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    Thread: Doctor's Dreams

    1. #51
      Mr. Glass doctor's Avatar
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      Spring 2009

      ***Actual Event***

      april 26

      Zombie Tag?

      So theres this tube contruction thing that is sorta like a micdonalds play place setup but more compact and made out of rusty dingy metal. In total, this thing looked like a rusted cube from far away with walls that looked like metal brainmatter. So I'm running away from these zombies and I run into the giant cube. As I lunge in I can here the zombies hot on my trail. After several minutes of frantic shuffling among the pipes I finally make it out of a strange hole in a different side of the cube. I fall immediately to the ground from exhaustion and when I look up, I see 2 ragged bodies of zombies. The look at me and then they start talking in amazingly perfect english. One of them start telling me a story of when he had a friend. A quite tragic story actually, he accidentally ate him...he leans to me smiling-

      All of a sudden, Blam!!! He head flies clear off of his shoulders. The other one runs in fear and I look back to see my savior and its my friend (hagar) and her brother that i've made up. He's holding a smoking shotgun and i'm relieved that help has come. I walk over to them and thank them. After some talking my friend asks me if i want a desky, which in this land is the slang term for desktop. He says i'm not supposed to know that they have em cuz they were gained by illegal means but then he says its alright and starts naming of tons of other things I could have including some high end cars.

      Women's Rights

      I'm at this nature camp type thing sitting in wooden stands and it's me and a bunch of other guys watching these 2 women explain some rituals of a woman only native people, not the amazonian. They start explaining a ritual in which they tap there feet together several times while saying some sort of phrase that went something like "I touch my foot to yours symbolysing that like trees women are strong." They do a hand thing, pound fists, and I joke around silently with my friend (piani man) and we crack up laughing at this spectacle. The demonstration stops to look at me and friend but soon everyone returns to the ritual. Friend has to moe who ends up sitting next to my band director who also starts cracing up. we are disrespectful men.
      Last edited by doctor; 09-24-2009 at 08:06 PM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    2. #52
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      april 30

      School Extermination (FRAG)

      I had a dream that I was a cop that patrolled my school. My partner was one of my friens (orduna). One of my many orders was to legalize the extermination of the chinese in my school. No, I'm not a racist, I have plenty of chinese friends. Kneeling down to be killed were about 10 people with white paper plate masks on with a frowny face drawn on each of them. One of my chinese friends (jlo) pulled his mask off and started to pull off theirs "What is this? These aren't chinese people, these are just light skinned people with their hair crappily died black". This was true. He started cracking up and I laughed hard with him.
      Last edited by doctor; 06-21-2009 at 12:21 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    3. #53
      Mr. Glass doctor's Avatar
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      Failed Flight

      LUCID TIME. I forgot how I became lucid but I think there were cows flying in the sky or something and I noticed that. At the very least there were strange creatures in the clouds that definately were not supposed to be there. So I'm standing in giant field of rolling hills. The grass on the hills was a vibrant color of green and the sky was the dreamiest blue in existance. The only thing in the skies were the flying beasts and paper white nimbus clouds (my favorite).

      I'm standing alone in this place and I look around and I am lucid. Usually in my lucids I don't collect my bearings enough to know what to do, instead I'm just so excited that I do nothing cool at all. This time I thought to try to fly because, what the hay, everyone else has been doin it. I run and dive as high as I can hands straight in front of me but I find myself starting to fall head first and I land and roll(yay free running training). I could feel the dream start to dissapear and visually the whole land started to shake and I remembered about stabilizing dreams so as I was on the ground I put both of my hands on the floor closed my eyes and, as the farthest parts of the land turned to smoke and started to wisp away, I concentrated hard on making the land real again.

      When I openned my eyes everything was the same except this time I don't think that the flying beast were there but instead birds. I didn't notice that change at the time. So then I continue to attempt the dangerous acts of flying and the image I created while reading one of ROBOTBUTLER's lucid dreams comes to mind when he just lifts off with ease into the clouds. I try tons of times at some point making a remark that this dream is longer than usuall because I am concious but no good. I become depressed, but there is still progress!

      Cartoon Schools are Broke (Frag)

      I was transferred to a new school that was manned by cartoon teachers with humpbacks. They explained to us that they had to make cut backs and we went into the rooms and they were only big enough to fit in a bed (where they slept) and 2 desks. This was sad.

      "Doctor is Prophet"

      I staying at a hotel with my school or some kind of program and it was the morning. Earlier that week I had had a dream about a horse and had put that in my facebook status. It was the morning and it was one of those days that everyone had to pack up and bring everything to the busses out front. I brought my bag to the elevator and there was another guy there from the program and he had on all black clothes and baggy pants. He was blonde with very pale skin. We both got into the elevator when it openned but he said that he had forgotten something in his room so before the door shut he ran out of the elevator leaving all of his things there. When the elevator got to the ground I took all of his stuff except for his shoes because I didnt know if he wanted me to take anything in the first place. So I brought all my stuff to the pile of everyone elses stuff. Finally I see him and he asks where his shoes were. I told him. Then went to get em.

      I went back to get his shoes with 2 of my friends (mar, eco chick, and poetry girl) and when we get there, next to the elevator is a small pit like thing where four preppy girls are sitting and chatting. Me being my weird self is walking on all fours by time I get there and they start making fun of me and ask my friends if I'm always this weird. Then they call me weird and I respond with: "Atleast I'm not joker over there..." and point to one of their friends who is wearing one of those spa cucumber masks. She starts crying.

      As were walking away I realise that I had had this dream last night (in the dream world). I am amazed at my prophetic powers and I tell the others enthusiastically. I then remark that my facebook status would now be changed to "Doctor is prophet".
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    4. #54
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      may 2

      Zombie Mustang! (FRAG)

      In this dream me and my friends (nate, zombee) were being chased by zombies. It started in the house and the zombies had us cornered and surrounded. When they started buting through the windows we ran to the car, a bright yellow mustang, and I drove madly, plowing through the field of zombies.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    5. #55
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      Dirty Contacts

      So the dream starts with me on a sort of boardwalk thing and and I'm walking up to my friend (Piani man) and he yells to me that I he had found my contacts. I dont wear contacts but ok, its acceptable. He says that he cleaned them for me but its important not to wear them within 24 hours of being cleaned or the solution could damage your eyes. Ok, also acceptable tho noticably not true. He hands them to me and they're still very dirty. Inf act I can still see a smudge and some dog hair on one of them. Because of this I add some more of the cleaning solution.

      Another friend who is there (shoe) asks the first friend what his favorite girl song is as she hums some techno song. He says he doesn't kno and she asks me the same thing. I answer with everytime we touch but personally i dont like the song very much anyways. Everyone leaves and there's an asian chick around and we start doing "stuff" on the docks and time flies quick because before I know it the night sky is up and I look at the clock and its been seven hours since I last checked. I hear a knocking and suddenly i realise the layout of where I'm at. I'm in a sort of room on the docks. so its four walls no roof on the docks over the water. Pretty cool. So I hear the knocking on the door and I know its my mom. She just got back from doing something with a friend of hers so hurriedly I get dressed and get the girl to dress. When I get up off the floor I accidentally drop my contacts which almost drop through a crack in the floor.

      The asian chick is gone and I open the door and there's my mom with the other woman and she's really annoying the other woman by bragging about me and apparently the webite I have. As soon as the other woman decides its cool to leave I go back to the wooden slat floor and pick up the contact lenses again. I get a message on my phone and its one of my friends (flame toupee) sitting on a chair with her top peeled down like a banana.
      Last edited by doctor; 06-21-2009 at 12:23 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    6. #56
      Mr. Glass doctor's Avatar
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      May 5

      Lesbian Drag Race (Frag)

      I was street racing with 2 other cars, one full of lesbians, dunno how I knew but thats dreams, and another with my friend (goth asian chick) in it. During the race I smash into the lesbian car on accident once and at another point I flew past my friend.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    7. #57
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      may 6

      Million Man Race (FRAG)

      This time its another race, except this time its a race between a million people. Race cars and everything. The race course is this giant city. One of the rules is that we're able to use force and that takes out a couple people from the get go.

      Talkin to Shift

      I had a dream that I was talking to shift about applying for adoption. She said something along the lines of do you feel comfortable around me and I said yes. Apparently that was enough to seal the deal which I know in real life it won't be that easy. Then we talked about an actual event that happened to me. The event: I really am trying to get adopted and last night I was on DV chat and sorta kinda talked to folks there. In the dream: She got into some psycology stuff about what I said and how that reflected about me as a person and I was pretty weirded out.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    8. #58
      Mr. Glass doctor's Avatar
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      may 7

      Faster than the Speed of Sound

      I'm at a band gig at some college setting up in the basement. The basement was this brick room with all of this dark red lockers around. I was climbing and jumping around on the lockers making tons of noise. One of the guys pulls out a giant speaker that he was going to plug in and says that this speaker was so good because the sound in the speaker travelled faster than the speed of sound. I argue this pointsaying that its impossible for sound to actually go faster than itself. We talk about this for a while. They want to test it but I have to stop jumping around on the lockers and be quiet. reluctantly I stop. While they're testing the speaker with a guitar, not even putting it up to a horrible volume I point at another guy and a chick and motion to a hgih up window. The window was a horizontal window, the kind that you find at the base of a building leading to the basement. Quietly I run and jump and hang on the window, push it open and slide through and the others follow. Once on the other side there are these stone fixtures in the ground. It could have been art but at that point I didn't care. I jumped around on each of them.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    9. #59
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      may 8

      Obama Show!

      I'm in a group of people and they start talking about how Obama has taken on too much of a pop star icon. In fact he has so much so that he is starting to take on the personality of a college age reality show male, or a crazier britney spears. One person starts talking about this one time when he was on some reality show getting a makeover from some girl and in the end he is seen dancing wildly in big baggy jeans and a lime green striped with white polo shirt. Another person starts talking about the most detrimental of all the shows he's been on. His own. It's kind of like a talk show but more like the late night shows like j leno or something. Obama sits at a desk and has different celebrities come on. This time he had an action movie star come on and he asked to fight him. It turned out that Obama was seriously proficient in some sort of kung fu because the fight got really intense but to turn it into a joke Obama was fighting in a bathrobe with obviously nothing else underit and at one point he falls to the ground spinning around like a rock star during a guitar solo and his balls are easy to see being squeezed by his thighs. That hit news stands like a rock through a window...

      When conversation stops its because the charter bus is here and we have to go somewhere. I bring my gf by the hand into the building that the bus is leaving from and everyone else is already there and getting on. It's a bunch of messed up old folks that I'm supposed to let on first but I'm trying to nudge my way on anyway. The gf points out that I'm not supposed to be having any food or drink and points to the apple in my hand. I continue to eat.

      A Returned Classmate (FRAG)

      One of my classmates (poetry girl) who hasn't been to school in a long time comes back and we all sit in a giant round table. Eeryone's talking to her and then all of a sudden on says "fuck" (it was in a sentence and it made sense in context) and then we all look at her because apparently she is really sensitive to cuss words. She says she's alright and really that this wasn't neccessary. We all apologize anyway.
      Last edited by doctor; 05-10-2009 at 04:09 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    10. #60
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      Sex and Drugs

      So this whole thing starts and I'm at this drug superstore like place that sort of looks like a cleared out target with tons of couches intead of shelves. The walls are are dingy shade of white. Not grey just dirty white. And there were flat screen tvs on the ceilings and the top half of the walls. This is supposed to be some sort of drug super store and everyone in here is high as all get out. I think there was some legal reason that the cops couldn't do anything about it but obviously it was something my mind made up. So everyone but me is high and I'm walking around looking for one of my friends (doctor knows who) and when I actually find her I can tell that she is also high. I give up on trying to stop her from doing anymore drugs and I walk around until I run into more of my friends (afro, rodriguez). They are also high which was seriously unexpected cuz they wouldn't touch anything in real life. I just blame it on rodriguez cuz I haven't seen him in a long time. I talk to them for a smidge and both of them are just giggling the whole time. I look around and I see another friend (shoe) with only pink lace underwear and a black bra on. As you can see, she turns up as a sex symbol in many of my dreams, dunno what thats all about. Any way shes on one of the couches with all of her friends and I join her and instead of being a good type gentleman like real life, I take advantage of the stiuation and things get rather actiony (69).

      After thats all done I go and find the main drug dealer of the place and tell him to stop giving drugs to the first friend cuz its ruining her life. Soon this confrontation escalates to a bout of fisticuffs and we fight. I stick to mainly jabs to the face and he keeps missing me with every punch he throws. Soon it gets to the point where I hit him and he colapses onto the floor but hes not done yet. He gets up and starts chasing me and I run out of the drug megamart and run into the parking lot. I hide behind a car where this old couple is getting out from and the old lady gives out a little squeek of fear. As the dealer guy runs out I watch him pass me by.

      The next day I see my male friends from the night before (afro, rodriguez) and ask them if they remember be from the night before. They say no and I see the girl from the night (shoe) and ask her if she remembers and she says no. I am happy
      Last edited by doctor; 06-21-2009 at 12:25 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    11. #61
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      TV Dinner (FRAG)

      It was flooding outside and I was watching tv. The colbert report was on and he made a joke about his trip to somewhere in the middle east. I changed the channel and it was a news report about how a girl died in the flood.

      The house I was in was reminicent of a midwestern cabin with some native american tokens in it.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    12. #62
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      Superman is Gay?(FRAG)

      I get my gf jealous by another girl hugging me for a time a little too long even though it is obvious that I am trying to pull away from her. And this is while we are walking away from the gf into project groups. The project is to do some speech on history. We we all converge back into the main groups we all do this chant to the rhythm of a nursery rhyme that I don't remember the name of claiming that one of the writers of superman made him seem extremely gay with some guy that we made up named the silver-delivery. Gay as in there were some feelings shared and some awkward man hugs and parents of the readers of Superman were outraged.
      Last edited by doctor; 06-05-2009 at 01:01 PM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    13. #63
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      recall is shot
      the couple days i've been attempting VILDs and I never had recall on these days
      I'm going back to good ole DILD
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    14. #64
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      Recall is coming back but it still has some work to go...I think this has to do with me attempting to VILD. The night i did, i had no recall plus i tried the night after, being the night i said recall was shot. The night that I don't try it recall drips back. Connection??

      Conclusion: I will only try VILDs periodically if I see these trends to continue.

      That Type of Behavior (FRAG)

      I was supervising something like a camp or a class and my english teacher made a remark about how the kids, my friends, were acting all crazy. But he said it in a way that was a joke and chuckled afterwards. I get the feeling that we were in one of those multi-floor parking garages.
      Last edited by doctor; 05-15-2009 at 12:12 PM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    15. #65
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      more suckage ensues: extremely little dream recall. I will now start recording how i sleep until recall returns.

      Sleep: on back, tv off

      both of these contradict what i usually do when i had dreams but the tv thing i'm sure wasn't neccessary. I'm going to sleep on my back for another night then move to the side for 2 nights, see what happens. Otherwise, the dream I had last night was not long enough for me to feel like writing it. I only have 2 mental pictures from it and some ok vibes. Not enough
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    16. #66
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      I took a nap

      School Cheating

      I drove to school and my gf and and two of my friends (afro, DUKE) were there. We were sitting in this deluxe rv like thing. Something like that you would see famous people drive in. After talking for a while, my alarm on my phone goes off and tells me that its time to go to english class. I leave afro and its just my gf and duke walkng along and soon my gf is ahead of me and duke. When she goes around a corner duke sweeps in front of me and our lips touch and glide across each other. I kiss her quickly, we both laugh and continue on. I look around and I can see that this bus driver in a school bus saw us. He laughs and then for some reason, drives the bus into another bus. The second bus just rolls onto a sidewalk a ways away from me and i disregard the whole thing.

      I leave both girls and walk into the building for my class. It turns out that I had walked into the fine arts building instead of the building that I needed to go into and then I start running because I don't want to be late to class.
      Last edited by doctor; 06-21-2009 at 12:26 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
      Doctor's Dreams Goals: Wolverine Claws [] Flight [] Creating a throne for the World [] Grow wings
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    17. #67
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      Because I'm Getting Imptient

      The dream starts out that I'm running away from home in the middle of the night with 2 friends (asher and lesc) and some other long haired blonde dude that I've never seen before. Apparently one of their friends. The conflict comes up on whether or not I'd do drugs on the trip, I come to the conclusion that if its presented to me I wouldn't stop it. We drive off and for 3 days, all of which are a blur to me, run away from the cops. The final day on the road we go to a basement house/club that is lit up all by black lights. The girl that lives there had long brown hair and wore a sleeveless black shirt. I don't remember the pants. At one point I was showing her jumpstyle music but it was to a different style of music in the background. She comments on how cool the dance is so I asked if she's ever listened to actual hardcore jumpstyle music. She says no, so I take out my ipod, give her the ear buds and start playing "LIfe Beyond Earth" by Project One. I can hear the music too even though she has the earbuds on. When the voice starts it says, "Life beyond earth, sarah" (I'm using sarah as her name cuz i don't remember the real one). She throws off the earbuds and starts freaking out. Apparently as I learn later, this sort of stuff had been happening to her a lot in recent times. Right after this we hit the road immediately.

      It is still night and we come to this shopping center place. From the street that we entered this place on, I can see this: The street continues forward then turns slightly left then continues forward into oblivion. On the left is a huge ornate building, very modern, made from brick. This is a giant strip mall that has a chinese casino and someother small shops around it. The casino has a red dragon on top made out of lights. On the right side of the street, where all the action happens, is a small blocky building with no windows made out of grey textured blocks. On the side of the building pointing towards where we came from is an awning where the gray blocky columns hold. Next to this building are 2 giant statues that are very much chinese influenced. They sort of look like 2 standing buddhas except they're not that fat. They are connected by holding a red upward curving log on their shoulders. There are tons of chinese red lanterns around. You see the theme.

      I get out of the car and start walking on the left side of the street and then somehow I realize that this is a dream. Even though I notice this, its not a lucid dream yet because I don't take control of my actions but a few seconds later I say, "wait a minute this could be a lucid dream". LUCID!!!! This time I look all around me and wonder my possiblities. First thing I do is climb one of the statues, but this is not some power, I just felt like doing it. While I was up there I decided not to try to fly because I didnt want to fail and accidentally wake myself up or waste my precious time like the last lucid dream "Failed Flight" (further up the page, may 1st) the next thing I think of to do is to have sex. Hurriedly I jump off the statue and run around to try to find someone. I look around through the crowd and see my gf. I grab her hand quick and then think, "Hold on, this is a lucid dream, I can do better than just one". So I continue to look through the crowd and see my friend (xmas). I grab both of they're hands and run to the grey building which happens to be a bathroom. I run into the girls bathroom and there is another guy in there tryin to do the same thing (lol) but i ignore him and he fades into nonexistance. They're were 2 stalls even though this was supposed to be a single person bathroom. I know this because I was able to lock the door to the room. Both the stalls had no doors so even though no one else would be walkin in, i get nervous that I would get caught for some reason. I turn around to the other wall and the wall doesn't go all the way to the floor. I look under the wall and I can see all of these feet and say it out loud. This is a guys bathroom! One of the pairs of feet scrunch a little and tell me that actually this is actually both of the gender's bathrooms conjoined. This is weird so i run out of the bathroom, leaving the 2 girls in there.

      When I get outside I try to think more of what I can do. I'm stuck on the sex thing so I think to try to summon a hot chick. The first way I try to get her is to get a bright lime green racing car to come around the corner and drop her off. A couple crappy green cars came around, one carrying a badly balding white guy but none stopped and none had my dream girl in it. So I try to concentrate even harder to get it done. I close my eyes and imagine a hot asian woman and I imagine my hand going over her curves. Then I wave my hands in some sort of a magician like gesture then open my eyes. When I look around, there are no more men and everyone has the girls fae and an awesome body. Body height still varies depending on what the people had before and all of the skin color stays the same. The people who were dark before now look like thai or malaysian women with the girls face on it. I look up at the statues and they came alive. They are both giant, dark skinned women with the girls face.

      I look around and grab one of the girls hurriedly and run towards the gray building, this time using another door. This leads to what I figured was a water purifying plant for a giant pool. It looked like this except ea. plot of land was a small one person pool and it was inside and dark and dank. I drag the girl around to try to find a place with no people and when we travel farther in it gets dirtier and grimier but less people. We get to the back, which has the worst muck and she suggest here and starts playing with the pipes. I say that we should move back to the regular places. When we get back theres a little more people but in total its only about 6 folks widely spread out. We take one pool and we start. When I pull out my penis its all raw and when I saw raw I mean no skin and all just some slightly see through material but that doesn't stop me. After about 2 minutes of the good ole in and out. An old guy in a nearby pool tells me that the dream is over and that I would no longer feel anything. I ignore him and keep trying. after another minute he tells me and again. At this point I say screw it and get up and walk away naked. Her body lays there motionless.

      I have a false awakening and log the dream. Then I wake up for real.
      Last edited by doctor; 06-26-2009 at 05:03 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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      [Edit] 100th Post!!!

      even though I had that lucid, my recall is still shakey.

      Concert Block (FRAG)

      Me and my gf went to a concert that was outside on a city block. I never actually saw who was performing but the block was made up of a small park. I did see that there was a drumline there though.
      Last edited by doctor; 05-20-2009 at 02:59 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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    19. #69
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      I think I found out whats been disrupting my dream recall. Just like last time its the speed at which I wake up. When I rush to turn off my alarm there is nothing. I need to take my time in doing so so I can soak it all in.
      Also: Tonight I figure I'll try VILDing again.

      Also going back to nametags

      Hawaiian Senator

      So I'm sitting outside with one of my mexican friends (jaguar paw) and this hawaiian guy I made up, and we're all on lawn chairs. We're all in bathing suits and shirtless, the hawaiian guy and jaguar wearing sandals, me barefoot. The lawn chairs are all on cement and near us is this awning thing with a door to a building. This looks extremely close to my aunt's backyard. The hawaiian guy starts talking about how the nice weather has made hawaii such a successful tourist spot. Me and jaguar agree and then all of a sudden it starts thundering. I look around and behind me I can see a wall of rain coming towards me with no gradient. I immediately get up and start running away from the wall to the awning but the other 2 just sit there telling me that a real man wouldn't run from rain. I say forget it and go inside as they are drench. From their expressions, clearly they are enjoying it. I come to the realization that my dog is outside still so I complain outloud that I need to go and get him. From no where this guy in a suit comes out and says that he would get my dog for me. I know that he is a senator running for reelection and that this was his campeign. He grabs the leash out of my hand and rushes out into the storm.

      Before he comes back, the next thing I know is that I'm in class with a friend (rodriguez) who now goes to another school. I ask him why he's here and he just says that he's visiting. The teacher is in the middle of passing back papers and I get mine and get a 100. In this case it was a 5/5. Others got things like 3/6 and other fractions that had nothing to do with 5s. The main point is I got 100 on a history grade which never happens.

      Another all of a sudden I'm in cross country and another one of my friends is there that is not usually there and she comments on how hard it is.
      It's still raining from before.

      Jazz Combo (FRAG)

      I'm playing piano in my jazz group (i play trumpet not piano) and I make a cool riff.
      Last edited by doctor; 06-14-2009 at 05:36 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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    20. #70
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      No success on the VILD I think in most part because I can't stay set on what the place looks like. Last night I was trying to imagine the a place at my school and I couldn't stay set on the location of a far away swingset.

      Any Ideas?
      I will try again tonight.

      [EDIT] Just read the tutorial on VILD and its different from the other tutorial i've tried so instead of all the details i'm going to try just concepts and let the dream fill in the details. It seems like how I did it before I knew what it was

      The Meeting (FRAG)

      I'm in tis small room in a meeting of people. The room is a square and the people's seats are in a square. There is no table and the lights are off in the room. The door is closed and the only light coming in is from the cracks in the blinds to my right. The blinds cover the whole wall meaning the window was from top to bottom. I'm supposed to be leading the meeting but everything is pretty silent and awkward. Finally I look down toward my watch and see that its time to go. I nervously get up and everyone starts mumbling and sighing in relief.
      The tension is broken.

      One of my friends (Sir Everett) is asking what I'm doing and I tell him that I"m just getting up. An old man next to the window bends the blinds to see through and points at an old broken down barbershop saying, "A famous man went to that barbershop". Everyone talks i low voices about how its a shame that the building is going this way.
      Last edited by doctor; 06-21-2009 at 12:29 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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      Just as I thought, my recall is back to crap so next time I will have stronger recall before atempting that again.

      God and Satan (FRAG)

      Someone said something about god not being able to help but the devil will.

      Ugh, no recall sucks
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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      Lego my Thrusters!

      So I'm piloting this small space craft but the only weird thing is that it looks like it was built out of legos. Also I'm not in the craft but I see it just as if it were a videogame without HUD. The point of whatever game it is, which in this case happened to be real and more like controlling a robot craft from the safety of your own home, was to get away from the cops that followed you. I was a space pirate. Below my ship was an Earth covered in a thick mist and in some parts o the mist I could look down and see water. I'm switchin off tries with my friend (zombee's friend). The first coupe of times that we r it out it is uneventful and our attempts are fruitless. The last time that I tried it is when I thought of a new maneuver which was to boost and spin which got me pretty far until I ran out of boost. Then I dove into the mist. They followed me so I dove into the water. I was able to wait in the water until they left. I won

      Check out My Hair (FRAG)

      I was in some sort of mall thing and a girl came up to me and asked me how I got my dreds. There were some guys with her and they were trying to intimidate me by saying things like "What are you looking at" and so on. I calmly responded "you".
      Last edited by doctor; 06-21-2009 at 12:29 AM.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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      just got done with a 24 hour video race so I've had little sleep for the past couple of days.

      Darth Vader and the Hubble

      So its in the news that some sort of virus has taken hold of the largest telescope man has ever created: The Hubble Space Telescope. So either I've been hired to get this virus or something but that doesn't matter cuz I'm on the case! So the whole thing about defeating the virus is weird because its in the form of a fighting videogame (weird not only because thats not how viruses work but also I haven't played tekken in years). The virus' character is Darth Vader and you can see everyone else that is trying to distroy the virus in the other characters, not all pertaining to star wars. the main player on the good side was the Flash. I wasn't controlling him but it was still pretty sweet. What he would do is he would run to the back side of Darth and jump up while doing many somersaults. When he did the flips it looked like he was a tire. Out of his tire like shape would launch several missles. Rinse and repeat. The process contines with all of us fighting him until the virus was finished off.
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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    24. #74
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      Attempted another VILD last night. Lying on back, arms crossed over chest, hands overlapping at the top, right over left. Legs were slightly bent and to the right due to a build up of blankets at the foot of my bed. I was able to feel an intense falling feeling followed by a feeling of disorientation when I lost general feeling of my body. This feeling feels like your self is no longer contained to your body but more so floating around your body. Note: Not SP because if I focused hard enough then I could move. I only had to do that because at one point I could feel my self falling asleep without being lucid. Or more acurately, my attempts at becoming lucid were flinging me in and out of sleep and when I was asleep it wasn't the lucid kind so when I woke back up I could tell I was losing conciousness. When I openned my eyes, only my head got back feeling, the rest of my limbs were still floaty. I tried again and went to sleep after about 5 minutes. Recall once again was trashed.

      Something Jewish

      I was at a bar mitzvah or something jewish...
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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      Maybe Lucid? (FRAG)

      This one was a mixed up dream: I was sitting in the back of this meeting thing and I was real chummy with everyone around, I go even further back and start making out with my friend (yblehs) and I remember me saying something about being lucid which really sucks cuz I would have liked to add another lucid to the journal.

      may 28

      Cars? (FRAG)

      I was a car salesman or something...

      REcall is still trashed, will start sleeping without tv and extra checks to pee before bed
      "It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind."-Mr. Glass
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