Monday the 16th of December, 2008

Well, tonight my adventures into the world of lucid dreaming begin again. After six months of not bothering to remember to do reality checks or anything, I am suddenly hurled back into lucid dreaming when I accidentally began to WILD.

I was lying on my bed at about three in the afternoon, my mind was completely and blissfully empty and I was relaxed to the point that I began to enter the first stages of WILD without meaning to. Everything below my neck began to feel heavy and numb and then I lost feeling entirely. I'm not quite sure what happened then, but I could see an LCD with what looked like Powerpoint open on it hovering in front of my face. At this point I realized what was going on which, of course, completely broke any chance of continuing the WILD as I got excited and subsequently the hallucination disappeared to my dismay.
(however, reading some of the WILD articles now, I suppose it's possible that this was a false awakening but I didn't think to check at the time)

On the upside, I am now feeling very committed to learning to WILD intentionally as I've only experienced DILDs before and I'm very lucky if I get one in three months.
Wish me luck!