• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      Meggie's Dream Adventues


      My ability to lucid dream started when i was 5.

      it all began when i was having horrible vivid nightmares every night.
      i was so scared i couldn't sleep alone and i would pray every night to not have a bad dream.
      i still, to this day, remember a good bit of those nightmares...=[
      anyway, one night i drempt i was in this dark city, with this huge black monster destroying everything.
      i went to look for my mom so i walked in this wreked house.
      it was dark but i had a flashlight.
      ...i found my mom on the couch, she was hard to see because the flashlight didnt light up a large amount of area, but i could tell she was dead.
      she also had robot body parts for some reason.
      anyway i tured to leave and the monster picks me up, puts me in this giant glass of water, and starts shaking me up.
      at that point i realized i was dreaming because i could breath.
      i thin willed the nightmare away and awoke.

      ever sens then i rarely ever had a nightmare.
      infact i usually have lucid dreams.
      i almost always know im dreaming, im always invencible, im almost never scared, and i can always fly.

      but just recently i looked up lucid dreaming.
      i never knew the way i dreampt was lucid lol
      but i never knew i could take full control and do whatever i want.

      so now im excided to start this jurnal, but....
      one sad thing is i havent had a dream in 2 months, sens my newborn came home, and im hoping this journal and these techniques will help

      My Goal's!!!!

      []REMEMBER TO CONTROL MY DREAM instead of just going along for the ride (like iv always done...so many lucid dreams wasted.)

      []Meet my characters i made...i want to meet someone i made and ask them how does it feel to be made by me.
      (i draw alll the time and make stories alll the time so meeting one of my characters ( a Very special one in paticular) would be wonderfully interesting)

      []Got to the perfect place
      (This is a long explanation if you really wanna know)
      (its this place that i have a hard time explaining. it's a room with a red and black bed parallel to a window in the middle of the wall. its a small room, it has a red curtain over the window so there is a red glow to the room in the day. i have dreamed of this room kind of but i really want to see it in a lucid dream. this room gives me a familiar feeling, maybe a past life or something, idk, but certain songs and atmospheres will make me flash back to this room)

      []Meet someone new, ask and remember there name!

      []Ask dream related questions to everyone i meet lol

      []Go on a journey through time and space to the world of the mighty boosh!

      []Catch and/Or interact with a Pokemon

      []Meet The Beatles...Again! (i did once, it was the best dream ever. they took me in a limo, they sung all my fav songs to me, they took me out to eat. paul even kissed me )

      []Smoke Weed in my dream

      []Go to silent hill! ( I know thats weird, but you have no idea. iv played silent hill sens i can remember. I own and have beaten all the games, and the silent hill world does not scare me at all. in fact im extremely fascinated by it. the whole concept is quite deep and interesting.i want to meet Walter Suluvin as well because hes hot, and a crazy serial killer, and i want to rule silent hill with him as king and queen lol im not really a dark person though...just that one fantasy)
      (and for those of you who dont know what silent hill is...its a horror game thats pretty deep. google it)

      []Use angle wings to fly!

      []Go to deathklock's game room and chill with the band in there hot tub and possibly smoke a joint with them. hehe

      []Have a shared dream

      []Go to the moon

      []Use my weapon celistica. its a weapon i drew and im gonna use it as my dream weapon, ill possibly put a picture of it if i ever dream about it.

      []Find Josh and ask him WTH man! lol possibly confusing him (look on the second page of my dream journal and find recurring DC pt.1 and 2 if you wanna know who he is)

      []Find all these people... Kimmy, Andrew, Laci, Miguel, Alex, Leslie, (Put his name here when i remember it), Noel Fielding, Fate, Dylan, Cory, Cody, Josh, Any Animal, and probably more people later. And ask them alll something i cant ask them in real life, or try and make them lucid, or try and see if i shared a dream with them.
      Last edited by Megan21; 10-22-2009 at 04:37 AM.

    2. #2
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      First Dream Entry

      I was talking to someone. I don't remember who, i think a male family member.
      i remember a dog in my dream. i was trying to reach a goal of some sort, i was competing against someone (not sure but i think it was my cousin)
      i was also on a boat.
      I have written that my mom was in the dream but i don't remember that, and this "i was competing for something. Groceries?"
      i don't know what that means ether, i guess the prize was groceries lol.

      "television, i think....i cant remember anymore =["

      another weird entry. lol i was really tired when i woke up, because someone woke me up so i barely remember writing.
      Last edited by Megan21; 10-22-2009 at 04:07 AM.

    3. #3
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      It started off with me at this huge party, there were soooo many people in this house.
      i began wondering around and i came across this mirror that let you watch people at the party. So i watched some people for a little while, everyone looked like anime characters in the mirror, and then i lost interest.
      My Boyfriend and his friend were there. for some reason his friend looked completely different.
      I remember asking him why he looked so different. he said something like "because this is how i looked when you met me" weird.
      Then for some reason,which i can't recall, these mob guys started coming after us. so we left the party in this car chase. we didn't drive long when we wound up at this cool old guys house. Poor guy did his best to hide us from the mob people, but they came in anyway.
      One had one of those caddle prods(i had one too =]) and was trying to shock me with it, but nothing happened. So i commenced to beating the crap out of him with the caddle prod i had. =]]]
      I thin (some how) was outside on this snowy mountain, still being chased by the other mobsters. I tried to ignor them because suddenly i was a pokemon and there were other pokemon and i wanted to battle them, but they scard the pokemon off. =[ Bastards
      i woke up after that.

      i also have in my jurnal
      "There was someone importaint in my dream,but i don't remeber who"


      I was in this apartment complex with my mom to vistit one of her friends.
      One of mom's friends, who i have a crush on, lives there as well so i started looking for them. I was looking everywere, even walked into some random ppls apartments a cupple of times, and eventually i found them.

      (ok i didn't start liking this guy till he grew his hair out, cus i can't stand short hair on a guy, i wont even consider romantically liking someone if they have sort hair...i know it's kinda wrong, i just can't help how my heart feels.=[ )
      His hair started changing between being long and short. every time id turn and look back it would be different. i was kinda disappointed but i just thought at least his hair is long every other time i look at him haha. So once we met up i told him i had something important to tell him. he told me to wait till tonight and sneak in his bed room window. so i went outside to his bed room window (cus it was automatically night) but his window was made of wood instead of glass, and it was all moldy, covered with mushrooms, and small, so i thought, no not going through there. so he met me outside instead and we went to this barn in the back to be alone. the barn had lines of beds in it for some reason so we sat on one. as soon as we sat down this girl drove up. idk who she is in real life, but in my dream she was a friend of mine. (actually now that i think about it, she could have been his sister, just older) She ruined that place for us though, so we get in a car to drive somewhere els. in the car the same girl stopped us to ask us a question but my crush just drove off on her lol. i felt bad, but i was happy. soon after i woke up cus my baby was crying =[
      i never got to tell him how i felt =[
      Last edited by Megan21; 11-25-2009 at 02:42 AM.

    4. #4
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      It starts off with me being outside. It's dusty, no grass, but it wasn't a desert.
      there were buildings, a house, a barn, and some others, but i don't know what they were.
      My cousin laci was with me
      (i lived with her most of my life so shes more of my sister) she was tagging along, which is strange for her, and we went to this barn. there was a horse there, he was tide, with a short rope, to a small metal boat that was turned over. he was distressed because the rope was short and he was hungry and lonely.=[ (he didn't talk, i just knew) so we tried to make him more comfortable. we lengthened the rope and brought a girl horse to keep him company lol. We also put food and water on the boat for them. We then left the barn and i proceeded alone into the house.
      there were about 6-7 ppl in the room. The room was as if i was in a forum post but physically, if that makes sens.
      So i decided to smoke out of my dugout with them, one girl asked to hold it, i handed it to her, but as i was doing so another girl was signaling to me not to. as if to say she would steal it. But i had already handed it to her and i just thought to myself, "I just wont let her leave with it."
      i don't remember much els, just that i was outside a lot.i know at one point, i can't remember if it was in the beginning or the end, i was sitting in my fathers bed with my best friend miguel
      (iv known him for 4 years, he's like my big brother) we we're smoking a joint and talking. i think this happened after the other parts cus i think i remember telling him about the horse =D.

      it's ironic because last night he came over and we talked about meeting eachother in a dream. but i know it wasn't really him cus he go's to work at 8am and i had this dream at around 10.
      Last edited by Megan21; 08-27-2009 at 07:02 PM.

    5. #5
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      Before i start id like to say I'm an idiot, because i had 2 very vivid dreams previous to this one, and i woke myself up to wright them down, but fell asleep trying to recall both of them. And now i fail to remember them

      ok so this dream begins with me at this large house out in the wilderness somewhere. My cousin Laci was in this dream agin (idky i keep dreaming about her) any who, i don't recall this part of the dream too well. all i know was this house was creepy, there were old people in it, and it had a class room in it as well...there was also this gray dog which seemed to belong to Laci. I know we spent some time there doing whatever, i can't recall what, and eventually we left and wound up back at my house.
      ok here is where this dream gets gross.
      i went outside to put this gray dog in a cage and when i went back inside i walked in on my cousin and step dad doing it! AHHH!!!
      i don't have words to describe how disturbing this was!
      Anyway i grabbed Laci and threw her outside, ranting the whole time about how screwed up they are, and then i commenced to bitching my step father out
      (btw i love my step dad. he is the nicest, coolest man in the world. lol this dream was just crazy) but he just ignored me and walked to his room in the back.
      Then, all of a sudden, two of my mother's friends were at my home. i told them what happened and they told me to call my mom and tell her. so i tried to call her but, like in every dream, my phone doesn't work. so next thing i knew i was in the car with mom and her two friend. i tried to tell her what happened, but i felt to bad to just say it to her. all i could get out was, "i have something dreadful to tell you about gerald." my mom "said what is it?" and when i failed to tell her the rest, she broke down in tears as if she knew already =[[[.
      When i got home i told my cousins parents what happened and they came and picked her up. they left the dog though so i let him out into the yard. when i walked back into the house my mom said she forgave him because he just grew up that way. She told me to think about how his grandmother was and how it should just be expected...okayyyy... he tried to talk to me, but i was still pissed so i told him to fuck off. He seemed sad about that.
      Then next thing i knew i was outside this big house on a vibrant green grassy hill with someone who sorta looked like my bf, but was too friendly for me to consider it to be him lol.
      He told me that because my house is so big i cant put a shed next to it, so instead i have to put the shed on top of it. you know one of those half circle tin sheds used to store things like plains and stuff, well one on those magically appeared on top of the house.
      ( my bf's friend has a house that's inside of one of these things to lol so it's not just some weird dream thing) so after that me and this stranger ran down the hill together and started wrestling in the grass. (i love to wrestle =333) thin i woke up.

      i know all three of the dreams were crazy nightmares. i think it's because i didn't smoke before bed as usual.
      but i did seem to remember more dreams.

      i also should make a note that when my phone fails to work it's probably because im dreaming!!! sens that always seems to happen in my dreams.
      Last edited by Megan21; 08-27-2009 at 07:05 PM.

    6. #6
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      I started out at this place where people come to get on computers to play games,like cyborlan, but it was shaped weird. it was a long, dark, dim purple lit, hallway, with computers lined up on either side. i think the desk faced each other back to back. they were like small cubicals, just big enuf to fit the divider around the desk. the dividers were dark colored as well. Everything was dark colored with a small splash of soft glowing neon colors
      (greens&purples mostly)
      i cant recall what happened here but i know i stayed here for quite awhile with someone. (id have to say this was the coolest part of my dream. The room just looked really awesome)
      Then i was at my grandmothers talking to her and my aunt. Then Laci came AGAIN! and she asked if we could go smoke. she said it kinda loud by my grandmother (my aunt doesn't care) so i kinda freaked, but i left with her anyway.
      we went to the yard, it was soaking wet. so we were somehow gliding over the water. Laci was telling me about how she was sleeping with this guy but not really dating him. it kind of confused me at first for some reason.
      Thin some of laci's friends came and picked us up. one girl was talking about how funny laci was cus she would scream random words at a tv, i remember banana and ice cream as some of the words lol.
      Then they dropped me off at my house. i was gonna be alone the whole night for some reason.i cant sleep alone =[, i know i have a lot of sleeping issues lol, so i called my friend Miguel to come keep me company. he slept in the same bed as me for some weird reason. i woke up after that

      i woke up cus the baby was hungry, so i went into the kitchen. i all of a sudden had this uneasy feeling and remembered to do a reality check. i must have been really tired, because i still felt like i was dreaming. i did several more reality checks. but i was really awake, im just glad i thought to do a reality check. =]]]


      I started out in this house with all my friends there. We were setting up rules to play this weird mmo game, but in real life. The first thing we had to do was we had 1 min to look for potions and weapons. i was gonna be a mage, like always, so i just started looking for potions. i found like a ton on top of a fridge. once i gathered them all i walked down the hallway to go to the back yard to play, but i detoured to the bathroom for a seccond. i looked in the mirror and dyed a strip of my hair light blue so people would know i use water magic lol, weird. thin i proceeded to the back and i started the game pretty much. i could use water gun with my mouth lol and just hand to hand fight. i was just squirting people and throwing people on the ground (i took judo for like a year...which explains why i like to wrestle in my dreams) one guy i threw on the ground was already really hurt. i felt bad cus i didn't mean to do it lol. thin all of a sudden this train passed through, gorge bush was on it getting chased by these people trying to kill him (Wtf haha) and my son was on the train with him. so i freaked and jumped on the train to save him. but gorge bush started shooting me. nothing happened so i shot and killed him (he was shooting me first!) and saved my son =]]]. some weird hazy stuff happened after. like i kept replaying the same scene but gorge was already dead and other small differences. i woke up after that.
      Last edited by Megan21; 08-29-2009 at 07:03 PM.

    7. #7
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      Any dream i had last night i remember when i woke up but never had a chance to write them down asap so this is all i could remember

      i was in this camp. i was waiting on an alien attack. this lady, i think it was my step mom, was telling me about how only this one gun could kill them. i thought, this sux i don't have the gun. so i just waited for them to come. i was watching this radar to see where they were. finally i physically saw one and i took off. i gave them a good chase, climbed up stuff, jumped across stuff, managed to keep away for quite awhile, but eventually he caught me. probably because they had really long toungs that can grab you. i was never scared though lol it was just fun to play keep away.

    8. #8
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      Nice dreams! I especially enjoyed George Bush's cameo! Can't wait till you start LDing again!

    9. #9
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      lol i know! i cant wait eaither. and i cant even imagine why i had that dream about gorge bush lol.

      so i didn't post yesterday cus, well i dreamed yesterday, very vivid dreams infact. but as soon as the baby cries, i forget everything. i can't explain it. its actually quite crazy, but i know i remeber the dream, but hearing the baby cry will just erase any memory of a dream. maybe mother instinct or something.
      so im trying to work on remebering dreams even when he cries. its tough, but if i can master that ill be like awsome at recall sens i already was really good b4 the baby.

      anyway i have a strange dream to post later but i don't have my dream jurnal near me and i have to go wach the never ending story cus iv never seen it and everyone thinks im crazy cus iv never seen it haha.



      I was in this swamp like place. i could use this cool combat move and i was showing it to people. I was going around talking to people, i can remember that part quite well. Andrew (my BF) was showing me some new combat moves. (i have written) "i **oh something" (lol i can't read my hand writing) People were trying to hide something from me so as not to hurt my feelings. idk what, they never told me. there were these water filled rooms to do something in. they were either used for combat or teleporting, or both. i can't quite remember. i know i was in those rooms a lot. and i know it was the most vivid part of my dream, mainly because thats the only part i actually remember now lol.
      Last edited by Megan21; 09-07-2009 at 08:02 PM.

    10. #10
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      I was at my grandmothers. there was a party going on. i don't know what the party was for, i think it might have been my b-day. everyone at the party was from my school. then this lady drove up and it made my grandmother excited because she was supposedly bringing something that made her happy. I lost interest so i went to my room (i lived at my grandmothers a lot of my life) trying to dress up, but every time i tried, nothing would work (i think this represents how i get dressed a lot. you know, never satisfied with how i look lol) thin i was on this like board game, playing mini games. i couldn't get passed this one racing game because i couldn't figure out how to play it. I had a dream previous to this one about the board game but i can't remember it well enough to type it. I know there was this guy that didn't like me. probably because we were competing against each other in the game. And somehow the game board was associated with Pokemon. i can't remember the rest of my dream well. I know at one point i was in my grandfathers shed.


      In my dream everything you do gets recorded. because you take the recorded info to this lady and she makes an mmo out of it. like she was trying to make this one big mmorpg with it. i was showing my grandmother my mmo but she didn't seem to get the concept. there are a lot more parts, i can picture them, i just can't explain. i was on a train, there was this guy.
      Last edited by Megan21; 09-02-2009 at 07:14 PM.

    11. #11
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      i can't remember much. i remember it was a really good dream because i remember being happy. i remember debating with my dad and winning but i just couldn't get my point across to him. he didn't seem to comprehend, or really didn't want to lose. I remember a lot of undescribable bits and chunks. There was this guy and i was trying to get him to do something. (My recall was getting better. even if you can't tell in my journal. but i can, considering the circumstance. like for instance, i didn't get to write this dream down till 45 min after i woke up cus i had to feed the baby. i just keep repeating the dream to myself. sure, i def. could have written more down if i did it right away. in fact i had this long vivid dream after this one and i lost it completely. =[)
      Last edited by Megan21; 09-07-2009 at 07:23 PM.

    12. #12
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      Vince from the mighty boosh was in my dream (The mighty boosh is a British comedy show.Its quite funny/Weird if you never seen it) we were like in this limo car thing. someone els was with us. Vince kept signing girls chest and stuff lol idk weird. We stopped at some stores and then we drove to this hotel. we were outside for awhile but soon went in the hotel to find out you could get part time jobs there =D. There were these monsters, they looked a lot like humans but there was something different about them. they had names that matched there looks. like this one was a girl in a supper colorful outfit and her name was the silliness. (i know like metal gear solid...i never even played that game lol) So i was fighting some of these monsters with my friends (Vince was still there =]) but i got separated somehow and was stuck in this room with three monsters with no weapon =O!!! i tried to play keep away but they got me =[ and i had different dream after that.

      I got a letter from my ex best friend and it made me miss her lol =[.

    13. #13
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      i was in this house with Miguel. these two old ladies moved in next door, so i went to tell them hi. they lived in a trailer and had a pet cat or dog i can't recall. i left and it was raining. i started heading back, then Miguel came picked me up. we went to the house and there was this balcony with really high walls.,we were like 4 stories up. (ok im not scared of heights, im scared of other people and heights. like if someone els stands too close ill freak.) so someone leaned over the balcony,remind you the walls were really high, like 5ft 6in id guess, so i freaked and crawled off the balcony with him lol. i Also dreamed about a chili pepper plant? lol

    14. #14
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      I was sitting on these bleachers at this school like place. this girl approached me, she was supposedly my best friend, she had a beer in a brown paper bag. she was tall and slender with wavy brown hair, she had an attitude but was nice somehow. i looked around and noticed a lot of people had drinks in brown paper bags. i wondered if it was all beer. we moved to another part of the bleachers somehow, she left the beer there and we got up to move back to our opld spot. there were other people there, but not many. a teacher approached us with the can asking if it was ours, but not to fuss just to give it back. we said no and she threw it away. After that i don't remember much. i remember going to the car and smoking with my dad. idk if the girl was with me or not.


      I was locked outside of my house because a bunch of lesbians moved in, lmfao! one of the lesbians that lived there was locked out to so we were trying to bang on the door to wake everyone up. we looked in the window and my house looked completely different. there were girls passed out on the couch. two were up, one looked like laci, but seemed to groggy to open the door. so we left and started walking around a trailer park. we went our separate ways, but not before she warned me to stay away from those bad men lol. i ran into a cute guy right after that and just laughed. i passed another guy and then this girl yelling at i believe the guy. her trailer was being painted bright red and there was this red and white concession stand in the middle of the road. =/ i hovered around for a bit to check it out then continued walking around. i passed my best friends house. it was bright pink and purple! the house next to it had some awesome pink and purple old fashion cars. i continued walking and noticed a light pink house then woke up.
      (i should have known that was a dream!!!! lol)
      Last edited by Megan21; 09-11-2009 at 05:43 PM.

    15. #15
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      I was in this different fantasy world. so i begin exploring it, i went to this cave/dungeon/manor like place for a lil then left. i left the world and went to my dads. My dad, Step mom, and Andrew were there. They were about to smoke so i took a joint and left. I went to Kim's house and was amazed that the trailer park looked just like in my dream (the one previous to this one hah) cus the trailers are all different strange colors. so i went to kims pink trailer lol and kim told me her mom was really sick so we should go. so we walked to my house to smoke the J i took from my dads (which is really weird cus Kim wont smoke if her mom is home. she's very strict about it) so we were at my table which was in a different place than usual and all of a sudden kim just passed out. i tried to wake her up laughing at her. shed groggily pick her head up in response but soon plop her head back on the table. all of a sudden the lights went out and it was dark and things began to move around the house. i freaked and started vigurasly trying to wake my friend till i noticed Andrews head peak from behind something. so it turned out it was just Andrew screwing with me -.-
      so kim was awake all of a sudden and we were in this room. we went through the tv back to that fantasy world cus i wanted to show it to her. i turnd on a game and went through hah. i was showing her how to fly and there were coins you could get for training. i got a perfect at one part and was happy =D. then i flew back to my fathers and smoked with themz. =3

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      That last one was so close to a lucid. Mighty Boosh is awesome btw. I had a bouncy castle lucid one time and was singing a song from the Mighty Boosh, lol.

    17. #17
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      i was in this neighborhood. everyone was getting slaughtered by these gang members. They were trying to pay back this one guy who did something to him so they decided to kill everyone in the neighborhood. They were a big gang already and, occupied a small town they previously slaughtered.
      (brutal...i know =D)
      sooo i was in the house of the guy that caused this crazy shit,hiding,waiting. there was a small window in the front door. i waited for what could have been min.s or days when i heard a knock on the door. i looked out the window to see the head of the gang. he was dark skinned. i couldn't tell his exact race though. he wore a beanie and a big jacket, he looked like an average young punk really. he was accompanied by four or more people. i barely recall what happened next. i know they came in, and i must have ran out the back cus next thing i knew i was running to where there base was. which is perfect, because almost the whole gang was at the other place. i ran into the first house to my left, which happened to be like there meeting room. it was a big house, very old. it looked like it was once a beautiful home but now it was dark and decrepit. things began to move on there own as if it was haunted so i ran out. i ran into this cute guy with a gun. i guess he was on guard. i startled him and he pointed the gun at me. when he noticed i was just a, scared, bloodied up, girl, he lowered the gun and decided to help me. he was gonna disguise me as a new gang member. so he told me to act like im just suppose to be there. one of his friends approached us and asked us to go ride with them. it was a truck with back seats. two guys were in the front.i could tell they were Mexican. the one in the passenger seat wore a blue bandanna, like you would imagine a gang member. the guy that approached us was white, he sat to my right. as for the other guy, that was my partner, he sat to my left. we were driving and talking and having just a fine time. i played it off really well, but next thing i knew the guy in the passenger seat turned, shot the guy to my right 3-4 times in the face, then the guy to my left 3-4 times in the head, and sens im in the middle and can't run, all i could do was wait for him to point it at me. he shot me in the lower area about 2 times. i fell but was still alive. he knew that and said, "im ganna keep her." the other guy was like, "Shes alive!!?" and the last thing i remember was that guy deviously grinning at me. =[[[
      Last edited by Megan21; 09-11-2009 at 08:18 PM.

    18. #18
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      Aug 2009


      i was in walmart wondering around. at some poin i turned into a doggy and so did a lot of other people. my friend kim was there and it would explain why we turned into dogs cus she loves themz =3.
      so anyway walmart was shutting down sooo the dogs were gonna take over. everyone was in charge of a department. i was in charge of sweets and candy. so i baked a couple of cakes/pies. other people made all the shelves doggy reachable and were making it all cool. i went to the tree department to buy a tree. andrew, his mom, his grandma, kim, and i, were all looking at the trees. one was sooo huge it touched the ceiling which was ridiculously high. it was some kind of fruit tree. then andrews granny asked his mom if shed prefer to be attacked by a juggilo or a christian ghost. his mom said juggalo and his grandma got mad at that lmfao.

    19. #19
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      Aug 2009

      ALMOSTSSSS!!! FIRST short LUCID!sens this diary =D

      Ok i was outside of my grandmother and nanny's house.
      (they share like 8 acres of property, just to give you a visual, split down the middle with a pond and black and white gravel driveway in the middle. the driveway does a T about a hundred yards before the pond. Facing the pond my aunt is to the right.) Got the picture? =D
      ok so, i was walking around. there were several anime game like people walking around. it was like an mmo. i could view there inventories and stuff. so i looked in one guys inv. and he had like about, 10 each of 3 diff colored fishing poles, with this stone statue of the top. it was the top half of a buff, faceless, detail less man. remember its a fishing pole.
      (Iz might draw a pic) anyway it was really cool. it was like the fishing pole of the gods. it came in stone gold and silver =D. I could also teleport,at will, to this place where there were several npc's that you could buy stuff from, so i checked that out a sec. i came back, and decided to walk somewhere so i headed to the road. all of a sudden a bunch of cars passed at once (which is weird cus they live in bum fuck nowhere ha) and one creepie guy stopped and said get in. i was like, hell no, and dashed to my aunts screaming the whole time for help. he caught me but not before my paran herd and saved me. next thing i knew i was in there house. i was talking to them. i then decided to see if laci was in her room, which she was. i went in, her bed was in a diff. place, i sat on the bed with her and talked.then she just smiled at me intensely with her head to the side. AT that moment i knew i was dreaming. idk what it was that made me realize it. maybe cus laci is a dream sign of mine or because it was a very weird situation. but the second i realized it, it lasted for like a seccond then i felt like i was pushed out of the dream =[[[
      Last edited by Megan21; 09-11-2009 at 08:42 PM.

    20. #20
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      Aug 2009

      Sry i haven't been witting in this journal. i told myself i wouldn't post online till i had another lucid....which i did! haha but that's gonna be the last dream i write


      I was in this hotel/apartment place. ok so i don't like to sleep alone and i was gonna sleep on the couch with my friend and these twin nerdy guys offered to sleep next to us. so i agreed and then they turned from evil to good cus i let them sleep next to us. I went to the court yard for awhile, there were dogs there. i talked to some ppl and did some stuffs, what exactly, idk. I went back inside and started looking for a my room. i found Miguel and we went into an elevator all the way to the top floor. there was two small rooms and one big room. i took the big room to sleep in. then i went with Miguel to his room. there were two other girls there. we were gonna go swim so we started putting on bathing suits. My mom had packed me two different bathing suit pieces =[ but luckily one girl had a top that matched my bottom a little. i went back outside. i don't remember much about this part. i remember this guy tried to shoot me and i was like, go ahead, im dreaming ><. and these two dogs were there. they could communicate telepathically. the guy dog gave me something.

    21. #21
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      I was at my grandma's house. she was dieing =[ so i was talking to her. I would go back n forth to granny's and nanny's house and as i would walk back and forth there would be this guy standing there in a costume. and every time id go in and out he was in a diff costume hahah. last three things i remember him being was Santa, uncle Sam, and a lepercon haha. i would even talk to him as i passed =D. i don't remebr much other than that.

    22. #22
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      I was in this hospital/School place. There were three guys i didn't know, Laci, Michael, Drew, and Miguel. We stayed there awhile and then we got in the car to go to lacis. 3 random guys stayed behind. laci said she thought that the one of them i thought was cute, was cute...so i was like she can have him, and Michael said a diff guy was cute. anywayz, we go to lacis and dos some stuffs and then i found this rock that let me fly. so we all started flying together over the pond and stuff. There was this other rock that made time go by. how it would work is youd fly around the world really fast and wind up in z future =]. Laci and Michael left and i was eating like a granola bar or something, i put half of it back in my back pack that was under the carport. then i traveled to the future and met my future family that lived in my grandmas house. they had all kinds of pictures. they didnt seem to freaked out about me being from the future. they just all greeted me and started telling me all kinds of stuff lol. I had blue eyes for some reason
      (my eyes are gold/green hazel)

    23. #23
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      I was in this huge house/school building. (iv noticed in my dreams buildings tend to be multiple things lol i think thats a dream sign) I was in the lobby at first and i was wondering around. i went down this hallway to take this class. in the classroom there was this hug bed and that was it. i was like a magic school so that's why i was ok with taking class lol. i was going on an adventure in the building. i was looking for something so i would have to explore to find it. kim and Andrew were both there. there was also these shop ppl in the lobby. a guy and a lady. i remember climbing on the outside of the building at one point. O.o


      I was in this large house. there was a lot of ppl my age in it. mainly girls. i remember a secret room and this old lady that talked a lot. i think she owned the house. there were woods somehow and i was looking for a cow. i found a bunch and started riding it with some ppl.

    24. #24
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      first i must explain who
      Blaze and Rachael are....ok. lol they are these two ppl, iv known blaze sens i was...idk very young. hes kinda crazy but its ok. Rachael is his gf of about 2 years. shes crazy too. like...just crazy, moody weird happy jelious crazy.
      any way, they had a trailor GIVIN to them!!! there own house PAID FOR!!! a decent one at that! and they
      D E S T R O Y E D
      i lived there for id say half a year. i tried to save it but failed...i just cant clean that much...anyway


      so now to my dream. Blaze had a new trailer some where not far from where i live or where he use to live. but it was in the middle of no where. there were no houses and we had to walk through this like swampy marsh place to get to it.
      it was kinda old n trashy but it had electricity and the tv was on and they were watching some like anime porn, lol i know wtf. Kim was with me, and me n her were moving in with them. there were 2 rooms but B&R put like this sheet up around a corner of the living room and made that there room. the sheet also covered the bathroom door so only they could see when someone used the bathroom lol. and rasheal was on the bed talking to me. and i knocked down the sheet =[
      and kims room was kinda big with bunk beds, mine looked normal.
      (this dream was almost lucid....i cant explain why, just was. lol)
      Last edited by Megan21; 09-24-2009 at 07:21 PM.

    25. #25
      Jai Guru Deva Om Megan21's Avatar
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      I was wondering around. There was this house, but i didn't stay there long. My family was there. idk who in particular. i was walking around outside a bit, wound up at this school to learn fighting and magic. i made friends with this little boy, he was like 12, but he was a genius and great at fighting. we hung out for awhile. he had these robots that looked like really big human cyborg things. we went watch this movie for a class, he brought his gf and they were making out so it was kinda weird =/ bleh. Then the robots turn crazy and start comming after us. i tell the boy and we run to this back room then jumped out of a window. we got separated, i could see the house so i started running tword it, but i couldn't , like in most dreams, at that point i knew i was dreaming. so i stopped and focused on running, i did and got to the house. someone like laci or kim was sitting on the porch. finally there i started looking around and seeing how well i could see, then i decided to make one of my characters appear. i could see his face but as he came i started fading out of the dream. =[ (i believe next time i have a lucid, my first instinct will be to focus on staying lucid and in the dream. i just gets so exited =3)
      Last edited by Megan21; 09-24-2009 at 07:20 PM.

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