Figured I would start posting my dreams here. wanted to keep an online dream journal so yall could look at or comment on which ever.

here is a couple of them.

Dream 1
Its a bit short but one that I still remember even with how late it is. I find my self out in a wilderness type setting. Kind of like along the side roads but near a grassy plain, I find myself standing around not doing a whole lot, Its not long till I notice something big coming my way. I look up at the sky and it had turned to an unsual color of purple. But it started swirling about almost looked like it could have been a tornado or something. But whats odd about this is that I see a bright flash of white light also got the strangest feeling of something being really hot. It wasn't long till I saw this ball of light come forth from the center to me it registered as lighting. I saw great big lighting bolts shoot out from the center of this ball at least two points that I counted in different direction. This then began to move about in a counter clockwise fashion.

I wasn't sure what it was I saw but I was frightened of it. A few short minutes I saw another object come out of this storm but it was a metallic base structure. I found it odd that there was a vessel of some sort that was in that sort of environment. I stood there for awhile and watched as the vessel moved out of site and out into the distance. I wanted to go and investigate what that strange object was but I woke up at this point in time.

Dream 1
Well I here's the other dream. But this one had me using my telekenetic properties through a small metal object that I held in the palm of my hands. I was given this metallic ball which in my hand I was using some strange object.
I am not sure as to what this device was but it was something which I was able to channel energy through and was able to manipulate the objects structural integrity. The shapes I saw where in all different shapes and sizes. When ever this manipulation occured the metal ball which I was manipulating had turned to like a puddle of liquid before turning into a specific shape. Most common shapes I saw was a disc, cone and a tear drop.

Any thoughts.

I have others but so far these are the two current ones that seem to catch my attention the most.