I actually waited too long to begin my journal on this website and I missed out on catching the tail end of about 3 or 4 linked lucid dreams two nights ago.

I woke up smiling, I think I even had a false awakening where I was hanging out in my room. The most important thing I remember is seeing "electricity" in front of my eyes and knowing I was able to have a dream.

This is hard to explain and it may sound crazy, but I can tell when my body is able to dream. There is a weird pulsating veil of electricity when I close my eyes. I would take the time to research and find a better term for what I'm looking for, but this is a subjective experience currently and I'm not too worried about being correct.

My best and probably close guess is this is somewhere related to the ECG aspect of dreaming.

Anyway, I had lots of fun, and I also seem to find a way to have sex lol!

The thing that I would most like to improve on is making a woman appear. Let's say I am lucid in an empty room or something, I always try to make someone appear but have a very hard time. I can get glimpses, but my will is not always strong enough, although sometimes it is.

Most of the time I end up walking around and trying to imagine someone around the corner. This almost always works and is easier for me to comprehend than for my mind to make someone appear in front of me. I noticed some guy had like 60 lucid/partially lucid dreams. I think at this point I have had between 15 and 20 lucid dreams and probably overlapping are a huge amount of semi-lucid dreams where I am on the verge of recognizing my position.