy about 5 of them). I kept looking through and the last coupon was a $50 gift certificate to the Ballet. I decided to save this one because my girlfriend likes the ballet so much.

      However, by the time she got to the desk, the ballet coupon was lost in all of the paperwork. I then noticed that one of the women (she actually seemed quite young, maybe 14 or 15) who worked at the desk was smoking a cigarette (In a hospital!). I pulled out a cigarette but turned away from the desk because my girldfriend hates it when I smoke. I then turned back to the desk, and she too was smoking! I started looking through the paperwork, and found the ballet coupon again. The weird thing was, now the coupon said that it was only good for $15 (dream sign!)

      On our way out we saw three of my old Italian professors, two from when I took my semester abroad in Parma, and one from my freshman year. One of the ones from parma whispered to me that the one from freshman year was still crazy as always, and I replied "at least she doesn't have that stupid little dog anymore" Just as I said this, we walked through the door and I saw two little dogs chained to a lamp post. One was her old dog and the other was a new one she had just bought.
      -I woke up-

      Dream 2

      My brother, my dad, his ex-wife, his current girlfriend, my two grandparents on his side (one of them is dead..should have picked up on this), and I were all driving 4 different cars down the highway to the beach We decided to stop in the middle of the highway to talk, which made our cars take up all the lanes. Eventually another car came and we got back into three of the cars (one was very old and breaking down, so we decided to leave it) and kept driving. Oddly my ex-stepmom and my dad's current girlfriend were getting along quite well, in fact they were kind of ganging up on him while he drove. We arrived at the beach and I walked out to the end of a pier. There were a bunch of empty glass bottles with names of different types of fish on them. They were all different sizes so apparently there was a fish in the water for each bottle. I got the rod that was leaning against the edge of the pier and started fishing.

      I caught a big yellow and blue fish, and put it in one of the bigger bottles. I then filled the bottle with water from a faucet there. On the faucet were two different options: water and Oxygen. I but a burst of Oxygen into the water to help the fish live a bit longer. We then went back to the cars and I saw that my cat was sitting there, stretched out on the back seat. I placed the fish's jar on the floor on the other side of the back seat, so that she wouldn't notice it. We started driving again and my ex-stepmom and the girlfriend started yelling at my dad again because he hadn't looked up some random fact on wikipedia about a certain African tribe.

      We luckily soon arrived at another beach and I went out onto a pier again. This beach seemed identical to the first. I wanted to swim, and while I was getting undressed I accidentally knocked the fish into the water. I jumped in and actually caught it with my hands. I filled its container again and drop it in the water AGAIN accidentally. At this point the cat was already swimming around in the water and I was worried the fish would get away so I jumped in again immediately. This time it was harder to catch, but weirdly enough the fish was following the cat as it swam. Eventually I grabbed the fish and put it back into the glass jar, only to realize that I had broken its tail while catching it. It seemed to be dying fast, so we decided then to just eat it. We took it to a chef at a nearby restaurant and he started taking requests on how we wanted our food cooked. I remember that my brother wanted thinly sliced fish which was lightly friend in a bucket of oil. (Dream sign!! The bucket had no bottom!! I didn't think about it though..ugh) I asked for mine breaded, and everyone else just wanted theirs plain and baked. As the chef cut the fish open, the flesh was the deepest red that I had ever seen on a fish..
      -I woke up-

      Dream 3

      I was at a bar, standing up at the bar itself. There was music playing and lots of people were dancing. The bar owners then decided that whoever wasn't dancing had to leave, so my friends and I left. We looked around, but were unable to find any other bar, so we decided to go back to the original one and just sit outside. I ordered my drink, and just as it was being brought to me, I saw my advisor from college. I went over to say hi to him and invite him over for a drink, but by the time I got back, my drink, and a can of gasoline that had apparently been at the outside table with us the whole time (???) was gone. I went inside to see what was up, and my friend who was at the table with me called me over to a different table they had found inside. Another buddy of mine who was a waiter there told me that they had poured out my drink and given away our table because I got up and left to say hi to my advisor.

      My other friend who was at the new table had already ordered another pitcher of beer, and poured me a pint. The problem was that I took one little sip and the pint was half empty. At this point I went back outside and saw my backpack and my jacket sitting on a picnic table

      ***This is where it gets complicated and also interesting***

      At this point I became semi-lucid, because I knew my dream was about to end, so I decided to do a DEILD. I had a false awakening into the back of my friend's car and tried to picture that picnic table exactly, closing my eyes and concentrating. I was able to do it, and had entered a DEILD (??Maybe??) from a false awakening. In my dream (in a dream) I was floating above a cow pasture, but among the cows were lots of zombies and body parts. *This may have happened because of a zombie reference made by Dwight in a recent episode of The Office that I watched last night*

      I then had another false awakening form the DEILD into the same car I had been in before. I didn't notice that the zombies were still there and told my friends about the dream with the cow pasture and zombies, and one of them turned to me and said "don't you still see the zombies?" It turned out that from my DEILD from a false awakening I had pulled a dream scene into another false awakening

      **Note: My concept of lucidity here isnt that good because I think I was lucid for many moments throughout but never for long**


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