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    1. #1
      Lucid Expert Worshipper amusicalheart's Avatar
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      May 2009
      South Georgia

      amusicalheart's Dream Journal =]

      Well I'm mainly just creating an online DJ because I'm in a contest against Conkt to see if either of us can get 5 paragraph long dreams in a week. And I'm about to post those 5 dreams so that he can see them.
      Number of Lucid Dreams Since Joining: 12 Just emerging out of a dry spot! yay!
      Nights of keeping a dream journal: 158

    2. #2
      Lucid Expert Worshipper amusicalheart's Avatar
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      May 2009
      South Georgia
      [7/14 - 7/15]
      This one is lucid!
      I was having a false awakening, but I wasn't catching it. I just wanted to go back to "sleep". I decided to do a reality check (nose pinch) and I could still breathe. I thought, "Oh, I must have finally fallen asleep again, because I'm having a lucid dream". So I get up and go outside. I'm at my grandmother's house for some reason. My dad and my brother are there. Just as in real life, Dad is being annoying. Except this is in more of an obnoxious way. So I kinda just tone him out and concentrate on my surroundings. The dream became very vivid. Then I started flying. Jackson (my brother) thought it was cool, so he started flying too. I tried to get him to go higher (he wouldnt get but maybe 10 feet off the ground). I showed him that if he fell that it was just a dream and that he wouldnt get hurt. So then I decide to go to my boyfriend's house. Then I remember that I don't even know what his house looks like (I havent been to it in real life). So then I decide to go to school (because I know he'll be there). I told dad where I was going and he insisted that I drive his truck. I told him that it was faster to fly (i havent perfected teleportation) but we got in an argument. I eventually just walked away and tried to fly again. I had some trouble but I concentrated on the fact that it was a dream and I could do whatever I wanted. I got up in the air for a bit but fell back down. So I dream spun until the scene was me up in the air. The clouds were gorgeous. I lost my train of thought and somehow ended up in water. I kept swimming (still trying to get to school) but I eventually woke up.
      Number of Lucid Dreams Since Joining: 12 Just emerging out of a dry spot! yay!
      Nights of keeping a dream journal: 158

    3. #3
      Lucid Expert Worshipper amusicalheart's Avatar
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      May 2009
      South Georgia
      [7/16 - 7/17]
      This one is weird....0.o
      -Me, my mom, and my brothers were in town. I was on our laptop writing a paper for school. When I got done I decided I needed to make copies of it at the library. I was going to just walk since we were parked just down the street from it, but Dad showed up and insisted that he drive me. But instead of the library, he took me someplace that looked like a warehouse that supposedly had a copy machine thats free to use. There were several soda machines along the walls. He told me to use my change that i had in my pocket to buy him 2 cokes and 2 orange sodas (he was very specific ). I went to the first soda machine and there were TONS of returned change slots filled with change! I stated taking the change and stuffing it into my pockets. Then I copied my papers and checked my email on the laptop. As I was doing so, I found an email from my friend asking if I was good at baseball. The dream ended.

      This one is lucid =]
      I was at church with my cousin. We were messing around with this girl who shares my name. We took her necklace and hid it. It was a crystal circle with a pink glass heart inside that her boyfriend gave her. We kept hiding it in different places (we couldnt make up our minds where to hide it). Eventually she got mad and we gave it back. Then all of a sudden we were being attacked by something (I dont remember what). Then I became lucid. I was in the church flying around. I decided to break through the roof. I flew up to it and knocked it with my head and a piece flew away. I was suddenly in space and it was beautiful! I then lost lucidity and the dream ended.
      Number of Lucid Dreams Since Joining: 12 Just emerging out of a dry spot! yay!
      Nights of keeping a dream journal: 158

    4. #4
      Lucid Expert Worshipper amusicalheart's Avatar
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      May 2009
      South Georgia
      [7/18 -7/19]

      I was at camp. I was climbing three flights of stairs to get to the shower room. When I got there, I had to wait my turn because the showers were full. This really small girl with black hair came out of the shower and glared at me. She said "Why do you have to be so hot??" My mouth dropped open in shock and I looked at her like she was crazy. I said, "You think I'M....HOT??" Then I looked in the mirror. My dream self was perfect. Absolutely beautiful. So I turned to her and said "No...you're hot too!! Please don't be sad!" So then it was my turn in the shower. There was a little waiting room type thing. I left my bag with my clothes in there. When I was done showering and got out, I heard a guy voice. I put a towel around me and walked into the waiting roomish thing to grab my clothes. The guy was sitting there with one of his friends and a couple other girls. He looked at me and said "Hey." I said hey back without looking at him. Then he turned to the guy next to him and said, "She knows me! She must not recognize me." So I looked at him and said "Oh! Sorry, I didn't look at you." It was the guy from Step Up 2. The guy beside him was my friend Justin. I said "Hey Justin!" and he was gonna give me a hug like he usually does but then my old teacher Ms. PJ was there and she was like "Don't hug her while she's in a towel!" then my mom appeared and said the same thing. Then I knew it was a dream, but not enough to become lucid. The dude from StepUp2 said "Justin likes you, ya know." I was like "No you idiot...he likes Kristen. His GIRLFRIEND." then I woke up.
      Number of Lucid Dreams Since Joining: 12 Just emerging out of a dry spot! yay!
      Nights of keeping a dream journal: 158

    5. #5
      Lucid Expert Worshipper amusicalheart's Avatar
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      May 2009
      South Georgia
      [7/19 - 7/20]

      We were in the ocean. We kept seeing sharks around us, but we didn't get out of the water. We tried keeping really still, but my friend Ashton wouldnt keep her legs still. Then the dream changed. Suddenly, I was leaving for China to go take care of this Chinese lady's kids. One was a little baby girl and one was a little boy of about 4 years old. There was a grown boy who didn't live in his mothers house. Before I left America, the lady gave me her ring to give to the little boy to remind him of her until she got back. When I got there, me and the little girl were swimming in a pond. An alligator attacked us. We got out as fast as we could. The alligator kept chasing us. Then somebody yelled at us that the best way to get rid of an alligator was to get in the mud and throw mud at it (yes i know....very very strange dream). So we did and the alligator swam away.
      I woke up very confused, lol.
      Number of Lucid Dreams Since Joining: 12 Just emerging out of a dry spot! yay!
      Nights of keeping a dream journal: 158

    6. #6
      Lucid Expert Worshipper amusicalheart's Avatar
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      May 2009
      South Georgia
      Thursday, August 6, 2009
      For current contest [have a lucid by Tuesday]
      I was having a dream (well, a nightmare really) that Skillet was in my town and all my friends were able to go see them but i wasn't allowed. So I emailed Wally of WAY FM (a radio host who loves Skillet) and somehow he was able to convince my mom to allow me to see them, but we were still trying to figure out where they were. So I texted John (Cooper. Lead singer) and we were having this whole conversation. So at one point I went into my room to check my phone to see if he had replied...and I RC'd (nose pinch). It worked and I screamed, "YES! A LUCID!" (yeah, i get excited lol)
      So I rubbed my hands together to stabilize the dream. It was extremely vivid and I had tons of control! So then I couldn't decide what to do first. So I went to my backpack to try to find my list of lucid goals that I keep in there. It wasn't there so I closed my eyes and imagine it there. I opened my eyes and there it was! I read it but I couldn't find anything interesting on it. So I dedcided to do the tasks of the month. I ran out of my room and there was mom about to walk down the stairs.
      I said, "Hey, I gotta ask you a question!"
      She turned to me and said, "Ok but then you gotta clean the bathrooms and vaccum."
      I was like yeah right but I said, "Ok. So....what do you think about only existing in my dream?"
      She didn't even hesitate and said, "I don't like not being able to control what you're doing."
      I thought that was kinda funny so I just walked back into my room and decided to do the advanced tast. I walked up to my window and decided to experiment with my control first. I said, "rain!" and before the word had gotten all the way out of my mouth it started downpouring! I said, "clouds!" and dark clouds appeared. I yelled, "tornado!" and the clouds spun around a few times and stopped. So I took away the rain which was clouding my vision, and went to a larger window. I spoke to the clouds and said, "swirl". they began swirling. I used my finger to "pull" down a part of the cloud. I drew circles in the air while pulling my finger down to show I wanted it to spiral and touch down on the ground. Then I put the rain back and said, "Alright. Now. Tornado!" and the small spiral turned into a full blown tornado. It picked up some random house out of nowhere and broke it in half. I got bored of watching it and destroyed it.
      So I knew that your reflection in a dream isn't supposed to be perfect, so then I just decided to look in the mirror. My reflection wasn't distorted much. My limbs were a bit longer than normal but that's all. I tried dancing but I even suck in dreams haha.
      When I got bored of that, I decided to work on making people apppear at will. I started with Drew. I imagined him sitting in the chair behind me. But everytime I turned around the chair was empty. The closest I got was a cabbage patch doll and a teddy bear that somewhat resembled him lol. So I looked at my list of goals again. It said totally different stuff than it doesn in real life of course, but that was the fun part. But nothing on it was interesting! So I just kinda looked around in my room. I looked in my closet and there were a pair of red, low top converse! Man my dream world is so awesome...

      But then I woke up.
      Number of Lucid Dreams Since Joining: 12 Just emerging out of a dry spot! yay!
      Nights of keeping a dream journal: 158


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