Next best thing to lucidity? Dream spanned two days, starting at night. I started off in my house's living room. I remember creating an entity... a sort of dragon, green. I can remember remembering to call it once.
I remember looking out the window and looking at the moon. I don't remember what I said but my intent was to create another moon. And so there was.
Then, the day changed and it was morning. I remember being somewhere outside, close to where I live. My grandmother was there. It's the path she takes home from work. I was showing her my new moon.
Then the scene changed. I think it was the place where my grad retreat took place. I remember a woman being there. I don't know who she was. Another boy was there. Don't know who he was either. I can't remember their faces.
My parents where there. I can't remember if it was night or day. What I can remember was naming my dream reality changing skill. The ability to talk to the world. I constantly 'spoke' to my moon, trying to undo its creation. I remember talking to a ceiling mounted fan. I told it to pause, and demonstrated my skill to my parents. Then, the fan started up again (it was paused when I told it to). I told the fan to stop, to turn off. And it did.
Then, trying to solve my conundrum of unmaking my moon which oddly was the same size as the earth and looked like a globe but colored using the moon's palette. I remember trying three times to undo it. I remember using the word undo since I accidentally destroyed the moon, the moon and my moon. Then, my father said 87th. So, I said something along the lines of destroy the 87th moon. And my moon disappeared. I looked to my right, where a boy was seated. The woman was seated far far to the right. We were separated by at least 15 chairs. My parents where closer, only one chair away. The closest was occupied by the boy. Then, he changes spots with my parents.

All this, and I wasn't even lucid >.<