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    1. #1
      Reservoir dog Massacre's Avatar
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      Massacres Freak Show

      Haha, come one come all and see the freakish dreams that my imagination produces. The most surreal shows ever staged. And guess what, admission is free. Here I present to you, for your approval the unbelieveable productions of my imagination. Of course I don't have time to post every single day so I'll probably just put the ones I find particularly interesting here. And my lucids.
      non lucids=red
      lucid =blue


      Ball Pit Battle

      This was certainly a strange one. I was in one of those ball pits that little kids play in sometimes. I was holding a large rifle.
      I knew that me and some of my friends were having a war in here. We had to kill each other using these guns. Suddenly I saw one of my friends popup out of what I think was supposed to be a guard tower above me. He was holding a small sniper rifle and he shot right at me. He missed and I fired at him, got him in the arm and he went down. Suddenly another one of my friends shouted ''Invasion!!!!'' and I knew what was coming. The little kids wanted to play in the pit. Hundreds of kids around the age of six came rushing at us, their faces morphing into something Demonic. The rest of my friends and I locked ourselves into a room above the ball pit. Suddenly the demon kids began banging on the door, demanding to be let in. We knew that if they got in they would try to eat us alive. But me, in an effort to look badass, aimed my gun at the door and shouted at my friend to open it. As soon as it was opened the demonic children flowed in like water. I let open a huge burst of fire and in the midst of this chaos I woke up

      seriously I have no idea what could have brought this on. I guess my brother was playing Call of Duty last night and that might have caused the gun thing but seriously, Demonic Six year olds.
      Last edited by Massacre; 04-09-2009 at 12:50 PM.

    2. #2
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      I used to love those ball pits. I remember when Discovery Zone opened near my house, I was just barely too old. The only time I was allowed to play in there was when my younger brother had his birthday party.

      I remember hating that feeling of being too old for something. When you would see a toy commercial on TV, and know you were too old for it. You wouldn't even put it on your christmas list, because you knew it was "uncool". I guess that's one benefit of being an adult, now. I can buy all the goofy toys I want, without ever worrying about being uncool.

    3. #3
      Reservoir dog Massacre's Avatar
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      Okay as of the 1st of september {tommorow} Im starting this journal up again

    4. #4
      Reservoir dog Massacre's Avatar
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      Urggh, everytime I say to myself, all right it's time to start remembering my dreams again, I am immeadiately unable to remeber them

      Well, I do remember one small fragment

      I am at my grandmothers house, having a party of some sort. Suddenly two men in Balaclavas pull up in a silver car. They emerge from the car carrying guns and begin to fire. The last thing I remember is running around the corner of the house to get away

    5. #5
      Reservoir dog Massacre's Avatar
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      All I can remember of this one is hearing a diesmbodied voice say ''Is this the land of Tha'' and seeing a land adorned with various strange looking people

    6. #6
      Reservoir dog Massacre's Avatar
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      4/5 of September-Martial arts and snow cones

      A tale of Martial Arts and snowcones

      I walk slowly into a place that looks like a large shopping mall. i walk over to a stall where a guy I know is selling snow cones. We chat for a while before another guy with greasy blond hair and a leather jacket comes over followed by others clad in leather jackets.

      He knocks the snowcone my friend is holding and it falls the ground. The guy in leather walks off laughing with his ''gang'' following. I vow revenge.

      Later I met up with the boy and his gang in a different section of the mall. Instantly we begin battle. The boys gang all rush at me,ready to kick the crap out of me. I launch at them with an onslaught of awesome martial arts moves. Theres kicks punches and flips aplenty. After all of his gang are on the ground in pain I walk towards the leader. i knock him to the ground and tell him to never mess with me or my friends again.

      To finish it all off I walk away from it ''Reservoir Dogs'' style, walking in slow-mo with George Bakers ''Little Green Bag'' playing in the background.

      At some point later in the dream I remember running from a crazy guy and his rabid dog and escaping by leaping over a fence


      What can I say? After waking from this dream I felt like a total Badass.It was also the longest dream I've had since deciding to record my dreams in here. It was awesome.


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